Dos and Don’ts When You’re Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

Published on: 21 December 2018 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Motorcycle Accident

Unlike most of the other cities in the world, Syracuse in New York has an abridged biking season. Hence, bikers tend to squeeze in and make the most that they can in the short season to enjoy their motorbike and have fun! This fact, unfortunately, may lead to untoward accidents. If you, your friend, or family member happens to find yourself in such a situation, it’s beneficial for you to know what you should do.

Here are some of the dos and don’ts when you’re involved in a motorcycle accident in Syracuse:

The Do’s:

Do remember that you can sue even for minor injuries:

It’s worth remembering that in the event of a motorcycle accident in Syracuse, you can sue the negligent driver who is at fault, even if you sustained only minor injuries. Do not confuse this with the situation when driving your car – with four-wheeled vehicles, you can sue the driver at fault if you sustained major injuries.

After getting yourself involved in a motorcycle accident, you can sue the negligent driver for the following injuries:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Pelvic, arm, and leg fractures
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Skin abrasions like cuts, scratches, and rashes
  • Chest trauma

To know more of the extent of what you can sue for, click here.

Do seek medical help, no matter how small your injury is:

Many motorcycle accident victims tend to forego a medical checkup after the collision especially if they haven’t sustained any significant injuries. However, do remember that injuries are not only external. You may be clean on the outside, but you may have internal injuries or traumas that can put you to harm if left unchecked. Furthermore, you’ll need a certificate from a medical doctor to verify and describe the injuries you sustained, albeit minor, when you sue the negligent driver.

Do consult a lawyer:

Consulting an attorney is very important, even if you can settle your case amicably, without the need of a court hearing. Many things entail expert help and opinion, such as the payment of insurance, claims, lost wages, and other reimbursements, and an attorney will be able to help you with all of these. When you have a Syracuse lawyer by your side, you are more well informed of your rights as the victim or of your obligations as the erring driver.

Do know your rights:

Some motorcycle drivers still do not know their fundamental rights. If you’re one of these people, it will be to your favor to consult a lawyer. For example, in Syracuse, New York, the wearing of a helmet and protective gear is required by law. However, if you do fail to wear one and meet an accident, this failure to wear a helmet does not hinder you from obtaining damages against the negligent driver. This is a critical situation to highlight, as some insurance companies may try to cheat you out from any claim that you may be entitled to by shifting the blame on you for your failure to wear a helmet.

Some of your other rights center around the following:

  • Claims for your damaged motorcycle
  • Claims for lost wages and earning capacity, if applicable
  • Other medical bills from injuries that you may have sustained
  • Reimbursement for additional expenses incurred related to the injury, such as a psychologist’s fee and your lawyer’s fee

The Don’ts:

Don’t take your jury for granted:

When you decide to sue in court for the damages that you have sustained, don’t take for granted the act of choosing the right jury. In New York State Laws, the jurors contribute a hefty weight to the final judgment of your case. It is unfortunate, however, that sometimes, some jurors will blame you for the accident especially if you are going against a four-wheeled vehicle. They will merely say that it is your fault in the first place for choosing to be on the road with a much riskier form of transportation.

However, laws in Syracuse give you an absolute right to be on your motorcycle. Therefore, choose the right jurors who are aware of this absolute right.

Don’t stop yourself from driving your motorcycle again:

Some motorcycle drivers tend to let go of their motorcycle after meeting an accident. This usually arises out of fear of encountering another accident or any emotional and psychological traumas that have been incurred.

This advice may be the last but also the most important one for you. Don’t let your fear pull down your hobby or your love for motorcycles. Accidents can happen at any time and any place, regardless of what vehicle you’re driving. Just don’t forget to drive safely all the time to decrease your chances of meeting another accident.


All these dos and don’ts are crucial for you to know, as riding your motorcycle always poses more risks than driving your car. Remember, a bike has lesser balance with only two wheels compared with a four-wheel vehicle; hence, you have to exercise extra care and caution when driving one around Syracuse. Getting yourself in a motorcycle accident not only affects you physically, but it also can also affect you emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. It’s, therefore, crucial for you to know what to do when an unfortunate accident happens.

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Independent Contractor

What Independent Contractors Need to Know about Workers Compensation

Are you an independent contractor? What if a worker (employee) gets injured during the line of work? Would they compensate according to the fair rights of workers? Where many companies ought to ignore the rights of their workers or may not be completely aware requires the rule book again. If this happens, then definitely it is time to hire a Construction Workers Compensation Lawyer in Oregon to help you get the justice you deserve. Though there is a  Seattle worker’s compensation attorney and even Texas is loaded with it, therefore rather than going unethical with your worker regarding his compensation rights, you might want to get an attorney. If you are an independent contractor you need to know about your workers' compensation rights. It’s the best way to stay in touch with reality and not even get cheated on by fake compensation claims of your workers. What does workers’ compensation cover? It is like an insurance program for your workers. This program covers their medical coverage, rehab expenses, and even partial wages when the worker gets injured during the work process. The new system of workers compensation replaces the traditional way of using the party that was somehow the reason for the injury during work. In exchange for not suing their employer and getting certain benefits in return for the injury or damage. Mostly workers’ compensation is governed under state law. Factors to be considered: The court determines whether the person is an independent contractor or a worker who fully deserves the compensation and is open to a number of benefits. These factors may be made under the state law that governs workers’ compensation or under the state of common laws. Scope of the Work An employee may work for one employer but when it comes to an independent contractor, they may consist of more than one employer. Whereas, employees are given specific working hours and independent employees set their own working hours. An employee works at a specific provided location and the situation is vice-versa for an independent contractor because he or she can choose any location for work. Control, Cost, Contract The most important distinction between an employee and independent contractors is the employer’s control over their actions. Independent contractors mostly fit the work according to how they would want it while the employees are scrutinized with their format of doing work. Keeping in mind that independent contractors are generally expected to pay for cost affiliated to work. Whereas, employees don’t have to bear the cost of the work at all. Employees are generally hired “at-will” to work and it can be ended by both parties. However, the independent contractor works under an agreement of time-span which is not amendable. You need Legal Assistance! Courts can evaluate the situation and easily encounter if the independent contractor falls for workers’ compensation or not. It is not only up to the employers. Only the legal guidance can state how different each case of an independent contractor or employee is for compensation with several rules and factors. If you are classified as an independent contractor doesn’t mean you don’t get workers’ compensation. It all depends on your case. Read Also: Shouldn’t On-Demand Workers Get Workers’ Compensation? Atlanta Law Experts: Know about Back Injuries Compensation Looking for a Gardener: 8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Professional


What Are the Costs of Our Aging Infrastructure?

After World War II, America became a global leader of commerce and saw an incredible boom in the prosperity of its citizens. This was fueled, in large part, by the building of infrastructure and the rise of the middle class in our country. Over a 50-year period, beginning in the 1950s, the United States invested billions of dollars into its infrastructure by building roads, airports and schools that were innovative and ambitious and that literally paved the way for one of the most impressive stretches of growth experienced by any nation in global history. This small bit of U.S. history is vital to understanding a major problem we currently face. The ambitious undertaking of building America’s infrastructure has slowly become a serious economic challenge. There is a seemingly endless stream of news reports and columns devoted to the daunting task of fixing all parts of our infrastructure, including our roads, bridges, airports, oil lines, water lines and waterways. But we don’t have to look to newspapers or scholarly essays about the challenges posed by our aging infrastructure. We experience it on a daily basis, from the potholes that cause tire blowouts to the corroded service lines that have unleashed dangerously high levels of lead and caused upheaval in a number of communities across our nation. There has been much effort devoted to examining the challenges, the costs and the need for fixing our infrastructure. Let’s break down just a few of the categories to get a better perspective on what we need and why we need it. Roads - Our roadway infrastructure, which includes highways, interstates and local roads, received a “D” grade from the American Society of Civil Engineers. Fixing our infrastructure will be costly, and the fact that federal funding accounts for only a small percentage of road funding is a reflection of the fact that our crumbling roads impact us at a very local and personal level. The costs come in the form of stretches of roads plagued with structural deficiencies that cause our vehicles to break down and roads whose initial design, while once adequate, now fails to keep pace with the traffic they currently need to accommodate. For example, think of the long list of cities that experience incredible congestion on a daily basis or the potholes which are left unattended on our neighborhood roads. Read also: Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends for 2017 Bridges - The ASCE actually gives our bridges a “C+” grade, which - believe it or not - is one of the three highest grades given to 16 categories graded by the organization. Even though it is graded slightly higher than other sectors of our infrastructure, it is still in dire need of repair. The cost to drivers also comes in the form of breaks in surfaces and inability to accommodate traffic flow, but perhaps more alarming is the possibility of collapse. Another important statistic before we move on to the next category: One out of every 10 bridges in the United States is structurally deficient. Pipelines - While our roads and our bridges are often several decades old, many of the pipes used in the United States are even older. It is not uncommon for certain systems to have been built over a century ago, long before we knew just how dangerous the materials used would become for future generations. Two examples highlight our challenges in this particular area. First is the lead contamination of our drinking water that has caused lead poisoning of communities across the country. The ASCE’s latest report card gives our drinking water infrastructure a “D” grade. The costs, they say, could be up to $1 trillion over the coming decades. The second example is frequent gas line explosions, one of which occurs, on average, every other day in the United States, as reported by USA Today. Our energy infrastructure gets a “D+” grade from the ASCE. Airports - Just like many other structures in the country, our airports are struggling to meet the demands of more passengers and higher volumes of traffic. The average airport in the United States is around 40 years old, and our country is struggling to fund the maintenance of these facilities, even as other countries are making available significant investments to improve their airports. The ASCE gives our airports a “D” grade and points to the Federal Aviation Administration’s estimated cost of congestion and delays at roughly $22 billion. The investment needed to modernize and fix the infrastructure of our airports is even greater, over $75 billion, according to the Airports Council International-North America. Schools - One of our biggest challenges is fixing the infrastructure which accommodates our young people. The majority of our schools were built for the baby boomer generation, according to the ASCE, who gives our school infrastructure a “D” grade. It will cost around $270 billion to modernize and maintain these facilities. The aging school buildings present a number of threats for children and teachers alike. Old water lines carry contaminated water into several school systems across the United States, and structural deficiencies also make these buildings hazardous to students. Yet another danger is the presence of asbestos in school buildings.  Any school building constructed prior to 1980 is likely to have asbestos. Once asbestos deteriorates or becomes airborne, it can cause serious complications to those who are exposed to it, including lung cancer or mesothelioma. Meeting Our Challenges The costs of fixing our infrastructure are great, but the costs currently being suffered by Americans are already taking a significant toll. We are paying for the challenges we face in ways that go way beyond tax dollars and construction projects. Unfortunately, we are paying the price through injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. The same country that built these incredible stretches of roads, bridges, and pipelines is also capable of repairing them, despite the large price tag that comes with such a task. When we consider what we need to do to move forward in this country, let’s not forget about the actual roads that lay in front of us. Ignoring this responsibility will not just place a burden on future generations -- it is a burden we are already carrying. The Law Offices of John R. Colvin focus primarily in the areas of Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Workers’ Compensation, and Social Security Disability. They represent clients in the Tennessee Valley region, including Tennessee and Alabama.

Criminal Law Enforcement

Criminal Law Enforcement

Term criminal law enforcement refers to government members who act in an organized manner to enforce the law and counter the country’s crime rate. Many state organizations take part in law enforcement against crime like Police, judiciary, lawyers, law firms. A proper set of rules conducts the procedure of criminal law enforcement to make sure that no innocent person can be convicted. All sorts of crimes like murder, theft, monetary fraud, marital issues, inheritance problems all come under the umbrella of criminal law enforcement agencies. How law enforcement works To enforce the law, the most critical step in the cooperation of the general public is that if a person sees a crime happening with someone, they should report it to the Police immediately. Police are the organization that works at the front for criminal law enforcement, but the judiciary serves as the backbone of law in the country. It’sIt’s the responsibility of court and law firms because these organizations hold the power to serve as impartial investigators and protectors of public safety. If a person is suspected of a crime, he will need a defense lawyer to fight his case correctly. These days law firms provide their clients with experts in every field under one roof. A law firm in Singapore offers legal advice on many different types of cases, including criminal offenses, personal problems, and monetary issues. Better criminal law enforcement is necessary for peace We know that without eradicating crimes, we can never live in peace to prosper criminals; law enforcement should be the priority of every state, as Foucault’s theory of surveillance suggests that watching and controlling is needed to discipline subjects to a particular behavior. Criminal law enforcement works on the same principle that we can enforce the law in society by using control and punishment, which will help us control the crime rate. That’sThat’s why it’s necessary to give state law enforcement agencies true power and all other resources needed to eradicate crime. Flaws in modern criminal law enforcement There are many flaws in the criminal law enforcement system, due to which, most of the time, offenders can get away with their crimes. It’s even complicated to deal with modern crimes because there are still no proper laws, and also, there is a lack of enforcement of laws. As we can see, it’s challenging to deal with digital crimes, hate crimes, and human trafficking because it’s complicated to find sources and evidence needed to pass a fair judgment on them. Gaps in International law are also a problem in dealing with issues like human trafficking, and there is a need for rigid rules on sea water’s division and control. Conclusion First, there is a need to identify the national and international enforcement system flaws to ensure criminal law enforcement. New lawmaking is useless until there is no emphasis on the enforcement of already present laws. Steps should be taken on the national and international level to develop proper rules for crimes like theft of intellectual property, refugee rights, etc. Read Also: 3 Personality Traits of a Successful and High-Ranking Criminal Lawyer 5 Reasons Why You Should Take A Criminal Lawsuit Seriously Criminal Case – Dos And Donts