Dos and Don’ts When You’re Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

Published on: 21 December 2018 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Motorcycle Accident

Unlike most of the other cities in the world, Syracuse in New York has an abridged biking season. Hence, bikers tend to squeeze in and make the most that they can in the short season to enjoy their motorbike and have fun! This fact, unfortunately, may lead to untoward accidents. If you, your friend, or family member happens to find yourself in such a situation, it’s beneficial for you to know what you should do.

Here are some of the dos and don’ts when you’re involved in a motorcycle accident in Syracuse:

The Do’s:

Do remember that you can sue even for minor injuries:

It’s worth remembering that in the event of a motorcycle accident in Syracuse, you can sue the negligent driver who is at fault, even if you sustained only minor injuries. Do not confuse this with the situation when driving your car – with four-wheeled vehicles, you can sue the driver at fault if you sustained major injuries.

After getting yourself involved in a motorcycle accident, you can sue the negligent driver for the following injuries:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Pelvic, arm, and leg fractures
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Skin abrasions like cuts, scratches, and rashes
  • Chest trauma

To know more of the extent of what you can sue for, click here.

Do seek medical help, no matter how small your injury is:

Many motorcycle accident victims tend to forego a medical checkup after the collision especially if they haven’t sustained any significant injuries. However, do remember that injuries are not only external. You may be clean on the outside, but you may have internal injuries or traumas that can put you to harm if left unchecked. Furthermore, you’ll need a certificate from a medical doctor to verify and describe the injuries you sustained, albeit minor, when you sue the negligent driver.

Do consult a lawyer:

Consulting an attorney is very important, even if you can settle your case amicably, without the need of a court hearing. Many things entail expert help and opinion, such as the payment of insurance, claims, lost wages, and other reimbursements, and an attorney will be able to help you with all of these. When you have a Syracuse lawyer by your side, you are more well informed of your rights as the victim or of your obligations as the erring driver.

Do know your rights:

Some motorcycle drivers still do not know their fundamental rights. If you’re one of these people, it will be to your favor to consult a lawyer. For example, in Syracuse, New York, the wearing of a helmet and protective gear is required by law. However, if you do fail to wear one and meet an accident, this failure to wear a helmet does not hinder you from obtaining damages against the negligent driver. This is a critical situation to highlight, as some insurance companies may try to cheat you out from any claim that you may be entitled to by shifting the blame on you for your failure to wear a helmet.

Some of your other rights center around the following:

  • Claims for your damaged motorcycle
  • Claims for lost wages and earning capacity, if applicable
  • Other medical bills from injuries that you may have sustained
  • Reimbursement for additional expenses incurred related to the injury, such as a psychologist’s fee and your lawyer’s fee

The Don’ts:

Don’t take your jury for granted:

When you decide to sue in court for the damages that you have sustained, don’t take for granted the act of choosing the right jury. In New York State Laws, the jurors contribute a hefty weight to the final judgment of your case. It is unfortunate, however, that sometimes, some jurors will blame you for the accident especially if you are going against a four-wheeled vehicle. They will merely say that it is your fault in the first place for choosing to be on the road with a much riskier form of transportation.

However, laws in Syracuse give you an absolute right to be on your motorcycle. Therefore, choose the right jurors who are aware of this absolute right.

Don’t stop yourself from driving your motorcycle again:

Some motorcycle drivers tend to let go of their motorcycle after meeting an accident. This usually arises out of fear of encountering another accident or any emotional and psychological traumas that have been incurred.

This advice may be the last but also the most important one for you. Don’t let your fear pull down your hobby or your love for motorcycles. Accidents can happen at any time and any place, regardless of what vehicle you’re driving. Just don’t forget to drive safely all the time to decrease your chances of meeting another accident.


All these dos and don’ts are crucial for you to know, as riding your motorcycle always poses more risks than driving your car. Remember, a bike has lesser balance with only two wheels compared with a four-wheel vehicle; hence, you have to exercise extra care and caution when driving one around Syracuse. Getting yourself in a motorcycle accident not only affects you physically, but it also can also affect you emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. It’s, therefore, crucial for you to know what to do when an unfortunate accident happens.

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Personal Injury Lawyer

6 Important Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer

The worst has happened. You got injured on the job, or your spouse hurt you in a fight. Something happened to you while you were at the dentist, or you had a severe reaction to a latte. Regardless, health care is expensive. There's a chance that you're not able to cover the bill. You start wondering if there's some other way to pay for your medical expenses. You talk to your company or ask for compensation. But no one is willing to do anything. If this sounds like you or someone you love, it's time to consider legal action. You can contact a personal injury lawyer who will help you get what you deserve. But before you hire anyone, check out our six questions to ask a personal injury lawyer. Why Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer? Sometimes we get hurt, and it's because of our own stupidity. But there are times when the blame rests on another party. This can be an individual, a company, or even a doctor. When this happens, it's time to hire a personal injury lawyer. There are many different kinds of lawyers who can help you. Choosing the right one depends on the personal injury questions you have. Most personal injury lawyers can handle a car crash case. But what happens if there are many parties involved or if there is severe damage? You'll need a lawyer with more experience in your type of case. If a doctor injured you, then hire a lawyer with experience in medical malpractice. At least they need to know about medical procedures and misdiagnoses. If you got hurt by a piece of machinery, then look for a lawyer with a background in corporate and negligence law. Do some research into the nature of your case. That way you'll be able to find the right personal injury lawyer for your needs. What Information Do I Need Before I Talk to a Personal Injury Lawyer? Keep in mind that scheduling a consultation with a lawyer is not the same as hiring them. You're asking them in-depth questions about their background and career. You'd do the same for any contractor or real estate agent. But before you sit down with a lawyer, it will help you to have a few things prepared. First, you'll need to record the details of your case. Write down everything that's related to what happened. Describe the events in the order they happened, and be as detailed as possible. If you need help, think of the 4 W's. Who was involved? Where did the accident happen? When did it take place? What were you doing? In fact, what was everyone doing? Try to be as factual as possible. If you lie, it will come out in court. Then you'll be in trouble. Gather any evidence you can. This includes things like: Police reports, tickets, arrest information, and toxicology results Eye-witness reports Photographs and videos Bills, receipts, medical records, and any diagnoses Getting all this information in one folder will help you and the personal injury lawyer. 6 Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Hiring a lawyer is as personal as hiring a doctor or a therapist. It's an expensive service, and you want to make sure you have the right lawyer for you. So check out our six questions to ask a personal injury lawyer before you hire them. 1. Have You Taken a Case Like Mine Before? This is one of the most important questions to ask an attorney before hiring them. You want to make sure your case is in good hands, so don't be afraid to ask about their experience. Your lawyer should have years of experience working with cases like yours. It's also important that they have experience winning cases, or making successful settlements. Ask them for a reference list of all their cases. They should also have endorsements from past clients. If your internal radar goes off, you can look up an attorney's disciplinary records online. Some states need a lawyer's bar number to do this. But other states like Georgia will list the lawyer's name. 2. What is Your Opinion of My Case? In other words, does this personal injury attorney think you'll win? This is one of the more dubious questions to ask a personal injury lawyer, but it's an essential one. Their answer will help you make your decision about whether to hire this attorney. You want them to give you an honest answer, of course. No decent lawyer wants to waste their time on a hopeless case, even if you are paying them. They should give you an objective opinion about whether you'll win your case based on the evidence you've given them. That said, ask this question with an open mind. It's easy for the victim of an accident to think they deserve compensation. If a personal injury lawyer is telling you it won't happen, there might be some merit in that. 3. Will My Case Go to Trial? Only 4%-5% of personal injury cases go to trial. That means there's a good chance your case will settle out of court. But no matter what the odds, a good personal injury lawyer will prepare to go to trial. In fact, it's a red flag if the lawyer starts talking about settling out of court from the get-go. Trials can be long and expensive for you. But if you have to go to court you want a lawyer who's experienced. Ask them about their record in court, and whether the case won by a judge or jury. Your lawyer should also be able to give you a timeline of how long a court proceeding takes. While each case is unique, an experienced lawyer knows how things go at the local courthouse. Regardless of whether you go to court, you need to talk with your lawyer about your level of involvement. Some people want to be at every meeting and deposition, but most lawyers won't allow it. It's often best for you to stay on the sidelines and trust your lawyer. 4. What are Your Fees? This is another important question to ask an attorney. If you can't afford this lawyer, then you'll need to look for someone else. A typical personal injury lawyer earns money based on contingency fees. That means you won't pay any fees unless you win money damages in the lawsuit. Once you do win the case, the personal injury lawyer will take a percentage of the money. This can range from 25% - 40% of anything you win from the lawsuit. While this is a great incentive for your lawyer to win your case, it might not be the only bill. There are other costs you should ask about, like case-related costs. These are also known as "out of pocket" fees. Ask your lawyer about these fees, and who will pay them in case you lose. Do not work with a personal injury lawyer who charges by the hour. These kinds of payment plans can get expensive in personal injury cases. 5. How Much is My Case Worth? An experienced personal injury lawyer should give you an estimate on how much your case is worth. They'll base this estimate on cases they've already won or worked on. Most personal injury lawyers won't give you a hard number to work with, but instead give you some kind of range. They need to explain how the different factors in your case will affect the bottom line. You can also ask them point-blank whether they'll make more for you than their competitors. After all, this isn't only about getting justice for you. It's also about who's going to pay your medical bills. Money is always hard to talk about, but you have to do it. You can discover more about discussing your case worth by doing some research. Make sure that you factor in the lawyer's contingency fee when you talk about how much you can make. 6. Who is Handling My Case? This question is vital if you're working with a large law firm. This is because that lawyer you spent all that time getting to know? He might not be the one representing you in court. This might help you because you'll have a larger team working on your case. Lawyers all specialize in different things. If your case is a complicated one, there's a good chance it'll get passed around the firm. But that's why it's important to know who is handling your case, and why. You want to know who you need to contact in each situation. You should also ask about the track record of every lawyer on your case. If your lawyer has less experience than the one you spoke to, ask about who is supervising them. Don't be afraid to ask questions or voice your concerns. Want More Tips About Hiring a Lawyer? We have lots of informative blog posts on our site about the legal field. If you want to know about questions to ask a personal injury lawyer or other legal tips, check out our blog. We also have articles on everything else you can imagine. From social media to entertainment to real estate, we have you covered. Take a look at our site for more great posts. Read More: Picking the Right Law Firm for You and Your Family. Divorce Lawyers In Houston Texas: A Short Guide On Saving Your Marriage.

Car Accident Liability

Car Accident Liability

Countless individuals like you daily navigate the bustling streets and highways in their cars. It's a routine part of people's lives, whether commuting to work, visiting loved ones, or running errands. However, amid the convenience and familiarity of the daily drives lies a substantial responsibility—car accident liability. Understanding this intricate topic is essential for all road users. In the unfortunate event of a collision, determining liability can be challenging, often necessitating legal expertise, like a car accident lawyer in Winston Salem. This article aims to shed light on car accident liability, exploring its complexities and the vital role professionals like Winston-Salem car accident lawyers play in resolving these matters. The Basics Of Car Accident Liability At its core, car accident liability determines responsibility when a traffic accident occurs. This responsibility isn’t always immediately clear-cut and often involves multiple parties. For instance, envision a scenario where two vehicles collide at an intersection, and both drivers claim they had the green light. In such cases, authorities must conduct thorough investigations, analyze evidence, and potentially rely on eyewitness accounts to ascertain which party should be held accountable for the accident. If you find yourself in a legal situation related to a car accident, seeking advice from a specialized professional, such as a *DUI lawyer in Phoenix*, can offer valuable insights tailored to your case. Types Of Car Accident Liability Car accident liability can be categorized into different types, each governed by its own set of regulations: No-Fault Liability: In select states, the "no-fault" system prevails. This means that irrespective of who caused the accident, each driver's insurance covers their medical expenses and vehicle damage. The rationale behind this system is to expedite claims processing and minimize the number of lawsuits stemming from minor accidents. Comparative Fault Liability: In states that adhere to comparative fault rules, liability is assigned based on the percentage of fault attributable to each involved driver. For instance, if one driver is determined to be 80% responsible for an accident while the other bears 20% of the blame, compensation is allocated accordingly, reflecting these proportions. Contributory Negligence Liability: Some states still follow the stringent doctrine of contributory negligence. Here, even a minor degree of fault on your part can result in being barred from seeking any compensation. It's an all-or-nothing approach, which places a significant burden on drivers. Proving Liability Establishing liability in a car accident case necessitates collecting and presenting compelling evidence. Various types of evidence can be employed: Witness Statements: Eyewitness accounts are often invaluable in reconstructing the accident's sequence of events. Their statements can provide critical insights into who was at fault. Police Reports: Police officers who respond to accident scenes generate official reports documenting observations and assessments. These reports carry substantial weight in determining liability. Photographs and Videos: In the age of smartphones, the practice of capturing accident scenes on camera has become commonplace. Visual evidence like photographs and videos can be highly persuasive when establishing liability, providing a clear and objective record of the accident's aftermath. Insurance And Car Accident Liability Insurance plays a pivotal role in the realm of car accident liability. While insurance offers protection for drivers, it can also pose challenges: On one hand, insurance is a safety net that guards against financial devastation in the wake of an accident. It ensures that medical bills are covered, and vehicle repairs are financed. On the other hand, insurance companies often aim to minimize their payouts. This may lead to disputes and legal proceedings between the involved parties as they navigate the intricacies of liability determination. Legal Consequences Of Car Accident Liability Once liability is established, legal consequences follow. These consequences can manifest in both civil and criminal forms, contingent upon the accident's circumstances: Civil Consequences: In civil cases, the injured party can file a lawsuit seeking compensation for various losses. This compensation includes medical expenses, property damage, pain, and suffering. When the court decides on liability, it may order the at-fault party to provide financial restitution. Criminal Consequences: In extreme negligence or recklessness, the at-fault driver may face criminal charges. If you're facing legal charges, it's essential to understand the severity of the situation. These charges may range anywhere from misdemeanors to felonies and carry heavy penalties, such as fines, license suspension, or even imprisonment. Taking the necessary steps to protect your rights and defend yourself against these charges is crucial. Criminal proceedings are initiated and prosecuted by the state. Mitigating Car Accident Liability While accidents can happen to even the most cautious drivers, several strategies can help reduce liability: Safe Driving Practices: Adhering to traffic laws, minimizing distractions, and maintaining vigilance while driving are effective ways to reduce the risk of accidents. Responsible driving habits can significantly decrease the likelihood of being held liable in the event of a collision. Maintain Insurance: Ensuring adequate insurance coverage is fundamental in mitigating liability. Good coverage can provide financial protection in an accident, helping shield personal assets from the economic consequences of a collision. Seek Legal Advice: When liability is ambiguous or disputed, consulting with an attorney specializing in personal injury law is wise. Legal professionals can guide the complex process of determining liability and pursuing compensation. Conclusion In car accidents, the repercussions of liability stretch far beyond the accident scene. They can impact finances, livelihoods, and personal well-being. This is where professionals like car accident lawyers in Winston-Salem become invaluable. They navigate the intricate web of car accident liability. Thereby ensuring justice is served and rightful compensation is obtained. So, as you hit the roadways in your vehicle, remember the profound importance of car accident liability. It's not just legal jargon but a fundamental aspect of responsible driving. In times of uncertainty, when accidents occur, you can rely on experts like Winston Salem car accident lawyers to guide you through the intricate process, providing you with the support and expertise needed to protect your rights and interests. Stay safe on the road, and always drive responsibly, for life's journey is precious, and understanding liability ensures that we all arrive safely at our destinations.  

Independent Contractor

What Independent Contractors Need to Know about Workers Compensation

Are you an independent contractor? What if a worker (employee) gets injured during the line of work? Would they compensate according to the fair rights of workers? Where many companies ought to ignore the rights of their workers or may not be completely aware requires the rule book again. If this happens, then definitely it is time to hire a Construction Workers Compensation Lawyer in Oregon to help you get the justice you deserve. Though there is a  Seattle worker’s compensation attorney and even Texas is loaded with it, therefore rather than going unethical with your worker regarding his compensation rights, you might want to get an attorney. If you are an independent contractor you need to know about your workers' compensation rights. It’s the best way to stay in touch with reality and not even get cheated on by fake compensation claims of your workers. What does workers’ compensation cover? It is like an insurance program for your workers. This program covers their medical coverage, rehab expenses, and even partial wages when the worker gets injured during the work process. The new system of workers compensation replaces the traditional way of using the party that was somehow the reason for the injury during work. In exchange for not suing their employer and getting certain benefits in return for the injury or damage. Mostly workers’ compensation is governed under state law. Factors to be considered: The court determines whether the person is an independent contractor or a worker who fully deserves the compensation and is open to a number of benefits. These factors may be made under the state law that governs workers’ compensation or under the state of common laws. Scope of the Work An employee may work for one employer but when it comes to an independent contractor, they may consist of more than one employer. Whereas, employees are given specific working hours and independent employees set their own working hours. An employee works at a specific provided location and the situation is vice-versa for an independent contractor because he or she can choose any location for work. Control, Cost, Contract The most important distinction between an employee and independent contractors is the employer’s control over their actions. Independent contractors mostly fit the work according to how they would want it while the employees are scrutinized with their format of doing work. Keeping in mind that independent contractors are generally expected to pay for cost affiliated to work. Whereas, employees don’t have to bear the cost of the work at all. Employees are generally hired “at-will” to work and it can be ended by both parties. However, the independent contractor works under an agreement of time-span which is not amendable. You need Legal Assistance! Courts can evaluate the situation and easily encounter if the independent contractor falls for workers’ compensation or not. It is not only up to the employers. Only the legal guidance can state how different each case of an independent contractor or employee is for compensation with several rules and factors. If you are classified as an independent contractor doesn’t mean you don’t get workers’ compensation. It all depends on your case. Read Also: Shouldn’t On-Demand Workers Get Workers’ Compensation? Atlanta Law Experts: Know about Back Injuries Compensation Looking for a Gardener: 8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Professional