Demystifying the Duty of a Company Secretary in Hong Kong


17 June 2020


Company Secretary in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Chapter 622, makes it mandatory for every company to be registered in Hong Kong to have a company secretary. So important is the company secretary that indeed, your company will not be registered without one. In this post, we will look at the duties of a company secretary in a Hong Kong company.

What is a Company Secretary?

First, it is important to appreciate that a company secretary is completely different from common clerks who do clerical work. According to the Companies Ordinance, a company secretary is a senior officer in a company who is responsible for efficient administration, especially with respect to ensuring compliance with statutory requirements. So, you need to ensure that only the most qualified and committed person gets the job.

The Main Duties of Company Secretary

Duties of Company Secretary

From the definition of a company secretary, there is no doubt that the roles he does and how he does them will greatly impact the company’s success. So, let us start by understanding the duties of a company secretary.

Fulfilling the Company’s Tax Obligation

When opening a company in Hong Kong, it is important to understand that the administration runs a business economy because the registered enterprises serve as the primary source of revenue. Therefore, the administration takes tax matters very seriously. Your company secretary is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the company meets all its tax obligations. Some of these obligations include:

  • Overseeing the filing of the tax returns correctly and on time.
  • Seeking additional approval or clarifications on tax-related matters.
  • Registering the company with IRD (Inland Revenue Department).

Keeping Statutory Books

The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance also designates the company secretary as the custodian of the statutory books. This implies that the secretary should have every document that the government might need to inspect. In addition to keeping these books of account, the company secretary is also responsible for:

  • Updating the details on statutory books.
  • Producing and distributing company accounts and reports.

Planning and Attending Company Meetings

Company Meetings

As we indicated earlier, the company secretary is involved with top-level management, and one of that roles is planning the company’s meetings. This is considered an important role because it is in these meetings that actions to be taken on different areas, such as books of accounts and employment, are made. Here is a breakdown of these duties:

  • Organize board meetings.
  • Participate in board meetings.
  • Prepare the agenda of the company meetings.
  • Implement the decisions made during meetings in compliance with laws.
  • Advise the company on compliance with the law.

Other Duties of a Company Secretary

While the roles we have outlined above are considered the core for a company secretary, they are not the only ones. Other administrative duties include:

  • Communicating with shareholders, the Stock Exchange, and regulatory bodies on behalf of the company.
  • Observing the company developments and giving advice to the board of directors.
  • Guiding the company through the process of liquidation.

If you are planning to incorporate a company in Hong Kong, the position of a company secretary is very important and should only be entrusted to a qualified and experienced person. With the best company secretary, you can rest assured that the business will make the best decisions and grow into the multinational of your dreams.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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business opportunities

What are the best business opportunities for 2019?

Information and communication technologies have favoured the creation of profitable businesses. It is now possible to manage a profitable business from your computer and in the comfort of your sofa. Creating an online business has become an excellent way to achieve financial independence by freeing yourself from the geographical constraints, schedules and the goodwill of a boss. There are many businesses for Sale and investment opportunities as on the year 2019. Among which there are 5 profitable business ideas to get you started. 5 profitable business ideas to finally get you started: Now that you've validated your business opportunities, let's tackle these business ideas that you can implement today to finally get started. This list is not exhaustive and it is up to you to make an informed choice according to your skills and your passions. 1. E-commerce: An e-commerce store is a profitable business idea that has made many fortunes. Here you get a lot of investment opportunities. It has become even more accessible with the creation of new SAAS software that can quickly create online stores without touching a line of code. With a merchant site, a company truly enters the world of e-commerce. An online store is mainly intended to sell products on the internet. It can also find information about the company as a showcase site. The payment of orders is made directly online, via a secure payment offered by major banks or with online payment processors such as PayPal. Thanks to the online shop administration interface (CMS), the company can control orders, manage and maintain inventory, add or delete products. When a user places an order and it is validated, the company is informed by e-mail details of the order in progress. The customer receives an e-mail confirming the order on the merchant site. All that remains is to send the goods and update the status of the order on the administration platform. However note that the frequency of updating the site, the supply of the site (news), the management of the promotion and the reduction campaigns will be necessary to build customer loyalty. In an e-commerce store, one get opportunities Businesses for Sale.   2. Affiliate Marketing: Another profitable business idea is affiliation. It has developed with the sale of information products on the internet. In its simplest form, affiliation involves selling the products of others. You can join an affiliate program and your role will be to promote products (physical or electronic) or services through your website. Affiliate marketing usually consists of 4 distinct elements: The publisher (affiliate), the advertiser (merchant), the consumer and the network. The advertiser, also known as the merchant or retailer name, is an individual or business that sells a product or service. The advertiser partners with publishers to promote its products and services. The publisher, also known as a marketer or affiliate, is a person who promotes products or services. It partners with the advertiser to promote the products or services of the advertiser. The publisher uses ads, links, and creates marketing campaigns to find buyers of the advertiser's products or services. Thus, for each product sold, the advertiser gives a commission to the publisher. The consumer: you already know him it's you, it's me. The consumer is the one who uses a product or service to meet a need. The network: also known as a program or platform, acts as an intermediary between the advertiser and the publisher. The network makes it easy for the publisher to find and participate in a marketing affiliate program. Its role is also to reach a larger number of advertisers and publishers. Some programs have a membership fee while others take a portion of the advertiser's profits when a sale is validated. The marketing affiliation in a few words: As an associate marketer, your site will showcase products and/or services from other companies. When one of your site visitors buys one of these products, you receive a commission percentage on the sale. No stock, no logistics and no direct contact with consumers. Your commission is almost a pure profit. Affiliation is the ultimate profitable business idea when you're new to the internet. 3. Accounting and Tax Returns: Accounting and taxation are somewhat complex technical areas. As an accountant, your role is to provide the necessary insights, to make the declarations, to do the accounting for your customers and to spare them all the pitfalls, in particular as regards the tax and accounting obligations, the problems of taxes on their companies. With a degree in accounting, you can work for your own account. All you need is a website and good marketing knowledge to sell your services. Your clientele will consist of individuals, SMEs, small businesses and perhaps some large companies. 4. Virtual Assistance: The job of Virtual Assistant comes from the United States and dates back to the 1990s. It's a way to use your skills to make it a profitable business. Today with new technologies, everyone could get started in virtual assistance. The tasks to be performed depending on your specialty. For example, if you have a good ability to search, summarize data and write, then you can apply for the position of a virtual assistant (the). Both individuals and companies pay for the services of a virtual assistant. To exercise this activity, all you need to get started is a website! The virtual assistant allows her employer to save time in the same way as a classical assistant. The only difference is that in your, you free yourself from geographical constraints. 5. Delivery of beauty boxes: You are passionate about cosmetics; this profitable business is what you need. The girl loves to try new beauty products. However, women cannot buy all the latest products in their standard size. With the delivery service of monthly beauty boxes, you can meet this wide demand. The concept is to collect samples from beauty brands that have just been released to make them discover your subscribers. Everyone wins: brands make their products known, women who discover new products, and you who sell the subscriptions to these boxes monthly. Read Also: 8 Key SEO Strategies For E-Commerce Websites How To Choose The Best Affiliate Programs To Promote On Your WordPress Blog

Waste Management Tips

10 Waste Management Tips For Every Business

A lot of businesses are aware that they need to take care of their waste, but it can be difficult to get started. Here are 10 tips for managing your business' waste. 1. Start With A Strategy A strategy is a plan for the future. It's the process of defining what you want to achieve and how you'll go about it. For example, if your business is a retail store, you might want to increase sales by 10% over the next year. Then, you'd create an action plan that includes how many new products or services you'll offer and what marketing techniques will be used to attract more customers. You can't just decide on a goal without having some idea of how you're going to get there (and whether or not it's even feasible). When developing your waste management strategy, it's important to consider: Your budget and resources The current state of waste management at your company Potential opportunities and challenges 2. Educate Your Employees About Waste Management Make sure you dispose of your waste correctly. If you are unsure of how to do this, or if you want to find out which method is best for your business, speak with an expert on waste management services on how to; Educate your employees. Teach them how to recycle and dispose of waste properly. Make them aware of what not to put in the garbage, such as old batteries and electronics. 3. Reduce Paper Waste You already know how wasteful paper can be. Use it for something important and the rest of your documents can go the way of digital storage. If you have documents that need to be printed, switch to recycled paper to reduce costs and waste. Then, think about using email instead of printing out emails with attachments or sending faxes to clients. There are also more efficient ways to store your documents than storing them on paper—scanning important files into a cloud-based system is an excellent alternative that will cut down on clutter and save you money! 4. Do A Waste Audit A waste audit can be a great way to get your business on the right track when it comes to reducing and recycling. It's a simple process, but it must be done regularly. You will need to identify what types of waste are being generated by your business, how much of each type is being produced, and where they are going after they have been discarded. The goal should be to understand what types of materials are being thrown away so that you can work with employees or partners to find ways around them (or eliminate them). Outsourcing waste management services is also a great way to save time and money. You can outsource the waste management of your business to a professional company that has experience in this area, or you can hire a colleague who has experience with waste management and ask them if they are willing to help you out. 5. Compromise On Cleaning Products For Waste Management You will find that it is not necessary to use toxic chemicals and harsh cleaning products. Instead, you can opt for environmentally-friendly alternatives that are just as effective in maintaining the cleanliness of your business. For example, if you need a surface cleaner or disinfectant that will keep your office equipment free of germs and bacteria, look for an option that does not contain chlorine bleach (which has been linked to cancer and other health problems). Instead, choose something like "green" cleaners that have been specifically designed to be more environmentally friendly without sacrificing effectiveness. 6. Get Creative With Containers As you are trying to figure out how to dispose of your business’s waste, it is important to keep in mind that the most important thing is not what kind of container you use, but rather how easy it will be for your employees to carry around your business’s waste. If you have a lot of waste and it is going to be hard for employees to carry around containers full of garbage, then there are many more eco-friendly options available for businesses like yours than if there was just one kind of container at hand. Another thing worth considering when choosing which type of receptacle or bin will work best for storing all that trash is whether or not reusable materials would work better than disposable ones. For example: If possible (and legal), consider using traditional wooden crates instead of plastic ones because they are reusable and biodegradable! This can also help save money since these types 7. Rethink Your Water System In addition to recycling and reusing, you can also start thinking about your water system. The average American household uses 300 gallons of water per day. That’s a lot! Fortunately, there are several ways you can reduce your water use and help the environment in the process: More efficient use of fixtures. These include solid-surface counters, low-flow showerheads, and faucet aerators. Install rainwater harvesting systems on roofs of commercial buildings or at home (if possible). Rainwater is collected for future use as drinking water, lawn irrigation, or toilet flushing. Use greywater systems in homes where it is allowed by law; these systems recycle wastewater from sinks and showers for irrigation purposes. Get a meter installed on your building's existing plumbing system so you know how much water you're using on an ongoing basis. 8. Recycle Your Electronics Recycle your electronics. Electronic waste is a growing problem, and not only because it contains toxic materials that can harm our environment. The oil and other materials used to make electronic devices are becoming increasingly scarce, which means that recycling electronics is good for the planet. You should always recycle old cell phones or computers at an e-waste recycling center—if you throw them away, they could end up in landfills where they will take years to decompose and release harmful chemicals into the earth's soil and water supply. 9. Consider Food Waste Food waste is a major problem for all businesses, particularly the hospitality and food service industry. Estimates show that the average hotel loses 18% of its room nights due to guests not showing up; this means they're paying for rooms they aren't using—and that's on top of the cost of cleaning and preparing those rooms (which can range from $10–$100 per night). According to an expert in waste oil disposal in Liverpool, buffet restaurants often lose between 30% and 50% of their prepared food due to spoilage or over-ordering. Your company may also be losing money by taking care of its garbage cans improperly: if staff members don't line them with bags or otherwise protect them from water damage, you could end up having to buy new ones every few weeks at a cost that would add up quickly over time! 10. Beware Of Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste is a particular kind of waste that has special disposal requirements. It’s important to know what hazardous waste is and how to identify it because if you don’t dispose of your hazardous waste properly with toxic waste collection services, it can be costly and even dangerous for the environment. Hazardous wastes are those that meet any of these descriptions: Corrosives: substances that burn or destroy living tissue on contact with skin or eyes, like sulfuric acid (pH 1) and sodium hydroxide (pH 14) Ignitable: easily ignited by heat, flame, sparks, or another source at room temperature; includes liquids with flashpoints below 60° F/16° C and solids such as coal dust in air-contaminated dust with ignition temperatures below 130° F/54° C Conclusion - Waste Management Tips So, there you have it! A few simple steps can make a big difference to your business. We know that waste management is not always at the top of everyone’s priority list when they run their business, but it should be. The good news is that our tips will not only help with your waste but also save you money in other areas too! Read Also: Basic Small Business Tips for Noobs Who Want to Start a Venture How A Business Loan Helps Business People In 2023 How To Market A Small Business In A Big City

Employee Recognition Awards

7 Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas For 2021

When you are running a business, your employees become your assets. If your employees grow, so does your organization. Hence, it becomes very important that you take care of your employees. Custom employee recognition can be one of the best ways to make your employees feel comfortable and encouraged working in your organization. Showing your employees that they are being valued for their hard work and reward them accordingly will help your business in the long run. The key to achieving this goal is understanding Employee award wording ideas. If you can develop the best and innovative ideas, you can boost your employee's morale and motivation. Why are Employee Recognition Awards Important? It has been seen that the employees who have been appreciated by their organization are more likely to feel satisfied with their work. Once you start encouraging employees for their good work, you will see a boost in productivity. As we have started cruising through 2021, we hope that this is the best time to understand employee recognition's importance to boost your business productivity this year. Fulfilling Careers Workplace loyalty is not derived from the job. The workplace environment and fulfilling careers nurture it. According to a report, it has been seen that 78% of the employees agree with the fact that they will stay with the currency employers if they know they have a career in this organization. With employee recognition, you can motivate your employees and ensure that they see your organization as the best career opportunity rather than a job. Respect Knowledge Everyone works hard to build their skills set and expects others to respect that. According to a report, almost 53% of the employees believe that if their knowledge and skills are being respected, they will spend more time with the respective organizations. Understanding Progress Yes, goals are important. But that can only be achieved by understanding the working process. Employee recognition is not limited to big win; it can also support and nurture the next generation of employees in your organizations. Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas There are multiple ideas that you can adopt to recognize your employees. We have prepared a handful of them. Let's explore. 1. Formulate A Proper Plan To Recognize Your Employees Before you can prepare yourself to recognize your employees, you need to formulate a proper plan to track their achievements. Remember that these awards programs and recognition events are not just for show. They are meant to boost your employee's morale and the organization's productivity. Hence, it becomes very important that you figure out an appropriate strategy. Do not forget about your work culture. Employees' recognition ideas should be relevant to your work culture. 2. Celebrate Employees Birthdays Birthdays are the best event to make your employees feel special. You can start targeting your employees' birthdays. This will make them feel special and a part of the organization. When you celebrate your employees' birthdays, they will feel connected to the organization on a deeper level. This practice can make them feel an inseparable part of the organization. This will act as a driving force and help them to boost their productivity. Even a small event like celebrating employee's birthdays can motivate them to give their best performance to the organization. 3. Cheers From Peers Creating the best working environment is the role of the pers. The working environment should be like this where the co-workers can celebrate the achievement of the other co-workers. And when the time calls for it, they stand alongside the organization's bad times. This will ensure that the whole organization can perform as a team and bring positive results day in and day out. 4. Reward Them With Trophies Every sport has trophies. These trophies change hands every year depending on the champions. You can use the same concept in your organization. This practice will motivate your employees to be the best in the organization. Once they know what they can achieve by working hard, they will try their best to achieve that goal. 5. Collect Employees Feedback We have hardly seen any organization taking feedback from the employees. Feedback is a necessary part if you want to improve your organization as a whole. Taking feedback from the employees will give them an idea that their views matter in the organization. You can take feedback on the followings: What do they feel about the organization? What do they think needs to be improved? What drives them to work for you? What will drive them further? Ask your employees these questions, and take their answers as suggestions. This practice will kill two birds with one arrow. Not only are you getting valuable feedback, but you are also getting to know what your employees think about you and your organization. 6. Public Your Appreciation Recognizing your employees is a good thing but recognizing them in public is even better. You must devise a perfect appreciation program where you or the employee can recognize the best performer among the employees. By appreciating the best employee in public, you are not only boosting the morale of the employers, but you are also giving them a goal to achieve. The public execution of the appreciation shows that you are confident in your employees and want others to step up their game and reach this podium. 7. Track Team Wins Every organization has several teams, and every team competes among themselves subconsciously. You must track your team every year and award the winning team. This will not only help you understand how other teams are performing, but you will have an idea of how the organization can improve. Working with the team will help you understand the working of your organization, and you will know what you need to expect from them. This is a perfect device to find out non-performing teams and motivate them to work better. Conclusion From the points mentioned above, you now know how employee recognition can help you develop a perfect plan for your employees' recognition. If you want to cope with the market and stand back on the feet again, employee recognition might play an important role. Read Also: Why In-Company Training Results in Better Employees 3 Steps to Hire the Perfect Employee What Are the Ways to Prepare a New Employee? Possible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It How to Increase the Safety of Your Employees