Demystifying the Duty of a Company Secretary in Hong Kong


17 June 2020


Company Secretary in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, Chapter 622, makes it mandatory for every company to be registered in Hong Kong to have a company secretary. So important is the company secretary that indeed, your company will not be registered without one. In this post, we will look at the duties of a company secretary in a Hong Kong company.

What is a Company Secretary?

First, it is important to appreciate that a company secretary is completely different from common clerks who do clerical work. According to the Companies Ordinance, a company secretary is a senior officer in a company who is responsible for efficient administration, especially with respect to ensuring compliance with statutory requirements. So, you need to ensure that only the most qualified and committed person gets the job.

The Main Duties of Company Secretary

Duties of Company Secretary

From the definition of a company secretary, there is no doubt that the roles he does and how he does them will greatly impact the company’s success. So, let us start by understanding the duties of a company secretary.

Fulfilling the Company’s Tax Obligation

When opening a company in Hong Kong, it is important to understand that the administration runs a business economy because the registered enterprises serve as the primary source of revenue. Therefore, the administration takes tax matters very seriously. Your company secretary is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the company meets all its tax obligations. Some of these obligations include:

  • Overseeing the filing of the tax returns correctly and on time.
  • Seeking additional approval or clarifications on tax-related matters.
  • Registering the company with IRD (Inland Revenue Department).

Keeping Statutory Books

The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance also designates the company secretary as the custodian of the statutory books. This implies that the secretary should have every document that the government might need to inspect. In addition to keeping these books of account, the company secretary is also responsible for:

  • Updating the details on statutory books.
  • Producing and distributing company accounts and reports.

Planning and Attending Company Meetings

Company Meetings

As we indicated earlier, the company secretary is involved with top-level management, and one of that roles is planning the company’s meetings. This is considered an important role because it is in these meetings that actions to be taken on different areas, such as books of accounts and employment, are made. Here is a breakdown of these duties:

  • Organize board meetings.
  • Participate in board meetings.
  • Prepare the agenda of the company meetings.
  • Implement the decisions made during meetings in compliance with laws.
  • Advise the company on compliance with the law.

Other Duties of a Company Secretary

While the roles we have outlined above are considered the core for a company secretary, they are not the only ones. Other administrative duties include:

  • Communicating with shareholders, the Stock Exchange, and regulatory bodies on behalf of the company.
  • Observing the company developments and giving advice to the board of directors.
  • Guiding the company through the process of liquidation.

If you are planning to incorporate a company in Hong Kong, the position of a company secretary is very important and should only be entrusted to a qualified and experienced person. With the best company secretary, you can rest assured that the business will make the best decisions and grow into the multinational of your dreams.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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business mindset

It’s All in Your Head: Do You Have the Right Mindset for Business?

Is your current mindset holding you back from your true business potential? If you don't know how to answer this than chances are it is. How do you change it though? Developing a new business mindset might put you out of your comfort zone but anything that's halfway worth it does. For the good of your company, you'll have to mold yourself into a top-notch businessman or woman. Be courageous, create a vision and then make goals to make it happen, and most importantly, believe in yourself. To help get you started, we're going to go over these ideas as well as other's that you should be adopting if you want to continue going forward. 1. Be Courageous: It's okay to be nervous and scared, what's not okay is to let those emotions hold you and your business back. If you want to be successful you need to go far beyond what you think your limits are. If you're afraid of failure just look at it this way, each failure is a learning experience, and each success is a step forward. You have to learn from your failures to gain successes so one can't exist without the other. 2. Believe in Yourself: Speaking of success, the first step in creating it is to believe strongly that you can. If you constantly expect failure then without even realizing it, you'll go into each project with that mindset. What you want to do instead is to picture your version of success with every project you go into and then believe you can do it. This will cause you to work that much harder to not let yourself down. 3. Adopt Goals: Everyone works better with a plan. Adopting goals is the start of the foundation for a good plan. You know what you're working towards and you can start making plans for it. It's also true that when it's your goals that you're working toward you are more likely to achieve them so if you want to be a corporate boss, you have to get used to setting goals. 4. Have a Vision: Having a vision shouldn't be confused with setting goals. The Vision is all the little things that you're going to do to make the goal happen. The best way to go about creating your vision is to get it out of your head. No, we don't mean dismiss it, we mean creating mind maps and visuals so you can see your plans laid out before you rather than keeping it in your head. If you keep it locked away, you're less likely to carry it out. 5. Accept New Challenges: Some people are terrified of new challenges, this brings us back to being courageous. Creating new challenges will allow you to constantly one up and put you in competition with yourself. When you're in competition with yourself to do better each time and take on harder tasks, you'll continue to move up. In other words, accepting new challenges keeps you from sitting still. Instead of being afraid of it, you need to go for it full force. 6. Love What You Do: If you absolutely hate what you do, that will show in your work ethic. Creating your business and helping it thrive should be your passion and if it's not, then what are you doing? We're not saying you'll love every aspect of your company, or that nothing won't ever get under your skin. That will inevitably happen. What we are saying is that you need to look past it and not hate your business as a whole for these things. If you go through life abandoning everything because of a minor inconvenience then you won't get very far. 7. Be Willing to Take Risks: You've probably heard people say the worst a person can say is no. This is how you should always handle the thought of rejection. Rather than not taking the risk in putting an idea on the table, or doing something in your business, you should just go for it. Rejection is going to happen in life, it's something that you'll never get away from, but you need to take the risk and try. If you don't you'll never know what will happen, and that's a waste of potential. Think of it as how many nos can I possibly go through before I get a yes or somebody has to tell me yes eventually. 8. Show Gratitude: When you do reach success chances are that you didn't reach it all on your own. If you don't show your employees that you are grateful for them, then that could cause you to not have employees at all. You need to show gratitude for each and every person that has believed in you or helped you along the way. If you have a company like BrokerBreakUp help get your business off the ground send them a card, give your vendors a quick shoutout, compliment a customer, or just give an employee a pat on the back. When you're pleasant to be around, that will create a more positive work atmosphere. Do You Think You Have the Right Business Mindset: Before you start building yourself up to be a company leader, ask yourself if you have the right business mindset. How you view yourself, the business and those who work for you will make a huge impact on your success. You also need to be able to visualize your goals so you can work towards them. At the end of the day question yourself. Are you being a boss that you would want to work for? Do you have the mindset and passion but not the knowledge? Visit our business section to get in the know. Read Also: 5 Steps To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Startup Standard Consulting Updating Businesses Now On ISO 9001 Changes

CFD Trading

CFD Trading: Everything You Need to Know in 2021

CFD trading raises its popularity every year, and its actuality has reached the peak level in 2021. While sitting at home during the lockdown, many people have been searching for a new way to earn money. CFD trading appears to be the choice of many analytical minds. Since it provides a wider range of trading options, it looks more exciting than Forex that has already become a classic. So, what is a CFD after all? CFDs Market: CFD is short for Contract for Difference, which may already explain its main working principle. Brokers offer you to make a contract for the difference of entry and exit price of the product or any other asset on the market. You choose when to start the trade and when to close it. If you close too early, you can miss your gain; in the opposite case, your gain will be gone. This is why it is important to keep an eye on the assets you speculate. The CFDs market is flexible. You are not tied to the classic tradition of completely buying the asset and moving it back and forth. Instead, you can pay for the ability to trade the contract and move to another one. You don’t lose the whole asset in case you trade poorly, because you’ve never owned it. CFDs Possibilities: Here are the main possibilities that CFD markets provide you. They are similarly used by any trader, amateur or professional. Learn your options before you enter the market: Long and short trading. You can go both ways here. It is up to you which one to choose. You can rely on your intuition or calculate the current situation on the market, check the international news, find out the current demand for the asset, and make your own forecast. Many experienced traders recommend going short for beginners; yet, it really depends on the asset you are trading and the situation around it. The profit will be calculated right after you close position; Leverage in trading. CFDs offer to use the leverage among other features. All of the operations are done on leverage, and you have to pay a small amount of money for the contract. This option widens your opportunities since you can speculate with small capital. However, you have to make sure that you can pay the full price if something goes wrong; The simplicity of the trading process. There are lots of educational articles and videos about CFDs trading. You can also learn from your brokers. All you need is to learn when to sell and buy. Sometimes it comes with experience. You can always try another asset and go back to the very beginning. You may subscribe to blogs of popular brokers and read their recommendations. When to Start CFDs Trading? It is impossible to tell you when you are ready to enter the market. You have to feel it. Don’t start with big amounts. You may practice before you start speculating with real money. Some brokers provide you with this possibility. Another great way to become successful is to sign up for all educational courses you can and learn everything about the assets you sell or buy. However, it is preferable to spend as much time as you need to prepare yourself before starting trading. Read Also: The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform Forex Trading Wisdom: Talk Yourself Out of Bad Trades Main Factors that Affect Trading Decisions

Online Entrepreneur

Quit the Rat Race: 5 Tips for Becoming an Online Entrepreneur

Are you fed up with spending your time making somebody else rich? Have you had enough of the rat race? Sitting in a cubicle, suffering the commute going to a job you hate to earn enough money to pay for the house you never see and the family you have no time to hang out with? Maybe it is time for you to take that next step and go into business for yourself. Don't think you are ready? No worries, that's a common thought that goes through the mind of every entrepreneur. Doubt and hesitation are normal and natural. Being able to stare them down and make the right decision at the right time is what separates success from failure. Keep reading and you will learn the key steps to ditching the 9-5 and becoming an online entrepreneur. 1. Passive Income Means Not Quitting the Day Job Just Yet Starting an online business is not as simple as moving from one salaried job to another. It can be, but it is a dangerous way to go about it. You are better to start off small, looking to build up some passive income while still working the day job. Yes, it means you can't quit the cubicle just yet, but it does mean you can generate some extra income and learn the ropes of creating online business and mitigate the risk to your finances. Familiarize yourself with the online world and figure out your strategy. There is nothing wrong with building your company slowly. In fact, it is a large benefit, because it means that by the time you are ready to quit the rat-race and step out on your own, you already know who you are. Your brand will be set, or at least in its advanced stages, setting you up for success. 2. Educate Yourself in the Ways of Online Money Making : No entrepreneur becomes successful without educating themselves in matters concerning their chosen field. This applies as much to creating an online business as it does any other industry or sector. You need to educate yourself on the ins and outs of the market you want to conquer. This means learning what the trends are, what sells and what does not. Study the techniques of others and watch the competition. What are they doing that is working and how could you make that work for you? There are paid online courses you could take, and numerous webinars and blog articles that can teach you a lot about making money as an online entrepreneur. By ensuring you are knowledgeable on your target area you are positioning yourself well in the market, and that means success will be there to find. 3. Accept the Risk that Comes With the Riches : Whenever you go into business for yourself you are accepting a risk. The big thing is that most people don't really understand what that means. Being an entrepreneur is a gamble. When starting an online business you are stepping away from a security that you won't see again until your business has matured into something far grander than your initial business plan will consider. It may sound harsh, but that is the fact of it. Paid vacation, Dental insurance Health insurance Pensions Sick leave These are all things that we come to take for granted, but when creating an online business you are surrendering these items. If you have a family to support then these considerations are of vital importance. Not as a means of detracting from your vision of freedom from the cubicle but to ensure you have the right system in place to help keep your finances stable. Being an entrepreneur is one of the high-risk solutions to escaping the workplace and living the life you crave. 4. Believe in Yourself Stronger than Anybody Else : When looking at how to start an online business, you are going to come up against a lot of people telling you to stop. To give up and stick with what you have. If you know what you are doing then you need to ensure that your belief in your own abilities is unshakable. A lot of people will tell you to give up on your dreams because they are scared. They are too scared to do it themselves and so pass this fear on to others. They will come up with convincing arguments as to why you are better off collecting a regular paycheck. However, you have done the research, you know what you are doing and accept the risk associated with it. 5. Identify Your Core Product and Focus on Everything On It If you have wondered how to start a successful online business, you have probably thought about entering a particular sector and making your name therein. However, to be truly successful you need to narrow your target market down even more. Market research and your own personal interests and skills will help you identify your niche. Try to make it as specific as possible. The more precise you can be, the higher your chance of finding success. Know Your Why - The Secrets to Becoming an Online Entrepreneur You will face a lot of trials in your quest to become an online entrepreneur. There will be stumbling blocks and periods of both highs and lows while you build up your empire. The most important thing you need to have before you start down this crazy but rewarding road is to know your way. Why are you doing this? Why are you choosing to focus on this niche? Knowing and understanding your own why is paramount to online success. If you can answer this question then you stand a great chance of making it. For more information on how to start an internet business and build your own company up from the ground, check out some of our other business-related articles. Read Also : How To Master Social Media For Businesses & Entrepreneurs What You Need To Be A Successful Entrepreneur