5 Eye-Opening Reasons to Choose Certified E-Waste Recycling Agencies

Published on: 23 November 2020 Last Updated on: 15 June 2021
E-Waste Recycling

Let’s see if this situation sounds familiar.

You just bought the latest phone on the market. And, like any responsible citizen, you took the old gadget to an e-waste recycling center and deposited it. You walked out of the center confident that the old phone would be taken care of safely. You then forgot about the gadget altogether.

Well! The story doesn’t quite end there. And, if you are an environmentally conscious person, you may want to take a closer look behind the scenes to identify what happens to the redundant and used devices once they leave your ownership.

Did You Check for the Certification of the E-Waste Recycling Center?

Should you check this feature on MoneyCrashers, you will come across an interesting observation. Delivering your e-waste to a recycling agency does not guarantee safe disposal. That’s because many such centers use unscrupulous methods to get rid of the gadgets. While the measures they use may comply with U.S. e-waste management regulations, they could cause severe damage to the environment in other offshore locations. The only way you can get complete assurance that the old electronics will be taken care of the right way is if you deposit them at certified recycling centers.

Alternatively, you can exchange them at the original manufacturer. It might interest you to know that in the year 2015, Apple accepted and recycled 90 million pounds of electronic gadgets to extract usable materials. These materials included plastic, 6612 pounds of silver, 2.9 million pounds of copper, and 2204 pounds of gold.

Choosing a certified e-waste recycling agency when getting rid of old and used electronics ensures that your gadgets will not end up in landfills and pollute the environment around your hometown. But, that’s just one good reason. Here are 4 more.

1. Recycling Agencies Choose Supposedly Economical Methods for IT Asset Disposal:

Recycling Agencies Choose Supposedly Economical Methods for IT Asset Disposal

You might think that you’re doing your bit to help the environment by recycling cell phones and other devices. But, keep in mind that although the recovered materials are valuable, the recycling process is not exactly economical for regular agencies. Extracting metals for reuse involves a careful process using the right kind of equipment and trained personnel. To save on the expense of dismantling old gadgets and separating the useful materials, most agencies simply ship them off to third-world countries.

Would you like to know how the process works? Containers reaching the shores of the U.S. from Hong Kong and other vendor companies across the world are typically sent back empty after the goods are unloaded from them. In an attempt to cash in on the reverse transportation, the giant cargo boxes are now filled with used electronics and sent to Far East destinations under the guise of donations for philanthropic purposes.

2. Environmental Damage is Transferred to Third World Countries:

When the gadgets make their way to countries like China, Ghana, and India, unskilled laborers including young children burn them in giant pits. Once the process is complete, all that remains is the precious metals that are sorted out without any regard for the toxic materials in the ashes. These poisons like arsenic, bromates, lead, and cadmium not only leach into the soil and underground water, but also cause various illnesses among the people who handle them or live around the processing plants. To know more about the extent of the damage, read this article in the Smithsonian magazine.

If you’re looking for e-waste recycling procedures that protect the environment not just in your country, but also in any other location around the world, deliver your devices to certified agencies.

3. Irresponsible E-Waste Recycling is the Largest Cause of Data Breaches:

Should you work with a licensed recycling company, the expert professionals will make sure to dispose of the hard drives in them securely. They may use DoD-approved multiple overwriting or shredding protocols to erase the data and make it impossible to decipher.

Why is this important? According to PBS, The U.S. State Department has identified Ghana as the top sources of data leaks in the world. Hard drives from discarded electronics are easily available to hackers here at $35 apiece. Even novice cybercriminals can retrieve records of online transactions, credit cards, personal financial data, and various other kinds of sensitive information.

Enoch Kwesi Messiah is a computer scientist at the Regent University in Accra. He reveals, “I can get your bank numbers and I retrieve all your money from your accounts. If ever somebody gets your hard drive, he can get every information about you from the drive, no matter where it is hidden.”

A shocking incident reported in recent times involves the details of a government contract worth $22 million that were extracted from an old hard drive. When attempts were made to locate the source, it was traced back to Northrop Grumman, one of the military contractors of the country. The drive also held highly classified information about contracts with Homeland Security, NASA, and the U.S. defense intelligence agency.

Think about it! If government agencies can become the targets of millions of dollars worth of data breaches, your information is a much easier target.

4. Recycling Lowers Wastage of the Earth’s Resources:

Reusing gadgets and recovering reusable materials from them will help reverse some of the wastage of the earth’s resources. Should you check some of the statistics revealed by ThoughtCo., you will learn that the power saved by recycling a cell phone can run a laptop for 44 hours. If all of the 130 million phones annually discarded in the U.S. were recycled, the energy saved could power 24,000 homes for a whole year. Other than gold, silver, and copper, cell phones also contain palladium, platinum, tin, and zinc, all of which are metals that can be used and reused several times over simply by adopting the proper e-waste recycling methods.

Responsible e-waste recycling is now more about protecting the environment in your country. The problem has become so huge that you need to take a step back and carefully view the big picture. Saving the earth begins with every citizen who upgrades to a new gadget. Have you REALLY done your bit?

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Best Landline Phones

How To Choose Best Landline Phones In 2020

Having the best landline phones means crystal clear sound output and generous cordless range. Buy the wrong one and you might travel your whole house just to have clear communication with your friend and relatives. Cordless phones are evolving with the technology and have maintained their uniqueness amid the smartphone era. Cordless phones come in handy when you are living in an area where the network fluctuates.  In this article, we will discuss how best landline phones work and what are the methods that you can choose to get your hands on some of the best landline phones in India. Buying Guide of Best Landline Phones It is very important to go through all the features before buying a landline phone. Having an ample amount of knowledge about landline phones will certainly help you to find the best landline phones in India. Here are the things that you must consider before buying landline phones. 1. Range The range is the most important factor that you must consider before buying a landline phone. Here the range we are talking about the landline phones is the range in which you can comfortably call and receive calls. Cordless phones or landline phones are mostly used for offices or at home. So, you would like them to be in such a manner that they didn’t lose connection in the between important talk.  Most of the landline line forms have good long-distance communication, while others have less. However, you must consider all the other factors as well that might cause problems with landline communications. 2. Structure Here structure means the physical body and appearance of the landline phones. Several brands offer different types of landline phones. And each model comes with its custom design. This design mostly helps users with comfortable handling of landline phones while communications. In this matter, your choice will greatly affect the kind of landline phones you want to buy. Whether you are buying for the official use or for home purposes, your decision to choose one will be decided by their use. 3. Types of handsets There are different types of handsets. In the market, you will find a single set handset, double set handset, and multiple set handset. The number of handsets you will buy depends on the uses. Also, you will get a discount with multiple handsets. Earlier, to use the multiple set of handsets, you needed to have the same manufacturer. But with the new technologies, this boundary has been breached. Today, if your handset is integrated with the new technology, then there are chances that different manufactured handsets can be easily connected. 4. Caller Id features Caller ID features are essential for any landline phone. With this feature, you will not only be able to view the number, but you will also be able to see the name of the caller and the country code. This way you will easily be bale deduced from where the call is coming. Today, the caller ID features have now become part of the service providers. So to avail of the services, you have to make sure that your landline phone is supported by the DECT (Digital enhanced cordless technology) technology. 5. Battery The best part of the landline phones is that they are directly powered by electricity. Hence, you don't have to charge them. You can just plug them to the power currency and you will be all set to use them. However, there are new models of landline phones that do come with the rechargeable system.  That means, you can recharge them and use them and once the power is below the red line you can simply put them on charge again. This feature was recently added to the landline p[hiones to make office work efficient. 6. Brand As a customer, we certainly look at the brands of landline phones.  The brands are the entities that provide a source of trustee on the product. without a reliable brand, customers might not show their faith in the product. Hence, the brand becomes very important while choosing the best landline phones in India. There are several errands in the market that boast of selling some of the best landline phones in India. Panasonic, Philips, Motorola Beetel are some of the top brands that are considered among the best brands for landline phones. These brands have a large customer base and provide high-quality products to their customers. 7. Price India has a price-sensitive market. Here people see the price of the product before looking at the quality of the product. And this is the reason you will find different types of products in the market. Starting from the cheap and low-quality product to the high premium quality product. No matter what your budget is, you can easily afford a landline phone. However, you will find the differences in their performance quality with the price ranges. With the low price of landline phones, you might not find the quality.  But with high budget landline phones, it is guaranteed to get good quality products. Read Also: Layman’s Guide for Improving Your Phone’s Signal Strength Phone Recruiting – Out of Date, or Even Better? 5 of the Coolest Cases for the iPhone 6S How Can BYOD Improve Your Productivity? Reduce Your Exposure to Radiation When Using Your Mobile Phone

Best Gadgets for Teachers

7 Best Gadgets for Teachers in 2020

Gone are the days when the teacher only needed a board and chalk to hold lectures. Sure; you could try doing that. But don’t expect today’s generations of students to be engaged with such an approach. You must know the best gadgets for teachers in 2020. As a student in a modern classroom, you have to use contemporary methods of teaching. That involves using the specific best gadgets for teachers that help you show the things you want to explain. 7 Best Gadgets for Teachers: Let’s see: what are the best gadgets for teachers should use in classrooms? 1. Acer Pico C120 Projector: You don’t have a lot to invest? The most advanced best gadgets for teachers cost a lot of money, but this simple projector comes for less than $200. It’s small and portable so you can bring it to the classroom(as classroom gadgets) whenever you need it. The school can invest in a few of these projectors, and all teachers can use them. Projectors are cool because they show things on a big platform. The computer screen is not big enough for everyone to see. If, for example, you’re chatting with the writer from a term paper writing service trying to get essay writing tips, you may display the instructions through the projector in real-time. 2. NumonicsIntelliboard Interactive Whiteboard: The blackboard no longer works. When there’s a solution so advanced as this Intelliboard, there’s no going back. It’s an expensive gadget (it costs over $1300 on a discount), so it’s probably something the school or a donor should provide for the classroom. The NumonicsIntelliboard acts as a computer and a board at the same time. And so much more! You can write and draw on it, and you can save the designs as notes on your computer. It holds advanced educational content software that lets you develop lesson plans. You’ll get free online instructions on how to use it, and it doesn’t have a huge learning curve. 3. Catchbox: This is a microphone that you can throw and catch. It’s perfect for interactive and collaborative activities in the classroom. Let’s say your students should complete an academic assignment together. They will pass around the Catchbox, each giving ideas and arguments. Then, they will compose sentences together. 4. Mophie Powerstation: A modern teacher needs their laptop, tablet, and smartphone. They need to stay connected, but they also use these devices in the classroom. So it’s important to have a backup charger all the time. The MophiePowerstation is a portable battery with two USB ports, which allow you to charge different devices. 5. Rocketbook Everlast: Throughout a single day at work, you write more custom notes than you probably should. You’ve written several notebooks over the years and you have no idea what information you have in them. It would be too hard to find the detail you need. The Everlast notebook changes that. It’s just like a notebook, but it’s a digital device. It changes the concept of note-taking. It’s more comfortable than your smartphone or tablet since you’re writing instead of typing. And let’s be honest, if you are a pregnant teacher, BABY BRAIN is the last thing you want your students to catch onto, so having a nifty notebook like this will do wonders. You can also use it as a tool to teach as teachers gadgets academic writing. You already know that almost every student uses an affordable custom writing service when they get stuck with a project. To prevent that from happening, you should make them fall in love with writing. This device shows them that being a writer is actually cool. 6. Wear OS by Google: Still, resisting the smartwatch? It may be because Apple’s watch looks hideous. It’s not classy at all. Google fixed that! Wear OS looks more like a traditional watch, but it’s packed with features that make you a more effective teacher. It will give you reminders synchronized with your Google calendar. You can check the digital wallet or even pay through your watch. If the phone rings in the middle of a lecture, you’ll be able to control it through the watch, so you’ll avoid frantically searching for it. You can choose between many different models, so you can be mindful of your style and retain the status of the coolest teacher at school. 7. AmScope MD35 Microscope Imager Digital USB Camera: Do you remember the days when your chemistry and biology teachers made you go to the microscope, one by one? You couldn’t wait for your turn and then you saw it… nothing. You couldn’t see anything because the microscope wasn’t focused well on your eyes. Today, you have a better microscope in the classroom. But the process of getting one student after another to see something is still a waste of time. With this digital USB camera, you’ll show what’s going on on a big screen. These are the cool gadgets for teachers in 2020. Do You Want to Be the Best Teacher You Could Be? The perfect gadgets make you look cool. When you have the “cool” appeal for students, they are more willing to pay attention to what you’re saying. But the devices also help you to deliver more effective instructions. Students love technology, and you have access to such tech gadgets for teachers that makes the teaching process effortless. It’s an offer you can’t refuse, and if you need help financing this kind of equipment, a title loan could help you. Read Also: 5 Awesome Gadgets For Your Office Your Guide In Buying Kid-Friendly Gadgets Top 5 Electronics Gadgets To Buy From Amazon US

Button cell battery chart

Button Cell Battery Chart- know about it more

Did your flashlight battery run out? If yes, then it will be good if you buy a new battery for your flashlight according to the recommendation from the manufacturers. If you follow the instructions or manuals given by the manufacturer inside then you can save your device from damages and wrong type of batteries. While you are replacing the batteries make sure to check the details such as battery type, capacity, chemistry, dimensions, max pulse current, self-discharge rate, etc. It may sound complicated however it is necessary for good performance of the gadget. Here we have small tips related to battery and its safety- You must never recharge the battery with the wrong charger as well as do not charge primary batteries or it may explode and cause fires. Do not swallow the battery; keep your kids away from it. These NiMH and lithium batteries do not contain toxic metals but they are dangerous and when swallowed electrolytes will close the circuit in the body as well as cause chemical reaction which caused the ultimate death of a person. Battery types: Coin/ button cell battery: These are grouped under no- rechargeable batteries. It is common in key chains, watches, remote controls, and hearing aids. There are various chemistry types of this battery like silver oxide, alkaline, and mercury oxide. In addition, most of the manufacturer interchangeably makes use of similar labels for silver oxide and alkaline batteries. If you look at the button cell battery chart then you can find out the difference and also know about the button battery sizes. Alkaline: Alkaline coin/button cell batteries are cheap and reliable batteries. 1.5 volts is the nominal voltage of this battery but when you use this battery its voltage drops with time. The real capacity of this battery is dependent on the device cut off voltage. If it is to be used in electronic equipment where there is the requirement of the constant high voltage then the so-called capacity of this battery is low. In such gadgets the need for replacement of the battery is quick. However, if the alkaline battery is to be used in gadgets that can tolerate low battery voltage, then its so-called capacity will be larger and you need not replace batteries in them so soon. Typical labels for alkaline batteries are LR##, AG##, LR###, etc. The normal capacity of alkaline LR44 is about 110-130 mAh and it is lower than equivalent silver oxide battery. Common Shelf life for it is 5 years. Silver Oxide: These button/coin cell batteries are a well-known type of batteries. They are not very expensive and have a shelf life of about 10 or more years. They have constant voltage while an operation that is identical to the nominal voltage of the alkaline batteries. Typical labels of this battery type are SR##, SG##, SR###, etc. Typical capacity of these types of batteries ex- Silver oxide SR44 is 150-200 mAh and it is more than equivalent alkaline LR44 while less than zinc-air. Zinc Air: These are used widely in hearing aid devices. They are having slightly lesser nominal voltage (1.4 to 1.45 V) however this voltage is quite similar or higher than the alkaline batteries voltage while using. In addition to this, these batteries got the largest capacity and chemistry. Typical capacity- 600-700 mAh and it is the much larger capacity when compared to silver oxide. These batteries are not common because of different reasons, however, one of the common reasons is that they work by using air, and when electrolyte dries out, it is dead and needed to be replaced. Depending on manufacturer and model, after the protective tab of these batteries is removed, leave it for some minute in the air then use it for weeks. It has a shelf life of 4-5 years. Mercury oxide: These types of batteries are no longer in the use because of their impact on the environment. They require slightly lower voltage (~1.35V) they have good capacity. The typical capacity of battery MR44 is 180-200 mAh and it is quite similar to silver oxide SR44. If a small portion of these batteries is swallowed then it can induce vomiting. Cylindrical batteries: These are commonly used in devices such as remote control devices, key chains, bikes, electric tools, etc. Cylindrical batteries are divided into 2 groups such as- Non-rechargeable or primary batteries rechargeable or secondary batteries It is to be noted that the primary batteries must never be charges. Also, keep in mind that does not recharge batteries with NOT designed charger. The nominal voltage of the non-rechargeable cell is 1.5V regardless of whether they are alkaline or carbon-zinc batteries. These are interchangeable nit alkaline batteries that have huge capacity and they are used more than the zinc-carbon batteries. For Primary lithium batteries, nominal voltage is 3V; they have a larger capacity and are light weighted. In addition to this, they tend to be highly expensive than the zinc-carbon as well as alkaline batteries and are utilized in high power gadgets such as cameras, flashlights, etc. Secondary cells’ nominal voltage is dependent on its chemistry. These batteries are smaller and packed with enough energy but if mistreated then it may burst or explode. Hence, make sure you refer a button cell battery chart before replacing or using any batteries in your device. nickel Cadmium battery it is also referred to as NiCd batteries and they have the nominal voltage of 1.2 V. it can generate large current however it has limited capacity as well as number of charging/ discharging cycles. Nickel metal hydride- it is also referred to as NiMH batteries and it offers good capacity, low rate of self-discharge, good shelf life, etc along with reasonable rates. Lithium secondary batteries- they have a voltage ranging from 3.3-3.7V and are labeled as 3.7 or 3.6V batteries. They have a large capacity, improved safety, and a higher drain. For more information about batteries, you can refer button cell battery chart. We hope you have gained enough knowledge about batteries and their usage. Hurry up and go replace your batteries. Read Also: Car Battery Maintenance 101 Add Accuracy To Your Testing With The Help Of Multimeter The Latest Way Of Transportation: Electric Motor Scooters