5 Eye-Opening Reasons to Choose Certified E-Waste Recycling Agencies

Published on: 23 November 2020 Last Updated on: 15 June 2021
E-Waste Recycling

Let’s see if this situation sounds familiar.

You just bought the latest phone on the market. And, like any responsible citizen, you took the old gadget to an e-waste recycling center and deposited it. You walked out of the center confident that the old phone would be taken care of safely. You then forgot about the gadget altogether.

Well! The story doesn’t quite end there. And, if you are an environmentally conscious person, you may want to take a closer look behind the scenes to identify what happens to the redundant and used devices once they leave your ownership.

Did You Check for the Certification of the E-Waste Recycling Center?

Should you check this feature on MoneyCrashers, you will come across an interesting observation. Delivering your e-waste to a recycling agency does not guarantee safe disposal. That’s because many such centers use unscrupulous methods to get rid of the gadgets. While the measures they use may comply with U.S. e-waste management regulations, they could cause severe damage to the environment in other offshore locations. The only way you can get complete assurance that the old electronics will be taken care of the right way is if you deposit them at certified recycling centers.

Alternatively, you can exchange them at the original manufacturer. It might interest you to know that in the year 2015, Apple accepted and recycled 90 million pounds of electronic gadgets to extract usable materials. These materials included plastic, 6612 pounds of silver, 2.9 million pounds of copper, and 2204 pounds of gold.

Choosing a certified e-waste recycling agency when getting rid of old and used electronics ensures that your gadgets will not end up in landfills and pollute the environment around your hometown. But, that’s just one good reason. Here are 4 more.

1. Recycling Agencies Choose Supposedly Economical Methods for IT Asset Disposal:

Recycling Agencies Choose Supposedly Economical Methods for IT Asset Disposal

You might think that you’re doing your bit to help the environment by recycling cell phones and other devices. But, keep in mind that although the recovered materials are valuable, the recycling process is not exactly economical for regular agencies. Extracting metals for reuse involves a careful process using the right kind of equipment and trained personnel. To save on the expense of dismantling old gadgets and separating the useful materials, most agencies simply ship them off to third-world countries.

Would you like to know how the process works? Containers reaching the shores of the U.S. from Hong Kong and other vendor companies across the world are typically sent back empty after the goods are unloaded from them. In an attempt to cash in on the reverse transportation, the giant cargo boxes are now filled with used electronics and sent to Far East destinations under the guise of donations for philanthropic purposes.

2. Environmental Damage is Transferred to Third World Countries:

When the gadgets make their way to countries like China, Ghana, and India, unskilled laborers including young children burn them in giant pits. Once the process is complete, all that remains is the precious metals that are sorted out without any regard for the toxic materials in the ashes. These poisons like arsenic, bromates, lead, and cadmium not only leach into the soil and underground water, but also cause various illnesses among the people who handle them or live around the processing plants. To know more about the extent of the damage, read this article in the Smithsonian magazine.

If you’re looking for e-waste recycling procedures that protect the environment not just in your country, but also in any other location around the world, deliver your devices to certified agencies.

3. Irresponsible E-Waste Recycling is the Largest Cause of Data Breaches:

Should you work with a licensed recycling company, the expert professionals will make sure to dispose of the hard drives in them securely. They may use DoD-approved multiple overwriting or shredding protocols to erase the data and make it impossible to decipher.

Why is this important? According to PBS, The U.S. State Department has identified Ghana as the top sources of data leaks in the world. Hard drives from discarded electronics are easily available to hackers here at $35 apiece. Even novice cybercriminals can retrieve records of online transactions, credit cards, personal financial data, and various other kinds of sensitive information.

Enoch Kwesi Messiah is a computer scientist at the Regent University in Accra. He reveals, “I can get your bank numbers and I retrieve all your money from your accounts. If ever somebody gets your hard drive, he can get every information about you from the drive, no matter where it is hidden.”

A shocking incident reported in recent times involves the details of a government contract worth $22 million that were extracted from an old hard drive. When attempts were made to locate the source, it was traced back to Northrop Grumman, one of the military contractors of the country. The drive also held highly classified information about contracts with Homeland Security, NASA, and the U.S. defense intelligence agency.

Think about it! If government agencies can become the targets of millions of dollars worth of data breaches, your information is a much easier target.

4. Recycling Lowers Wastage of the Earth’s Resources:

Reusing gadgets and recovering reusable materials from them will help reverse some of the wastage of the earth’s resources. Should you check some of the statistics revealed by ThoughtCo., you will learn that the power saved by recycling a cell phone can run a laptop for 44 hours. If all of the 130 million phones annually discarded in the U.S. were recycled, the energy saved could power 24,000 homes for a whole year. Other than gold, silver, and copper, cell phones also contain palladium, platinum, tin, and zinc, all of which are metals that can be used and reused several times over simply by adopting the proper e-waste recycling methods.

Responsible e-waste recycling is now more about protecting the environment in your country. The problem has become so huge that you need to take a step back and carefully view the big picture. Saving the earth begins with every citizen who upgrades to a new gadget. Have you REALLY done your bit?

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Drones Camera

6 Coolest Uses For Drones Today

Okay, so drones are one of the coolest toys around and we all want to know new and interesting ways to use our cool new toys, right? Well, it turns out, you can use drones for just about anything that you would use a private talking bird for. And we love them for it! 1. Drones Carrying Love Letters and Packages : When you want to woo your favorite geek, drones are the perfect way to do it. Craft something handmade, heartfelt, and meaningful, and send it off to your loved one with a drone. Letters, packages, small furry animals, giant red hearts, stuffed teddy bears, and sparkly handmade crafts are all excellent options for using your drone to continue the courtship of your favorite geek. Remember to test the load-bearing capacity of the drone before you risk crashing it into someone's hair and, if the drone is traveling over a fence, respect your neighbor's privacy by NOT attaching a camera to it. Other fun uses for cameras are listed below. What kind of ideas do you have for your loved one? Well, for one, as long as you attach a camera to see where it's going, you send your loved one a kitten in a small little cardboard cage. It will arrive in style, it will be unbelievable cute and adorable, and your loved one will swoon from the adorable-ness of it all. A more animal-friendly option would be to attach a stuffed animal to the drone, instead. Either has claws which can retract, dropping the stuffed animal into their arms or plan on a safe place to set the drone down somewhere. Your choice. Just make sure that no one feels that they have to approach spinning propellers to get their gift. Also, consider doing this on a calm, still day and avoid any distance in which wind can blow long hair into the mechanism. Safety first, our little drones. 2. Drones Carrying Scanners and Heat Sensors for Cattle Ranching : Want to keep an eye on all of your cows and bulls? Well, drones equipped with cameras and heat sensors can do exactly that for you. In the olden days, the land was open (not fenced in) and cowboys and horses were required to keep an eye on all of your cattle. Nowadays, we have fences and drones to keep your mooing creatures of investment safe. Be sure and get accustomed to seeing the difference between cattle and, say, wolves. Keep an eye on things by looking around your lands and then riding off to help if need be. This will significantly reduce the number of hours you have to be employed out in the fields, thus saving you time, energy AND money. 3. Drones Helping People Find Their Way Around : Have you ever tried finding your way around a foreign city (or even a domestic city in another part of this country) all by yourself? You get very familiar with the bulky paper map right away. And it's a pain to navigate unless you have room to spread it out and no wind. Enter drones. They can be part of your chamber of commerce and real estate agencies and your concierge services. Imagine stepping off a plane, NOT renting a car, and just grabbing a smoothie or coffee at the airport and tagging a drone on your way out. You tell it where you want to go, it uses maps, services, listings, and local data to tell you about interesting places to visit, and calculates your cab fare for you so that you don't overpay. You and your drone get in the cab and run off into the city, footloose and fancy-free! 4. Drones Used for Property Protection and Privacy Screening : If you like to hole up in your hidden, heavily camouflaged castle, then we have the drone activity for you! Attach cameras, night vision cameras, and heat sensors to your friendly private drone and send it off to do property patrol for you. Sip your scotch or wine in your private library, surrounded by your books and your masterful plans for world domination, and laugh maniacally. After you have sent your drones out a couple of times a night, program your computer to alert you to any intruders, settle down with your cigars and whiskey to binge-watch Longmire on Netflix, and dream of the day when you can own your own city-state. 5. Drones Ready to Water Gardens and Crops : Gardeners love working and basking in the warm sunshine and feeling the moist, rich, living soil between their fingers. However, making sure that everything gets the proper amount of watering (always less than you think, it turns out) is a really annoying thing. Instead of trying to drag hoses everywhere, unkinking them, making sure they don't run over your plants, unkinking them some more, and then putting them back afterward so that you can use your driveway like normal, use a drone, instead! Drones can carry sprayers (for insecticides) and waterers (for daily thirst-quenching) and they can fly over your garden, fields and small farm without having to do anything but watch and guide the movement from the comfort of your porch with your glass of iced lemonade. Hate the heat, too? Attach a camera to your drone and do all of your watering from the comfort of your nice, cool living room. 6. Drones Being Your Next Wingman : As if drones could possibly get any cooler, and we agree that it would be hard to try, you can utilize your massive engineering and droning knowledge to charm your way to picking up the next guy or girl on your list! Picture this: You're chatting up some hottie of the opposite sex, everything is looking good to go, and your drone peacefully flies up and hovers beside the two of you, offering helpful, recorded messages about how swoon-worthy you are. Some helpful suggestions would be, "Alex is a real hottie, isn't he?" and "Mary is the most popular girl in town" and "Would you like to have drinks later?" While the object of your interest is busy doubling over at the hilarity of it all, consider bringing it home with a nice, smiling salute to your drone before you have it fly away. Who can argue with that much game? Read Also : The Smoot Charon TS 218 Touch Screen Mod How To Choose The Best Printer For Your Office Must-Have Gadgets For Your Startup

aeropress machine

How to Make Coffee with Aeropress Machine

 The Aero press is one of the most straightforward gadgets that you can use to make your morning coffee faster. Invented in 2009 by Engineer Allan Adler, the Aeropress machine has gained popularity due to its small size, high portability and efficient speed in brewing coffee. Due to its portability, you can carry the device to your camping escapade, fishing, or any sporting coffee. With the Aeropress machine, you can have your coffee anywhere at any time. How to assemble an Aeropress machine Remember, you can buy your Aeropress coffee maker from a trustworthy place. Some of the accessories that come with the coffee machine include: The Aeropress device which is a plastic plunger Cap that should get placed at the end of the AeroPress device The fillers which should be used alongside the cap A scoop that should be used to measure the coffee A funnel to put the beans and neatly organize them in the chamber Paddle to be used in stirring the coffee Once you have acquired all the accessories of the AeroPress machine, here is how to assemble the machine: Step 1: Push the plunger of the machine out of the chamber Step2: Remove the filter and put it in the filter cap Step3: By twisting the filter cap, put it into the chamber Step4:  Put the chamber on top of a stand. Put the chamber on a sturdy mug and ensure it stands firmly. Put the ground coffee in the chamber. Step5: Share properly to ensure the coffee is leveled correctly. Step 6:  Add water to the chamber. Ensure the water fill up to level 1. At this point, you are ready to brew the coffee. If you want hot coffee, use hot water, but if you need cold coffee, use cold water. Remember, with the AeroPress machine, the coffee taste is determined purely by the water's temperature. If you use boiling water, it will make your coffee bitter. The manufacturer's recommendation is to use water at 175 degrees. Though it is not practical to achieve the exact temperature, you can boil the water and allow it to cool down before using it. Also, ensure that you use high-quality coffee bean; preferably, coffee beans that have been ground recently. The coffee bean should be finely ground. How to brew coffee If you have everything in place, the process of brewing coffee should take less than two minutes. There are two ways to make coffee using the AeroPress machine; the inverted way, and the usual way. Both methods make delicious coffee, but one is faster. Equipment required Electric stove and kettle The AeroPress machine; stirrer, funnel, and scoop A coffee grinder Small pitcher, or a mug Timer Original method Start by boiling the water. Remember, boil the water and let it cool for a minute since the coffee maker works best at a temperature of 175 degrees. Grind your beans. Depending on the amount of coffee that you want to make, grind the beans accordingly. For the two cups, grind at least two spoonfuls of coffee. Remember, you must grind the coffee until its fine. Ensure the filter is wet. After assembling the Aeropress machine, put paper filler inside the cap. Place the device on top of a mug and dab the filter with warm water. Place the warm funnel on top of a mug and dispense the coffee. After pouring the coffee, remove the funnel. Add warm water. Ensure you add the water until it gets to the marked line in the machine. Remember, the water should be recently boiled and cooled. Using a spoon or a paddle stirrer, stir the coffee until it dissolves. Insert the plunger by pressing it down till a hiss is heard. If you fill any resistance, pause briefly. Push the plunger gently until it reaches the ground. 8. Remove filler cap while pushing the plunger. This should eject the used coffee while rinsing the seal. Dilute and taste your coffee. Depending on how you want your coffee to taste, add more water. The Aeropress machine makes concentrated coffee. Thus you can split the concentrated coffee and make more cups. Reverse method Reverse method is similar to the standard process but with few adjustments. Here is the method: Start by assembling the Aeropress machine. Remember, in this method, and the machine must get assembled in an upside-down manner. Put the plunger in the chamber, flip the device upside-down, and don't put the cap and the filter. Put the funnel and pour the ground coffee. Use fine coffee grits enough for the amount of coffee needed. Next, add boiled water until you fill the filter. Remember, you should boil the water and let it cool for a few minutes. using a spoon or a paddle, stir the coffee gently. Steep the coffee for at least one minute. Place the paper cap and tightly screw it into the chamber Carefully, flip over the machine. Remember, this should get done accurately and quickly. After flipping, place the device on a mug Taste the coffee and dilute as desired. Remember, both ways make concentrated coffee, thus add water until you get the desired coffee. The Aeropress machine features as the most resourceful and most efficient coffee maker. It is less fussy and makes minimum noise; hence, you can use in places that require minimum noise. The machine is also highly affordable, with some brand costing less than twenty dollars on amazon. It is light and highly durable; thus, it can last long and give you value for money. It is easy to assemble and clean, even if you don't have any technical knowledge. The only downside of this machine is that you can only make two cups of coffee. Thus, if you are hosting a party, or your household has more than two people, then you will be forced to make the coffee several times. How to make coffee: [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlCUYNe9pes&t=100s[/embed] Read Also: 10 Best Coffee Places In The US How You Can Create A Coffee House Experience In Your Own Home 7 Fantastically Unusual Uses Of Old Coffee Beans Monthly Best Coffee Subscription

Vampire Appliances

Vampire Appliances And Electronic Costs

Can you imagine spending a day without your electronic devices? It is possible, but it’s not convenient. Electronics help us to get our job done faster, and more effective; they entertain and keep us healthy. The only scary thing is paying off the electricity bills. During the winter season, energy bills are set to skyrocket. The worse thing is that most people keep paying for devices they don’t use during the day. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to learn more about the c and stop paying for nothing. Vampire Appliances And Electronic Costs: Vampire appliances are devices you leave plugged in. According to the latest statistics, every house owner in the United States pays around $200 monthly for electronics they don’t use. Yes, your favorite coffee machine, microwave, electric toothbrush, and desktop secretly ‘steal your money.’ If you want to get rid of these vampires in your house and lower your monthly electricity bill, check out these practical tips: First of all, consider replacing your current bulbs. You might want to invest in fluorescent lighting to lower your bills. It’s important to mention that they are also eco-friendly. Secondly, start using power strips. It will allow you to switch off your electronics faster and save a few bucks. Use power strips for devices such as a printer, modem, DVD player, and TV. Before you leave your flat, make sure to unplug all the electronics. Leaving your phone charger can feed the vampire and increase your bill. Also, you might want to adjust your power setting so that your desktop will go into the sleep mode every time you leave the house. These simple tips will help you save hundreds of dollars within a year. To learn more about it, check out recommendations in the infographic provided by Texas energy:   Read Also: What’s A Good USB Cable? Smart House Technology For Saving Energy Top 5 Electronics Gadgets To Buy From Amazon US The Best Personal Protection Devices To Keep You Safe 5 Key Factors To Consider Before Buying The Best Smart TV In India