What Entrepreneurs With Bad Credit Need to Know Before Applying for a Loan

Published on: 08 January 2019 Last Updated on: 30 July 2021
Bad Credit

If you have a dream of starting a new business, don’t assume your bad credit will hold you back. There are plenty of loan options to choose from and you can even apply for unsecured business loans with bad credit as well as find alternative ways of raising capital. This brief overview of some of these resources may give you hope for realizing your dream.

Take Advantage of Government Programs:

While searching for bad credit loans Tampa can open up some doors for you, taking advantage of the government’s generosity should be a primary concern. One of the best programs offered by Uncle Sam is the SBA loan. The Small Business Administration partners with lenders who are interested in supporting new startups. The SBA is able to approve entrepreneurs with bad credit because they pledge to cover 90% of a defaulted loan. If the business fails, the lender knows the government will repay the majority of the loss.

While the SBA loan is widely recognized, it’s not the only government-sponsored loan available. Federal, state, and local governments offer a broad range of grants and loans. Some opportunities target specific groups, such as women and minorities, so a little searching may uncover the right loan for you.

A newer option is the microloans, which is a smaller loan with a brief repayment schedule. Microloans are available through government programs and from commercial lenders. Depending on the amount of capital you need to raise for your business, this may be a good option. Microloans were specially designed to cater to prospective entrepreneurs with bad credit.

More Funding Options for Entrepreneurs:

Outside of government programs and high-interest commercial lending, there are a number of newer options available. One such alternative is crowdfunding. This is an online method of asking others to donate to your business in exchange for small concessions. You choose what you’ll offer your investors, but remember that more valuable perks will earn you higher donations.

You might also look to business venture capitalists to fund your project. It will require crafting an exciting pitch that will show potential investors what your business can do for them. There is a downside to this option, however. Investors own a stake in the business, so you may lose control over how your business is run. Additionally, the profits you earn won’t be solely yours to keep.

There are even more borrowing options online. From peer lending to short-term loans, you may find a financial product to suit your needs. Before signing off on one of these loans, be sure to read the fine print. Failure to understand the terms of the loan could end up costing you your business if you’re unable to meet your obligations. Before agreeing to a loan that gives you cause for concern, explore all of your other options.

One of the best ways to raise capital for your business is to save the money yourself. It may require working a second job in combination with launching your business, but the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices. When your business does succeed and start to grow, it will be the result of your own labors. You won’t owe anything to anyone and the profits will be yours to do with as you please.

In the end, you may find that you prefer to rebuild your credit first. This is also an option and it’s something that may benefit you for years to come. How you proceed is up to you and each option carries its own costs. Whether it’s your own time, control of your business, or paying a higher rate of interest, there’s no escaping the cost. You’ll have to decide for yourself what price you’re willing to pay to give your dream life.

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Free Currency APIs

10 Reliable Free Currency APIs For Your Business

In today's globalized economy, businesses are constantly engaged in international transactions and dealing with multiple currencies. Accessing accurate and up-to-date currency exchange rates is crucial for seamless financial operations, informed decision-making, and ensuring the accuracy of financial records. This is where currency APIs come into play. Currency converter API (aka. exchange rate API) enable businesses to retrieve real-time exchange rates and perform currency conversions effortlessly. They provide a direct and reliable channel for accessing currency data. Hence, eliminating the need for manual data collection and ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of information. Why is reliable currency data crucial for businesses? Accurate currency information is vital for various financial activities, including e-commerce, international trade, travel and hospitality, investment analysis, accounting, and risk management. It enables businesses to calculate product prices, manage inventory costs, track revenue and expenses, and evaluate profitability across different markets. However, with numerous currency APIs available, it becomes essential to identify reliable data sources that suit your business requirements. To help you navigate the options, we have curated a list of 10 trustworthy and free currency APIs that offer reliable and accurate exchange rate data. Let's learn about them. What Is A Currency Converter API? A Currency API Convertor allows applications to retrieve real-time or historical currency exchange rates, perform currency conversions, and access other currency-related data. It acts as a bridge between different software systems, enabling seamless integration and communication. Let’s read about some of the most popular currency APIs available today. What Are the Ten Best Currency APIs Available In the Market Today? Here are the ten most reliable currency APIs. Fixer.io Source: https://fixer.io/ Fixer API is a popular currency API that provides real-time and historical exchange rates for over 170 currencies. This API comes with 6+ years of experience and rock-solid data sources, making it a reliable API. As a result, thousands of developers trust this API worldwide. It offers reliable data retrieval through a RESTful API and supports multiple integration options. Fixer API offers free and paid plans, with pricing details available on their website, catering to businesses of all sizes. Currencylayer Source: https://currencylayer.com/ Currencylayer API is a popular choice for businesses seeking reliable currency data. With access to real-time exchange rates for 168 currencies, it offers features like historical rates, time-series data, and conversion capabilities. You can try these API endpoints available on their website. While it offers a free plan with limited features, its premium plans provide more comprehensive options tailored to specific business needs. Pricing starts from $14.99 and goes up to $99.99. There is also a custom plan for users. Exchange Rates API Source: https://exchangeratesapi.io/ Exchange Rates API is a reliable currency API that provides access to real-time and historical exchange rates for over 200 currencies. Moreover, the API gives 250 free requests monthly. It is a simple, quick, and reliable API with pricing starting from $9.99. This API uses over 15 exchange rate sources to bring accurate data for the users. Open Exchange Rates Source: https://openexchangerates.org/ Open Exchange Rates is a popular currency API provider offering accurate and up-to-date exchange rates for over 200 digital currencies. With various integration options, it enables seamless data retrieval and currency conversion. Businesses like Shopify and Etsy also benefit largely from the Open Exchange Rates API. The pricing starts from $12 per month. You can also choose the unlimited plan that costs $97 per month. XE XE API is a widely trusted currency API that offers real-time exchange rates and historical data for over 210 currencies. Its easy integration allows businesses to access reliable currency data for accurate conversions and financial operations. Pricing for XE API can be found on their website, accommodating different business needs. However, this API is more expensive than other available options. Businesses like Vistaprint and Shopify also trust this API. Currency API Currency API offers a robust set of features supporting 170+ currencies globally. The API gives updated results after 60 seconds. This simple and reliable API comes with 300 free credits per month. The prices range between $9.99 and $74.99 per month. You can also get a custom plan. IBAN IBAN's Forex Reference Suite is a leading currency conversion API in 2023. It sources its data from reputable central banks as well as trusted providers, ensuring the reliability of the information. This API consistently refreshes the currency rates every 10 minutes, offering timely and accurate updates. Access to over 154 currencies enables users to obtain the latest conversions accurately reflecting dynamic market fluctuations. OANDA The OANDA currency converter API allows users to access a comprehensive collection of past data spanning over three decades, encompassing over 200 different commodities, currencies, as well as invaluable metals. This API caters to various professionals, including accountants, auditors, hedge fund managers, and also treasurers. Its primary objective is to deliver precise exchange rates that meet strict financial compliance standards. Currency Converter API Catering to developers of all proficiency levels, this API provides a currency API with three options: a free version, a prepaid service, and a premium solution. The unpaid version, as well as the prepaid service, cater to companies with lower request volumes. In contrast, the payable service is geared towards individuals seeking a robust and ready-to-use currency API for production purposes. Exchangerate.host API When you are searching for an API that is free and has a small resource footprint, it provides real-time and past exchange rates for foreign currencies and cryptocurrencies. The API guarantees an uptime of 99.99% and includes historical data spanning two decades. Conclusion Access to reliable free currency APIs is a game-changer for businesses operating in a global economy. These APIs provide accurate and up-to-date currency exchange rates. Hence, allowing businesses to streamline financial processes, make informed decisions, and ensure the accuracy of their international transactions. The ten reliable free currency APIs mentioned in this blog offer a range of features and data that cater to different business needs. By leveraging these APIs, businesses can reduce errors, save time and resources, enhance customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in the global marketplace. So, take advantage of these powerful tools and unlock the potential of seamless currency data integration for your business's success. FAQs Is There a Free Currency API? Several free currency APIs, such as Fixer, Open Exchange Rates, ExchangeRate-API, and CurrencyLayer, are available. What Is the Free Web Service for Currency Conversion? A popular free web service for currency conversion is XE.com, offering accurate and up-to-date exchange rates. What Is the API for Currency Conversion Rates? The API for currency conversion rates provides real-time or historical exchange rates for seamless currency conversions. Read Also: Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention To Cryptocurrencies In 2021 Crypto Staking: Locking Up Crypto Holdings To Earn Interest Can I Convert My 401k To A Gold IRA?


Everything You Need To Know About Myga’s

People are increasingly looking for safe and dependable investment solutions that will offer a consistent stream of income for their future in the uncertain financial environment of today. Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs), which combine safety, flexibility, and guaranteed returns, have become a popular option. At $24.7 billion in 2022, annuity sales are continuously on the rise, making them worthwhile to consider for your own portfolio. This guide will offer an in-depth examination of MYGA's, covering their characteristics, advantages, factors to take into account, and how they fit into a complete financial plan. An Introduction to MYGAs Insurance firms issue fixed annuity contracts known as Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs). They promise a particular interest rate for a predetermined amount of time, usually between three and ten years. MYGA's, as opposed to variable annuities, provide a fixed rate of return, protecting investors against market turbulence. You get into a contract with an insurance provider when you buy a MYGA. Either a one-time payment in full or a certain number of periodic premium contributions is acceptable. For the term of the contract, the insurance provider guarantees both the principal sum and a set interest rate. You will have the option of either receiving a lump sum payment or annuitizing the accrued money at the conclusion of the contract term. Setting MYGAs Apart From Other Types of Annuities Because of their fixed interest rates and guaranteed returns, MYGAs differ from other annuity types, including variable annuities and fixed annuities. Fixed annuities offer a fixed interest rate but lack the flexibility in contract periods offered by MYGA, whereas variable annuities are dependent on investment performance and expose investors to market risk. Advantages of MYGAs Principal and Interest Guarantees: One of the main benefits of MYGA's is the assurance of both the principal and the interest accrued. The insurance provider makes sure that your money is secure and will make guaranteed returns regardless of market conditions. Particularly for individuals who place a high priority on capital preservation, this offers stability and peace of mind. Tax-Deferred Growth: MYGAs provide tax-deferred growth, which means that taxes are not due on interest earned until the money is withdrawn. As a result, the money that would have been set aside for taxes can continue to compound, allowing your investment to increase more quickly over time. For people in higher tax brackets, tax deferral can be especially advantageous because it may result in tax savings. Flexibility in Terms and Payout Options: MYGAs give you the option to select a contract duration that is in line with your investment objectives. There are options available, whether you desire shorter-term MYGAs for more urgent income demands or longer-term MYGAs for sustained growth. You also have options for how you want to receive the dividend: either a lump sum payment or recurring income installments spread out over a predetermined time.  Things to Consider Before Investing in MYGAs Minimal Initial Investment: The minimal initial investment for MYGAs varies based on the insurance provider and the particular product. Analyzing your financial situation is crucial in order to choose an acceptable investment amount. Before agreeing to a MYGA, take into account variables including your risk tolerance, financial objectives, and cash flow availability. Surrender Periods and Penalties: MYGAs frequently have surrender periods, during which you can incur fees or penalties if you withdraw money before the contract's term is out. Depending on the specifics of the contract, the surrender periods and penalties can range from a few years to a decade. It's important to comprehend the surrender provisions because they affect your liquidity and ability to retrieve the invested cash. Interest Rates and Inflation Protection: Though MYGAs provide interest rates that are guaranteed, it's necessary to take into account current market rates and potential inflation. Your financial objectives should be in line with the interest rate provided by the MYGA, which should also offer a competitive return. Moreover, to make sure that your investment keeps up with rising living expenses, you might want to look for MYGAs that include inflation protection features. Assessing MYGA Suppliers and Products It's crucial to take the insurance company's financial health and ratings into account when choosing a MYGA provider. Choose respectable businesses that have received excellent ratings from independent rating institutions. By doing this, you can be sure that both your investment and the insurance company's capacity to fulfill its commitments are secure and stable. Before choosing an insurance company, compare the interest rates they are willing to provide. Remember that interest rates might change depending on the contract's term and the state of the market. Look for MYGAs that offer reasonable rates in the market, taking into account both the current rates and the insurance company's past performance. Some MYGA products provide extra features and riders that might improve the annuity contract. These could consist of income acceleration options, inflation protection, or death benefit riders. Check to see if these extra features fit with your financial goals by evaluating them. Consider the trade-offs and their applicability to your particular demands while keeping in mind that greater functionality can come at an additional expense.  What Role Do MYGAs Play in a Comprehensive Financial Plan? MYGAs can be quite helpful in determining one's retirement income. They offer security and assurance during retirement by offering a guaranteed income source. MYGAs offer a stable cash flow to cover necessary expenses and can be used as a supplement to other retirement income sources, such as Social Security or pension payments. Because they are guaranteed, MYGAs are frequently seen as conservative investments. They can be a useful tool for investors who place a high priority on capital preservation while balancing risk in their investment portfolio. You can protect a portion of your capital while pursuing higher-risk investments in other asset classes by devoting a portion of your investment portfolio to MYGAs. MYGAs can be included in a portfolio of investments that is both diversified and includes other assets, including stocks, bonds, and real estate. Diversification lessens exposure to the performance of any one asset class by distributing risk and possible rewards among other investment types. You may be able to attain a better balanced risk-reward profile and improve portfolio stability by incorporating MYGAs into a comprehensive financial plan. Final Thoughts For those looking to invest in a safe and predictable source of income for the future, Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs) are an excellent alternative. MYGAs offer a number of advantages, including guaranteed principal and interest, tax-deferred growth, and flexible payout possibilities. Before making an investment in MYGAs, it is essential to carefully analyze variables such as the original investment amount, surrender terms, and interest rates. People can take advantage of the benefits of MYGAs to reach their long-term financial goals by analyzing MYGA providers, comprehending their products, and incorporating them into a thorough financial plan. Always remember to work with a financial advisor to customize MYGAs to your unique situation and make sure they complement your entire investment plan. Read Also: How To Easily Sell Your Life Insurance Policy How To Know If Your Health Insurance Covers Visits To The Chiropractor The Average Price Of Car Insurance In New York – What You Can Expect To Spend!

Investment Plan

How to Select the Best Investment Plan for Your Child?

As parents, you want many things for your child - happiness, health, and a secure financial future. You also want that your child should excel in his/her career. Just imagine your kiddo becoming a star athlete or a budding biologist or a successful entrepreneur who appears in headlines from time to time. Your joy will know no bounds! However, when you want to provide the best of everything to your child, you will have to move beyond the basic parenting skills and contribute to his/her holistic growth. For that purpose, it is sensible to save money for your child’s future and keep him/her financially secure, even in your absence. A good way to start is to invest in an Online Savings Plan, popularly known as ‘Child Investment Plan’. An online savings plan serves the dual purpose of investment and insurance. Most importantly, it fulfils two major requirements: It secures your child’s future financially It provides financial aid at various stages of your child’s life such as higher education, starting a business, or getting married However, with several child investment plans available in the market today, it can become difficult to choose the plan that best meets your child’s needs. Following tips will help you make an informed decision: Determine the Monetary Value Attached to Your Child’s Dreams As a responsible parent, your first step should be identifying and prioritizing your child’s goals and the monetary value attached to them. The two main goals for which you would need significant financial funding is your child’s education and marriage. As far as education is considered, for the time being, decide your child’s goal on behalf him/her and know for sure when the cash is required. Reach a decision, for instance - "I am saving for my son’s engineering degree in 2025, and I may require 20 lakhs for the same". Along these lines, calculate the required funds while taking into consideration the year of the requirement for the respective milestones. Also, with respect to your child’s education, don’t just consider funds for primary and higher education, but also plan for extracurricular activities. In short, make estimates of the amount you intend to spend on your child’s education or marriage. Doing so will help you choose the premium amount and the policy term for the best child investment plan. Go for Equity-linked Online Saving Plans If you have a higher risk appetite for equities and a considerable investment time frame (more than 10 years), you can consider opting for an online savings plan. It is essentially a unit-linked child investment plan that offers you investment as well as insurance feature in a single product. Further, this plan provides multiple investment options like equity, debt and balanced funds. So, if you have a longer investment timeframe, you can go for equity funds as investing in equities for longer duration gives the best returns. On the other hand, if you have a lower appetite, you can go for an online savings plan that offers a balanced mix of growth and debt funds. Remember that just choosing to invest for your child is not enough. Selecting the right investment plan is most important! Therefore, while making your investment decision consider the amount you can spare for investment, your income, cost of higher education, time in hand, and the level of risk. Look for Premium Waiver Benefit Almost all insurers, including Max Life Insurance, offer child plans with premium waiver benefit as a key feature of the base plan. This benefit acts as the most vital feature in case of demise of the parent. In such a situation, the child plan pays a lump sum amount to the nominee. Further, the insurer waives off all future premium, and the plan continues to be active until the entire policy term. This ensures that the maturity benefit remains intact as planned. Check for Provision of Partial Withdrawals Online saving plans also allow partial withdrawals on fixed intervals. The idea behind such partial withdrawals is to allow parents to meet the financial needs of their kids at the key milestones in their life such as admissions for extracurricular activities, admissions in educational institutions, or marriage. This option is also helpful for meeting unplanned expenses in case of medical emergencies. Other Factors to Consider for Child Investment Planning Start investing early. It will help achieve your investment target easily. Also, ‘Power of Compounding’ will play an important role when it comes to investing for your child’s future Know the different premium payment modes. You can opt to pay premiums on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis Invest in a plan that offers a well-balanced mix of equity and debt funds Track your investment at regular intervals and make appropriate changes if required Select a tax-efficient investment option Concluding Today many insurers have come up with attractive child investment plans. However, you need to be judicious about what plan you want to opt for. Also, while making your decision don’t forget to consider criteria like time horizon and age of your child. We hope that this guide will help you choose the right plan for your child and make his or her dreams a reality! Read Also: Investing And Trading 101: Investment Ideas For Newbies How Digital Advisors Have Transformed The Investment Sector Pros And Cons Of Oil And Gas Investment