6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully

Published on: 03 May 2019 Last Updated on: 23 June 2021
Essay Writing task

Undeniably, essay writing is a difficult and tricky process to do. That’s the truth and no one should lie to you. Unfortunately, you will have to write essays every now and then during your college life. That’s also something you must be prepared for.

In fact, writing an essay does not only belong to students of particular fields but it applies to all fields in the academic sphere.

It’s not a secret but it tends to be difficult to express feelings on paper. Writing an effective essay requires one to have outstanding writing skills and enough time.

Well, when we say an effective essay, we mean an essay that is free from all types of errors.

6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully

Since it’s a must to write essays during your college life and there is no way out of it unless you get help from a paper writing service, read these six ways to achieve an essay writing task successfully.

1. Study and Plan

The first thing to do once you are assigned an essay question or task is to read and ensure you understand what you are required to write about and then plan on how to approach the writing process.

Failing to understand the question will lead to submitting an essay that does not answer the question and that can get you disappointing grades. For that reason, you must analyze and plan before you start writing.

2. Gather Relevant Information

Next, you need to gather and assess the usefulness of the information. Understanding the essay question will help you to know where you can get the information to write the actual essay.

To ensure the sources you are using are useful it must be:

  • Current and up-to-date
  • It must be relevant
  • It must be suitable for your type of essay. The information you get must also be accurate and reliable.

3. Read and Write Down Key Points

Once you have collected your materials together, you need to start extracting the information you need from them. This depends on the information you are gathering. For instance, if you are reading a book, you can start by looking at the chapter titles to know which one will help you in your essay writing.

For a journal article, you would better off reading the abstract first so that you can know you should keep reading. After the abstract, you might want to read the introduction since that will help you get more of the argument.

4. Write your Essay

Up to this far, you have an awesome idea on how to go about answering your essay question. You might also want to revisit your plan so that you can update anything that might have changed during the research stage. Understand how you will structure your essay, bearing in mind that it needs to have an introduction, main body, and a concrete conclusion.

The introduction of your essay is meant to let the reader know how you are answering the essay question. The body is where ideas come in; the conclusion tells the reader the approach you have taken to answer the question.

5. Polish Your Essay and Submit

Writing an essay is important but polishing it is also crucial. You need to devote enough time to proofread your essay checking for spelling, grammar, word count, references, and citations.

Remember, you are required to submit an error-free essay. For that reason, you must read it several times and correct all sorts of errors.

Once you are satisfied that your essay is error-free and you have answered the question you can submit it.

6. Reflect

You need to constantly improve your essay writing skills. For that reason, you should reflect on how you wrote your essay. Reflect on how you approached it from the research to the writing stage.

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Wedding Invitations

Reasons for Using Your Handwriting for Wedding Invitations

You can come up with different ways to make your wedding invitations extra special. You are inviting the people who matter to you. The least you can do is to give them an exciting invitation letter. It might not matter much for them, but it can be your way of extending your gratitude to them. Usually, you invite people to attend your wedding if they played a unique role in your personal life or your relationship with your future spouse. You want them to come to the wedding, but even if they don't, you want to make them feel that they matter a lot to you. These days, invitations have become meaningless because people are starting to prioritise practicality. Essential Reasons For Using The Handwriting For Wedding Invitations   There are several reasons why using handwriting for wedding invitations can help your party to rock. You just need to set the goals in thee correct manner that can help you to achieve your objectives. 1. Sending E-vites To Your Friends & Family Members They send e-vites online and people RSVP online too. They design the online invitations well and send to people's emails or inboxes. It still looks good, but it loses the personal touch. Therefore, if you are thinking of a way to make the recipients feel special, you can buy personalised writing paper. Design the paper to match the theme of your wedding. You can include your photos as a couple and your signature. 2. Customized The Paper Online  You can order the customized paper online. You will work with someone in designing the paper to make it look exactly the way you want. Once the paper arrives, you can start writing the content. The necessary information can be the same on all invitations to save time. However, you can individually write additional notes on the invitations to make them unique. 3. Assure people’s attendance You send invitations in the hope that people will come. If you write additional notes on the invitation, they will most probably come. They have no choice because you already included a special message. 4. Let them know you thought of them Sometimes, people receiving invitations don't feel like they are special. They only accepted the invitation because everyone else did. When you write additional notes, they will know that you did not send a generic invitation to everyone. You wrote something on the paper that was personal. While writing it, you thought of that person, and it means a lot. 5. The wedding is personal You don't invite everyone to your wedding. You want only the people who mean something to you to be there. Therefore, even if you spend hours writing out every invitation letter, you won't mind. You know that the person receiving it deserves a special note from you. It seems like couples have used all the tricks in the book to come up with an exciting invitation letter. You can take a step back to try a traditional approach by using your handwriting in every invite. Anyone who receives it will feel surprised. It is not only the message that you wrote but the effort in writing the letter. Given how busy you are with the wedding preparations, you should still find a way to write on every invitation letter. Anyone receiving one will cherish what you gave and won't say no. Read Also: 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Wedding Invites Make Your Pre-Wedding Amazing: 8 Bridal-Shower Planning Ideas


5 Tips on how to Research for an Essay

College life is lots of fun but the one thing you can never escape is the huge amount of essays you will need to submit. These can be time-consuming and often put you under a lot of pressure. Writing the essay is actually the easy part. What is difficult and time-consuming is doing all the research. Fortunately, the internet has made research much easier but it still a challenge. Research is a vital step in the process of essay writing and the quality of your research will determine the quality of the essay. Good preparation will also mean that the writing is much faster and easier. Your first step is to have a clearly defined and well thought-out topic. Doing this will require some initial research and probably point you to some material you might already be familiar with.  Once you are clear on your topic, the research can begin. Here are 5 tips on how you can research for an essay. 1. Plan your research: Don’t just jump right in and start researching. Start with a good understating of the topic and the subject. Use a dictionary and encyclopedias to get a solid grounding. Many times, your essay will include a reading list. Get a list of sources together and even speak to a librarian or look through the library catalog for ideas. An online search will give you many resources. Remember, you will not have time to read everything on the subject so you will have to be selective. Plan your time for research and allocate time per source. Keep a record of all the material you use for research as you will need it later. 2. Use the power of the internet: The fastest way to get a large amount of research is off the internet. There is an art to good searching so make sure you know all the top tips and tricks on the search engines. Again, make notes of all the sites that you used for later reference. Make sure that the source is legitimate and credible as not everything you will read on the internet is correct. Check and double-check all facts. 3. Make a list and start reading: Once you have details of all the material you will use for you will have to systematically work through it. It will require a large amount of reading so take notes as you go. You need to identify parts of the material that is not relevant to your essay so that you can quickly skip over them. Work according to your time budget. If you find that you just do not have enough time to complete it, you might just say “I need someone to do my essay”. Fortunately, there are people that can help you with that. If you are going to do the essay yourself, continue with the research. 4. Evaluate the information: Not all of the information you will have read during your inspection will be relevant to your essay. Probably much of it will need to be excluded. You will need to carefully evaluate all of the data and information to determine the important and relevant aspects.  Here your notes will be very important. Starting organizing all the information that you want to use for your essay to see if there are any parts missing or incomplete. Study the relevant information again. It should be a bit faster now as you are familiar with it and only reading the relevant parts. Discard anything not important or specifically relevant to the topic of your essay. This is a good time to create a detailed plan of your essay outline. 5. Research further: Now that you have evaluated knowing the things well and worked out what is important, you will be able to identify any gaps or areas that might require additional research.  This is not a major task as you will have most of the required information. You will also have a good idea where you can find more details on the points that require additional research. Final thoughts: You will find that if you follow these steps, the research will go more smoothly and a bit faster. Once you have done good quality research it will be easier to produce a great essay. Read Also: Research Thesis Statement Expresses The Judgment Of The Writer On The Topic 5 Tips For Getting A Cheap Essay Writing Service Online


Topic Sentences and Thesis Statements: How do they differ?

For many writers, topic sentences are transition tools that help their readers to transition smoothly between paragraphs. These sentences state the primary ideas paragraphs carry. They are like another form of “mini theses” that give readers a direction regarding where you are taking them. At times, this similarity in roles makes it possible for some inexperienced writers to confuse the functions of these elements. However, many clear differences exist between topic sentences and thesis statements. That is why our writing help discussion will show you these differences. So, remain with this post up to the end to learn more. Thesis statements play different roles Ideally, thesis statements are primary or controlling ideas that show your stand on the topic you are discussing. They set the stage ready to announce specific and narrowed perspective on a topic. Additionally, these statements appear once at the end of opening paragraphs for a shorter paper or at the end of the second or third paragraphs if your papers have longer introductory chapters. However, it is necessary to note that your thesis statement only appears once in the paper while it is necessary to have a topic sentence for each paragraph as you progress with the defense of your essay. Lastly, these statements set the general scope of writing projects and they point your readers to what lies ahead in your paper’s discussions. Topic Sentences We have already looked at the essence, meaning, as well as the primary functions of these statements in your writing assignments. As this section unfolds, we shall shift our attention to the details of topic sentences because they are the primary elements of our discussion. Read also: Have Assignment Problem? Try Assignment Help Online The positioning of topic sentences Unlike thesis statements, topic sentences appear at the start of your paper’s paragraphs so that they can point the readers to what you intend to discuss. However, we have a few cases of exception where you may need to incorporate them after the first sentences. For example, if your paragraphs’ introductions require some background information, you may not use the topic sentences at the start of such paragraphs. Creating connections to the thesis statements Another feature of topic sentences is that they use keywords and phrases in thesis statements to tell the reader those parts of the thesis statements the paragraphs will discuss. Creating links to preceding paragraphs Unlike thesis statements whose primary goal is to point readers to what is coming, topic sentences serve two purposes. They connect the reader to preceding paragraphs while guiding them to what you intend to discuss in the current paragraphs. They create a progressive flow of thoughts Topic sentences help in the systematic flow of your assignments. Unlike thesis statements, these sentences use transitory words such as “moreover, similarly, in addition, first, and lastly.” They play supportive a role Another feature that differentiates hypotheses and topic sentences is that these sentences are supportive tools that uphold the validity of your thesis statements. However, the supportive role they play does not mean they are less important because without them, your audience will not see your thesis statements’ validity since it will be wanting due to lack of evidence to support your hypotheses. The symbiotic relationship that connects these two elements is similar to the one that exists between the egg and chicken. But without thesis statements, there is no need for the very existence of topic sentences. Inversely, thesis statement can exist without a topic sentence even though they will remain barren statements without proof and life. They are general in nature In addition, topic sentences are general in nature. They are general declarations that are followed by other sentences that give more information on the initial declaration. On the other hand, thesis statements are narrowed elements that need the support of similar arguments to prove their validity. Moreover, they stand on the validity of proof and evidence while topic statements require additional materials to serve their purpose. They serve an organizational purpose The last main difference between thesis statements and topic sentences is that they serve as organizational tools. They help you to organize your ideas so that your readers can understand your message better. On the other hand, thesis statements serve as overall roadmaps that require intensive debate to defend their validity. Even though thesis statements share a few similarities, we still have many significant differences that separate them. For instance, these two components are different in their essence and function. In addition, the positioning of topic sentences differs with the thesis statements appearing at the end of your introductions while your topic statements appear at the beginnings of each of your paragraphs. Knowing the fundamental differences in the nature and function of these two elements will help you to know how you can use them appropriately. Read also: 10 Tips For Writing A Dissertation 5 Tips For Getting A Cheap Essay Writing Service Online