Everything You Need To Know About Calcium In Water: By Experts

Calcium In Water

Many leading experts and doctors point out that calcium is one of the most required minerals. Being an essential mineral, scientists and doctors have from time to time have stated how calcium should be consumed. The benefits of calcium are attached to the development of strong and healthy bones and connective tissues.

In addition, calcium is known to help your blood clot, which’s important when you cut yourself. It is worth noting that 99% of the calcium in your body is in your bones and teeth. You may wonder why we need calcium if our bones and teeth are already formed.

The truth is that you lose calcium daily through sweating and other bodily excretions. It cannot be produced by the human body so must be replaced.

Levels of Calcium:

The amount of calcium you need daily changes with age. It actually increases as you get older and helps to keep your body strong and healthy. You can get calcium from the foods you eat. But, you may be surprised at how many people are still in a calcium deficit.

Calcium In Water:

Calcium In Water:

Calcium levels are not the same in all types of water. Hard water generally has significantly higher levels of calcium than soft water. This is because hard water is water that has traveled through rocks and picked up minerals on the way. Soft water doesn’t have the same mineral content.

The interesting thing is that studies into people drinking hard water indicate that this has an array of health benefits. The calcium in this water helps to keep your bones and teeth strong. Other minerals in the water are also beneficial for your health, making hard water a good choice of drinking water.

Of course, calcium is not the only mineral picked up. The water also goes through a treatment plant that removes debris and bacteria by adding other chemicals. This means that, alongside the minerals that are beneficial to you, there will be chemicals that may not be beneficial.

The truth is that research is still ongoing but the chlorine and fluoride added to the water may cause additional health issues. For this reason, many people choose to use water filters and remove all the contaminants, effectively getting pure water.

But, Calcium Water Is Beneficial!

Removing the chemicals also removes the beneficial minerals, including calcium. The good news is that water filters are significantly more advanced than they used to be. They can now remove all the extras in your water and then add specific minerals back in.

This allows you to get the benefits of hard water and calcium in the water, without the potential risks associated with chlorine and fluoride

Of course, if you prefer to drink pure water you can remove all minerals and rely on a supplement to get your calcium. However, if you have hard water it’s a good idea to make the most of it, filter out the chemicals, and enjoy the benefits to your health.

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Weight Lifting

How To Prevent Back Pain During Weight Lifting

Weight lifting is a good exercise with numerous benefits to physical and mental health. Weight lifting promotes blood circulation, aids metabolism, and leads to healthy and stronger bones. Weightlifting can cause some soreness which is expected. However, back pain can be prevented through a proper weightlifting routine. Continue reading to learn about the appropriate weight-lifting routine to prevent back pain. What To Do To Prevent Back Pain During Weightlifting: 1. Stretch Before and After Your Workout Tight muscles are susceptible to injuries, which can be avoided by warming up. A 5 to 10-minute walk on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike will relax the tight muscles and improve blood flow. The more relaxed the body muscle, the more you can get out of weightlifting and the lesser the risk of injuries. Post-workout stretching reduces soreness, aids recovery, and maintains good posture. 2. Be Aware of Your Posture One of the best ways to avoid back pain is to watch your posture in everything you do. Keep up with the neutral spine no matter how heavy you are lifting. The neutral spine allows your back and neck to be exposed to less stress and strain and engage your core and leg muscles. Do not slouch your shoulder when lifting weight as it will bend your spine and stress your muscles and backbone. You can enlist the help of others if you can't monitor your posture during weightlifting. 3. Breath People often believe that holding their breath when lifting weight will enable them to lift more. Sadly, holding your breath only damages your muscles because it deprives them of the essential element required for survival — Oxygen. When you hold your breath, your muscles become tensed, strained, and vulnerable to injury. Instead of completely holding your breath, practice this; breathe out (exhale) when lifting the weight and breathe in ( inhale in) as you release the weight. 4. Start With Lightweight How much weight you can lift and for how long depends entirely on your spine. The stronger your spine, the more you lift. It is vital to start with a small weight and work your way up. Frequent practice with lightweight will strengthen your spines. Once you master lightweight and the basics of the neutral spine, you can make a smooth and gradual transition to heavier weight. 5. Don't Over Push Your Body Pushing your body beyond a certain point can lead to a severe injury. So, while you lift, learn to listen to your body, stop when it hurts and investigate the cause and source of the pain. Apply ice to the affected area immediately to reduce swelling and capitalize the healing process when in pain. However, if the pain persists, talk to a professional. 6. Wear a Belt Wearing a belt while lifting weight is advisable, as the belt supports your spine and protects you from a back injury. It also saves you from a back injury, strengthens your core, increases intra-abdominal pressure, and maximizes body energy. 7. Rest Over-exerting your muscles will deprive your muscles and bones of the necessary healing period. Weightlifting causes a tiny tear in the muscles; these tears are necessary for the growth and adaptation of the muscles. Which needed time to heal. To avoid pains and over-exerting your muscles and spine, you can switch to exercises like aerobics, and yoga. If pains persist though, you may want to check out osteo Warinma for a long-lasting solution. Read Also: Six Supplement-Free Gym Performance Enhancers for Weightlifting Ladies5 Common Weightlifting Mistakes Women Should AvoidDiscover The Daily Habits That May Cause Back Pain

Major Illness

Impact Of A Major Illness On Your Work Life And Lifestyle

Coming down with a manageable disease like the common flu can be a nuisance. How your body reacts to this condition—from your eyes watering to nose dripping and throat feeling dry—can interfere with your work. As a result, you may feel agitated and angry at the lack of productivity you can achieve in a day. However, what happens when you come down with a much more severe illness that requires elaborate medical intervention? Diseases can occur due to many reasons. You may have a family history of complications, work in a hazardous environment, or your idle lifestyle may contribute to your deteriorating health. But, the answer to all these questions lies with your healthcare professional. Anytime you feel unusually sick, don't delay booking an appointment. For instance, If you have trouble breathing, wheeze often, have tightness in your chest, and cough up blood, you may have mesothelioma. Occupational asbestos is the primary cause of this illness, and you're well within reason to contact a lawyer and file a case for mesothelioma cancer against your employer. Mesothelioma requires both money and time to get treated. Apart from high dosage medication, it would help if you had extensive aftercare to heal. This may confine you to the bed and prevent you from returning to work. The expensive treatment may lead to a massive lifestyle cut down, so looking into a lawyer helps get a certain amount of compensation. Here's a glimpse at the way your work and home life get disturbed: 1. Your Appetite May Dip You need a certain amount of calories every day. Generally, adult men need 2,500 calories while adult women require 2,000 calories. But, your health condition may suppress your appetite, causing you to skip meals, be unable to keep the food down, or eat plain snacks like saltine crackers. When you don't eat enough, your body feels lethargic. You may get frequent headaches, stomach aches, and get irritable. At work, this may interfere with your job and make it hard for you to focus, socialize with your colleagues and keep up with a fast-paced environment. Your family may feel the effects of your poor diet at home. You may choose to isolate yourself, not have the patience to handle children, and strain your bonds. 2. You May Feel Mentally Drained Learning about your diagnosis can leave you rattled. Feelings of anxiety, fear, anguish, and anger are all natural reactions to getting heavy news. However, your emotions may get amplified once treatment starts. Strong medications and surgery can also take a toll on your mental health. Transitioning back to work while dealing with your illness can become difficult. You may have high levels of fatigue, feel nausea, and also choose to withdraw socially. Sometimes, you may feel depressed and have no motivation to go to work. If you have an office job, filing documents, signatures, and reviewing the files you submit may not be up to the mark. Your focus also shatters. When you become mentally shaken up, it trickles over you emotionally and physically. You may feel sad, avoid meeting and talking with others, and choose to stay in your room. Some people cope with extreme mental distress by eating more food, while others may choose to eat less. You can also develop unhealthy habits such as staying up through the night, being unable to maintain a hygiene routine and neglecting your partner. 3. Your Physical Health Fluctuates A significant illness can impact your weight and overall appearance. Taking vital medicines several times a day to contain the disease can cause a massive drop in body mass. Your lack of appetite and consistent throwing up can also accelerate weight loss. If you go through surgery, it can limit your movement. At work, if you have a physically strenuous job, such as working on a construction site, you may need to take time off. You may need physical therapy if you have inflamed joints. Physical weakness can also make long hours strenuous for you. In such cases, opting for remote work or shortening your workload is best. Furthermore, your lifestyle will also need adjusting to your physical well-being. A loss in weight may require you to get a walking aid, hire a nurse and change your bed so that it's more straightforward for you to use. In case of a weight gain, you will still need help moving, working, and performing your chores, requiring full-time support. Other ailments include drowsiness, uneasiness, and breathlessness. Final Thoughts When you get sick, your overall well-being suffers heavily. Depending on what disease you have, when you get it, and the kind of treatment you require, you will end up going through drastic changes. These reflect on your emotional, mental, and physical status. A major diagnosis requires multiple rounds of medicines and may become expensive for you to keep up with, leading to a mismanaged budget. A reduction in your appetite can make working tedious and hard for your family to be around you because of your consistent mood swings. As your mental health declines, you may experience severe symptoms like anxiety and depression, which may interfere with your work and also push you into social isolation and lead to a chain of unhealthy habits. Finally, when your weight fluctuates, you may need assistance with your chores, maintaining your routine, and keeping up with your lifestyle. Your career may also need a drastic change since the illness may severely impact your movement and stamina. So, to ensure you don't despair, you need to have a good health practitioner in your corner, stick to your care regime and pursue sustainable lifestyle choices. Additionals: What is Neuroticism?Panic Attacks: What You Can DoWays to Emotionally Deal with Chronic IllnessFour Easy Ways To Take Back Control Of Your Health This Summer

Misconceptions About Medication Assisted Treatment Programs

Common Misconceptions About Medication Assisted Treatment Programs

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, you may have heard about medication assisted treatment programs as a potential tool for recovery. However, many misconceptions and myths surrounding these programs can prevent people from seeking the help they need. Moreover, this blog post will address some of the most common misconceptions about medication-assisted treatment programs and provide evidence-based information to help set the record straight. What Are Medication Assisted Treatment Programs? First, let's define what we mean by "medication-assisted treatment program." Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a holistic addiction treatment. It uses medications, counseling, and behavioral therapies to help people with substance use disorders (SUDs) achieve and maintain recovery. The medications used in MAT are approved by the FDA. These medications are safe and effective for treating substance use disorders. Some medications commonly used in MAT include methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. MAT is a proven, effective medication assisted treatment for addiction. However, many people don't have access to quality care. Confidant Health is changing that. Confidant provides expert help for medication assisted treatment through our confidential and discreet app. Now, let's address some of the common misconceptions about MAT programs. Before searching for medication assisted treatment near me, it will be better to see which are the best nearby locations from your place. Misconception 1: Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs Are Just Substituting One Addiction For Another One of the most persistent misconceptions about medication-assisted treatment programs is that they substitute one addiction. The idea is that medications like methadone and buprenorphine replace one drug with another, and people who use them are not "sober." FACT: This is a misunderstanding of how medication-assisted treatment programs work. The medications used in medication assisted treatment are carefully prescribed and monitored by trained healthcare professionals. They help manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, which can be powerful triggers for relapse. Additionally, the medications used in MAT are designed to be long-acting. This means they do not produce the same "high" that people experience when using drugs like heroin or prescription opioids. This makes it less likely that people will misuse the medications or become addicted to them. Research has consistently shown that medication-assisted treatment programs effectively reduce drug use and improve outcomes for people in recovery. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) notes that MAT "can help sustain recovery." Misconception 2: Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs Are Not Effective Another common misconception about medication-assisted treatment programs is that they are not effective. Some people believe that medications are just a "band-aid" solution that does not address the underlying issues contributing to addiction. FACT: Studies have shown that medication-assisted treatment programs can significantly improve outcomes for people with opioid use disorders. For example, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine found that people who received medication assisted treatments were more likely to remain on the treatment and achieve abstinence from opioids than those who did not receive any treatment and medication. Moreover, opioid use disorder medication is often used with counseling and behavioral therapies, which can help people address the underlying issues that contribute to addiction. Medication-assisted treatment programs can help people achieve and maintain recovery by providing a more holistic approach to treatment. Misconception 3: Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs Are Just A Way For Drug Companies To Make Money Another common misconception about medication-assisted treatment programs is that they are just a way for drug companies to make money. Some people believe that the medications used in medication assisted treatment are overpriced and that the programs are being promoted by pharmaceutical companies solely for profit. FACT: This is not an accurate portrayal of medication-assisted treatment programs like the 15-minute4me test. While it is true that pharmaceutical companies manufacture the medications used in MAT, they are not exclusively used for addiction treatment. Many medications used in MAT also have other medical uses. Furthermore, the cost of medication-assisted treatment programs can be offset because they are often less expensive than other types of addiction treatment. For example, inpatient rehab programs can be costly, whereas medication-assisted treatment can be provided on an outpatient basis, which can be more affordable. Misconception 4: Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs Are Just A Way To Get High Legally Some people believe that medication assisted treatment programs are just a way to get high legally. They may think that the medications used in MAT produce a similar euphoric effect as illegal drugs and that people are just using them to continue their addiction in a more socially acceptable way. FACT: As we mentioned earlier, the medications used in MAT are designed to be long-acting and do not produce the same "high" as drugs like heroin or prescription opioids. While it's true that some people may misuse their medications or use them in ways that are not prescribed, this is not the norm. Additionally, healthcare professionals will closely monitor people participating in medication-assisted treatment programs. They can detect any misuse or diversion of medications. If someone misuses their medications, they may be tapered off or removed from the program. Dispelling Misconceptions About Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs: Why They Are a Valuable Tool for Substance Abuse Recovery Medication assisted treatment programs are a valuable option for addressing substance abuse. It can help people achieve and maintain recovery from this debilitating condition. Unfortunately, there are misconceptions and stigmas surrounding these programs. These misbeliefs can prevent individuals from seeking the appropriate help they need. However, we can help break down these barriers by understanding the facts about MAT programs. We’ll be able to ensure that everyone who needs help for substance abuse can access the right care. Remember, medication-assisted treatment programs are an evidence-based approach to addiction treatment. It is a science-backed treatment option that can help improve outcomes and save many lives. Medication-assisted treatment programs are valuable for addressing substance abuse. And helping people achieve and maintain recovery. Unfortunately, many misconceptions and myths surrounding these programs can prevent people from seeking the help they need. Bottomline By understanding the facts about medication assisted treatment programs, we can help break down these barriers and ensure that everyone who needs help for substance abuse can access the care they need. Remember, medication-assisted treatment programs are an evidence-based approach to addiction treatment that can help improve outcomes and save lives. 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