Facts About Vasectomy Procedure That You Should Know

Published on: 20 April 2021 Last Updated on: 26 July 2024
Facts About Vasectomy Procedure That You Should Know

Every year, more than 500.000 men undergo the vasectomy procedure in America. The vasectomy procedure is often referred to as the “little snip”. It is a procedure that is designed to block the sperm from reaching semen, thus making your semen sterile.

Even though a vasectomy is the most common urological procedure today, there are many misconceptions surrounding it. If you’d like to learn more about the vasectomy procedure you could simply visit https://vasectomyaustralia.com.au/vasectomy-sydney/. You can also continue reading to learn more!

A vasectomy is the best form of permanent birth control

permanent birth control

They Are Incredibly Effective!

Did you know that vasectomies are the most effective method of birth control if we do not consider abstinence? Their long-term success rate is over 99%. Out of 1.000, only 1-2 women get pregnant even after their partner has had a vasectomy done.

It Takes Time for a Vasectomy to Work

If you have sex with your partner right after your vasectomy wound has healed, there is a chance of pregnancy. This is because there still might be some sperm upstream. As time passes, your sperm count will start to decrease gradually.

The best way to know when it is safe to have sex with your spouse/partner, without worrying about unwanted pregnancy is to talk to your urologist. Having a urologist test a sample of your semen eight weeks after the vasectomy can determine whether you are sperm-free.

It Does Not Affect Your Sex Life!

A lot of men fear that a vasectomy will affect their performance in bed, but that is completely false. The only thing a vasectomy will do is block your sperm from entering your semen. Your performance, sex drive, and ability to last long will not be affected at all. You will still be able to have sex and ejaculate in the same way, as you did before you had a vasectomy.

Vasectomy Will Not Protect You from STDs

Vasectomies are often suggested to couples who no longer want to have children. While it is safe to have unprotected sex in a monogamous relationship with a partner you trust, you should know that this procedure will not help protect you from STDs or STIs.

Recovery Is Very Simple

Recovery Is Very Simple

The recovery process after the vasectomy surgery is very simple and fast. During the surgery, a doctor will make tiny incisions on both sides of the scrotum, through which they will block the vas deferens (tubes in charge of getting sperm to semen). These incisions are incredibly small, and more often than not, they will not need any stitches.

Because of this, the recovery from a vasectomy is very easy. Most men are able to return to work after two or three days and can resume their daily activities without limitations in three to seven days. The recovery will involve a lot of relaxation!

The recovery from a vasectomy surgery is fast

Are You Sure You Want A Vasectomy?

Before you go through with the vasectomy surgery, you should make sure that that is exactly what you want. Keep in mind that while there is a chance for a vasectomy to be reversed, you should not count on that. Talk to your family, friends, spouse, and doctor, and only if you are 100% sure that you will not want to have children in the future, you should go through with the surgery.


When compared to tubal ligation, which is the female version of permanent birth control, a vasectomy surgery is a lot more effective and simple. The recovery time is also much simpler. In case you and your wife have decided to not have kids in the future, a vasectomy is a great choice to prevent all unwanted future pregnancies.

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Subham Saha started his career as a professional web content writer. He has more than 3 years of experience in digital marketing. He also has a great knowledge in SEO, SMO, Website development, etc. He completed his graduation in Electrical Engineering. He is very passionate about building his career in the Digital marketing industry. Subham has a great interest in reading books about Business, Economics, Psychology, Technology, and History.

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Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Many people in the world suffer from the problem of hair loss. The reason can be heredity, accident, stress, anxiety, and many other people in America can go for hair loss treatment California so that the problem of loss can be controlled, and gradually eliminated. Hair loss occurs typically for everybody, but it is replaced by new hair. When this does not happen, then the loss can make the person bald. Hair Loss Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment: Causes of hair loss: If a person feels that he is losing hair, but new hair is not taking their place, he/she can go to a doctor who will diagnose the reason for the new hair not growing. Heredity is the most common cause of people losing hair and becoming bald. Other causes of hair loss can be surgery, traumatic events, stress, anxiety, etc. Hormonal changes can also result in hair loss, but they can be temporary. The hormonal changes can occur because of childbirth, pregnancy, menopause, etc. Other causes can be high blood pressure, depression, arthritis, heart problems, etc. Most of the hair products that we use are driven by marketing and advertising. We see our favourite celebs endorsing them and do not think twice about putting such harmful chemical-laden products in our hair. It is essential that we only use dermatologist recommended products at all times. If you are in doubt, get an appointment with an experienced dermatologist and then buy hair care products like shampoos and conditioners according to their prescription. The dermatologist will take into account your pre-existing conditions, your hair-type, scalp issues, and more. Symptoms of hair loss: There are many symptoms, which show that the person is losing hair. These symptoms are Thinning of hair on the top Patchy bald spots on the head Hair loss started suddenly and was not replaced by new hair Hair loss in the whole body Treatment of hair loss: There are various methods, which can be done to control and eliminate the problem of baldness. The treatment depends on the causes and symptoms of hair fall. Some of these treatments have been discussed here. Medication: This is the first thing that dermatologists prefer, and they prescribe Over-the-counter (OTC) medication. This medication includes creams and gels, which the person has to apply directly to his scalp. Minoxidil is one of the main ingredients in the cream and gel. This ingredient has some side effects like irritation. This can also lead to hair growth on the forehead and face. Oral medication can also be prescribed if the dermatologist sees the symptoms of baldness. If medication is not helpful, then other procedures can be adopted to stop hair loss. Hair transplant surgery: In this surgery, hair is planted along with small pieces of the skin on the parts of the scalp where there is no hair growth. This process is good for those people who have the hereditary problem of hair loss. The patient needs to go through multiple surgeries so that all the bald portions can be covered with hair. Scalp reduction: In this process, those portions of the scalp are removed which have no hair. These areas are closed by using the skin of those parts that have hair. The flap is another option in which a part of the scalp that has hair is placed on the bald part of the scalp. Conclusion: These are the causes and symptoms of hair fall, and treatment is not very easy if there is no effect of medication. The patient has to undergo many surgeries so that hair can be transplanted, and the patient starts looking smart again. Read Also: How Can You Let Your Hair Regrow Naturally? 6 Proven Ways To Deal With Hair Loss For Women What To Know About Laser Hair Removal Utica NY

Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine Therapy: A New Hope For Treating Depression And Anxiety

Those of you suffering from resistant depression might now have new hope. As per the professionals and researchers, Ketamine is a special treatment that is an effective procedure for treating depression.  Previously, a pain reliever and an anesthetic medication would not make an effective treatment. Ketamine assists in treating mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.  However, by leveraging the potential psychedelic effect of ketamine, the main objective of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is to attain enduring outcomes. Thus, this leads to a reduced number of ketamine treatments when it is compared to intravenous ketamine infusion.  In this article, you will discover ketamine therapy and what are the benefits of undergoing one.  Does Ketamine Treatment Impact Your Brain? While undergoing the ketamine treatment, you might witness a wide range of changes to your conscious experience. This usually includes emotional modifications and sensory alterations.  If the treatment is conducted at a low dose, then ketamine alters the level of glutamate (which is a chemical messenger) in the brain. This might later result in a neural connection.  Therefore, the brain becomes more adaptable and develops a new pathway, allowing patients to create more positive feelings and thoughts.  Therefore, while undergoing the treatment, you might experience these list of side effects within a couple of hours: Change in vision. Imbalance. Nausea. Elevated heart rate. Headaches. Disorientation. Increased blood pressure.  Benefits Of Ketamine Treatment  Here is a list of the benefits of undergoing ketamine treatment. 1.  Treating Anxiety Disorder  Anxiety disorder includes GAD or generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, which can severely impact a person’s quality of life.  Therefore, KAP has been showing promise in assisting individuals in managing their depression symptoms effectively.  It is like the symptoms of depression, ketamine appears to assist in resetting the brain's neural signals that associate with stress and anxiety.  While the anxiolytic and calming experience by parents undergoing KAP can be transformed. This is significant for those who do not find a reliance on traditional treatment.  2. Addressing Treatment-Resistant Depression  There are many individuals who suffer from treatment-resistant depression. This is because the traditional antidepressant medication just does not work. The KAP, or Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, has emergency growth within that vacuum as a potential breakthrough. This produces significant improvement in your mood.  3. Managing Chronic Pain  Beyond the application of ketamine therapy in your mental health, the medication will assist psychotherapy and can also be productive in managing chronic pain conditions.  Therefore, it also includes complex regional pain syndrome and neuropathic pain.  If you are looking for oral ketamine treatment, then you can contact the website and get started with your treatment at the earliest.  It will help you receive NMDA or N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors within the spinal and brain cord. However, ketamine can assist in modulating the pain and offer pain relief in no time.  4. Enhancing addiction Treatment  Ketamine treatment has also been examined as the potential treatment for any disorder, particularly the case of alcohol and opioid addiction.  While professionals suggest that ketamine affects your brain’s reward system and your ability to alleviate carvings. Hence, this might help you during the most challenging situations of addiction recovery.  Therefore, it is essential to focus on ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for addiction treatment when it is in the early stages.  5. Coping With PTSD  PTSD, or Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a complex mental health condition that can develop after experiencing and witnessing a traumatic situation.  You can visit a standard therapist like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication that might not always lead to desired outcomes. Furthermore, it has been investigated as a potential tool that can aid in the treatment of PTSD.  The function of ketamine treatment is to make it easier for you. It captures a specific area involving traumatic memories and reduces your emotional intensity. Thus, it offers relief to those who are suffering from the debilitating effects of PTSD.  Looking For Any Side Effects In Your Treatment  In the present situation, there is limited information about the ketamine side effects. Certain papers have collated the side effects of ketamine, and it does not include any placebo. There are even patients who have longer-term consequences. These are a few of the considerations that ketamine is avoided or is used with severe caution: Mothers who are breastfeeding or are pregnant. Older individuals who are suffering from dementia. People who have a history of schizophrenia and psychosis, as there is a concern that is associated with ketamine production, can make the psychotic disorder worse.  Teenagers might be concerned about the long-term effects of ketamine. People who have a history of substance disorder. Keeping this in mind, healthcare professionals have formulated different analyses to investigate the side effects of ketamine in more detail.  Furthermore, there are some concerns. With repetitive dosing, the ketamine can start to lose its effectiveness, and it might require a larger dosage to produce the same effect.  How Much Does Ketamine Treatment Cost? Insurance hardly covers most of the ketamine treatments. If you book for a single session, it can cost you $300, and it might spike up to $800.  Even certain insurance companies have core FDA-approved nasal treatments, but the other treatments might be paid out of pocket. On the other hand, if you are suffering from long-term, then antidepressants can make you weak. In this situation, it is right if you avail of ketamine treatment. This would offer you a quick relief.   Ketamine Treatment Boosts Overall Well-Being  If you are suffering from uncontrollable depression, it can take a big toll on your physical health. This can also lead to many ailments, further diminishing the quality of life.  Ketamine can be a valuable tool to cure your anxiety and depression, thereby offering new hope for happier and healthier days ahead.  Whether you like the treatment procedure or not, you must prioritize your mental health and get the resources you need.  Thus, seek immediate help if your loved one or you are facing any symptoms of a mental health crisis.  Read Also: Peptide Therapy: Types And Benefits How to Get Maximal Value from Your Couples Therapy The Physical and Occupational Therapy Changes in Medicare for 2020

multiple chronic medical conditions

The Disturbing Trend of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions

Americans with a chronic medical condition know just how difficult it is to navigate the challenges of our healthcare system. These patients pay huge medical costs, experience a diminished quality of life and, in some cases, run the risk of developing even more chronic conditions. They also represent about half of the adult population in the United States. But as bleak as things are when you suffer from a single, long-lasting sickness, the challenges are compounded exponentially when you develop a second, third, or even more chronic conditions. This growing subset of patients - those suffering from two or more chronic conditions – now accounts for over one quarter of all Americans, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Most Common Medical Conditions Chronic conditions last for a year or more, require ongoing medical attention and often limit a person’s day-to-day activities. Chronic conditions include heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, chronic respiratory conditions, asthma, human immunodeficiency virus infection, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and obesity, to name only a few. Read also:  An Overview of Schizophrenia 6 Imbalances in Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts Other non-physical conditions can also fall into this category -- those like developmental disabilities, mental illness, and cognitive impairment. Tobacco use, alcohol abuse or substance addiction may cause more chronic conditions, or be considered chronic conditions themselves. Read More: Tackle Your Shredding This Family Day An Expensive and Common Problem About two-thirds of healthcare costs in the United States and over 90 percent of Medicare spending go toward people with multiple chronic conditions (MCC). In addition to the approximately 27 percent of Americans with MCC, the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that around three-quarters of those over 65 have MCC. Many people with MCC have more than just two chronic conditions. Over seven percent of men and over 10 percent of women in the U.S. have five or more chronic medical conditions. With every additional condition, come steep rises in costs, treatments, doctor visits, and prescription medications, per the DHHS. When Riskier, Costlier, Less Effective Treatment is a Part of Life If you have MCC, or if you know someone who does, then you might already be familiar with the incredible challenges that come with having two or more serious illnesses. Insurance will be costlier, as will the out-of-pocket costs you pay. Of course, you’ll also be paying even more than those with a single chronic condition, because you will likely be seeing more doctors to receive the treatment you need. You will probably need to take several prescription medications for your medical conditions. It is the increased number of doctor visits to multiple doctors and the many medications needed for management of MCC that open patients up to inadequate healthcare. Patients with MCC rely heavily on specialists, and it is likely that a specialist who is treating a patient for one of their chronic illnesses won’t have the skills or training necessary to provide care that addresses the other chronic illnesses the patient suffers from. This leads to a disjointed, uncoordinated and costly system in which patients are more likely to suffer from medical error, receive conflicting medical advice and experience adverse drug reactions. Patients so often find that they are handed off from one doctor to another, with little to no oversight to coordinate the many treatments, tests, and medicines they take. Read More: Folic Acid Deficiency Symptoms: Supplement The Deficiency Before It’s Too Late Addressing the MCC Problem Reducing the direct and indirect costs to patients requires an ambitious rethinking of our approach to healthcare that addresses the unique needs of MCC patients. We need federal and state programs that engage patients to better coordinate their care and provide education to those suffering from several medical conditions. We need doctors that are better trained in handling a wide range of medical needs, as opposed to the specialization trend among doctors that have become the norm in the last several decades. Prevention is also key to lessening the number of MCC patients in the United States. This means education, raising awareness and public health initiatives that serve to stop the development of these illnesses before they start. Patients with MCC can easily get disillusioned with the obstacles they encounter when they enter the convoluted, expensive system that they depend on for treatment. The odds are good that many of you have first-hand experience with the failings of our current system in dealing with multiple, chronic medical conditions. Judging from the statistics, most of us will also encounter these shortcomings at some point in our lives. Mark Evans is a Missouri trial attorney and partner at the Bley & Evans law firm. Read More: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course Dore Aesthetics: Proven And Safe Acne Treatment