Hair Loss Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Published on: 06 September 2019 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024
Hair Loss

Many people in the world suffer from the problem of hair loss. The reason can be heredity, accident, stress, anxiety, and many other people in America can go for hair loss treatment California so that the problem of loss can be controlled, and gradually eliminated. Hair loss occurs typically for everybody, but it is replaced by new hair. When this does not happen, then the loss can make the person bald.

Hair Loss Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment:

Causes of hair loss:

hair loss

If a person feels that he is losing hair, but new hair is not taking their place, he/she can go to a doctor who will diagnose the reason for the new hair not growing. Heredity is the most common cause of people losing hair and becoming bald. Other causes of hair loss can be surgery, traumatic events, stress, anxiety, etc. Hormonal changes can also result in hair loss, but they can be temporary. The hormonal changes can occur because of childbirth, pregnancy, menopause, etc. Other causes can be high blood pressure, depression, arthritis, heart problems, etc.

Most of the hair products that we use are driven by marketing and advertising. We see our favourite celebs endorsing them and do not think twice about putting such harmful chemical-laden products in our hair. It is essential that we only use dermatologist recommended products at all times. If you are in doubt, get an appointment with an experienced dermatologist and then buy hair care products like shampoos and conditioners according to their prescription. The dermatologist will take into account your pre-existing conditions, your hair-type, scalp issues, and more.

Symptoms of hair loss:

There are many symptoms, which show that the person is losing hair. These symptoms are

  • Thinning of hair on the top
  • Patchy bald spots on the head
  • Hair loss started suddenly and was not replaced by new hair
  • Hair loss in the whole body

Treatment of hair loss:

There are various methods, which can be done to control and eliminate the problem of baldness. The treatment depends on the causes and symptoms of hair fall. Some of these treatments have been discussed here.


This is the first thing that dermatologists prefer, and they prescribe Over-the-counter (OTC) medication. This medication includes creams and gels, which the person has to apply directly to his scalp. Minoxidil is one of the main ingredients in the cream and gel.

This ingredient has some side effects like irritation. This can also lead to hair growth on the forehead and face. Oral medication can also be prescribed if the dermatologist sees the symptoms of baldness. If medication is not helpful, then other procedures can be adopted to stop hair loss.

Hair transplant surgery:

In this surgery, hair is planted along with small pieces of the skin on the parts of the scalp where there is no hair growth. This process is good for those people who have the hereditary problem of hair loss. The patient needs to go through multiple surgeries so that all the bald portions can be covered with hair.

Scalp reduction:

In this process, those portions of the scalp are removed which have no hair. These areas are closed by using the skin of those parts that have hair. The flap is another option in which a part of the scalp that has hair is placed on the bald part of the scalp.


These are the causes and symptoms of hair fall, and treatment is not very easy if there is no effect of medication. The patient has to undergo many surgeries so that hair can be transplanted, and the patient starts looking smart again.

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Pregnancy Foods

The Top 10 Best Foods to Eat in Early Pregnancy

Good news ladies, pregnant women need to eat an extra 350 to 500 calories each day. Finally, a valid excuse to eat more! With that statistic in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to reveal to you the best foods to eat in early pregnancy. That way, you'll be able to use this surplus of calories to both you and your babies advantage. So, without further ado, let's dive in! 1. Beans and Lentils : If you're looking to nurture your 14 weeks pregnant belly, we recommend eating plenty of beans and lentils. These foods are a fabulous source and protein, and pregnant women need an extra 10 grams of protein each day. Therefore, beans and lentils make an excellent addition to your diet because they contain as much as 15 grams of protein per cup! If you're unsure how to use them, we suggest adding cooked lentils and beans to your salads and rice dishes. These are sure to be a tasty addition! 2. Broccoli : Now, broccoli isn't always everyone's favorite food. However, it's worth bearing with because it's packed full of nutrients such as calcium and folate. In addition to this, it's high in fiber and vitamin C which is essential for helping your body absorb iron. Therefore, the best time to eat broccoli is when you accompany it with iron-rich food like lean red meat or wholegrain pasta. Plus, broccoli is rich in antioxidants, which promote healthy digestion and strengthen your immune system (which is obviously even more critical when you're pregnant). Also, if you're struggling with constipation (which is exceptionally common among pregnant women), broccoli is a must because of its high fiber content. Really and truly, broccoli is the perfect pregnancy food! 3. Bananas : Bananas are a brilliant snack for pregnant women. Not only does the potassium help combat fatigue, but they're also kind on the stomach if you're suffering from morning sickness. 4. Lean Meat : Just like protein levels, pregnant women also need to increase their iron intake. The volume of their blood increases, which causes them to need double the amount of iron. Therefore we suggest eating plenty of lean meat as this provides a form of iron that's quickly absorbed by the body. Good examples of these include: Beef Pork Chicken In addition to iron, these meats typically contain choline and vitamin B, both of which pregnant women need more of. 5. Oatmeal : There's no better to start your day than by eating a bowl of nutritious cereal. The complex carbohydrates in oatmeal will leave you feeling fuller for longer, and this breakfast will help lower your cholesterol levels--win-win! Top Tip: Don't buy processed oatmeals that are full of sugars and additives. Instead, cook yourself the plain variety and add a dollop of jelly. Yummy! 6. Leafy Greens : When you cook the following greens: Spinach Kale Turnip greens You release higher levels of iron and folate. In addition to this, they're also a fabulous source of calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, and potassium. We suggest sprinkling a few of these leafy greens in your pasta dishes, adding them to soups, or substituting iceberg lettuce for them in your salads. 7. Whole-Grain Bread : The simple swap from white to whole grain can make a massive difference when you're pregnant. By doing this, you ensure you get your daily intake of fiber. Ideally, you want to ensure that each slice contains at least two grams of fiber before you commit to purchasing the loaf. Plus, wholemeal bread also provides you with both iron and zinc, which are both essential nutrients for pregnant women! 8. Oranges : Oranges are an excellent fruit to eat while you're pregnant. They're full of the following goodies: Vitamin C Folate Fiber Water Now the water might not sound like a massive deal, but these fruits are almost 90% liquid, which is excellent for keeping you hydrated and combatting fatigue. 9. Nuts and Nut Butters : Healthy fats are critical for your baby's brain development, so we suggest eating one ounce of nuts a day and two tablespoons of nut butter. Plus, these snacks will help keep you full! Top Tip: if you suffer from any kind of allergy, we suggest steering clear of highly allergenic foods such as nuts while you're pregnant. Some scientists believe that exposing the baby to foods like this during pregnancy could increase their risk of developing a more severe allergy during childhood. 10. Sweet Potatoes : Sweet potatoes are full of a nutrient called beta-carotene. When we digest it, we transform it into vitamin A. This is fabulous for mothers to be because Vitamin A helps the fetus' cells grow and differentiate from one another. Top Tip: pregnant women are usually advised to stay away from high levels of animal-based vitamin A because these can sometimes be dangerous when eaten to excess. This is another reason why foods that contain beta-carotene are essential to include in your pregnancy diet. Best Foods to Eat in Early Pregnancy: Final Thoughts It's important for women to swot up on the best foods to eat in early pregnancy because your dietary requirements change a little. However, by sticking to diets high in protein, iron, and fiber, you shouldn't go too far wrong! If you enjoyed this article, we're confident you'll love the other features published on our family and parenting blog. Over there we discuss everything from pregnancy care tips to family leave. Enjoy! Alternatively, if you have any questions about this subject, please feel free to drop us a line. We love to hear from our readers! Just fill out the simple contact form, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Speak soon! 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Drinking Chamomile Tea

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Chamomile Tea And Why Is Chamomile So Popular When Creating Blends Of Organic Tea?

Chamomile tea is highly recommended for relaxing and unwinding after a long hard day. It has this soothing feel and is associated with so many benefits. The benefits of drinking chamomile tea are numerous and more research about the benefits of chamomile tea is ongoing globally. This article explores why chamomile is so popular when creating blends of organic tea and the eight benefits of drinking chamomile tea. Why Is Chamomile One Of The Popular Ingredients In Organic Tea Blends? Chamomile is one of the most popular ingredients used in creating blends of organic tea mainly because of its associated benefits. Chamomile is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties. Chamomile tea is a great choice at any time of the day because it is naturally caffeine-free. It is highly recommended for everyone. What Are The Main Benefits Of Drinking Chamomile Tea? 1. In might help improve sleep quality Drinking chamomile tea is commonly believed to aid relaxation and sleep. You are drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bed might aid sleep quality and quantity. Chamomile includes a particular antioxidant molecule called 'apigenin,' which is thought to have sedative characteristics. Chamomile might help you sleep better and wake up feeling relaxed, calm, and rejuvenated after you fall asleep. 2. It might help reduce menstrual cramps Chamomile tea has an antispasmodic property that might help soothe muscles, stretch, and relax. It also might provide warmth and a soothing effect which is very good for women during their monthly menstrual cycle. Hence, one of the benefits of drinking chamomile tea is that it might help reduce menstrual cramps. 3. Might help improve digestion Digesting properly is very beneficial to you. Chamomile might help reduce acidity in the stomach and reduce the growth of some bad bacteria in the stomach, which could deteriorate an individual's health. The anti-inflammatory property of chamomile, which might help improve digestion, benefits from drinking chamomile tea. Chamomile's soothing and warming effect is also very good for the stomach. 4. Might help boost the immune system The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile might help boost an individual's immune system. Chamomile tea contains some chemical properties that might reduce internal inflammation and improve the immune system. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea when you come down with a cold might help reduce cold symptoms. Its soothing effect also might help clear sore throats. It might help regulate uncomfortable conditions and soothes the digestive tract, which may become out of balance when you are cold or down with a health condition. 5. Might help relieves stress One of the benefits of drinking chamomile tea is that it might help relieve stress. It has a soothing effect due to the polyphenol apigenin, which aids relaxation. Unlike other herbal teas, chamomile tea is naturally caffeine-free, so it does not give any jittery effect when you drink it at any time of the day. 6. Might help improve skin health Chamomile is usually used as an ingredient for producing skin products because of its anti-inflammatory properties and its antioxidants. Chamomile also has a relaxing, comforting, and refreshing effect on the skin. When you drink Chamomile tea, it also might help improve your skin, as we all know, our internal health condition usually reflects on our skin. Consistently drinking chamomile tea might help boost the condition of your skin. 7. Might help improve your heart Flavones, an antioxidant present in Chamomile tea, are beneficial for your heart. This is because it might help reduce the risk of a bad heart. Although research is still being conducted to discover more positive effects of chamomile tea on the heart, it is highly recommended as a healthy heart drink. 8. Might benefit in weight loss Chamomile tea is a delightful, calorie-free drink that you can drink all day when you are trying to lose weight. Although chamomile tea does not have any chemical property that aids weight loss, it is a healthy drink choice when attempting to lose weight and want something a bit tastier than water.

Practical Methods of Tackling Insomnia

Natural and Practical Methods of Tackling Insomnia

Insomnia is a type of disorder experienced by a lot of people. The problems involved in this sleep disorder are difficulty in falling asleep, sleeping restfully throughout the night, and staying asleep for as long as you want to. Insomnia can have some adverse effects on your health because you are not able to get the amount of sleep you need to have energy throughout the day. You cannot function properly and risk getting into accidents on the road if you can’t focus on your driving from lack of sleep. Additionally, it can also lead to anxiety and depression since you are always tired and cannot cope with the normal activities that keep your mind and body healthy. Many factors can cause insomnia like irregular sleeping schedules, neurological issues, pain and sickness, and even medications for certain conditions. While sleeping hours can vary with different people, it is recommended that adults get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Because insomnia can cause serious conditions, steps must be taken to resolve this condition. For a lot of people, water-soluble CBD has been helpful. Here are more natural methods you can try to tackle insomnia: Exercising Without a doubt, exercising improves physical and mental well-being. It keeps you positive, provides energy, helps you maintain your weight, and allows you to sleep better. Exercise can also reduce stress and anxiety that may be causing sleepless nights. Moderate exercise daily for at least 20 minutes is advisable, though you can decide to do something more vigorous during the course of the week. Setting a schedule for exercising each day puts you on the right track and helps you get the sleep your body requires. Essential oils Using essential oils has become more popular in recent years though they were used in ancient times for all sorts of physical conditions. They are all-natural coming from plants and herbs and have healing properties that make them effective. Lavender essential oil, for instance, is known for its calming effect and the way that it promotes good sleep. Whether taken internally or added to a carrier oil for massage, lavender can help relieve tension and induce restful sleep. Steer clear of unhealthy habits Smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking in too much caffeine can contribute to insomnia. Smoking is certainly one habit that needs to be avoided completely. Alcohol, in moderation, is not harmful. Just the same, it should be reduced especially if you are already having trouble sleeping. Some people drink to the point of stupor, thinking that it can relieve them from stress and make them sleep. This is not the case, though. The kind of sleep you get from too much alcohol is not restful, and you wake up feeling tired and experiencing headaches and other physical pains. Coffee in moderation is alright. Still, avoid having it at night as it can keep you from sleeping too. Living healthy can help you avoid insomnia. Develop good sleeping habits so that it comes naturally to you. Have a good massage when you are tense and practice meditation and other relaxation techniques to make sleep come easy to you. Read Also: Symptoms and Effects of Co-occurring Disorder on Human Health 5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health