Good Reasons to Stop Drinking in your 40’s


10 September 2019

Health & Fitness

stop drinking

There is no better time to quit alcohol than when you hit midlife. When you reach your 40’s, there is a feeling of urgency to evaluate how well you have been doing with the different aspects of your life. Your body is also sending signals that you can’t ignore. You could have arrived at this decision to quit drinking due to health reasons. You may have decided to stop because it is affecting your mental health and family life. Here are some specific explanations to encourage you to live sober.

1. No more morning breath

Admit it, you’ve done it more times than you think. You get hammered, you fall asleep on the couch, and you wake up with bad breath. You forgot to brush your teeth last night! You forgot to take a shower, and now you absolutely stink. This is worse if you wake up with someone wonderful beside you.

Alcohol makes your breath foul because it encourages the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and gums. The smell gets worse when the bacteria come into contact with certain foods such as cheese, onions, and garlic.

2. You won’t miss the hangovers 

This is self-explanatory.

3. Your memory will improve, and so will your concentration

One of the biggest reasons people drink alcohol is because they loosen up after a tipple. Alcohol is a sedative, and indeed, it does momentarily make you feel less anxious. Once you’ve decided to quit, one of the things you will miss the most would be a scene like this:

You get home, put down your things, open the fridge, and get a drink.

You will have to re-learn how to relax if you skip the alcohol. When you depend on alcohol to relax, the brain’s neurochemistry changes in such a way that you become forgetful.  However, after you quit and go through the initial stages of withdrawal, your brain will be able to adapt. Some people remark that when they stop drinking, a haze lifts. Suddenly, there is no mental fog.

4. You sleep better

sleep better

A lot of people depend on alcohol to lull themselves to sleep. Because alcohol has a sedative effect, we mistakenly think that it is a sleep aid. Wrong! Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it will disrupt your sleep. According to health experts, when you drink alcohol before sleeping some of these things might happen:

  • You wake up several times in the middle of the night
  • You don’t feel refreshed—you don’t have “deep sleep”, instead it is as if you are awake while trying to sleep (“shallow sleep”)
  • You wake up too early and can’t fall back to sleep

Unfortunately, when you quit drinking, your insomnia may get a bit worse until your body adapts. Walking around in the middle of the night is a common complaint among people who are in withdrawal. But trust the system—you may begin to see improvements in as few as three days (or nights).

5. Weight loss

Weight loss

Why do you lose weight when you quit? Because when you quit alcohol, you also quit the snacks and nibbles that go with the drinks. Alcohol messes up the metabolism of food in your body. When there is alcohol present, the body prioritizes its digestion before any other substance. This leads to a slower burn of fats and an accumulation of fats that weren’t burned in your buttocks (or gut).

6. You avoid cancer

avoid cancer

When you are in midlife, you worry about diseases such as cancer. We are not young and spry anymore, some of our bad habits seem to be catching up with us. We may even have friends who are in cancer treatment. Consider this: In a new study published recently in the American Journal of Public Health, people who drink more than three servings of alcoholic beverages have a higher chance of getting cancer. Particularly, they were affected by breast cancer, skin cancer, and ovarian cancer. Be forewarned.

7. Alcohol is not (really) good for the heart 

The American Heart Association does not recommend people to start drinking because “it is good for the heart.” Early studies have linked the consumption of wine to good cholesterol levels, but these studies are not definitive. If you are using “good heart health” as an excuse not to get sober, it’s now time to drop it.

8. Better skin

Better skin

Dermatologists warn that alcohol’s dehydrating effects are to blame for acne and increased wrinkle production. Quitting gives your skin a chance to rehydrate. As moisture is the best friend of glowing skin, drink lots of water when you start abstaining so that your skin will heal better. Expect to see results in about a month.

9. Avoiding liver disease

If you began drinking in your teens and you are still drinking now, you are at risk of liver disease. The facts are scary. According to the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission, men aged between 40 to 50 who identify themselves as “regular drinkers” are most at risk.

10. A mid-life reevaluation 

We are all familiar with the term “midlife crisis”. Perhaps it is better to look at it as a sort of life evaluation. If you start to depend less on alcohol and more on your inner strength to go about life’s challenges, some surprising truths may emerge. Your goal at this stage of life is to answer the questions, “How am I doing so far in this lifetime?” “Are there things I want to change?” Forty (and above) seems to be a good time to start having more satisfying relationships and meaning in life.

When you quit alcohol, sometimes you face the truth that you have been using it to dull your pains and disappointments, particularly with certain loved ones. Sober living sometimes leads us to make dramatic changes in our relationships—in the long run, it is good for our emotional and mental health.

It is crucial to follow through the intention to live sober. Having the right support is vital if you are going to change the way you live for good. Being sober will affect how you connect with friends and family members. It will also mean you need to change the assumptions you have about yourself. You are never too old to learn new things, they say. Now go ahead and prove it.

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Aqua Yoga

The miraculous benefits of Aqua Yoga

Water, an undeniable necessity “Water is the driving force of all nature.” -Leonardo da Vinci Water is the undeniable necessity of life. A human body composes of 50 to 65 percent water and an infant is made up of 78 percent water. It forms the basis of existence for all living organisms and is one of the five major elements of nature, the other four beings; space, fire, air,and earth. The vital property of buoyancy of water provides relief to the beginner yoga enthusiasts who experience joint or muscle pain. It also helps in acclimatizing after an injury or surgery due to the upward force that minimizes the effects of gravity. The concept of Aqua Yoga Imagine a situation where your yoga instructor directs you to jump into a vibrating pool of water and drills you to perform various asanas with ease. Isn’t the thought of it just exhilarating? Indeed it is. Yoga in water or Aqua Yoga is the art of practicing yoga in water. It has an extra benefit of exercising without sweat and paining muscles. Aqua yoga Asians develop flexibility and core strength. It is majorly practiced to relieve all the physical and mental pain and is specifically recommended for pregnant women and senior citizens. The body only bears 20 percent of its weight while being chest-deep submerged in water. This property of water enables one to stretch deeper and easily balance, which is sometimes not even possible on land. ‘I was surprised by how much more flexible my body felt in the pool, and how easily I slipped into a meditative state.’ This statement by the famous yoga fanatic, Chelsey Hamilton further portrays the benefits of practicing yoga in water. Origin of Aqua Yoga “Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. Yoga means union - the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in the performance of one's actions.” Yoga in its various forms originated about 5000 years ago in India and till date, it has experienced significant changes in its execution and practice due to change in the public’s perception and change in lifestyle. Aqua Yoga is one such change in execution. Due to the underlying benefits of exercising yoga in water, various yoga instructors started taking classes in pools and even the students benefitted in various ways from it. This resulted in the formation of yet another type of yoga i.e. Aqua yoga. Different Asans in Aqua yoga Some Aqua Yoga instructors follow the Bikram yoga practice and heat the pool to 88-92 degrees to aid with flexibility and relaxation. While the others preach asanas in normal temperature water. The practice of Aqua Yoga relives all the weight-bearing issues since it serves as a natural strut for helping the body to balance and stay upright. There are various asanas that can be performed underwater. Some of them are as follows: Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand): While performing headstands underwater, individuals must very comfortable underwater and holding your breath for a short time. Underwater headstands are significantly beneficial for improving breathing. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose): This pose, when practiced underwater strengthens the thighs, ankles, abdomen, and buttocks. It also effectively stretches the groins, hamstrings, and calves. Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose) This pose is one of the most exciting poses one can practice underwater. This yoga asan is useful in strengthening the back and arms as one expands and opens through the chest. "The movements are very fluidic underwater, therefore it is easy for some people to focus more and achieve ideal results," says yoga expert Amrapali Patil. Aqua Yoga is indeed workout without pain and sweat and various yoga teacher training institutes in India preach it due to its usefulness. Read also: Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat


A Couple’s Guide To Celebrating Your Big Day With Cannabis

With the legalization of recreational marijuana in numerous states nationwide, weed weddings have become increasingly popular in recent years. If you and your partner enjoy imbibing marijuana, you may want to include it in your special day. From cannabis-infused cocktails to a designated smoking area, there are many ways to incorporate weed into a wedding celebration. A marijuana-friendly wedding can be a unique and memorable experience for couples and their guests alike. However, it pays to follow a few tips to help ensure the big day goes smoothly. Investigate State Laws To avoid legal troubles, you must investigate state laws around cannabis so you don’t have a dampener put on your event due to police investigation and fines and charges. Find out if recreational marijuana purchase and use is permitted in your location, and remember that some states have only made medical cannabis legal. You can find helpful information on state government websites or marijuana-specific blogs, and the like that break down details state by state. Ensure you read credible, updated data to protect yourself and your guests. If you learn that you won’t legally be able to have cannabis as part of your wedding day in the area where you live, you may want to have a destination wedding somewhere it’s legal instead. Do your research before paying any non-refundable venue or other deposits to avoid losing money. Ask Venues if They Permit Weed Use Speaking of venues, it’s also vital to check with any place you plan to hire for your nuptials or reception if they allow marijuana on the premises. While it may be legal in the state, this doesn’t mean the wedding venue you pick won’t have a problem with it. As you’ll see from your research, business owners can forbid the possession or usage of cannabis on their premises in many states around the country. The sooner you ask about this topic, the better, so you don’t end up with an issue on the big day or before it. Select Weed Types and How You’ll Present It Another tip is to consider the best type of weed you want to make available at your wedding. As a regular user, you know it comes in numerous forms, such as edibles, like gummies, cookies, brownies, etc., or rolled-up joints, bongs, and so on. Some people just like to serve one particular style, while others opt for numerous options. Presentation is key, too. Think about how you want to show that weed is available and whether you want this to be a big feature. For instance, you could set up a dedicated marijuana bar where attendees can come and choose what they’d like to imbibe, or you could create a chill-out zone designated for consuming cannabis and relaxing. Alternatively, include weed into your party favor bags or even go all out and add it to design elements of your wedding, such as on the invitations, in the event décor, the menu, etc. Ensure that Children and Pets Will Stay Safe This may not be relevant to you, but if you plan on having any children or pets present on your big day, it’s vital to ensure they stay safe and don’t accidentally consume any cannabis and get sick. You’ll need to position cannabis somewhere that pets and children can’t see or grab it and have someone supervising them at all times. They could potentially find some on the floor or on a table that guests absentmindedly leave lying around, but if they’re supervised and, hopefully, kept in a separate area once the weed has been brought out, you can rest easier. Consider Putting Weed on Your Registry List Lastly, if you have a restricted budget and want to utilize weed at your wedding or on your honeymoon but are worried about the cost, why not think outside the box? You could add the purchase of cannabis to your registry list and save yourself some money. People could contribute money towards purchasing it for the event or buy it themselves and bring it along. You could provide guests with a list of places where they can buy it, to help them out with this, such as dispensaries for cannabis concentrates in Phoenix or stores selling marijuana gummies in Los Angeles, etc. Hosting a marijuana-friendly wedding can take a little more planning and thinking, but it can be a fun way to add pizazz to your memorable day and help you make the occasion truly authentic for you and your partner. Consider how much you want cannabis to be a part of your wedding and work back from there as you design the special occasion. Read Also: The Most Popular Cannabis Strains And Where They Came From What Are Tarpenes? How Do They Work? – Cannabis Guide How To Make Your Own Cannabis Topicals?

owning a Vape Online

7 Things You Should Know About Owning a Vape

Vaping: it's the hottest trend that is rapidly spreading across the nation's youth. While once viewed as a "healthier" alternative to smoking, e-cigarettes quickly spread in popularity from those looking to quit smoking to youthful users to recreational use. Also known as "vaping," this practice is rapidly spreading. Storefronts for vape devices and e-juice are popping up everywhere making it increasingly easy for anyone to get their hands on vaping devices. Owning a Vape is not a crime but in excess quantity can create problems. Despite the widespread popularity of this practice, there is still much to be learned about vaping. We have compiled a few facts that users should know about owning a vape in the article below. Different Facts You Must Know Before Owning A Vape There are multiple ways you can own a vape before using it for your personal pleasure. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to make use of it. Owning a vape is one of the most essential facts that you need to consider at your end. 1. E-Cigarettes and Vaping Devices Do Pose Some Risk: Vaping was once viewed as a risk-free alternative to smoking, due to the reduction of second-hand smoke and a smaller amount of nicotine in e-liquids. Although this thought is mostly true, there are many adverse health complications that have yet to be addressed such as damage to the brain, heart, and lungs and the development of these organs, preterm delivery and stillbirth, and even cancer. Owning a vape will no longer a bigger problem for you. 2. Using E-Cigarettes May Not Help You Quit Smoking: This is quite a bold statement, considering this was part of the purpose of developing e-cigarettes. However, it should be noted that e-juice/e-liquids still contain nicotine, which is what makes the act of tobacco-use so addicting. Oftentimes, the use of e-cigarettes does not lead to smoking cessation. It can easily evolve into an additional method of smoking, which increases the nicotine intake for users. 3. The Risks of E-Cigarettes May Be Increased For Young People: Younger generations are extremely vulnerable to use e-cigarettes and vaping devices, which makes them more likely to suffer ill health effects from this habit. The younger the age of the individual the first time they try nicotine, the easier it is to become addicted. If you pair that with the physiology that the common young adult's brain is still developing and not able to adequately deal with the side effects of an addictive substance and you have a recipe for a lifelong addiction. 4. E-Cigarettes and Vapes are Not FDA-Approved: Despite the common belief that these items are regulated by the FDA, these devices are not approved as a smoking cessation aid. Due to the recent increase in the popularity of these items, the FDA is becoming more involved in their regulation. However, marketing restrictions are not placed on these devices, making it simple to market to the younger generation. In 2015, the FDA extended regulatory authority to CTP's over all tobacco products. This act was followed by a 2018 requirement for a nicotine "addictiveness" warning imposed on all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. 5. The Jury is Still Out on the Safety of Aerosol Inhalants: Due to a lack of information and research on e-cigarettes and vapes, little is known about the long-term effects of utilizing aerosol as an inhalant. What is a concern are the ultrafine particles, toxins, and heavy metals that are often additives in e-juice? In fact, it makes take years for reliable studies on the use of vaping devices to emerge. Some vape shops will also make and sell their own mixes or modify products. For a product that already isn't regulated by the FDA, this becomes a topic of concern. 6. The Spread of Vaping May Be Normalizing the Act of Smoking: Do you remember hearing stories of your grandmother smoking in the hospital? What about going out to eat with smoke billowing in your face as a child? To read that sentence sounds asinine to us; however, smoking used to be the cultural norm. Through labeling requirements, marketing techniques, and ongoing studies, the rate of smokers in the U.S. has been on the decline. Smoking bans are now common practice, as are cigarette taxes. Yet, the use of e-cigarettes could undo all of the progress that has been made to discourage smoking. Sleek e-cig styles, handheld devices, flavored e-juice, and low cost make these products even more desirable to the younger generation. Ease of access to these devices is also a concern. As of 2018, the FDA estimates that "3.62 million middle to high school students were users of e-cigarettes". 7. E-cigarettes Can Be Used for Other Recreational Purposes: With the rise in state-level marijuana laws, vapes are becoming used more popularly on a recreational level. E-cigarettes make it easy to smoke virtually anywhere at any time without most bystanders knowing a thing. Flavored juices easily mask the smell of any additives, which makes this practice even more desirable for recreational use. Review of the Facts: Although e-cigarettes are gaining popularity, especially in the younger generation, much more research needs to be done to determine the safety of this practice. The first step would need to be regulation of e-cigarettes and e-juices, followed by implementation and monitoring health standards, and then firmed up by recurring studies regarding the safety of vaping. This type of product is greatly marketed to youth, Ironically, this user age dynamic includes the individuals who are most likely to experience the negative effects of vaping. While each individual is responsible for their own choices, it is our duty to provide the facts to potential users so that they can weigh the benefits vs. consequences of vaping. Vape Online Gold Coast can help provide reputable information about vaping for potential users. Read Also: Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking? Vaping In The Workplace: Legal Considerations Free Yourself – How To Stop Smoking