What You Can Do About Premature Ejaculation

Published on: 26 April 2021 Last Updated on: 31 December 2024
Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation, though a common condition in the male population, incites much concern and fear, especially if it transpires quite periodically. Instead of going through unverified channels to purchase cheap yet health-hazardous products, get priligy in the UK and follow these steps in dealing with PE.

Premature ejaculation can also result from a lack of confidence arising out of the size and shape of your penis. It is exactly because of this reason that experts recommend that men who are conscious of their penis size should look at taking help from scientifically proven penis straighteners. If you want to know more about the products, please visit- https://jesextender.com/penis-straightener/.

How To Deal With Premature Ejaculation:

How To Deal With Premature Ejaculation

1. How’s Are Your Stress Levels?

Stress is often the cause of premature ejaculation in most. Yet it is the factor given the least attention. Mental stressors, as well as those similar to these, will prevent you from relaxing during coitus.

It may sound ironic, that your blood vessels need to be relaxed in sexual intercourse. But biological observations show that the blood vessels connecting your bodily systems towards the reproductive system (i.e. CNS, cardiovascular system), along with the blood passageways in and around the penis, are greatly in control of erection and ejaculation.

Of course, this is not to downplay the role of your central nervous system, where it all begins.

We set this as number 1 on this list because it’s the variable that permits you the most control over, managing PE. Manage your stress. Commonly, stress has to do with heavy workloads and little rest or little sleep.

Try to create a schedule (and working habits for efficiency) that will have you operating at your optimum without “overworking”, whilst leaving you with at least 7 hours of sleep every night. That is, amongst the rest of the leisurely activities in your day today (i.e. time with your family, etc.).

You may immediately notice that after sticking to this new “balanced” schedule, PE, along with your prescribed PE medications, will appear less frequently. Plus, stress management is beneficial for your overall well-being, too.

2. Decreasing Sensitivity Of The Penis In Coitus:

This isn’t the most conventional of the approaches towards moderating the occurrence of premature ejaculation. However, decreasing the sensitivity of the penis through the use of condoms has been proven effective for a number of patients.

Penile sensitivity is not the root cause of premature ejaculation. But it is one of the minor factors. Note that the major root causes have to do with neurotransmitter blockage, blood, and blood vessel occlusion, and decreased capacity of the reproductive system (and its organs) to respond accordingly, from arousal to ejaculation.

Then again, one of the most practical steps you may try to observe is wearing a condom. It isn’t fool-proof. Condoms are made so that they do not stand in the way of allowing sensory components to be activated around the penis, as close to when it does, when there isn’t a condom around it.

In contrast, it still very lightly hampers sensation. A fraction, to say the least. While taking prescribed premature erection medication, it will be beneficial to be in the habit of wearing a condom during coitus, to aid the first.

3. Erectile Dysfunction Medication Is NOT Premature Ejaculation Medication:

Though both treat male-targeted disorders, their functions are different from one another (as are ED against PE). If you also suffer from erectile dysfunction and have started undergoing treatment through ED medication, go to your telehealth physician and inquire about a prescription for PE as well.

Your physician will then understand what treatment to prescribe, as ED medication may prompt the frequency of PE. The first has to do with causing an erection for a period as close to average as possible, enough for coitus. Hence, there’s some sort of delay in the process which may be what’s causing your PE. Be sure to get a diagnosis for both.

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Questions To Ask A Psychologist Before Hiring One

 The human brain is always on the go, so it’s no surprise that at some point or another, humans experience being mentally and emotionally burned out. Caring for your psychological welfare is a huge responsibility; talking about it and not getting any medical help adds up to your frustrations. When this happens, the best thing to do is look for a psychologist that is highly-qualified and professional. For many, it is a big leap to seek professional help, but it is essential for your healing. However, there are things you need to consider before hiring one to avoid wasting any of your time, money, and effort to ineffective treatment. Here are some of the questions you need to ask from your prospect psychologist   There are multiple questions you can ask your psychologist to get the clearance of your problems in the best possible manner. Let's find out some of the effective means you can apply to develop your treatment process  in the right direction. 1. How will you treat me? The first thing you need to know is how the psychologist can help you get through your mental issues. If their answers are not satisfying, try looking for psychologists at Open Sky Psychology where you can find various psychologists offering different treatments for different issues. Since your reason for hiring one is to heal from your psychological warfare, it is but necessary to ask them these details in relation: The psychological treatment that will be used to address the problem. The kind of methods needed to treat other patients with similar problems as you and a general overview on how said patients has recovered. The methods that are being used and the probability of success. 2. Have you encountered issues similar to my case? They say that experience is the best teacher and this applies to your prospect psychologist, too. No matter how long they have been practicing, there are cases they may have not encountered yet and you wouldn’t want to be the first. To gauge the experience level of your prospective psychologist, consider these details: The number of patients that have the same problem as yours. The number of patients that need treatment and are still undergoing treatment. The length of time needed before positive changes are evident. The estimated timeline or length of time that is needed for cases like yours. 3. Can you evaluate if the treatment is working for me?  Some patients want honest answers to how they are doing, whether they’re doing well or not. Be bold enough to ask these questions to identify psychologists who are honest: Along the treatment, will you tell me if I’m doing well or not? Will you point out if there are changes? How will you gauge my changes? Will you be direct about it or will you wait for the entire treatment to be done before giving your evaluations?  4. What is your area of expertise?  Knowing the theoretical orientation of your potential psychologist helps you decide whether you’re seeking the right one or not. Psychologists have different expertise which requires different approaches. Here are questions to help you identify the right psychologist for your problem: What is your area of focus? How long have you been working on your expertise? Do you have any credentials to support your claim? Do you regularly attend seminars or training to further your knowledge? Do you rely solely on your knowledge when treating a patient or do your research to find more about it?  5. What is your availability?  It is essential to know the availability of your therapist, especially if your case needs constant support and advice from your psychologist. Ask them these questions to see if they can be reachable: Can I call you anytime? If not, what times of the day and night can I call you? How can I reach you? Do you have a separate emergency contact number? Can you keep me up to date if you will be away for a long time?  6. Can we be friends?  Your psychologist must maintain a professional yet distant relationship with you. Remember that you need professional help, not a friend. Consider it a red flag when their answers to these questions are a yes: Can I hang out with you during your free time? Can you add me up on my social media accounts? Do you have friends from your patients’ list? Conclusion  Having someone to vent out your problems is different from having a psychological therapy. It is important to seek professional help when you know you are suffering from within. But to be treated effectively needs the right psychologist. Bear the difficulty of finding the right one then go to an exhausting treatment process that will not help you. When you know you are in good hands, chances are you will be healed in time. There are multiple ways you can adopt to cure your patients. Read Also: Art Activities For Stress Relief The Role Of Nutrition Therapy In Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating Disorder

Teenage Eating Disorder Treatment FAQ

Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions that affect people of all ages, genders, and races. However, they typically develop in early adolescence. Families searching for the best eating disorder treatment centers should take great care to understand the different types of eating disorders and the treatment options available. At Clementine, we specialize in teenage eating disorders treatment, offering patients access to care in a comfortable, safe and home-like setting. Keep reading to learn more about common eating disorders and eating disorder recovery options. What is an eating disorder? Eating disorders are very serious mental health conditions that include both medical and psychiatric aspects. The most well-known eating disorders include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. However, people can develop other types of eating disorders, including binge eating disorder and eating disorder not otherwise specified. People who have an eating disorder are typically obsessed with food, their body shape, weight and body image. If left untreated, eating disorders can quickly become very serious and even life-threatening. Who can develop an eating disorder? People of all genders and nearly any age can develop an eating disorder. Research has shown children as young as five or six years of age can develop an eating disorder. While it is true females are more commonly diagnosed than males and individuals typically show signs of an eating disorder in adolescence, many people develop eating disorders later in adulthood. Current studies suggest up to seven percent of women in the United States have had bulimia nervosa at some point in their lives. Anorexia nervosa is the third most common chronic illness among teen girls and binge eating disorder affects anywhere from 0.7 percent to 4 percent of the general population. It is important to remember eating disorder treatment is available. Can people be cured with eating disorder treatment? Many people with eating disorders can achieve recovery. Early intervention and finding the right eating disorder treatment centers to fit an individual's needs are extremely important when seeking professional help. It is also important to keep in mind patients who have been through an eating disorder recovery program may continue to seek counseling to support and protect their recovery for months or years after leaving treatment. The chance of relapse greatly diminishes when teens have access to aftercare and a strong support system at home. If a loved one is intentionally vomiting after meals but only some of the time, should parents be worried? Yes. Anytime someone feels the need to purge after a meal, whether that means fasting, self-induced vomiting or laxative use,  they are likely dealing with underlying psychological issues surrounding food, their body shape, and weight. While this does not necessarily mean they have a diagnosable eating disorder, it is important for loved ones to express concern. What is the difference between overeating and binge eating? Many people will overeat every now and then. However, those with binge eating disorder feel out of control during the binge episode. They typically eat large amounts of food in a very short amount of time, even, at times when they are not physically hungry. The binge eating episodes can also be accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, and disgust. Contact Clementine Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Today: At Clementine eating disorder treatment centers, we focus on providing adolescents with the tools they need to enjoy a successful eating disorder recovery. We understand teenage eating disorders treatment should be approached from both a medical, psychiatric, therapeutic and nutritional perspectives to ensure young people can properly navigate the challenges of life after completing treatment. Read Also: 4 Reasons Why Food Handling Training Is Important Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit

Aqua Yoga

The miraculous benefits of Aqua Yoga

Water, an undeniable necessity “Water is the driving force of all nature.” -Leonardo da Vinci Water is the undeniable necessity of life. A human body composes of 50 to 65 percent water and an infant is made up of 78 percent water. It forms the basis of existence for all living organisms and is one of the five major elements of nature, the other four beings; space, fire, air,and earth. The vital property of buoyancy of water provides relief to the beginner yoga enthusiasts who experience joint or muscle pain. It also helps in acclimatizing after an injury or surgery due to the upward force that minimizes the effects of gravity. The concept of Aqua Yoga Imagine a situation where your yoga instructor directs you to jump into a vibrating pool of water and drills you to perform various asanas with ease. Isn’t the thought of it just exhilarating? Indeed it is. Yoga in water or Aqua Yoga is the art of practicing yoga in water. It has an extra benefit of exercising without sweat and paining muscles. Aqua yoga Asians develop flexibility and core strength. It is majorly practiced to relieve all the physical and mental pain and is specifically recommended for pregnant women and senior citizens. The body only bears 20 percent of its weight while being chest-deep submerged in water. This property of water enables one to stretch deeper and easily balance, which is sometimes not even possible on land. ‘I was surprised by how much more flexible my body felt in the pool, and how easily I slipped into a meditative state.’ This statement by the famous yoga fanatic, Chelsey Hamilton further portrays the benefits of practicing yoga in water. Origin of Aqua Yoga “Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. Yoga means union - the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in the performance of one's actions.” Yoga in its various forms originated about 5000 years ago in India and till date, it has experienced significant changes in its execution and practice due to change in the public’s perception and change in lifestyle. Aqua Yoga is one such change in execution. Due to the underlying benefits of exercising yoga in water, various yoga instructors started taking classes in pools and even the students benefitted in various ways from it. This resulted in the formation of yet another type of yoga i.e. Aqua yoga. Different Asans in Aqua yoga Some Aqua Yoga instructors follow the Bikram yoga practice and heat the pool to 88-92 degrees to aid with flexibility and relaxation. While the others preach asanas in normal temperature water. The practice of Aqua Yoga relives all the weight-bearing issues since it serves as a natural strut for helping the body to balance and stay upright. There are various asanas that can be performed underwater. Some of them are as follows: Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand): While performing headstands underwater, individuals must very comfortable underwater and holding your breath for a short time. Underwater headstands are significantly beneficial for improving breathing. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose): This pose, when practiced underwater strengthens the thighs, ankles, abdomen, and buttocks. It also effectively stretches the groins, hamstrings, and calves. Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose) This pose is one of the most exciting poses one can practice underwater. This yoga asan is useful in strengthening the back and arms as one expands and opens through the chest. "The movements are very fluidic underwater, therefore it is easy for some people to focus more and achieve ideal results," says yoga expert Amrapali Patil. Aqua Yoga is indeed workout without pain and sweat and various yoga teacher training institutes in India preach it due to its usefulness. Read also: Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat