7 Health Tips For Medical Students

Published on: 22 April 2022 Last Updated on: 17 February 2025
Health Tips

Being a med student is unquestionably difficult. Regardless of your interest in medicine, student life is stressful and overwhelming at times due to the hard work and excessive hours spent studying and attending hospital training rounds.

And, despite the numerous benefits of being a doctor or any other healthcare professional, you must recognize that achieving any career in medicine is a difficult task.

Given this, med students must learn to keep their cool. And do whatever they can to practice perseverance – which can only be possible through adopting a few healthy living habits. Unfortunately, many aspiring medical students ignore their diet.

They do not take the necessary steps to improve their overall health – a giant flag on the play. Yes, it can be challenging to maintain healthy eating habits while in medical school. But living a healthy lifestyle can help you become a better student and doctor.

Here Are 7 Health Tips For Medical Students:

1. Study smart

Encourage a nurturing environment. You are, after all, studying to become a healthcare professional, so put focus on cultivating a collaborative and supportive environment now.

You can start by being active in your studies – whether you take notes, draw diagrams, teach a classmate, or make flashcards. If you enjoy studying with others, find a group of friends you can trust and rely upon.

Also, try to foster a growth mindset to become a life-long learner. Continuing your education can give you a leg up in your career – regardless of your specialty, but you might not find enough time to attend in-person classes.

So if you aspire to become a successful nurse, enrolling in an RN-BSN program online will help you manage and study smart.

2. Sleep is essential

Sleep is essential

Although medical school has erratic schedules, you should try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Sleeping is just as essential as studying – you can’t function properly if you don’t get enough of it.

The average adult requires between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function optimally. Although this is easier said than done, there are a variety of apps available and some sleeping methods that can assist you in catching up on much-needed rest.

Related Resource: Top 7 Reasons the Medical Field Will Always Be In Demand

3. Eat a well-balanced diet 

The food you eat affects your nutrient intake, energy level, and even your overall mood for the day. So even if you have a busy schedule that makes fast food seem like a good option, eating extremely unhealthy can adversely affect your ability to function.

Even though healthy food can be more difficult for those with a hectic work schedule, meal prep guides aim to reduce the time to eat healthily massively. So get on with your research and create healthy and balanced weekly meal plans!

4. Spend some time exercising 

You are probably under the impression that your schedule will not allow you to exercise; however, improving your organizational skills may provide enough time.

For example, you could spend 30 minutes on a relaxing yoga or morning jog. In addition, you are probably aware of the extraordinary benefits of a few minutes of exercise, as you are likely reassuring your patients or fellows to schedule time in their schedules for physical activity.

5. Hydrate 

Medical students, residents, and interns spend a lot of time lecturing their patients about staying hydrated. For them, it is easy to go for hours to the institute during a long and busy day without feeling like you have time to get a drink. However, this is one of the simplest ways to stay healthy.

So please bring a water bottle with you and swig from it between patients and lectures. Know where all of the water fountains are–and use them! Also, make sure you drink during all of your breaks and work hours.

If you want to keep track of how much you’re drinking, there are plenty of bottles with ounce markings to ensure you’re getting enough. Drink up!

6. Manage your stress

Manage your stress

Because working and studying conditions are undeniably demanding, medical students are well-known for leading haphazardly busy lives.

As a result, you should have a few stress management in place to help you deal with the mental demands of your job. Meditation, breathing techniques, and even religious prayers can all relieve stress. Whatever methods you find realistic and appealing, have stress management tactics as a go-to when feeling anxious.

However, you may be disheartened by your insanely chaotic work schedule when putting your newly learned stress management technologies and methodologies into practice.

Even if you believe that your busy days will leave you with no time to work on stress reduction, you will be able to find a few minutes by examining your schedule. Even five minutes of relaxation can significantly affect anxiety and stress.

7. Find a schedule-friendly hobby 

Even if you believe that your professional career leaves no room for a hobby or curiosity, the satisfying benefits of a hobby may amaze you. Moreover, you don’t have to devote too much time to your chosen hobby because some are less time-consuming than others.

Consider reuniting with your inner artist, or perhaps growing vegetables would benefit you. Finding a suitable hobby is not difficult either; consider simply reading through lists of popular hobbies.

On the other hand, you most likely already have an interest or hobby in mind that you’ve been putting off to concentrate on your career. So dig that hobby up and make time for YOU!


These were some of the best and easy-to-follow health tips that med students can easily incorporate into their schedules. Of course, we understand that staying healthy and active during medical school is not a piece of cake, and it is tempting to take the easy way out.

But in the long run, this strategy does not pay off. Thus, it is better to practice healthy habits (from day one) so that you’ll never fumble. So pay heed to the above-said health tips and become the person you wish to be (a successful and affirmative healthcare professional).

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness

The holiday season is officially over, which means it’s time to start working off some of the extra pounds you picked up at mom’s house. While people generally love the idea of looking like the dudes who do commercials for home-exercise equipment, most of us still hate working out and dieting. If you are one of them, don’t worry. There are a ton of startups offering the kind of motivation you need in the form of mobile apps. Such apps use activity tracking as well as fitness and health risk assessment apps. Today we’ll be exercising our startup muscles by taking a look at some of these young companies and what makes them tick. 8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness: Fitness gamification is huge right now, which makes sense given that it adds a much-needed dimension of play to the arduous task of getting fit. A great example of fitness gamification is Tep, which is basically a cross between a fitness tracker and a Tamagotchi; though, in the case of Tep, the star is a niftily-designed giraffe rather than a globular cluster of black pixels. The more a user exercises, the better the giraffe does (users can buy their long-necked pets treats with rewards points they earn from walking, running and cycling). If users slack off, though, it’s curtains for the poor creature. According to the app’s creators, a group of five super-talented self-starters from Szeged, Hungary, «Tep’s competitive edge relies on emotional connection and the mental „threat“ that the beloved pet might suffer from the lack of proper physical activity and thus offers a solution for curve fatigue effect.» Does that sound a little dark? Sure. But it’s for a good cause. The founding team’s goal is to help users lose eight million pounds of fat in the next three years; there’s also talk of buying a giraffe. The founding team built Tep on their own time and dime, but are currently funded by Traction Tribe and prizes from Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. Tep is available in beta for Android and Windows phones, with an iOS version coming soon. Wokamon If you like the idea of a digital workout buddy helping you toe the line, but giraffes aren’t really your thing, then you might dig Wokamon, which comes to us from Mars Zhu and Hazim Abdul Hamid of Noodum. Wokamon features dozens of animated monsters that get bigger and stronger as you do. Since it comes with a pedometer and syncs with wearables like Jawbone, Fitbit, and Up, you can be sure that every calorie burned gets counted and fed to your growing army of critters. Connecting with friends on social media through Wokamon earns you reward points, which you can burn on unlocking new creatures. Noodum and Wokamon are currently being funded by an $18,000 seed investment from Manchester Metropolitan University’s Innospace Incubator. Gamified fitness apps like Wokamon and Tep have a lot of options when it comes to future monetization. They can either take the Zombies, Run! The approach of charging for downloads (which works if you’re as niche and well-made as that app) or offer in-app purchases for things like new backgrounds, characters, or crystals and boosters for your pet monsters. For now, though, we can take advantage of both Tep and Wokamon for free. Teamster Teamster is an iOS app that, contrary to its name, has absolutely nothing to do with trucking. What teamster does do, though, is help you connect with other people in your area who are interested in the same sorts of athletic activities as you. Conveniently, users are able to identify which sports they like and their level of skill in each on a scale of 1 to 5, which means you won’t be totally outmatched when you meet up for a game with other users. When you find another user who shares your interests and skill set, swipe right in the app to add them to your team. Sounds like Tinder is ubiquitous, doesn’t it? Users can then create activities for other users or teams to join. Teamster comes to us from the Melbourne based duo of Henry Chan and 22-year old Sam McCallum, who has a background in competitive running, cycling, and skiing. Actually, 2015 is shaping up to be an awesome year for apps that bring social networking logic to the gym. Take Boston-based Perspyre, for example, which is coming out soon with a beta version for Android and iOS. The whole point of Perspyre is connecting people who love to sweat and giving them access to workouts, advice, and motivation. Users can log into the app via Facebook and take post-workout selfies, record workouts, and brag about new personal records. Though it’s admittedly a little intense for beginners, Persypre is perfect for those who are already «motivated and dedicated» enough to willingly visit Crossfit and P90x classes. Perspyre is the brainchild of Jason Chisholm and Jeremy Mays and has received $25,000 in seed funding from John Piret of the investment firm Newbury Piret & Co. If Perspyre sounds like it’s right up your alley, keep an eye out for the soon-to-be-launched SternFit iOS app which also gives workout buffs a great platform for sharing pics, tips, and workouts. Rocket Journey If your meteoric rise to peak physical perfection is still in the launch phase, you’ll find a helpful companion in RocketJourney, which bills itself as the «smartest and friendliest way to a fitness lifestyle.» The app’s founding trio of Carlos Ayala, Pablo Artee, and Ernesto Cambuston has received funding from 500 Startups, the seed fund and startup accelerator comprised of Google and PayPal alums. RocketJourney tracks all of your fitness activities from cycling to yoga to lifting to competitive eating — just kidding about that last one — and verifies that you’ve actually worked out through GPS and wearables integration. The app motivates you to stick to your fitness regime by giving you points for completed workouts and taking away points for missed ones. The same logic holds true for user-created «teams» which add the pinch of peer-pressure that it just might take to keep you on track. You can register for updates on RocketJourney’s release on the website. OneSet OneSet — «Vine for Fitness» — is another promising app to stay tuned for in the months to come. Users can create 15-second videos demonstrating an exercise or «stack» other users’ videos into workouts. Since videos are organized by muscle group or goal, it’s easy to find the right moves for you. OneSet’s founding team is based in Waterloo, Canada, and consists of brothers Amad and Shameel Abdullah, as well as full-stack developer George Xu. GYM radio Sometimes all it takes to reach the athlete within is finding the right music to sweat to, or the right gym to do it in. Though GYM radio’s online music streaming service has been around since 2013, its new iOS, Android, and Windows phone releases have made it easier than ever to get amped up and pumped up at the same time. The app features three music settings — cardio, gym, and hardcore-tailored to give your workout the right feel. Here’s the best part: GYM radio is completely ad-free, which means your runners high won’t get interrupted by voice-actors pitching toothpaste or discount car insurance. GYM radio also offers a premium upgrade which, for a monthly or yearly subscription, will let you listen offline, skip songs, and get access to material unavailable on the standard version. Gymhopper Gymhopper — «Uber for gyms»- is a Swiss startup that aims to help you find the right gym by offering its users discounted individual training passes. Gyms benefit from the app by getting a little extra exposure as well as a shot at their target market, people who are actively searching for a new place to get sweaty. Gymhopper is currently in series A fundraising but expects an iOS release later this year. What can fitness startups learn from RunKeeper? Figuring out how to actually make money with your app is a problem that can plague even the biggest of startup fish. Each of the aforementioned apps will have to figure out the right monetization strategy for their product and user-base. One good model employed by the leading fitness tracker RunKeeper is to partner with other businesses to provide sponsored advertising to users. That means Teamster’s users could theoretically get discounts on Nike products for showing up at local softball games, and Perspyre users could get 25% off gym memberships for visiting p90x classes 3 times a week. There are a lot of good ways to get back in shape, and a lot of good startups out there creating more every day. Read Also: 8 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!

breast cancer

Early Symptoms and Signs of Breast Cancer

October is the breast cancer awareness month. This tradition has been established in the 1980s and has been commemorated every year since. It is meant to raise awareness of this vicious disease affecting predominantly women. And a vicious disease it is. In fact, it is one of the biggest killers of women in the US, as well as the rest of the developed world. It is also one of the most diagnosed cancers. We asked professionals from Odonate Pharmaceuticals to share some insight into the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer, as well as possible treatment options available today. Early Symptoms Are Easy to Dismiss Breast cancer is not only a dangerous and widespread illness, but it can also be very subversive, particularly in the early stages. The symptoms and potential signs that something is wrong are easy to dismiss and can even go unnoticed. However, if you are diligent and check regularly, you should be able to notice any difference and seek advice from your doctor. Some people adopt the mindset that it is perhaps nothing and not important, but you really shouldn’t gamble with your health and seek help if you notice anything. Changes in the Feel of the Breast The earliest symptoms won’t be visible, but you will be able to feel them with your hand. Giving yourself regular breast exams is the simplest and safest way to ensure that you are able to spot any changes or problems early on. Some of these symptoms include the tenderness of the breast or a lump on the breast or the armpit region, enlargement of the pores in the region, or even a change in the texture of the skin (often described as orange peel sensation). Remember that even if you do spot these changes (particularly lumps), that doesn’t mean that it is cancerous. There are different types of lumps; however, just to be safe, any changes should be seen by a professional. Changes in the Appearance of the Breast The second level of potential early symptoms of breast cancer can be inspected visually as well. One of the most common of these is the unexplained change in size or the shape of the breast. This kind of problem is particularly noticeable if it is asymmetrical, i.e. affecting only one breast and not the other one. A more noticeable issue can be if the nipple is inverted or at least slightly turned inwards. This might be a stronger indication that something is wrong. If the skin of the breast is red, swollen, scaly, or with orange skin pattern, you really should consult a medical professional. Even if it is not a symptom of cancer, it is a concern which you should see as soon as possible. Nipple Discharge Finally, if you detect any kind of discharge from your breasts which you do not expect, it is a cause for concern. If the discharge is milky, most experts agree that this is not an indication of cancer, but should be investigated by a medical professional, nonetheless. On the other hand, if the discharge is clear, you ought to be responsible and see a doctor. The same thing applies in the case of bloody nipple discharge. Once again, even if it is not related to cancer, it is a cause for concern. Keeping yourself healthy may seem like a chore at first, but if you persist, you will find that this short and simple ritual is quite useful and that the benefits it provides far outweigh the trouble you put yourself through. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? Breast Augmentation: Procedure, Benefits, And Risks 5 Types Of Cancer Prominent In Women

A Guide To Different Types Of Dental Implants

Radiant Smiles: A Guide To Different Types Of Dental Implants

The saying "Smile, and the world smiles with you" may hold true, but for some, smiling is not as easy as it sounds. It is especially true for those with missing teeth or dental problems. Fortunately, dental implants have become a popular and effective way to restore a healthy and radiant smile. This post will discuss the different types of dental implants available. Whether you are considering dental implants for functional or cosmetic reasons, this guide will provide the information you need to make an informed decision. What Is A Dental Implant? Dental implants are artificial tooth roots of titanium surgically placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. They are one of the most popular and effective options for replacing missing teeth. Its primary purpose is to provide a durable and stable replacement tooth or bridge base. Unlike dentures, which can slip or shift in the mouth, implants are securely anchored in the jawbone, providing a more natural and comfortable fit. Dental implants can also improve speech, prevent bone loss in the jaw, and restore facial structure that may have been lost due to missing teeth. Dental Implant System Dental implants are made of titanium and act as artificial tooth roots surgically placed into the jawbone where the natural tooth root used to be. Once implanted, they fuse with the jawbone through osseointegration, creating a durable and stable foundation for a replacement tooth or bridge. A dental implant comprises three main components: the implant body or fixture, the abutment, and the crown. The implant body or fixture is the portion of the implant that is surgically placed into the jawbone. It is typically cylindrical and has small threads or ridges on the surface to aid in fusion with the bone. The abutment is the connector piece that attaches to the implant body and protrudes above the gumline. It supports the dental crown, the visible portion of the implant system that resembles a natural tooth. The dental crown is custom-made to match the surrounding teeth' size, shape, and colour for a natural-looking replacement for the missing tooth. Dental Implant Types When it comes to dental implants, there are two main types: endosteal dental implants and subperiosteal dental implants. Other types include zygomatic and mini. Endosteal Dental Implants Endosteal dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone as an artificial tooth root. These implants are typically titanium and shaped like small screws or cylinders. They are suitable for patients with healthy jawbones and are the preferred option for many dentists due to their durability and longevity. Read Also: Choosing The Best Dental Care In Gramercy Subperiosteal Dental Implants Subperiosteal dental implants can be for patients who do not have enough healthy bone in their jaws to support traditional implants. Instead of being placed into the jawbone, subperiosteal implants are placed on the bone and under the gumline. Subperiosteal implants consist of a metal frame custom-fitted to the patient's jawbone. While subperiosteal implants may be a good solution for patients with bone loss, they may not be as durable or long-lasting. Zygomatic Dental Implants Zygomatic Dental Implants are longer and anchored into the cheekbone, the zygoma bone. These implants are typically used for patients with severe bone loss in their upper jaw. Zygomatic implants provide a stable foundation for a fixed denture or bridge and can last many years with proper care. Mini Dental Implants Mini Dental Implants, also known as narrow-diameter implants, are smaller than traditional implants. They are typically used to support lower arch dentures or to replace small teeth. Mini implants are often less invasive than traditional implants and require less healing time. However, they may only be suitable for some patients and not as durable as larger implants. Dental implants can also be classified on the number of missing teeth: Single Tooth Dental Implants These are used when only one tooth is missing. The implant is placed into the jawbone, and a crown is attached once it fuses with the bone. Multiple Tooth Dental Implants When more than one tooth is missing, multiple-tooth dental implants are used. This process involves placing two or more implants in the jawbone and attaching a bridge or individual crowns to the implants. The result is a secure, long-lasting solution for multiple missing teeth. All-On-4 Dental Implants For those missing most or all of their teeth, the All-on-4 dental implant technique can be a game-changer. This process involves using four implants to support a full arch of replacement teeth. The implants are strategically placed in the jawbone to support the new teeth. Implant-Assisted Dentures Implant-assisted dentures are similar to traditional dentures but are supported by dental implants instead of resting directly on the gums. It provides greater stability and prevents slipping or shifting of the dentures. Implant-Supported Bridges An implant-supported bridge replaces multiple missing teeth. Like multiple-tooth dental implants, this process involves placing implants in the jawbone, but instead of attaching individual crowns, a bridge is attached to the implants. Takeaway: Overall Benefits Of Dental Implants Dental implants provide numerous benefits for those with missing or damaged teeth. They provide a more natural and comfortable fit than traditional dentures, preventing slippage or shifting in the mouth. Implants can also improve speech, prevent bone loss in the jaw, and restore facial structure lost due to missing teeth. With the various types of dental implants available, patients can choose an option that best suits their specific needs. Whether it's a single-tooth implant, multiple-tooth implant, All-on-4 technique, implant-assisted dentures, or implant-supported bridges, dental implants can be a long-lasting and effective solution for restoring a healthy and radiant smile. Read Also: Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path Essential Things to Consider Before Getting Dental Implants Dental Health: 6 Essential Dental Care Tips You Need to Know