What is Garcinia Cambogia and how it can help your health?

Published on: 24 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Garcinia Cambogia

There are a plethora of weight loss products on the market and if you feel dizzy by the amount of choice that you have, don’t worry, science even has a name for that. And you wouldn’t be the first person not to know what is Garcinia Cambogia. It is rather new on the market and its name is yet to be shone by the highlight of popularity. So what is Garcinia Cambogia?

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia is actually a former scientific name for Garcinia gummi-gutta (also known as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kuda puli). It is a tropical pumpkin-like plant, native to Indonesia, and it has been used as a traditional cooking ingredient in its native lands of south-east Asia. Its name became known outside of its native habitat since 2012 when first claims of its natural weight loss effect came into the spotlight after celebrated Dr. Oz introduced first scientific evidence. So it is only in this decade that it has been used and researched, but the effects are evident.

It may seem that people are rushing to capitalize on this plant, and your skepticism is justified. Not everybody rushes to buy new drugs on the market, and we won’t be promoting it. But by far this plant has shown a lot of potential benefits and only minor side effects (hydroxy citric causes some of them to the unlucky ones, like nausea, headaches and so on). But if you don’t suffer any side effects from it, it will definitely speed up the shedding process.


Well everyone knows that losing weight can’t be done by pure magic, you have to be persistent and active. Of course, exercise and a proper diet are two essential things you have to do, and weight loss products are only there to accompany these 2 and eventually accelerate the process. Drink a lot of water and incorporate supplements in your diet. We all know proteins and amino acids are essential so try including complete whey for all supplements that your body may demand. And at the end, sleep well and use Garcinia Cambogia.

How does it work?

It is still new to medicine and all of its properties are yet to be discovered, but by far, its fat burning effects are well known. Garcinia Cambogia is actually an appetite suppressant, it also inhibits the production of the new fat in your body, by not being able to produce it, your body thus burns fat that is stored inside you. To put it more scientifically, it inhibits lipogenesis, being the right tool for fighting obesity. The Hydroxycitric acid mentioned above, raises the level of serotonin in your brain, therefore suppressing appetite. Serotonin is actually responsible for your happiness (as well as for sexual desire, social behavior, mood, appetite and so on), so by addressing one thing (depression), it affects its side effects (overeating). So Garcinia Cambogia has a lot of additional useful effects on your body which can’t be a bad thing since a lot of weight loss products only focus on peeling fat.

What to know when buying one?

There are many of Garcinia Cambogia products on the market, and some in combination with other ingredients (like apple vinegar), which may be desirable and effective (or not), so we advise you to be cautious and consult your doctor beforehand, but we can tell you what to look for.

First of all, look for the proper amount of hydroxy citric acids, you don’t want to overdose. With ingredients that support bioavailability such as potassium, and other minerals and vitamins that may suit your dietary needs. Vegetarian or vegan options. Researched products and naturally, FDA approved products.

Right now, best options are NatureWise Pure Garcinia Cambogia; Pinnacle Nutrition Pure Extract with Potassium; BioGanix 100% Pure Extract and so on.

Be persistent and with Garcinia Cambogia, results will be stunning!

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Key Techniques For Holding Your Mouse

We are living in increasingly computer-dominated times. Only ten to fifteen years ago, computer skills were considered a bonus. Nowadays, being able to operate a computer for prolonged periods of time is all but required. While computers have made our lives difficult, they've also introduced a host of physical problems. Due to the rise in computer use, carpal tunnel syndrome has found new life in modern America. As a result, countless people are either dealing with the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome or are actively fighting to prevent it from happening. Today, we are going to be discussing a few ways you can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from impacting your life. Keys to Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can impart numbness, tingling, and pain in your hand and arm. This condition is typically caused by compressed nerves in your wrist and on the side of your palm. There are many reasons as to why someone would begin to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Most commonly, most modern carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis comes from incorrectly using a computer mouse. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways that you can approach using your computer in order to prevent carpal tunnel from ever manifesting. Let's go ahead and outline a few key ideas below. 1. Use An Ergonomic Mouse: The easiest way to reduce stress on your wrist while negating the potential for carpal tunnel is by purchasing an ergonomic mouse. When you use a computer, the mouse that you operate will be instrumental to your health and your overall computer experience. The shape of your mouse needs to be conducive to your hand size. The ideal ergonomic mouse will be symmetrical in shape rather than curved. A curved mouse will lead to odd contours in your hand which will promote stress and improper ergonomic support. Who knew that getting the right mouse was so important? 2. Larger Is Better: If you are planning on purchasing a new mouse for your desktop computer, consider buying something a little larger than normal. When it comes to your daily mouse usage, you are better off opting for something larger in size. Why is this the case? A smaller mouse will most likely improperly fit your hand, thus leading to odd extensions and contractions. A larger mouse will provide you with palm support which will aid in your quest to maintain proper ergonomic control of your hand. While this sounds needlessly specific, the truth is that size matters when shopping for a computer mouse. 3. Implement Wrist Padding: If you plan to be at your computer for any appreciable amount of time, you owe it to yourself to install some wrist padding. Wrist padding can be purchased at just about any computer store, online or otherwise. This padding is placed in front of your keyboard and it allows you to keep your wrists elevated while you are typing, thus protecting your movement range while supporting your wrist. When you go shopping for the best custom mouse pads BrandMe has to offer, consider upgrading your wrist support at the same time. 4. Take Plenty of Breaks: This is a bit of advice that falls outside of our discussion on mouse usage. The number one way to prevent over-stressing your wrist is simple, just take a break. If you work in an office or at a computer, you need to get into the habit of taking a break every hour. Consider taking a five to ten-minute break every single hour so that you can keep your body stress-free. By taking these breaks, you'll prevent stress from building up in your wrist. Sometimes, you don't know how sore your wrist is until you take a break to examine it. 5. Follow a Stretching Routine: Here is a neat little tip that you can employ right at your desk. Did you know that by actively stretching your wrists, you can stave off the impact of carpal tunnel syndrome? There are a variety of different stretches that you can do right at your desk. A great stretch to activate the tendons and ligaments in your wrist starts off in a prayer position. Push your hands together, as if in prayer while slowly raising your elbows. You'll feel the ligaments in your wrist activate as your elbows rise. Do the same stretch with your hands pointing down and your elbows pulling down, connecting at the base of your wrist. Take these stretches slowly and go to them whenever you start to feel like you are growing stiff. Take a walk, reset your body, and get back to work when you feel comfortable. 6. Proper Seating Levels: Finally, take some time in order to make sure that your chair and desk are at an appropriate height. If your chair is significantly lower than your desk, you'll feel the stress of having to adjust your wrists. Keep your chair level enough so that your elbows don't hang. Ideally, you'll have enough wrist support that there will be precious little tension on your wrist leading up to your elbows. You'll also want to get into the habit of activating positive posture traits while seated at your desk. You can activate wrist fatigue by hanging your head, slouching, or otherwise exhibiting poor posture. Remember, you are a machine built out of moving parts. Any flaw in the system can cause a domino effect that impacts the rest of your body. Carpal tunnel can start anywhere from the shoulders down. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a serious disorder that can lead to lifelong discomfort. While carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed and even negated in some respects, prevention is still the best approach. If you work at a computer or find yourself in front of one with any level of consistency, you owe it to yourself to follow the guide that we outlined above. With proper stretches, wrist support, and ergonomic computer gear, you should be able to keep carpal tunnel syndrome at a distance. Read Also: 5 Places To Get Fast Cash 2018 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your PC Quick Ways To Instantly Speed Up Your Home PC Network Easy Ways To Prevent Back Pain With A Seat Cushion When You Are Seated All Day Long

Eye Doctor

6 Signs Of A Reputable Eye Doctor In Fort Myers

If you’re experiencing blurry vision, discomfort or pain in your eyes, then it’s best to seek medical advice from an eye doctor. People tend to neglect these symptoms thinking that they will eventually go away. But more often than not those symptoms associated with a more serious eye problem. Having your eyes checked should be a part of your annual health exam, and it’s important to consult a reputable eye doctor. 6 Signs Of A Reputable Eye Doctor In Fort Myers: If you’re not sure how to choose your eye doctor, here are some things to look for: 1. Positive reviews from his patients: Ask your family or friends if they know a good eye doctor, so you will already have their experiences as a gauge of his or her services. A good sign of an eye doctor in Fort Myers with an excellent reputation is based on the number of referrals he’s getting. After all, other people won’t recommend doctors if they are not satisfied with the service. Another sign to look for when choosing an eye doctor is the number of positive reviews and feedbacks from his current and previous patients. Check his clinic site or hospital feedback page on what other patients have to say about their experience with your prospective eye doctor. 2. Excellent credentials: Choosing a great eye doctor will benefit you in the long run so it’s important to take the time to review credentials. Not all doctors in Fort Myers are created equal, and some of them acquired extensive knowledge to make them more competitive in the medical industry. Look for doctors with recognition, distinctive awards and even affiliations related to their specialization. Aside from the completion of their doctorate, they should have a proper training and certifications. In this case, it will enhance their expertise. This means that they have the dedications and motivatations to learn more and to be able to serve their patients in the best way possible. The credentials don't have the limitations to the knowledge obtained but also experience in the field. 3. His specialization: There’s a specific kind of eye doctor with knowledge about specific ailments. Some doctors specialize in glaucoma, cataract, eye surgery, and others. Seeking advice from a medical specialist will give the patient the best care and treatment possible, with less or no complications since it’s been appropriately diagnosed and checked by the most appropriate doctor. 4. Excellent communication skills and professionalism: A reputable eye doctor in Fort Myers should adequately explain the current condition of his patient. His responsibility is not that limitations to treating his patient. But this is also about to inform them in the best way about the possible treatments and repercussions concerning the disease. A good one should also properly advise on how to take good care of the eyes depending on the patient’s condition. A good doctor also values the sense of time. A reputable one knows that time is essential for both doctors and patients. Look for attitudes of professionalism, and you’ll be confident that you’re in the hands of a good eye doctor. 5. Updated in technology and medical innovation: You can see a good sign of a reputable eye doctor in Fort Myers if you visit his clinic and he has the well equip-ment with up-to-date technology and equipment he’s using to check his patients. A good eye doctor should keep up with the changing technology and advancements in the field of medicine. He knows that innovations are necessary to provide excellent quality service for the patients. He should also be competent in how he can apply these technologies during his practice. A good doctor knows what to do with the patient and what diagnostic tests should be performed for proper examination. 6. Knows how to reach out to his patients: One of the complaints patients usually have is that they don’t feel comfortable raising their concern with their doctors. Sometimes, it becomes the reason for inaccurate diagnosis rendering the treatment ineffective. A good doctor should be effective in building trust and confidence in his patients. Creating a friendly and reassuring environment is necessary. He should show commitment, dedication and quality time doing consultations and procedures to his patients. Devoting time and sincerest concern to a patient is a quality of a good doctor. Final thoughts: You want to receive the best consultation and treatment as possible, and choosing a good eye doctor in Fort Myers will help you get that. You need to consider not just referrals but other things as well such as his credentials, professionalism, patient interactions and even his adaptation to the advances in technology in his field. Read Also: What Doctor Says About Snoring Have You Heard Of Upcoding? It’s A Big Part Of Medical Fraud

Oral Health

E-Cigarettes: How They Effect On Your Oral Health

Smoking is a trend that comes and goes with decades. Sometimes in history is was a class distinction and in some other times, it was only a practice of criminals and drug addicts. But, what is smoking? Smoking refers to the process or burning a substance and breathing the smoke to be tasted and also absorbed into the bloodstream. Many different substances can be smoked, mostly leaves of plants. The most common plant to be smoked is tobacco. It can be found in many different presentations and with different additives for flavor or fruit scented. After discovering the damaging effects of the combustion of tobacco in our lungs, many people and institutions have devoted their efforts to ban the consumption of cigars and cigarettes. It was the combination of higher life expectancy rates and the popularization of tobacco consumption that gave rise to studies and research of their negative effect on lungs and their direct relation to lung cancer. Read also: The Disturbing Trend Of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions Once the studies showed that the combustion of tobacco created tart and tar was the main toxic element when smoking, the effort was deviated to eliminating the intake of toxic tar into the system. Longer filters, water filters, and many more devices were then created to achieve this goal. And following the creation of these items, the electronic cigarettes offer smokers the possibility of enjoying nicotine without the negative side effects of tar. Electronic Cigarettes, How Do They Work Electronic cigarettes are battery-operated devices, they can look like a pen, and some others have new designs that may look like cigars or cigarettes. These devices convert liquid nicotine into a vapor or mist that the user – smoker- inhales. Since what the user is inhaling, is not smoke, the community of supporters has decided to call themselves vapers. With these e-cigarettes, there is no fire and therefore no ashes and smoke to be inhaled. E-cigarettes are offered to the public as a healthy alternative to tobacco cigarettes. They started being sold in 2003, and now, multiple houses offer different kinds of electronic cigarettes to suit different audiences and moods. Are They Safe The research on electronic cigarettes is not thorough yet. Many laboratories are carrying out diverse tests to examine the effect of the use of electronic cigarettes over time. Apparently, the absence of fumes makes them already a lot healthier than smoking a regular cigar. However, this does not mean they are completely exempt from doing any harm. Any substance is dangerous when it is excessively consumed, even water! Studies have shown that nicotine present is not associated with the traditional danger of smoking. It was the tar that was to blame. In the case of nicotine vapor, it is still necessary to carry out more extensive research to assess the long-term effect it could have on the human body. Nicotine And Oral Health Nicotine acts as a vasoconstrictor, and this means that the flow of blood is reduced because of the consumption of nicotine. After consuming the tobacco e-liquid and without sufficient blood flow, the gums in your mouth could be affected and be left without the nutrients and oxygen they need to stay healthy. This can cause gum recession and gum death through the death of the tissue. It is also important to point out that gum disease may be harder to diagnose when inhaling tobacco vapor. This is due to the same fact explained earlier, the vasoconstriction created by the nicotine reduces blood flow through the gums, and therefore when you brush you don't bleed anymore, or maybe the bleeding is drastically reduced, but the original causes of the gum disease are still there. Read also: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health Because of the same effect, your mouth will also find harder to produce saliva. This can cause some other minor issues. Eating, for example, could be affected because of the missing saliva, since saliva is an important element in the digestive process. Another issue derived from not producing enough saliva is bad breath. Saliva stops bacteria from forming inside your mouth, and without it, bacteria can reproduce quickly and give you terrible breath. The recommendation would be to stay alert to the symptoms of gums disease even if you notice that you have stopped bleeding for a while. It is always good to remember that you should not take this article as the replacement of a visit to the doctor. A health professional would always be the best option when it comes to assessing the health of your mouth. If you are thinking of switching from regular cigarettes to e-cigarettes, there will be an immediate improvement in your quality of life. The elimination of the toxic tar and smoke that was being inhaled is a real plus for your health but be concerned about other negative effects due to nicotine as highlighted in this article.