What is Garcinia Cambogia and how it can help your health?

Published on: 24 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Garcinia Cambogia

There are a plethora of weight loss products on the market and if you feel dizzy by the amount of choice that you have, don’t worry, science even has a name for that. And you wouldn’t be the first person not to know what is Garcinia Cambogia. It is rather new on the market and its name is yet to be shone by the highlight of popularity. So what is Garcinia Cambogia?

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia is actually a former scientific name for Garcinia gummi-gutta (also known as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kuda puli). It is a tropical pumpkin-like plant, native to Indonesia, and it has been used as a traditional cooking ingredient in its native lands of south-east Asia. Its name became known outside of its native habitat since 2012 when first claims of its natural weight loss effect came into the spotlight after celebrated Dr. Oz introduced first scientific evidence. So it is only in this decade that it has been used and researched, but the effects are evident.

It may seem that people are rushing to capitalize on this plant, and your skepticism is justified. Not everybody rushes to buy new drugs on the market, and we won’t be promoting it. But by far this plant has shown a lot of potential benefits and only minor side effects (hydroxy citric causes some of them to the unlucky ones, like nausea, headaches and so on). But if you don’t suffer any side effects from it, it will definitely speed up the shedding process.


Well everyone knows that losing weight can’t be done by pure magic, you have to be persistent and active. Of course, exercise and a proper diet are two essential things you have to do, and weight loss products are only there to accompany these 2 and eventually accelerate the process. Drink a lot of water and incorporate supplements in your diet. We all know proteins and amino acids are essential so try including complete whey for all supplements that your body may demand. And at the end, sleep well and use Garcinia Cambogia.

How does it work?

It is still new to medicine and all of its properties are yet to be discovered, but by far, its fat burning effects are well known. Garcinia Cambogia is actually an appetite suppressant, it also inhibits the production of the new fat in your body, by not being able to produce it, your body thus burns fat that is stored inside you. To put it more scientifically, it inhibits lipogenesis, being the right tool for fighting obesity. The Hydroxycitric acid mentioned above, raises the level of serotonin in your brain, therefore suppressing appetite. Serotonin is actually responsible for your happiness (as well as for sexual desire, social behavior, mood, appetite and so on), so by addressing one thing (depression), it affects its side effects (overeating). So Garcinia Cambogia has a lot of additional useful effects on your body which can’t be a bad thing since a lot of weight loss products only focus on peeling fat.

What to know when buying one?

There are many of Garcinia Cambogia products on the market, and some in combination with other ingredients (like apple vinegar), which may be desirable and effective (or not), so we advise you to be cautious and consult your doctor beforehand, but we can tell you what to look for.

First of all, look for the proper amount of hydroxy citric acids, you don’t want to overdose. With ingredients that support bioavailability such as potassium, and other minerals and vitamins that may suit your dietary needs. Vegetarian or vegan options. Researched products and naturally, FDA approved products.

Right now, best options are NatureWise Pure Garcinia Cambogia; Pinnacle Nutrition Pure Extract with Potassium; BioGanix 100% Pure Extract and so on.

Be persistent and with Garcinia Cambogia, results will be stunning!

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Gallstone Surgery

What You Need to Know When Having Gallstone Surgery

Having surgery can be an anxiety-filled experience. However, the worries can be minimized by being aware of some important details about the procedure. It's either you try to forget everything about the surgery or learn some things about it, so you can be prepared as you go on the table. It goes without saying that you have to choose the best hospital and surgeons to have your operation with. If you have your gallstone surgery in London, for example, take the time to scrutinize the doctors who will work on you as well as the facilities and location. It also helps to know the following. Preparing for the surgery: Before you undergo surgery, you will be made to do some preparatory activities; one of which is to have your intestines cleaned. For this, a prescription solution may be given to you to facilitate the flushing of your stools and remove any accumulation in your intestines. This means that you should not eat anything the night before your surgery. Additionally, it is important to stop any medication as well as food supplements before surgery. The doctor usually instructs patients about this. If you have a condition that entails the continued use of a medication, the surgery may have to be postponed until you are fully healed. The intake of certain substances or chemicals may increase bleeding or create complications. You will be unconscious: The surgery to remove gallstones is called a cholecystectomy, a process which requires the use of general anaesthesia. This means that you will be unconscious throughout the operation. The anaesthesia is administered through a vein in your arm. To help you breathe while you are fully numbed, the doctors will insert a tube into your throat. The surgery may be an open procedure or performed through laparoscopy. Preparing for recovery: It is important that you have a plan for your recovery after the surgery. A cholecystectomy only takes a few hours, and the doctor can allow you to go home on the same day. You may only have to stay one or a few nights in the hospital if there are complications or if the procedure requires a longer incision in your abdomen. The doctors cannot always ascertain the extent of the invasiveness of the surgery beforehand, so it’s best to plan for the worst possible scenario. It is advisable to have someone with you as you go home and recover. If nobody can assist you at home during your recuperation, it is better to stay in the hospital for a few days until you are sure that you are nearly fully healed, and the wound is about to close up. Gallstone surgery has a 95% success rate, with 90% of patients typically discharged within 24 hours. There’s no reason to be overly anxious about it. You just need to prepare yourself mentally and physically. Be sure to follow the doctor’s instructions, and you can expect everything to proceed without problems. Read Also: 7 Important Reasons For Breast Reduction Surgery How Can A Dallas Functional Medicine Doctor Help You?

Prevent Burnout As A Travel Nurse

Prevent Travel Nurse Burnout: Easy Self-care Tips

We all know what stress is. We all cope with it every day; we look for creative new ways of handling it but prolonged exposure to stress can lead to burnout which could have some long-term consequences. Travel nursing, like any other health care field, falls into the category of highly stressful jobs. The stress became even more emphasized since the pandemic had started. In the last few years, jobs for travel nurses have not only grown in scope, but also in terms of remuneration. The global pandemic has necessitated the biggest movement of trained nursing professionals across the world. While there are stressful moments involved, the salaries and compensations are the perks that are leading the nursing industry. With the chance to see the world, a lot of young professionals are encouraged to pursue short term travel nursing jobs. Travel nursing can be both stressful and rewarding: There has been an increasing demand from medical staffing companies for healthcare workers in the past year. And yes, while it also meant higher pay for travel nurses, more job openings, and travel opportunities it also came with exponential exposure to everyday stress. Now, as a healthcare professional you are already used to coping with situations that would upset and throw out of tracks every average person, but COVID-19 is still quite new to everyone, and just like with everything that’s new it takes some time getting used to it. We know how tough you are but you are still prone to feeling effects of accumulated stress over time and as a health care staffing agency that puts its employees first, we are saying that you should take some measures of precaution to avoid burnout and to increase or maintain the quality of your life. Things you can do outside work: We know it can be hard to put work aside and go back to your normal life once you take off your uniform. But if you think about it, in a long run, doing so you are doing yourself and your patients a favor. By focusing on your wellbeing, you are refueling, reenergizing, and investing in your career too. You will be more concentrated, more rested, and more efficient if you had enough time for yourself. Focus on your physical and mental health: This can be, for example, a walk in a park, going for a run, or just wandering around the city exploring new cafes, restaurants, parks, buildings and enjoying the pulse of a new place. You could start off by exploring your new residential area and discovering places according to your taste. You could go on a hunt for a beautiful sunset or sunrise and get the perfect postcard for your friends back at home. Invest in your own health - find a farmer’s market and enjoy organic or unique specialties that locals could tell you about. Yoga is great for both physical and mental health: Find a gym or a park to do yoga every day. If you are not a fan of exercising indoors, you could find a park or a nice and quiet place to do your stretches or yoga, for example. It's very beneficial to practice yoga outdoors with other people. Why not try that out? Maintain social relationships and contacts: Stay in touch with your friends from home or hang out with some new people you’ll definitely meet. It would be nice if you could avoid talking about work and instead focus on experiencing new tastes, learning new things, and hearing different points of view. Make the most of your stay. Things you can do at work: It can be very busy and sometimes overwhelming at work, and we understand that being a travel nurse you sometimes can’t just decide when to take a break. But if you have the chance, take that little break. As they say, one can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. That’s why you should try to bond with your colleagues or/and patients that you like. It will make your workplace a much more pleasant place to be at and you will look forward to your next day at the hospital. The social component of our overall wellbeing must not be disregarded. We are social beings, right? Everyone’s threshold of stress tolerance is different. And if you start feeling overwhelmed by your everyday tasks, if you find yourself unable to stay focused for a longer period of time, or if you start getting easily frustrated, don’t wait. Seek professional help, take care of yourself and put yourself in the first place just like your medical staffing agency does. You are important to us. And we take care of what’s important. Don’t push yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself like you treat your patients. Let us take care of you. Read Also: Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease How To Live Stress-Free 6 Steps for Choosing the Best Workout Gear 8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness

Aqua Yoga

The miraculous benefits of Aqua Yoga

Water, an undeniable necessity “Water is the driving force of all nature.” -Leonardo da Vinci Water is the undeniable necessity of life. A human body composes of 50 to 65 percent water and an infant is made up of 78 percent water. It forms the basis of existence for all living organisms and is one of the five major elements of nature, the other four beings; space, fire, air,and earth. The vital property of buoyancy of water provides relief to the beginner yoga enthusiasts who experience joint or muscle pain. It also helps in acclimatizing after an injury or surgery due to the upward force that minimizes the effects of gravity. The concept of Aqua Yoga Imagine a situation where your yoga instructor directs you to jump into a vibrating pool of water and drills you to perform various asanas with ease. Isn’t the thought of it just exhilarating? Indeed it is. Yoga in water or Aqua Yoga is the art of practicing yoga in water. It has an extra benefit of exercising without sweat and paining muscles. Aqua yoga Asians develop flexibility and core strength. It is majorly practiced to relieve all the physical and mental pain and is specifically recommended for pregnant women and senior citizens. The body only bears 20 percent of its weight while being chest-deep submerged in water. This property of water enables one to stretch deeper and easily balance, which is sometimes not even possible on land. ‘I was surprised by how much more flexible my body felt in the pool, and how easily I slipped into a meditative state.’ This statement by the famous yoga fanatic, Chelsey Hamilton further portrays the benefits of practicing yoga in water. Origin of Aqua Yoga “Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. Yoga means union - the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in the performance of one's actions.” Yoga in its various forms originated about 5000 years ago in India and till date, it has experienced significant changes in its execution and practice due to change in the public’s perception and change in lifestyle. Aqua Yoga is one such change in execution. Due to the underlying benefits of exercising yoga in water, various yoga instructors started taking classes in pools and even the students benefitted in various ways from it. This resulted in the formation of yet another type of yoga i.e. Aqua yoga. Different Asans in Aqua yoga Some Aqua Yoga instructors follow the Bikram yoga practice and heat the pool to 88-92 degrees to aid with flexibility and relaxation. While the others preach asanas in normal temperature water. The practice of Aqua Yoga relives all the weight-bearing issues since it serves as a natural strut for helping the body to balance and stay upright. There are various asanas that can be performed underwater. Some of them are as follows: Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand): While performing headstands underwater, individuals must very comfortable underwater and holding your breath for a short time. Underwater headstands are significantly beneficial for improving breathing. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose): This pose, when practiced underwater strengthens the thighs, ankles, abdomen, and buttocks. It also effectively stretches the groins, hamstrings, and calves. Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose) This pose is one of the most exciting poses one can practice underwater. This yoga asan is useful in strengthening the back and arms as one expands and opens through the chest. "The movements are very fluidic underwater, therefore it is easy for some people to focus more and achieve ideal results," says yoga expert Amrapali Patil. Aqua Yoga is indeed workout without pain and sweat and various yoga teacher training institutes in India preach it due to its usefulness. Read also: Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat