How to Get a Copy of Your W2 Online


30 April 2019


how to get a copy of your w2 online

You’re filing your tax return at the last minute. You gather all of your documents, but you notice that your W2 form is missing.

The W2 shows your main source of income. You cannot file your tax return without it. Moreover, you only have two days left to file your taxes. You wonder if your employer sent it to the wrong address.

What do you do?

File your tax return even if you haven’t received it. With that, contact your employer to see if human resources or payroll can send it to you. If your employer can’t provide it, contact the IRS immediately.

They might also provide the W2 you need digitally. This article will show you how to get a copy of your W2 online without hassle. Read on if you wish to get your W2 quickly.

Contact Your Employer:

The best place to get your W2 is from the payroll department. However, you can also use human resources as a guide.

If your former employer is out of business, the people who worked in the payroll department could still send it. Also, ask your employer if the company sent it to the wrong address.

Additionally, confirm the appropriate address with the higher-ups. Further, ask them if they can send your W2 digitally to save time.

The IRS Route:

The IRS can also send your W2 online. Go to the official IRS website to submit an online request. However, ensure that you have the following information before contacting the IRS:

  • Employment Dates
  • SSN
  • Address
  • Appropriate estimate of income and/or wages

From there, the IRS can send your W2 with ease. If you received no W2 whatsoever from your employer, you can use Form 4852 to replace it. Use your pay stub information to fill out Form 4852.

If your W2 form gets lost, contact the IRS to note the issue. A lost W2 form can result in someone filing in your name or stealing your personal information. Contacting the IRS will alert them in case any irregularities arise.

Contact the SSA:

Your employer first sends your W2 to the Social Security Administration (SSA). After the SSA processes your W2, officials send it to the IRS. Therefore, you can also get your tax records from the SSA if you’re unable to get it from your employer or the IRS.

  • Note: Getting your W2 from the SSA is usually free. However, you’ll face a $86 charge if you need it for purposes not related to your SSN. Filing a state or federal return falls under the non-related category.

If you need to contact the SSA about your W2, you’ll need the same info as the IRS would need, such as your SSN and your address.

What if I Cannot Get My W2 in Time?

If all else has failed, you can file an extension with the IRS. You can also note that you lost your W2. Read this article to discover other alternatives.

How to Get a Copy of Your W2 Online:

If you need to know how to get a copy of your W2 online, contact your employer first. There is a chance that your employer forgot to mail it. The IRS and the SSN are your next best alternatives.

Filing your tax return without your W2 is not a major issue.

If you cannot pay your taxes on time, you have options at your disposal. For more information on what to do if you can’t pay your taxes, visit this page to weigh your alternatives.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Investment Decisions

Top 5 Investment Decisions You Need To Make In Your Thirties

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Debit Payment Solutions

Stay Ahead Of Your Bills: 5 Tips For Using Direct Debit Payment Solutions

Managing your bills can be a daunting task, especially if you have multiple payments to make each month. However, direct debit payment solutions can help simplify your life and ensure that your bills are always paid on time. In this article, we'll share five tips for using direct debit payments solutions and how they can help you stay ahead of your bills. Here Are The Five Best Ideas For Using Direct Debit Payment Solutions 1. Choose the Right Direct Debit Payment Solution for Your Needs The first step to staying ahead of your bills is to choose the right direct debit payment solution for your needs. There are a variety of options available, from individual bill payments to automatic withdrawals for multiple bills. Consider your monthly expenses and the frequency of your payments to find a solution that works for you. Some popular options include PayPal, Stripe, and QuickBooks. 2. Set Up Automatic Payments for All of Your Bills Once you have chosen a direct debit payment solution, the next step is to set up automatic payments for all of your bills. This will ensure that your bills are always paid on time and that you never miss a payment. Most direct debit payment solutions allow you to set up automatic payments with just a few clicks. Simply enter your bill details, including the amount due and the due date, and the payment will be automatically withdrawn from your account. 3. Keep Track of Your Payments While direct debit payment solutions can make your life easier, it's still important to keep track of your payments. Make a list of all the bills you have set up for automatic payment and their due dates. This will help you avoid any surprises, such as unexpected charges or missed payments. You can also use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to keep track of your expenses and ensure that you are staying within your budget. 4. Make Sure You Have Sufficient Funds in Your Account One of the benefits of direct debit payment solutions is that they allow you to automate your bill payments. However, it's important to make sure that you have sufficient funds in your account to cover your bills. If you don't, you could be hit with overdraft fees or your payments may be declined. To avoid this, set up alerts on your account to notify you when your balance is low, or consider setting up a separate account specifically for your bills. 5. Stay Vigilant Against Fraudulent Activity Unfortunately, fraud and scams can happen with any payment method, including direct debit payments. To protect yourself, it's important to stay vigilant against fraudulent activity. Keep an eye on your account activity and report any suspicious charges or withdrawals to your bank or payment provider immediately. It's also a good idea to use a strong and unique password for your direct debit payment solution account and enable two-factor authentication for added security. Conclusion Direct debit payment solutions can help simplify your life and ensure that your bills are always paid on time. By following these five tips, you can stay ahead of your bills and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your bills are taken care of. Remember to choose the right direct debit payment solution for your needs, set up automatic payments, keep track of your payments, make sure you have sufficient funds in your account, and stay vigilant against fraudulent activity. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to financial success. Read Also: Features To Ensure Success Of Your Money Saving Service Most Common Merchant Account Issues Explained The Best Ways To Successfully Fund Our Dreams

Investment Plan

How to Select the Best Investment Plan for Your Child?

As parents, you want many things for your child - happiness, health, and a secure financial future. You also want that your child should excel in his/her career. Just imagine your kiddo becoming a star athlete or a budding biologist or a successful entrepreneur who appears in headlines from time to time. Your joy will know no bounds! However, when you want to provide the best of everything to your child, you will have to move beyond the basic parenting skills and contribute to his/her holistic growth. For that purpose, it is sensible to save money for your child’s future and keep him/her financially secure, even in your absence. A good way to start is to invest in an Online Savings Plan, popularly known as ‘Child Investment Plan’. An online savings plan serves the dual purpose of investment and insurance. Most importantly, it fulfils two major requirements: It secures your child’s future financially It provides financial aid at various stages of your child’s life such as higher education, starting a business, or getting married However, with several child investment plans available in the market today, it can become difficult to choose the plan that best meets your child’s needs. Following tips will help you make an informed decision: Determine the Monetary Value Attached to Your Child’s Dreams As a responsible parent, your first step should be identifying and prioritizing your child’s goals and the monetary value attached to them. The two main goals for which you would need significant financial funding is your child’s education and marriage. As far as education is considered, for the time being, decide your child’s goal on behalf him/her and know for sure when the cash is required. Reach a decision, for instance - "I am saving for my son’s engineering degree in 2025, and I may require 20 lakhs for the same". Along these lines, calculate the required funds while taking into consideration the year of the requirement for the respective milestones. Also, with respect to your child’s education, don’t just consider funds for primary and higher education, but also plan for extracurricular activities. In short, make estimates of the amount you intend to spend on your child’s education or marriage. Doing so will help you choose the premium amount and the policy term for the best child investment plan. Go for Equity-linked Online Saving Plans If you have a higher risk appetite for equities and a considerable investment time frame (more than 10 years), you can consider opting for an online savings plan. It is essentially a unit-linked child investment plan that offers you investment as well as insurance feature in a single product. Further, this plan provides multiple investment options like equity, debt and balanced funds. So, if you have a longer investment timeframe, you can go for equity funds as investing in equities for longer duration gives the best returns. On the other hand, if you have a lower appetite, you can go for an online savings plan that offers a balanced mix of growth and debt funds. Remember that just choosing to invest for your child is not enough. Selecting the right investment plan is most important! Therefore, while making your investment decision consider the amount you can spare for investment, your income, cost of higher education, time in hand, and the level of risk. Look for Premium Waiver Benefit Almost all insurers, including Max Life Insurance, offer child plans with premium waiver benefit as a key feature of the base plan. This benefit acts as the most vital feature in case of demise of the parent. In such a situation, the child plan pays a lump sum amount to the nominee. Further, the insurer waives off all future premium, and the plan continues to be active until the entire policy term. This ensures that the maturity benefit remains intact as planned. Check for Provision of Partial Withdrawals Online saving plans also allow partial withdrawals on fixed intervals. The idea behind such partial withdrawals is to allow parents to meet the financial needs of their kids at the key milestones in their life such as admissions for extracurricular activities, admissions in educational institutions, or marriage. This option is also helpful for meeting unplanned expenses in case of medical emergencies. Other Factors to Consider for Child Investment Planning Start investing early. It will help achieve your investment target easily. Also, ‘Power of Compounding’ will play an important role when it comes to investing for your child’s future Know the different premium payment modes. You can opt to pay premiums on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis Invest in a plan that offers a well-balanced mix of equity and debt funds Track your investment at regular intervals and make appropriate changes if required Select a tax-efficient investment option Concluding Today many insurers have come up with attractive child investment plans. However, you need to be judicious about what plan you want to opt for. Also, while making your decision don’t forget to consider criteria like time horizon and age of your child. We hope that this guide will help you choose the right plan for your child and make his or her dreams a reality! Read Also: Investing And Trading 101: Investment Ideas For Newbies How Digital Advisors Have Transformed The Investment Sector Pros And Cons Of Oil And Gas Investment