Should You Get A Glass Perc Bong & How To Choose One


21 April 2023


Glass Perc Bong

Ever since cannabis has been legalized in various areas, people have started enjoying their habit more freely. That led to the introduction of various types of products and devices you can buy and use so as to enhance your smoking sessions. Bongs have become a must-have for all smoking fans, and the fact there are so many different ones out there just means you’ll get to choose and find the one that suits you best.

The devices that have become extremely popular nowadays are those that have percolators. These percolator bongs function on the principle of providing you with an extra filtration layer, thus leading both to smoother and stronger hits. Having heard of these already, you’ve most likely started wondering if you should add a glass perc bong to your collection of smoking devices. Or perhaps start your collection with this device, if you’re new to the party.

Reasons to Get A Glass Perc Bong

Deciding whether to get a glass perc bong will, of course, not be easy for a complete beginner. Even those highly experienced smokers will stop and think about it instead of making any decisions on the spur of the moment. Regardless of what group you fall in, what you have to do is learn about the reasons why getting a glass perc bong is a good idea. And, that’s what you’ll learn when you read on, which will help you decide for yourself if you want to buy one.

Less Coughing

Has your smoking session ever been ruined by coughing? Well, okay, it might not have deterred you completely from smoking, since all the enthusiasts know this is a risk they have to assume, so they put up with it. Still, it would be nice if you could go through a smoking session without worrying about coughing that much, wouldn’t it?

Well, that’s now possible. Bongs featuring a percolator will, thanks to the additional filtration layer, make your hits much smoother. And, smoother hits mean less coughing, which is precisely what you’re looking for. You’ll get to enjoy your sessions without this annoying part, and that’s undeniably a big deal.

Coughing left out of the equation, you’ll only be left with the benefits of cannabis:

Less Toxins

Speaking of the benefits, we cannot fail to mention that there’s been a lot of talk about the negative sides of smoking. Toxic chemicals that can be found in bong hits are certainly not useful for anyone. With a glass perc bong, though, you’ll get to stop worrying about toxins too, because the additional filtration layer, i.e. the percolator itself, will clear out the toxins and thus allow you to smoke responsibly, without being concerned for your health.

Cooler Hits

Cooler hits are another reason why you may want to consider these specific devices. Given that the smoke will go through the percolator first, and then be released into bubbles, making that amazing bubbly sound in the process, the trajectory of the actual smoke is different than with regular bongs. The path is longer, leading to cooler hits. Impressive, isn’t it?

More Intense Highs

If you’re looking for impressive, then hear me out here. Trying a glass perc bong for the first time will lead to noticing that you’re getting higher and more quickly than with a regular one. You won’t know, however, if that’s all in your head, or if it is actually correct. Well, it’s definitely not in your head. While bongs in general, as defined on this page, provide for a great high, the ones with percolators will make it more intense.

Better Overall Smoking Experience

The above will lead us all to the same conclusion. Thanks to the extra filtration, you’ll get better hits that will be cleared out of any toxins and impurities, meaning your smoking sessions will not only be more enjoyable, but also healthier. You’ll get an overall better experience, and that’s the main reason why you should seriously think about investing in one of these devices.

How to Choose One

Having read up on the glass perc bongs, you’ll probably want to try them out. Buying them on the spur of the moment, however, is not the smartest idea. Instead of making such hasty moves, what you should do is go through the shopping process carefully, keeping the important factors in mind so as to choose the best product for you. Let me tell you what those important factors are.

Consider The Size

The size is, without a doubt, factor number one to consider, when buying any kind of bong, including this one. Thinking about size, you’ll have to ask yourself a few things. Where do you plan on storing the device, and where do you plan on using it? Furthermore, do you have plans to travel with it? Apart from that, considering the chamber size, as it has an impact on the capacity of the device, is also important when choosing your size.

But Don’t Ignore The Style Either

Who says you have to worry only about the technical aspects and ignore the fun ones? The benefits of using a bong are definitely vast, but there’s something about choosing the right style that makes the sessions even more beneficial and enjoyable. Checking out various different styles and going for one that you’ll find most appealing will certainly enhance your entire experience.

Cost Matters

The cost matters as well. After all, you want to buy something you can afford. And, while glass perc bongs may be a bit on the expensive side, compared to the regular ones, buying them is certainly worth it. Still, consider and compare the prices before choosing.

And So Does The Cleaning Process

Not thinking about the cleaning requirements and your cleaning habits, of course, could lead to you not being able to maintain the device perfectly. You need to keep it clean for the best and the healthiest sessions.

Check out how easy it is to clean those glass perc bongs you’re thinking of buying, and be honest about your own habits and persistence when it comes to regular cleaning. That way, you’ll choose something that works perfectly for you, and you’ll always keep it clean.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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First Knife

Mistakes To Avoid While Making Your First Knife

Making your first knife is a daunting task. There are so many steps involved, and so much can go wrong if you don't know what you're doing. This article will cover some of the most common mistakes beginners make when making their first knives. If you take on this project, it's important to avoid them. 4 Top Mistakes To Avoid While Making First Knife 1. Using the wrong kind of steel Using the wrong kind of steel is one of the most common mistakes people make when they first start making knives. Before you begin, research which type of steel is best for your needs and budget. When choosing your steel, avoid using recycled steel or steel that has not been properly hardened. Also, make sure your knife is made of the right kind of steel for the type of knife you are making. For example, if you're making a hunting knife, don't use high carbon stainless steel because it will break under pressure. A survey of knife makers found that 72% of knife makers prefer high carbon steel as their favorite steel of choice. Finally, be sure to use steel that has been properly ground. Using inexpensive steel may seem like it will save you money, but it won't hold up as well in the long run. 2. Overheating your blade blank If you overheat the steel, it can warp and become less than straight. Overheating will also make your blade more brittle and prone to breaking, so you'll need to start from scratch with a new piece of steel if this happens. If you don't heat up your blade long enough, however, you'll have problems getting it sharp because there won't be enough carbon in the metal to be hardened properly. You may also not get enough hardness or strength in your knife if there isn't enough time spent at high temperatures. 3. Using bad quality grinding tools A good quality grinding tool will allow you to make a smooth, even grind. Its teeth are sharp enough to cut through the material being ground easily. You should also be able to do your grinding in a shorter amount of time with a good quality grinder, saving yourself precious time. If you're unsure if your grinder is up to snuff, check for any burrs along its teeth and see if there's any visible damage on them (like chips or cracks). If there are any issues with your grinder's teeth, it will likely result in an uneven finished product when it comes time to grind down the blade of your knife. 4. Neglecting to quench your blade In the world of bladesmithing, quenching is an integral part of the process. Quenching (or tempering) is a step that comes after forging or grinding your blade, where you plunge it into some kind of liquid to cool down and harden it. If you don't properly quench your knife, it can warp or crack—not what you want when making something that's meant to be used for everything from opening boxes to cutting meat. Conclusion If you are going to make a knife, it's important to understand what it takes. You can't cut corners on this project, or you will end up with a poor-quality product that is not worth anything. We've given you some tips about avoiding common mistakes when making your first knife, but these things should also be kept in mind when making any other kind of tool out of steel. Additionals: 4 Tips for choosing a good kitchen tap6 Tips To Improve Your Cooking Overnight


Fundaments of Happy Family

Any type of structure with a solid and strong foundation can endure all forms of weathering. Similarly, a family with a foundation built on love, compassion, and trust can also sail and combat all difficulties and still be remaining standing strong as one. Families which follow certain ideologies are happy, contented, and well-knit families. Below are the top foundations of a happy family. Happy Families Communicate: In every family, it is a must to listen and be listened to. All members of the family must feel at ease when it comes to communicating with one another, whether this is about failure or success. Children, in particular, feel more loved and secure when they know that they are free to share their thoughts and feelings. Gaps in communication can lead to misunderstandings, distrust, and boredom, and these can all shake a family’s foundation. You can also check out for tips on good parenting. Happy Families Spend and Share Time Together: It is sad to see how many families today have stopped sharing and spending their time together. Even when they are at a restaurant or on vacation, most children and parents are too immersed and engrossed in their own realm of technology. For a family to be happy, this is now the perfect time to finally say enough. Family members should learn to put down their gadgets and share special moments instead. You can eat together with the whole family, whether it is breakfast or dinner. Studies revealed that families sharing meals tend to be stronger and more connected. Aside from eating together, families can also engage in fun activities such as printable coloring pages. Aside from developing the skills and talents of younger children, parents, and older children will surely have a great time as they color. Children usually like coloring pages presenting dinosaurs, animals, or cartoon characters. Adults prefer more mature patterns. Good coloring pages do not only nurture mental skills but also make an engaging activity that can strengthen families. Happy Families See Love: Love makes children feel a sense of belonging. A home filled with smiles, words of affection, kisses, and hugs shows kids that everyone is happy to be part of the family. Kids who have grown up inside a home where moms and dads put each other first, speak lovingly, and give kindly with no resentment tend to enjoy spending time at home. Daughters and sons who feel cherished also know and feel that they are more valued. This love can translate to living a more committed life, and being aware of the priorities that are of most importance. Marriage and family should come first. Words will never be enough. It is important to show love and be more generous with your heart. Of course, while it is true that there is no such thing as a perfect family that is happy at all times, it is still very possible to infuse your home with joy in order to create a light, achieve a sense of security, and establish a foundation of love. To ensure a home that is filled with smiles, laughter, and happiness, these are the fundamental things that should be done and observed at all times. Read More: 4 Essential Ways Of How To Make Your Feet Stronger Best Essential Tips While Renting A Warehouse In Mumbai 6 Expert Tips For Finding The Right Home To Buy

Free Time

How to Simplify Your Day to Have More Free Time

It’s been said that everyone has the same number of hours in the day, even Oprah. Why does it seem like some people have more time and get a lot more done? It’s not all due to having a full staff of chefs, personal trainers, housecleaners and drivers. There are some real strategies you can employ, many of which are used in professional wellness coaching, to simplify your day. A simpler life means having more free time. However, equally important is making sure you don’t go on to pack that new free time with activities. Taking time to rest, relax, and reflect is a necessary recharge that you’re going to need for a happier and healthier life. Getting more free time is just part of the process. It’s what you do with it that can really take your life to another level. Let’s start with simplification first. Here are a few ways you can take the complex out of your life on a daily basis: 1. Triage, don’t multi-task: Humans aren’t really made to multi-task, and in fact a very small percentage actually can. Instead, what we do is quickly switch back and forth between tasks. It might seem quick, but there is wasted and frustrated time during those switches. The more switching we do, like trying to feed a toddler while simultaneously holding a conversation with an adult, the worse we are at it. This means none of the people or tasks in our life get anywhere near our full attention. Instead of trying to multi-task, which is a doomed project, give one task your complete attention. Triage to gauge what’s most important or pressing. Finish that task, then move on to the next. 2. Ask yourself“Do I really need to be doing this?" with every task: There are going to be a lot of things you really should be doing, like flossing daily. However, there are also a lot of tasks that you do out of habit or guilt. A followup question might be, “Do I really need to be doing this right now?” This can be dangerous territory for procrastinators, so you have to know yourself before adopting this question. Getting rid of unnecessary tasks, or those that might even be harmful (like maintaining a relationship with a toxic friend) can free up an incredible amount of time. Asking yourself is step one. Actually taking steps to remove those tasks from your life can be very difficult and may require some professional mediation (such as talking with a therapist). 3. Get quality sleep: How can you get more free time by earmarking more time for sleep? It’s pretty simple. If you don’t get enough quality sleep, you’re only functioning at partial capacity. This means tasks will take longer and won’t be as enjoyable. Sleep requirements vary by person, and eight is just the average. However, remember that’s it’s also quality along with quantity. Good sleep hygiene includes avoiding a screen two hours before bed, establishing a good sleep ritual that cues your body and brain that it’s time to sleep, and getting rid of all technology in the bedroom. Treat yourself to an old-fashioned alarm clock and keep the phone in another room. 4. Stop distracting yourself with technology: Are you able to prepare lunch for yourself without having some form of technology for entertainment? Can you be in a space that’s quiet? When is the last time you picked up a real, tangible book without the white noise of a television or podcast in the background? Less is more can be scary at first, but it also retrains your brain and body to enjoy simplification. 5. Quiet your inner critic: In western countries, our cognitive conditioning is terrible. We talk horribly to ourselves, and our inner voice says things that we would never say to a friend or even a stranger. If you practice being kind to yourself, whether through audible affirmations or simply re-working your inner voice to be supportive, you can get rid of a lot of the dangerous white noise made by negative self-talk. Simplification isn’t the same for every person, and these are just a few ideas. Only you can unveil how you distract yourself and why. Getting rid of distractions, tasks, and even some relationships in your life can ease anxiety. It can also reduce depression. It can teach you to enjoy the present and your own company. However, this lifestyle isn’t a destination. It’s a lifelong practice where there will be good days and bad days. Don’t beat yourself up if you have a rough, complicated day. Instead, look forward to tomorrow when you can try again. Read Also: Five Benefits Of Meditation That Will Change Your Life 7 Tricks To Make Kayaking More Enjoyable