Should You Get A Glass Perc Bong & How To Choose One


21 April 2023


Glass Perc Bong

Ever since cannabis has been legalized in various areas, people have started enjoying their habit more freely. That led to the introduction of various types of products and devices you can buy and use so as to enhance your smoking sessions. Bongs have become a must-have for all smoking fans, and the fact there are so many different ones out there just means you’ll get to choose and find the one that suits you best.

The devices that have become extremely popular nowadays are those that have percolators. These percolator bongs function on the principle of providing you with an extra filtration layer, thus leading both to smoother and stronger hits. Having heard of these already, you’ve most likely started wondering if you should add a glass perc bong to your collection of smoking devices. Or perhaps start your collection with this device, if you’re new to the party.

Reasons to Get A Glass Perc Bong

Deciding whether to get a glass perc bong will, of course, not be easy for a complete beginner. Even those highly experienced smokers will stop and think about it instead of making any decisions on the spur of the moment. Regardless of what group you fall in, what you have to do is learn about the reasons why getting a glass perc bong is a good idea. And, that’s what you’ll learn when you read on, which will help you decide for yourself if you want to buy one.

Less Coughing

Has your smoking session ever been ruined by coughing? Well, okay, it might not have deterred you completely from smoking, since all the enthusiasts know this is a risk they have to assume, so they put up with it. Still, it would be nice if you could go through a smoking session without worrying about coughing that much, wouldn’t it?

Well, that’s now possible. Bongs featuring a percolator will, thanks to the additional filtration layer, make your hits much smoother. And, smoother hits mean less coughing, which is precisely what you’re looking for. You’ll get to enjoy your sessions without this annoying part, and that’s undeniably a big deal.

Coughing left out of the equation, you’ll only be left with the benefits of cannabis:

Less Toxins

Speaking of the benefits, we cannot fail to mention that there’s been a lot of talk about the negative sides of smoking. Toxic chemicals that can be found in bong hits are certainly not useful for anyone. With a glass perc bong, though, you’ll get to stop worrying about toxins too, because the additional filtration layer, i.e. the percolator itself, will clear out the toxins and thus allow you to smoke responsibly, without being concerned for your health.

Cooler Hits

Cooler hits are another reason why you may want to consider these specific devices. Given that the smoke will go through the percolator first, and then be released into bubbles, making that amazing bubbly sound in the process, the trajectory of the actual smoke is different than with regular bongs. The path is longer, leading to cooler hits. Impressive, isn’t it?

More Intense Highs

If you’re looking for impressive, then hear me out here. Trying a glass perc bong for the first time will lead to noticing that you’re getting higher and more quickly than with a regular one. You won’t know, however, if that’s all in your head, or if it is actually correct. Well, it’s definitely not in your head. While bongs in general, as defined on this page, provide for a great high, the ones with percolators will make it more intense.

Better Overall Smoking Experience

The above will lead us all to the same conclusion. Thanks to the extra filtration, you’ll get better hits that will be cleared out of any toxins and impurities, meaning your smoking sessions will not only be more enjoyable, but also healthier. You’ll get an overall better experience, and that’s the main reason why you should seriously think about investing in one of these devices.

How to Choose One

Having read up on the glass perc bongs, you’ll probably want to try them out. Buying them on the spur of the moment, however, is not the smartest idea. Instead of making such hasty moves, what you should do is go through the shopping process carefully, keeping the important factors in mind so as to choose the best product for you. Let me tell you what those important factors are.

Consider The Size

The size is, without a doubt, factor number one to consider, when buying any kind of bong, including this one. Thinking about size, you’ll have to ask yourself a few things. Where do you plan on storing the device, and where do you plan on using it? Furthermore, do you have plans to travel with it? Apart from that, considering the chamber size, as it has an impact on the capacity of the device, is also important when choosing your size.

But Don’t Ignore The Style Either

Who says you have to worry only about the technical aspects and ignore the fun ones? The benefits of using a bong are definitely vast, but there’s something about choosing the right style that makes the sessions even more beneficial and enjoyable. Checking out various different styles and going for one that you’ll find most appealing will certainly enhance your entire experience.

Cost Matters

The cost matters as well. After all, you want to buy something you can afford. And, while glass perc bongs may be a bit on the expensive side, compared to the regular ones, buying them is certainly worth it. Still, consider and compare the prices before choosing.

And So Does The Cleaning Process

Not thinking about the cleaning requirements and your cleaning habits, of course, could lead to you not being able to maintain the device perfectly. You need to keep it clean for the best and the healthiest sessions.

Check out how easy it is to clean those glass perc bongs you’re thinking of buying, and be honest about your own habits and persistence when it comes to regular cleaning. That way, you’ll choose something that works perfectly for you, and you’ll always keep it clean.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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If you're struggling with an addiction, there's help if you're willing to take the first step toward recovery. But what if you don't have insurance? And how can you find the right rehab program without insurance? Fortunately, there are options to help you get started on your road to sobriety and long-term recovery from addiction. Let's discuss some of these options so that you can make an informed decision. Apply For a Payment Plan If you want to sign up for rehab without insurance, you can opt for a payment plan. Not only can a payment plan allow you to get into treatment now, but it can also lower your payments over time. You may be able to work out an agreement with your provider that allows you to pay for treatment in installments rather than all at once. It will give you some breathing room and help you stick with your recovery program and complete it successfully. Apply for a Grant Or Scholarship Grants and scholarships do not need repayment, unlike student loans. You can apply for scholarships or grants, even if you don't have immediate access to money. If you qualify, you can receive financial aid without paying it back right away. Some scholarships may require filling out an application form or writing an essay about why you should be awarded funds. Other scholarship applications simply involve sending in copies of your documents. Ask For Help Through Fundraising If you're not in a position to afford complete treatment, you can still go to rehab by Fundraising. Many people don't realize that there are charities and nonprofits dedicated to helping those who need it most. Research local organizations who can help fund treatment and write them a letter explaining what happened and why you need their assistance. Explain how much money is necessary for your treatment (be honest) and then ask for whatever amount is within their means. You might be surprised at how willing people are to help. Use State Subsidized Treatment Program If you don't have insurance and can't afford private treatment, check out your state's resources for treatment options. Many states offer support and funding for drug-rehabilitation programs. These centers may provide addiction counseling, medical care, psychiatric services, and other forms of assistance to make recovery possible. Contact your local health or social services department to find out what programs are available in your area. To Sum It Up If you're struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, seeking treatment is one of your best options. Even though paying for rehab can be daunting, there are still plenty of ways to foot the expenses; you just have to know where to look. The good news is you don't need insurance or a big bank account to find and afford an addiction treatment program. Nonprofit facilities and organizations are willing to help those who can't afford it on their own. With these options in mind, you should be able to get started on your recovery journey without delay. Good luck. Read Also: What You Need To Know About Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Friendships Up in Smoke? 6 Ways Addiction Affects Relationships 3 Key Steps Of Addiction Treatment To Help You Get Sober Why Rehab Centers Near Me Are The Best Option For Teens Abusing Opiates

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Best Christmas Gift Ideas for 2020

Christmas is about four to five months away, and you must be wondering why we should be talking about gifts now in the first place. Well, time is flying, and in no time malls and stores will start displaying a wide array of Christmas sales. Also, the best time to do Christmas shopping is not when the season is here. This way, you will avoid chaos, high prices, shortage, and the last-minute rush. If you are looking for gifts, you do not just pick anything. You want something memorable for your friends and loved ones. As you are planning to buy Christmas gift hampers, here are items you should consider. Here are the best Christmas Gift Ideas for 2020: 1. A cookbook A cookbook for a Christmas gift would be perfect. Remember that this the time that friends and family come together to share meals, drinks, and even laughter. New recipes at this point would be great. No one wants to eat the same monotonous meals the entire year. New recipes are welcome, and it will be a uniting and fun experience trying out all the new recipes together. 2. Personalized shot glasses The spirit of sharing mostly manifests during Christmas. This is the time where friends and families leave their workplaces in different states and come home to be with their loved ones. This is the time when friends abandon their busy lives and come together to relax and make merry. Do you know what else is consistent during this season? Sharing drinks. A set of personalized shot glasses would, therefore, make an ideal gift. This gift idea would be perfect for your friends that love to take whiskey or your dad, who would enjoy drinking out of them with his friends or brothers in the middle of a bonfire. 3. A good bottle of wine and quality whiskey A lot of eating and drinking characterizes the Christmas season. Therefore, you would expect to come across a glass of wine or whiskey when you visit friends and family. This gift idea is always appreciated, and the best part is that it is affordable. You do not need to know the whiskey or wine the recipient loves the most. More so, you do not even need to ask them directly if you are planning a surprise. Once you go to the liquor store, you can talk to an attendant, and he or she will help you locate a quality drink. All you need to do is tell them your budget, and they will suggest the perfect bottle for a gift. Generally, there is no bad gift for Christmas. Provided it is presented with love, it will definitely be received warmly. Food, clothes, customized kitchen items, books, music systems, or anything else you can think of will be great. Ensure that you get your gift early enough to avoid the last-minute rush, and to allow yourself enough time to plan for other activities. Do not forget to package your gift perfectly: it instantly increases the value of the gift. Read Also: Unique Christmas Gifting Ideas- Gifts For Everyone 7 Interesting Gifts for Your Best Friends 5 Exciting Father’s Day Gifts For The Tech-Obsessed Dad Adorable Gift Ideas to Create Some Memories on Mother’s Day

Interesting Gifts

7 Interesting Gifts for Your Best Friends

Gift giving can be a tricky business, especially if it's your best friend. They’re someone that holds a special place in our lives. We want to give them the best, but sometimes we get too far in our own heads and overcomplicate the process. Of course, this is normal. It’s our brain’s way of making sure that we don’t let down our friends. Buying a gift for a friend doesn’t have to be a major financial investment. Some of the best gifts are the ones that come from the heart, among other places. This is the best motivation to keep in mind when searching for a gift. It’s easy to figure out if a good amount of thought and planning went into the gift. A good combination of aesthetic appeal, personal connection to the friend, and the sentimental value will deliver the best results. The most convenient way to go about buying a gift for your friend is by doing it online. This will save time and there will be a larger selection available. A site that specializes in gift giving like will offer very interesting gifts for special occasions. 7 Interesting Gifts for Your Best Friends: Jewelry: We’re not talking about getting engaged, but something as simple as a necklace can mean a lot. People are been fascinated with jewelry since our encounters with shining rocks. Accessories like watches, rings, or other trinket serve as great memorabilia. Jewelry is one of the most versatile gifts. Some may use it as a fashion statement. Others use it for many gestures. Check out the glamorous jewelry collection at One thing to keep in mind is the size of the jewelry. Ring sizes tend to be a bit harder to estimate. Anything that goes around the neck is usually easier to pick. High Heels: For girls or guys, high heels can be a boast of self-confidence. They add an air of grace and elegance. If you know someone who always likes to always look their best, then consider buying stunning heels. If paired with the right style, they may just be looking at a new opportunity to be hired as a model. Coffee Mugs: There are so many ideas that can be put on a coffee mug. It’s like a blank canvas for ideas to be written on. Many people use coffee mugs to celebrate events, loved ones, and personal memories. Coffee mugs can be bought in a variety of designs, or they can be decorated. They also don’t just have to be for drinking just coffee. There are no rules for pouring other beverages in a coffee mug to have a good time. Art: This is open to interpretation. Art is completely subjective and can offer perspectives that may be hard to come across elsewhere. For this reason, gifts in art and culture are excellent choices for a friend who is very open-minded. For some people, the art may transcend its physical appeal. Many people find representation and empowerment in art. It can be central to their lifestyles or core beliefs. Buying something based on your friend's belief sends a strong message that you support them and value their beliefs. Caution should be exercised for art. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and not all the words may agree. In some cases, you can buy something obscure to confuse your friend, which will also make a great gift. Gift Cards: Gift cards are always a good fail-safe. It allows the friend to make their own decisions and it saves you time on figuring out what to buy. While your best friend may not tell, sometimes they may prefer a gift card. You may want to take the cost into account. Like any gift, buying something that is too expensive might make the friend feel guilty. Of course, you know your friend better than most people so buy whatever suits them best. Party: If you really want to go all out, consider getting a party together for your friend. There are services that specialize in different events, including private parties. This is more for the outgoing type of friend but is open to everyone. It may also be a good way to get your friends out of their comfort zone. Another appeal to this gift is that other friends can join in. This takes pressure away from you because other people can help you out. Then everyone can enjoy the festivities by the end. This is a great gift for celebrating big events or to have an excuse to throw a party. Gifts for Sexual Wellness: Life can be mundane. That’s why it’s important to take care of ourselves, including sexually. A decrease in sexual libido is also linked to decreased enthusiasm, which is not good for work productivity. It’s easy to get caught up in the fast-paced work lifestyle, but at a certain point, our drive for work begins to diminish. Depending on your relationship with your best friend, buying them a gift that speaks to their primal side with elevating the relationship to another level. The best part is that there are no limits on these types of gifts. The only limits are the ones that exist between you and your friend. This is a great way to feel rejuvenated. The mind and body are one entity. Therefore it is important to take care of intimate desires that are fun and enjoyable. What Your Gift Means to Your Friend: Regardless of how bizarre the gift, if it's your best friend, they’ll appreciate it because it came from you, At the very least, they’ll be amused. Who knows, you may discover something between you and your best friend that you never knew existed. Life is too short to buy mundane gifts, so feel free to let your imagination run wild. There is no secret when it comes to gift giving. The only thing that matters is how far you are willing to push the boundaries of your friendship. Read Also: 7 Of The Most Funny, Geeky & Cool Star Wars Gifts For Him Unique Christmas Gifting Ideas- Gifts For Everyone The Best Star Wars Gifts This Christmas 5 Exciting Father’s Day Gifts For The Tech-Obsessed Dad