The Growing Startup Ecosystem of Dehradun

Published on: 08 January 2021 Last Updated on: 18 March 2021
Startup Ecosystem

Startups are often associated with the bustle of the big cities – the busy metropolitans which attract talent from across the country to its teeming opportunities, rising businesses, and thriving lifestyle amenities. No one would quite think about the quaint hilly landscape of Uttarakhand, mostly known for its scenic views and local cottage industries when one thinks of startups. But its leading city Dehradun, known as an education hub, is also becoming home to several startup companies. Today, the state boasts of over 66 businesses that are a part of the Government of India’s Startup India program.

Investing in local talent, the State Government’s efforts like the Startup Uttarakhand Initiative and the announcement of Uttarakhand Startup Policy 2018, have boosted the entrepreneurship scenario in this hill town. The town has a mostly agrarian population as well as ex-military and other service-background folks who have a limited risk appetite. But over the years, private investors have grown to explore start-up enterprises in the state.

At present, numerous IT companies in Dehradun have sprung up, making it one of the startup and technological hub of the nation. Here’s a look at some of the factors that are driving growth:


Under the aegis of the State Government, a specialized advisory group on startup, innovation, and entrepreneurship has encouraged the growth of startups in the state. While this is already a great boost for the local startup ecosystem, partnerships with giants like Amazon, Google, Headstart Network Foundation, and EChai Ventures also offer the much-needed support to help the ecosystem blossom and thrive. Moreover, Dehradun also has its very own TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) chapter which brings the community together to uplift the entrepreneurship scenario. There are a few more state-funded initiatives like Angel Investment Workshop, Startup Yatra, and Startup Grand Challenge which have contributed to startup development in the form of entrepreneurial guidance, financial support, etc.

Incubators in and around Dehradun:

Incubators are important to propel the growth of startups and similar ventures. Here are some incubators in and around Dehradun that are nudging the city’s ecosystem forward.

US Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (UCES):

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)-based business incubator’s aim is to nurture tech-startups. It has incubated several startups in and around Dehradun and has also impacted business outreach in other states, including expanding to support software companies in Delhi. Their main focus lies in areas like energy technology, edtech, transport tech, food processing, e-commerce, gaming, etc.

 Technology Business Incubator (TBI):

An initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) under the central government of India, TBI has its focus on sectors like dairy and food processing, bio-pesticides, chemical engineering, etc.

Startup Incubator and Entrepreneurship Development Society (STRIEDS):

A brainchild of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, STRIEDS has built an interactive space for young business enterprises to engage with students, boost college-based entrepreneurship and career opportunities. It is recognized by the Startup Uttarakhand initiative.

Technology Incubation and Entrepreneurship Development Society (TIEDS):

Started by the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, TIEDS was established to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in Uttarakhand. Some of the startups incubated under the TIEDS are Log9 Materials, Fermentech Labs, and more.

Infrastructure and facilities to support the startup ecosystem:

With metros fast becoming chaotic and cluttered, entrepreneurship in rising Tier 2 towns is growing on the back of aspects like low rentals, limited business costs, shorter commutes, and better quality of life. Entrepreneurs in the city also feel that talented students graduating from Dehradun’s top educational institutes now have an opportunity to find jobs with these startups instead of migrating to Tier 1 cities and competing there for opportunities. The growth of startups in Tier 2 towns has received a further push in recent times, with resources and talent being more readily available due to the reverse migration induced by the pandemic.

Dehradun is one of the rising smart cities and it won’t be surprising to see capable ventures come out from the city’s soil and help the Indian startup ecosystem move forward. As states across the country continue to push entrepreneurial growth, a robust startup ecosystem will be a reality across more Tier 2 cities like Dehradun.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Successful Businessman

How To Become A Successful Businessman

Running a business, specifically a successful business, is not the easiest thing to do, but it is possible. The idea of starting up one may seem challenging, but the minute you get a hold of it, seeing it thrive will be your joy. Besides, there are many people such as businessman Chad Brownstein that you can look up to and learn from as you seek to find out some of the best ways that you can make your startup business successful. If you have been thinking of starting a business and still confused on where to start from, you are in the right place! Here are some tips for you. Here are How To Become A Successful Businessman: 1. Identify a niche The first thing you want to do is to identify a niche to venture into. Find out a market gap that you can reach out to by providing the products or services that they need. While trying to identify a market gap, ensure that you consider your personal interests as well. Venturing into something you are passionate about will keep you motivated throughout, and you will be able to give it your all at all times. 2. Do your research Starting a business is not something that you rush into without doing some research. You want to learn more about the business models that you can incorporate, how to come with a business plan, different marketing strategies, and so on. Being informed before taking the plunge helps you to avoid making mistakes that would otherwise make your business go down the drain. 3. Be confident The thought of getting into the competitive business world may frighten you, but do not let it get into you. Believe in yourself and believe that you are the best businessman yet. Confidence goes a long way even when you are presenting your business plan to your potential investors. If they see that you have confidence in your business idea, the chances are high that you will get the right funding. 4. Learn to manage your finances Financial management is key when it comes to running a business. You want to equip yourself with the right skills on how to well manage the finances in your business. There are many financial tools that you can use today, some of which are free. Remember, mismanagement of funds in business can lead to its downfall. 5. Stay positive There are ups and downs that you will face will running your business. During the tough times, when you feel like everything is going wrong, you need to stay positive. You are bound to make a few mistakes here and there, but do not let that bring you down. The best thing is to learn from your mistakes and, in turn, make the right moves from thereon. Running a business you are passionate about is a fun thing. And now that you have the above-mentioned information at your disposal, you are now in a better position to become a successful entrepreneur. Read also: 5 key Leadership Skills for Entrepreneurs How Customer Success Can Help Grow Your Business 7 Ways to Plan a Smooth Business Succession

Manufacturing Plants

Things to Consider When Sourcing Employees for Manufacturing Plants

When setting up manufacturing plants, there are many things you have to keep in mind as far as hiring people for the work is concerned. This is skill-intensive work that requires the most qualified people on the job because there are many machines involved, and any slight mistake could lead to disaster at the workplace. Any slight job has to be done by trained individuals, be it dealing with an arm for robotic polishing, welding, or picking and placing, there can never be room for errors. So how do you go about hiring these levels of workers? What are the qualities you use to gauge their qualifications? The following are some of the ways you can get this done. Their Skills and Qualification Levels Where heavy machinery is involved, caution has to be exercised in the hiring process. The people who are to deal with that section of the work have to demonstrate their skills and qualification to the utmost level. This will help you know the exact kind of work they will be tasked with. Getting the wrong people for the wrong job is one of the many reasons why there used to be many accidents at the workplace in the past. The best way to go about this would be to get them to do a practical test since relying on the qualifications displayed on paper may not be reliable. The hiring process has to be thorough because there’s a lot at stake. The Positions Available You need to have a clear image of what you want in mind beforehand. What position is in dire need of being filled up? How many people do you need? Do you feel like increasing the number of people would be better or would reducing that number be more sensible? The hiring process should be instituted out of need, not out of a whim, considering how expensive it is to get new people in, trains them while paying them before they finally settle into their roles. Therefore, before advertising for any particular position, ensure that there’s actually an urgent need to have that particular area to be addressed immediately. Salary Demands You may have a say on how much you want to pay, and this can even be indicated in the job listing. However, you have to be aware that for you to land the right worker, you will have to make concessions on the salary cap. The best people in the job market will always demand higher wages and may try to negotiate that number up. As long as it is within your company’s projections, you should always be ready to at least bump that salary cap a little higher if you are convinced that the individual in question has what you are looking for. Good employees are hard to find, and when one walks through your doors, you should seize that chance. Labour Laws There are many labor laws that are created to protect the employee from exploitation. You have to be well versed with all these laws depending on where you are located and make sure you don’t get into trouble with the law. It is common for many employers to find themselves in trouble later on because they lacked the initiative to familiarize themselves with simple labor laws. What you need to keep in mind is that a fallout of this nature, later on, can be very costly for you and your company. Cases of companies collapsing due to making huge payouts after being sued are very common. Safety Precautions Safety inside the manufacturing plants is dealt with in two ways. Both the employer and the employee have to play a role in ensuring that the working conditions are within the confines of the safety protocols. On the employer’s part, they have to provide the right working clothes complete with protective gear like helmets and gloves. They also have to install emergency safety buttons that can shut down the machines on the spot in the event someone is caught up. On the employee’s part, you have to make sure they understand how factory work is conducted, the last thing you would want is a reckless person running heavy machinery. If it happens they get injured while on duty, the responsibility to compensate them will rest on your shoulders, and that can be costly. Interpersonal Skills Manufacturing plants usually employ a lot of people, hundreds of workers can be sharing the same space for hours each day, and this means that the interpersonal skills have to be good because they need interactions with each other to get things done the right way. Communication is one of the most important aspects in the workplace, and being able to pass around information and instructions forms the backbone of efficiency. Everyone you hire has to demonstrate the ability to understand what they are told as well as the ability to communicate with fellow workers in a clear way. Conclusion Hiring workers for a manufacturing plant is one of the most complicated things you can ever do as an employer. The success or failure of your enterprise is heavily influenced by the type and nature of people you end up hiring. Therefore, it should be well planned in advance if you want to stand a chance of getting the right people for the job. Read Also: Possible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It What Are the Ways to Prepare a New Employee? 7 Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas For 2021

The Definitive Lean Startup Guide

The Definitive Lean Startup Guide: Everything You Need To Know

The lean startup methodology is revolutionizing the way companies launch and grow. But what exactly makes this new methodology so valuable? Lean startup provides both inspiration and practical tools to make that achievable. So if you're gearing up for a new venture, take a close look at how this approach can help you maximize your chances of success! While the journey may present challenges, the potential rewards make it all worthwhile. Read on to get the full rundown on maximizing lean principles to build your next business. Introduction To Lean Start-Up:-  At its core, lean startup is all about taking an experimental approach to creating and managing startups. However, the methodology emphasizes rapid iteration, customer feedback, and eagerly testing ideas to reduce risks and uncertainty. Thereafter, take a look at the chart below to get more clarity on the major benefits of lean startup methodology. Some standout lean startup principles include: Validated Learning:  Rigorously testing hypotheses and getting hard data from real customers to validate if a product or strategy is truly viable. Failures become learnings. Build-Measure-Learn:  Using feedback loops to build minimum viable products (MVPs). This helps in measuring their real performance and learn from results to improve the next iteration. Innovation Accounting:  Tracking meaningful startup metrics like customer acquisition cost rather than vanity metrics like total users. Persevere Or Pivot:  Using validated learnings to determine whether to persevere on the current path or pivot by changing the product, strategy, or even the entire business model. Thus, following these core concepts allows startups to maximize learning while eliminating wasteful practices that drain resources. Comparing Traditional And Lean Startup Approaches This table provides a clear visual comparison between the two approaches, highlighting their key differences. Focus In-depth upfront planning Rapid experimentation Traditional Business Planning Lean Startup Methodology Decisions Based on projections and assumptions Based on real customer data Progress Follow a fixed roadmap Continually re-evaluate based on feedback This comparison table highlights the major contrasts between traditional planning and the lean startup methodology in a visual format. Harnessing Innovation Accounting For Lean Startup Success One important lean startup principle is innovation accounting. Unlike traditional accounting, which focuses on financial metrics, innovation accounting uses lean startup methodology. Besides, it helps to track actionable metrics that offer insights into the startup’s progress and customer response. Some examples of metrics used in innovation accounting include: Customer acquisition cost Churn rate Lifetime customer value Active usage metrics By diligently tracking these metrics, lean startups can gather the data they need to determine whether to persevere on their current path or pivot based on customer feedback. Thus, innovation accounting provides validated learnings that inform smart business decisions. It is opposed to vanity metrics like total customers or sales. The Lean Process Step-By-Step While the lean startup methodology is flexible and adaptable, there is a rough process that generally guides its implementation: Step 1. Identify The Problem The first step is to take time to clearly identify and articulate the specific customer problem or need that your startup aims to address. Now, you must ask questions like: What underlying frustration or pain point are customers experiencing? What needs are going unmet in the market? What improvements do customers wish existed? The issue should be urgent pervasive in the target market. Moreover, they are aligned to a sizable potential customer base. Hence, avoid vague problem statements. Get ultra-clear on the exact problem. Step 2. Define The Solution Once the problem is precisely defined, brainstorm potential solutions. Outline an initial product or service concept that could feasibly address that problem in a novel way. Moreover, think creatively about different approaches, features, and minimum requirements that could satisfy customer needs. At the same time, focus more on figuring out the right broad solution rather than detailed requirements at this stage. Step 3. Build An MVP Next, construct a minimum viable product (MVP) to test the solution. The MVP is a prototype that has just enough critical features to validate the core idea and start the learning process. Hence, avoidover-engineering at this stage. Build the simplest, fastest, most stripped-down representation of the product that enables validated learning. It can be as simple as a landing page description, mockup, or very basic prototype. However, the goal is to waste the least amount of time and resources. Step 4. Test And Measure Get the MVP in front of real customers to test assumptions. Approach target users, share the MVP, and collect key data based on how they react and interact with it. Focus on defining and measuring a small set of actionable metrics that offer insights into customer behavior, needs, and preferences. Example metrics include sign-up rates, clicks, conversions, usage data, etc. Step 5. Learn And Iterate With data and feedback collected, analyze results to determine what resonates with customers and what doesn't. Figure out key learnings, positive signals, and areas for improvement. Use these learnings to rapidly tweak and tailor the product through iterative changes. Make small refinements and run additional small tests to continue validating the product direction. Step 6. Scale Once product-market fit has been achieved based on metrics and feedback, it’s time to scale. Come up with plans for expanding business processes, operations, marketing, and resources to drive growth. Executing this rapid build-measure-learn loop cost-effectively allows startups to gather data, fail fast, and iterate their way to success faster. “Companies that prioritize experimentation are 2.5 times more likely to outperform competitors.” Lean Startup Success Stories Plenty of today's hottest startups have leveraged lean methods to skyrocket growth: Airbnb: Grew from renting air mattresses in a living room to a $100 billion hospitality disruptor by constantly testing innovations. Dropbox:  Exploded from 100,000 users to over 4 million in just 15 months thanks to growth hacking experiments. Groupon: Pivoted from a collective action platform to become the massively successful daily deals leader. Zappos: Originally only sold shoes but iterated into an online customer service powerhouse after recognizing bigger opportunities. The flexibility of the lean framework lets startups fluidly adapt and uncover breakthrough ideas. Top Lean Startup Challenges Adopting lean startup practices comes with hurdles, including: Letting go of old habits: Requires shifting away from linear execution plans and embracing experimentation. Ambiguity: The constant pivoting and iterating can feel disorganized compared to having a fixed roadmap. Need for patience: Repeated rapid testing is meticulous. Results and traction take time. Institutional resistance: Established organizations may reject lean approaches that disrupt existing norms. However, committing to small experiments, tracking meaningful metrics, and iterating products judiciously can help overcome these roadblocks. Adjusting mindsets is essential. “Over 70% of startups say their corporate culture is not suited for rapid experimentation.” Tracking Lean Startup Success Instead of vanity metrics, lean startups should focus on actionable metrics that offer real value: Churn rate: The percentage of customers that disengage over time. Lower is better. Customer lifetime value: How much revenue each customer generates on average. Want to maximize. Cost per acquisition: The amount spent to acquire an average customer. Should decrease. Net promoter score: Quantifies customer satisfaction and loyalty. Positive trends are ideal. Monitoring these unique metrics ensures startups have data-driven insights to guide smart pivots and growth. Key Takeaways Lean startup emphasizes rapid experimentation and customer feedback over detailed upfront planning. The core methodology follows a process of identifying problems, defining solutions, building MVPs, testing, and iterating. Tracking actionable metrics helps startups make data-driven decisions about pivoting or persevering. Well-known startups like Airbnb and Dropbox leveraged lean principles to fuel incredible growth. Lean startups fail fast and cheap, learning critical lessons in the process. Adopting lean startup practices requires adjusting mindsets away from linear execution plans. Patience is key, as measurable traction takes time when running rigorous experiments. Conclusion  The lean startup methodology offers a modern, nimble approach to launching and growing a successful business. However, by focusing on rapid experimentation over detailed long-term plans, startups can quickly adapt to markets and build products that customers love. While adopting lean startup practices requires adjusting mindsets, the benefits are game-changing. Instead of huge upfront capital investments, companies can take small risks, learn quickly, and uncover breakthrough innovations. Dive in to start reaping the many rewards of the lean startup philosophy. The keys to your next game-changing startup await. Lean Startup FAQs Let's go over some common lean startup questions: How does lean startup differ from traditional business planning? Traditional plans focus on in-depth upfront research and analysis. But lean emphasizes quick experiments and adapting based on customer responses. What types of startups is lean startup best suited for? The methodology can benefit all startups regardless of industry or business model. However, it may offer the most value for highly uncertain, innovative product ideas. Are there tools that can help adopt lean practices? There are various low-code tools for building MVPs fast, analytics for tracking key metrics, and more. Lean startup guides like Eric Ries' book provide foundations. Read Also: How Inspirational Speakers Like Tony Robbins Can Help Your Business Alternative Business Financing – What Is It And How Do You Do It? 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