6 Reasons to Hire an Immigration Attorney (Not a Consultant)

Published on: 29 February 2020 Last Updated on: 01 September 2022
immigration attorney

You are having the time of your life in Los Angeles and suddenly you get a notice from the court that you have a hearing regarding your immigration attorney …

Would you rather go to the court by yourself with no idea how laws work or get someone like an actual Los Angeles immigration attorney and not a consultant to help you succeed in your immigration case?

But why not a consultant? Aren’t they both the same?

The answer is “no” and the reasons are:

6 Reasons to Hire an Immigration Attorney (Not a Consultant):

1. Knowledge of immigration laws

immigration laws

Immigration in a country is an important aspect and the laws and regulations change frequently especially after any new government is elected. The laws can become lenient or stricter, this depends on the political climate of the country. As laws change, experienced immigration lawyers will be able to adapt to them efficiently.

2. Responsibility is handed over

When you appoint an Attorney for your immigration purposes, it is the Attorney’s responsibility to prepare all the paperwork and documentation required for court proceedings. It is important to hand over these responsibilities to an Attorney so he can make sure you are present at all court hearings and all documentation that needs to be submitted is submitted appropriately.

This means that the chances of making mistakes are far reduced when compared to you doing all the paperwork. It also means that the process can be expedited in your favor. This is why you need to hold a free consultation with an immigration attorney. Many of the leading immigration attorneys have great networking skills and work with the officers in the court and the verification process to ensure that your Visa and other paperwork come quickly as compared to the normally lengthy-time period.

3. Making mistakes can cost you a fortune

Mistakes made can prove to be costly, both for your immigration process and financially. With the help of an immigration attorney, it is highly unlikely that you will be making a mistake in the whole process. An attorney can help you with the paperwork and make sure your process for immigration is aligned with the current rules and regulations regarding immigration.

4. Chances of success increased 

An Attorney is able to increase your chances of success regardless of how strong or weak your application might be. They will not only avoid mistakes but will also make sure that you are treated with justice and your rights are not violated. If any unforeseen issue arises the Attorney will be able to take care of that in a better manner than you or the consultant.

5. Immigration cases are complicated

Immigration cases can often lead to complex situations. Your application could get refused and make you apply again for immigration. Lawyers can help you in your complex cases and resolve them with the help of their expertise. Also for your reapplication process, it is necessary that you take the help of an immigration attorney if you haven’t taken yet as your chances of success are further low and an Attorney can help you avoid the mistakes that you made last time.

6. It is cheaper than you expect    

A high fee of Attorneys is often the reason why people do not hire an Attorney for their immigration cases. You can easily find affordable and passionate Attorneys that will take your case and give their best effort to make you successful.

Consultants and Attorneys are two different professionals, be careful when you are hiring either of them next time!

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Hiring A Lawyer

How Hiring A Lawyer Can Help You Get The Best Possible Outcome

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of injury in North America. Many people forget that just because you were not at fault for the accident doesn't mean you won't be held liable to pay damages. If you've been involved in a car accident and need legal help, it's best to hire an attorney at KF&B who specializes in personal injury law. There are different types of lawyers you can hire Depending on what you need, there are different types of lawyers you can hire. The other driver's insurance company will offer to settle with you quickly without going through any formal legal procedures. Consider hiring an injury law firm that can help negotiate these settlements as soon as possible. However, taking this route may mean giving up your right to sue the other party. Furthermore, if you have a solid case and are not satisfied with the offer, hiring an injury lawyer will help ensure that you receive full compensation. A personal injury attorney's job is to help you get the best outcome possible in your case If your injuries are more serious and you need to file a lawsuit, hiring an experienced attorney will help build your case. Personal injury lawyers know the right questions to ask, which evidence is needed in court and how best to present it to get the compensation you deserve. If up against an insurance company or big corporation, this can be invaluable as they will have teams of lawyers working on getting you the smallest settlement possible. What does a lawyer do after a car accident? They will investigate the crash and gather evidence for your claim. They will also contact any witnesses and ask them for statements and photos of the scene, which can be used in court. If you've been injured, they'll help ensure that your medical needs are met by coordinating with doctors and ensuring that all your bills related to the accident get paid. Most importantly, though, hiring a lawyer after a car accident means that you are less likely to be taken advantage of by the other party or their insurance company. How much does it cost to hire an attorney? It depends on the type of car accident, but hiring one could save you time and money down the road because they know all about how insurance companies operate and what they are looking for when you make a claim. A lawyer could also save your time because they can do all the paperwork and deal with any legal issues that arise, leaving you to focus on recovering from your injuries! Why should I hire an attorney? By hiring someone who knows what they're doing, you'll have more peace of mind knowing everything is being taken care of. You can rest easy knowing that your case is in good hands, and you don't have to deal with the hassle of all the paperwork or any legal issues. With an experienced attorney on your side, you'll feel better about moving forward because they will handle everything for you! What happens if I don't hire an attorney? Without representation from a skilled professional, there is no guarantee that your insurance company will pay for damages or injuries caused by another driver. You could end up having to pay for damages or injuries that you didn't cause yourself! Having an experienced lawyer on your side will help ensure that you receive the compensation and benefits from insurance companies that you deserve. If you've been in an accident and are looking for help, you must hire a personal injury attorney. You want someone experienced with your type of case because the wrong lawyer could cost you more than just money. It can take months to get back on track after an accident, so don't wait! Read Also: Things about a Personal Injury Lawyer 6 Important Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident that wasn’t My Fault?

Personal Injury

Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home?

The modern digital workforce has changed the way employees work or rather from where. The recent COVID-19 Pandemic has shown that working from a remote location isn't a luxury anymore. However, even when employees are based in a home office, it doesn't mean that accidents can't happen. So what happens if your staff member is on the clock and gets injured while working? Company Legal Responsibility The question is if one of your workers gets injured during work hours, is your company liable? According to law experts at flcrimedefense.com, the short answer is yes. When working from home, employees are entitled to the same worker's comp benefits as their office-bound colleagues. As an employer, the fact that you have no control over your employee's remote workspace conditions is irrelevant. Any injuries must be reported to your insurer. A licensed adjuster will determine the coverage and benefit eligibility. As a business owner, you're responsible for providing a safe work environment. It's regardless if it's at your premises or a remote location. Criteria for Work-Related Claims Of course, no one expects you to take the employee's claims at face value. Some questions will help determine whether a home sustained injury was work-related. The three main things that workman's comp will want to know is: Were you as the employer benefiting from the employee's actions when they got hurt? Did the company require the individual to engage in the injury-causing activity? Did you give your permission for the off-site work in advance? If, for example, an employee is injured in the company's cafeteria while having lunch on-site, the workmen's compensation will cover those injuries because it benefits the employer. Having the individual on-site saves the organization time and keeps the person accessible should they be needed when on break. This analysis works the same for telecommuting employees. If a worker can reasonably explain how an injury is work-related, chances are they'll get the benefit of the doubt. Protecting Your Business You can protect your business by creating practices that may limit liability for home-based employees. Some recommended actions include: Creating a policy that outlines the company's expectations for remote staff. Develop a set of guidelines for a home office, which includes having a designated work area. Providing training related to setting up the correct safety measures with a focus on ergonomics. Establishing operational hours, meal times, and rest periods for remote workers. Having this in place will help determine whether a claimed injury occurred within the course of employment. Ensuring that you've got workers comp insurance that'll protect your business against lawsuits resulting from accidents. Final Thoughts Figuring out if an employee is entitled to compensation for an injury when working from home is difficult. As a business, you're responsible for providing your remote workers the same benefits as office-bound staff. If you want to establish if an injury was work-related, there are a series of questions that you can ask your employee. Ensure that you have the right policies and insurance coverage. It will protect your company from any lawsuits resulting from workplace accidents. Read More: Top 5 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys The Benefits of Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer Reasons For Hiring a Long Island Personal Injury Attorney Reasons for hiring any Personal Injury Attorney is Important 5 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer

Road Mishaps

Road Mishaps That Requires A lawyer!!!

We, the intellectually advanced species, need law and order to be able to co-exist with one another. Like the popular saying denotes: "where there is no law, there is no offence." So when Road Mishaps That Requires A lawyer! This makes the law the pillar and backbone of every social structure and integration. But because individuals craft the law, It makes it almost impossible to be 100% perfect. There are always going to be imperfections or loopholes within the frame of the law. These loopholes within the law are not readily visible to a layman. For you to be able to find such imperfections within the legal system, you would have to undergo specific stringent years of training and experience from a good legal chamber like Jurewitz Law Group. For this singular reason and many more are why the professional insights and guidance of an attorney are indispensable. Apart from the fact that lawyers are well-grounded in the knowledge of the law, they also play a very necessary and crucial role in helping us to settle disputes or conflicts. Their usefulness doesn't stop there. They also help in guiding you into implementing fail-safe measures in the advent of litigations against you. Still-on what lawyers can do for us---they can help in creating contracts in such a way that your interests are not only covered but at the same time solidify the validity of that contract. When lawyers act as a witness to a deal or contract, it becomes difficult for people to easily swindle you out of that deal as opposed to when you just sign a contract without any form of legal authority. For the sake of this article, though, we are going to be focusing on situations and events that may warrant the need for an excellent attorney. Such incidents include but are not limited to:- Hit and Run accidents: The implications and complexities of a hit and run case can pose to be a very daunting and traumatic experience. This is especially true because of the magnitude of injuries that might be sustained during the whole process. Now, this is where an accident lawyer comes in, because of your physical and mental condition, it will be extensively difficult to track down all necessary information and possibly make depositions that you might need to build and make your case. If during an accident, the liable person is present and identifiable, then it is easy to bring a lawsuit against the responsible person---persons, for damages. But if the situation were to be the other way round, in which case the liable party runs off and couldn't be identified. Then the victim will have to go through a lot of hurdles to get any form of compensation. But with an accident lawyer at your arsenal, you will stand a better chance of receiving a hefty form of compensation. Transportation Network Accidents: What do we mean by transportation network company? Well, they are transport companies like Uber and Grab that interface between passengers and drivers at a fair and moderate price. Now traditional, taxi, cab or limousine service companies make their drivers go through rigorous vetting processes. Not only that, these companies make sure their drivers take out insurance policies that protect the driver as well as their passengers.  And in the event of an accident, a victim can pursue and recover compensations from the insurance companies. But for most transportation network companies, their drivers usually don't undergo cumbersome screening processes like taxi and limousine companies. Not only that, companies like Uber exempt themselves from any legal obligation by claiming that their job is only to facilitate fares between passengers and drivers. And therefore are not liable to any responsibility in the event of an accident. Pedestrians Accidents Pedestrians are prone to all kinds of accidents ranging from motorcycles, cars and even truck accidents, which can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities. And as such, compensations are required for injured victims or family members in cases that involve the loss of life. But the challenge is usually that insurance companies will try to persuade or force you into an early settlement because they want to pay you a meagre amount as compared to what should be a fair payment. That is why an accident lawyer is needed to tenaciously fight for you, in negotiating a reasonable compensation that is in equilibrium with the magnitude of the injury sustained during the accident. Dangerous road condition accidents: We live in a world where nature takes its toll on any artificial structure we put in place. This invariably translates to the fact that the road conditions will be acted upon by the force of nature. Now when an accident is caused by a person, it is usually very easy to get compensation from the liable person or party. But when it is caused by road conditions that are as a result of negligence by a certain arm of government responsible for the proper maintenance of the road. It becomes very cumbersome to get any form of benefits, as the bureaucracy involved when dealing with the government is much. But with the help of an accident lawyer who knows how to manoeuvre such barriers, it becomes easy to get a fair recompense. In conclusion, with all we have written above, it is crystal clear that accident attorneys are just about the most important factor or key needed in surmounting all the technicalities that may arise after an accident. 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