3 Steps to Hire the Perfect Employee


If it were up to most employers, they’d never have to hire again because all of their employees would be perfect.  Unfortunately, that’s not always what happens: so it’s essential to be very careful when hiring.  Here are three steps to hiring the ideal employee: make sure you find someone who can treat your company how it deserves.

Pull From A Wide Net

The more applications you can accrue- the better luck your company has at finding gold.  Put out job listings on multiple sites, not just within your company.  Although it may seem nice to hire someone that an employee already knows, there’s no telling if that person is the right employee for the role you have open.

If your company has multiple listings open, take out advertising on apps like Twitter or Instagram, and let people know what you’re seeking.  Don’t be too general in your job description.  Keep it straight, simple, to the point- and make sure to be crystal clear on any education or experience needs.

Although you can go through applications at any time, wait to interview anyone until you have a pool of candidates to know your options are at the top for skill and availability.

Call All References

When you find potential employees that would do well in your company- call their references.  Ask questions about dependability, if they know why they left their last job, and what they think of the person you may interview.  Pay attention to names and addresses, and make sure that you don’t accidentally use someone’s mom as their reference.  You want honesty, and that’s not a great way to get it.

If they give you permission to call previous employers, listen for how they worked in a team and how they handled problems.  You can tell a lot about an employee by how they react when facing adversity.

If everything checks out, and they seem honest and hardworking, it’s time for the next step.

Interview With Caution

Pay attention to everything the potential employee says and does in the interview.  If they seem aggressive or mention flirting too much with coworkers, that should be immediate grounds for them to get turned away.

Give every single candidate that fits what you need a fighting chance.  It shouldn’t matter what race, sex, religion, or sexuality they are if they seem to be a trustworthy and hardworking person who can do the work you need to get done.  Employment discrimination cases can swallow a company whole- don’t let it be your neck on the chopping block.

Compare what they want to get paid with what you’re willing to pay them, and be upfront with benefits, vacations, and sick days.  You don’t want to have to deal with hiring someone just for them to quit a couple of weeks later when you find out they had unrealistic expectations.

Hire someone who will make your company better.  Look for people who want to become a part of your company, and seem like they’re eager to prove their skills.

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Quebec’s Education System

Cégep 101: Everything You Need To Know About Quebec’s Education System

It is mandatory in every education system to establish a primary and secondary program for all children in the state. However, there are differences involved in the system when talking about tertiary education. A unique feature of the education system in Quebec is the implementation of a transition program that serves as a bridge that students should take after finishing high school and before entering the university. Essential Things  You Need To Know About Quebec’s Education System This pre-university education is publicly funded and provided by institutions called CEGEPs, which stands for Collège d'enseignementgénéral et professional. Typically, it is considered a general and vocational education system. Everything You Need To Know About Quebec’s Education System College: One should not confuse it with a university education since it should be taken before being admitted to a bachelor’s program. This pre-university program, which they term as college, is established to compensate the required 12 years of studying to be admitted in a university or a post-secondary institution. This is because Quebec is the only province in Canada that allows the student to graduate from high school even after 11 years of studying in compulsory education. There are several CEGEPs institutions, one of which is CEGEP Garneau Formation Continue. These institutions offer several college programs: 1. Pre-university education program: This program has a 2-year duration. It aims students to prepare for the lessons taught in the university that will, later on, guide them to get the Diploma of College Studies. It also fills the required knowledge that will be helpful in pursuing university studies. which are not included in the secondary curriculum. Students who take this program path usually attend the university, skipping the first year, and often considered as a sophomore. They might also earn extra credits or a higher standing upon enrolling in the university. Courses taught in this program are geared towards what the students will choose as their major in the university. 2. Technical training program: This extensive training program is designed for three years. The objective of this program is to provide knowledge and expertise to students that will enable them to work after completion and will make them ready for employment. Students from this program are expected to enter the job market after graduation. Courses taught under this program are specialization courses which depend on what students want for their future careers. Completion of this program also provides graduates with a Diploma of College Studies. Some of the programs under this are: Theater Nursing Electronics Computer Science Programs involving construction and building infrastructures Future careers of the students who completed this program are HVAC technicians, actors, IT specialists, computer technicians, and others. 3. Short term technical training program: This program is a shorter version of what is mentioned above. Around 500-1000 class hours are allotted for these short term programs. It also aims students to be equipped in the professional world after completion of their program. The only difference of this program to the technical program is the absence of a core curriculum. Adults can also take it as an additional knowledge for their chosen careers. Some programs under this category are: Real Estate Marketing Upon completion of this program, students are provided with Attestation of College Studies. University: Before one can be admitted to a university, a requirement needed is the Diploma of College Studies. Students who are under the pre-university and technical training programs have the privilege of continuing education in the university. The system of tertiary education in Quebec is similar to any universities in the world. The interesting feature of university education in Quebec is that one can complete a bachelor’s degree after three years, compared to other universities that usually requires four years the least. This is because of the pre-university programs that they have. Upon receiving a college diploma, the student can have the choice to pursue a master’s degree, which usually lasts for 1-2 years, and a doctoral degree, which is 2-3 years in duration. Universities in Quebec also offer some non-degree programs, which are usually short courses. Completion of these short term university programs will give the students specialized certificates and diplomas. Conclusion In general, the educational system of Quebec provides outstanding advantages to its students. It offers educational excellence, great environment, and infrastructure and technologies which make it certain that the province is providing its people a high-quality education. There is an increased number of international students studying in Quebec because of these factors. The unique features of Quebec’s educational system were strategically implemented to ensure that all CEGEP institutions produce highly competitive and outstanding students that will, later on, be future leaders and successful individuals that will strengthen the economic standing, not just the province, but the country as well. Read Also: 4 Emerging Trends In The Education Sector Academic Writing For UK Students – Why It’s Important?

how to become a pediatrician

Pediatrician 101: What You Need To Know Before You Apply To Medical School

Are you curious about the requirements, duration, and other aspects of how to become a pediatrician? To assist you in beginning your pediatric care journey, we will respond to these inquiries. If you have a strong interest in both medicine and working with children, becoming a pediatrician might be the ideal career choice. The unique duty of providing care for children from birth to adolescence falls on pediatricians. This makes their line of work interesting and fulfilling. Let's find out more about the obligations pediatricians have before they become one. How To Become A Pediatrician? The pediatrician education requirements are a rigorous program. If you are planning to become one or are just curious about it, here is everything you need to know about how to become a pediatrician: Get A Bachelor's Degree The first step toward becoming a pediatrician (M.D.) is completing an undergraduate pre-med program and earning a bachelor's degree. Although the entrance requirements for medical schools vary, they all concentrate on a few common fields of study, such as: Biology Anatomy Chemistry Organic Chemistry Calculus Physics Before submitting an application to medical school, one must complete three years of undergraduate coursework and maintain a high GPA of 3.6 or above. Because these programs are competitive, the most successful candidates have a diverse background that includes work, volunteer, extracurricular, and physician shadowing experience. Medical school acceptance is possible even if you have only completed three years of college and do not hold a bachelor's degree. Post-baccalaureate programs are available to assist students in catching up by offering the courses required for medical school applications. You must send copies of your transcripts from any undergraduate and/or graduate school you have attended to apply. Letters of recommendation and Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) results are also required. You can retake the MCAT if you're not happy with your results. Sending a single application to several medical schools can be facilitated by the American Medical College Application Service. Whatever their undergraduate major, all college students hoping to go to medical school should take these specific courses. Get A Medical Degree (4 Years) The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) has a list of accredited medical education programs. You can contact the Association of American Medical Colleges for additional details and guidance on how to apply to medical schools. During the four years of medical school, students study fundamental science subjects and take part in clinical "rotations." These are practical clinical experiences conducted in actual healthcare facilities. Most medical schools require students to complete classroom course work for the first two years before assigning them to rotations. On the other hand, many medical schools now expose their students to early clinical experiences that last the entire four-year program. The majority of medical schools use a system-based curriculum, which concentrates on one physiological system at a time, like the neurological or respiratory systems. Others might employ a case-based curriculum, in which students follow specific patient cases from beginning to end in order to learn about the normal functioning of the human body and the processes involved in disease. Some medical schools instruct their students by combining these methods in different ways.   The following subjects makeup the most typical curricula at medical schools: Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Psychology Pharmacology Ethics Students must gain practical experience in hospitals and clinics during their final two years of education. Under the guidance of licensed physicians, they will learn how to diagnose and treat patients. Internal medicine, obstetrics, psychiatry, and pediatrics are among the specialties that fall under clinical rotations. An individual who successfully completes four years of medical school gets a medical degree or M.D. Offering combination degree programs, such as MD/MPH, MD/Ph.D., or MD/JD, is another popular trend in education. Further details about this option can be found on the Medical School Admission Requirements page of the AAMC website. Licensure And Certification Physicians must pass a national standardized exam in order to practice in any state. State-by-state variations exist in licensing requirements. For more information, get in touch with your state's medical board. To become a pediatrician (M.D.), one must pass the U.S. Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). The Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) are the sponsors of the USMLE. On the USMLE website, prospective doctors can find practice questions, tutorials, and additional study resources. There is a six-try limit for this exam, and you cannot retake it to get a better score. Bypassing an additional sub-specialty certification exam, pediatricians can also obtain certification in a sub-specialty. Residency Program (3-4 Years) You're not done when you graduate from medical school. It's time to finish your residency and select your specialty. Alongside these residency programs, there are intensive clinical training experiences available. Future pediatricians can choose to pursue specialized training in pediatric medicine. During clinical rotations, residents interact directly with patients and have the opportunity to evaluate their own work and case studies. Three years is the average duration of a pediatric residency, according to the American Association of Medical Colleges. Residents gain knowledge of newborn care and general pediatrics during that time. Over 9,400 graduate medical education programs are available in an interactive database through the American Medical Association's online FREIDA service. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education grants accreditation to each of these programs. Information on more than 200 combined specialty programs is also available. Staying Licenced And Certified Pediatricians must pursue ongoing education in order to maintain their certification. To assist physicians in staying current with pediatric advancements, the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) have created a four-part program. Every ten years, they take an exam to gauge their level of professionalism, medical knowledge, practice methods, and communication abilities. Moreover, it is mandatory for pediatricians to obtain credits for continuing education. How Long Does It Take To Become A Pediatrician? Depending on your timeline, it takes between 11 and 15 years to become a pediatrician: Four years to earn a bachelor's degree Four years of medical school attendance Completing a three- to four-year pediatric residency Pursuing a two- to four-year optional fellowship If you take years off before attending college or medical school, it might take longer. Attending a three-year MD program or using AP credits to satisfy prerequisites for introductory courses may allow you to reduce the length of time you need to complete your education. The answer to how long does it take to be a pediatrician depends entirely on you. Wrapping Up You can now look forward to the fulfilling duty of helping children and their families on a daily basis, having learned how to become a pediatrician. The benefits of receiving pediatric care often last a lifetime and continue long after a person reaches adulthood. Even though becoming a pediatrician is not an easy path, you can realize your dream with perseverance, commitment, and a clear understanding of what you have to do. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Learn More About: 7 Secrets To Make Your Baby Fall Asleep Faster Golden Pregnancy Care Tips For All Expectant Women Legal Insights On NEC Baby Formula Controversies: Navigating Complex Issues


Secrets to the Perfect Bedroom Light

Gorgeous atmosphere in a home is essential, and nowhere more so than in your bedroom. Seeing how this is a place where we go when we want to rest or be romantic, the setting needs to reflect the mood. Now, this can be done in several ways, mostly by using eye soothing colors and cozy furniture, but for the overall atmosphere, tending to the lighting the right way is a must. Here are a few secrets for a perfect bedroom light. Read also: A Rundown of the Basic Led Lighting Natural Light: The first thing you need to consider when it comes to your bedroom is having a good natural light source. However, this is a slippery slope. If the bedroom faces your backyard, you could easily replace an entire wall with folding glass system and maximize the amount of natural light. On the other hand, if your bedroom is on the ground floor and facing the street, this is the last thing you want to do for both security and privacy reasons. Finally, there is nothing more beautiful than being woken up by sunlight gleaming through your window. However, when this happens at 5 AM on a Sunday, you might want to consider getting quality blinders. For an extra touch, you can always add curtains that will match the rest of your interior. Spice it Up: Apart from being a place where you rest, the bedroom is also a romantic hotspot. This is why it needs to have a lighting system to match. Dimming your lights can do the trick, but truth be told, there are many, more interesting solutions you could resort to. Some of them are DIY, like homemade lanterns and lamps, while others are of more traditional. Using candles to enhance the bedroom atmosphere is the oldest trick in the book. However, the choice of these candles matters as well. If you are planning a special evening, you might want to go with something more daring like a heart- or flower-shaped candles. Color-wise any shade of red will do, but you can also go with purple, white or even black. Candles also come in different scents so going with cherry, vanilla or strawberry may spice up the atmosphere. Lighting System: No matter how romantic or sexy it may feel, using candles and natural light won’t be enough on its own. You will need an artificial lighting system as well. There are several interesting solutions. While a lot of people go for luxurious chandeliers in their bedroom, others see this as a bit over the top. Some think that there is nothing more elegant, tasteful and efficient than using LED downlights. Apart from looking good, these fixtures also save energy, to a great extent, especially on the annual level, making them quite convenient, both visually and practically. A bedside nightlight for the nighttime reading sessions is also essential. As you can see, the bedroom light is not to be taken lightly. In fact, if done correctly, it can bring numerous benefits to both your health and your love life. There are only a few principles you have to follow and few rules to abide by. The first one is that you should use natural light for as much as you can, not only to be frugality but for the soothing effects it has on one’s psyche. The second one, light bulbs are not the only artificial light source and they are definitely not the most romantic one. Finally, saving some more on your power bill by switching to LED is never a bad idea. Read More:  Seven Simple Ways For Achieving Cozy Bedroom Environment: For Perfectly Night Sleep 5 Perfect Ways To Create Size Illusion In Room With Home Accessories How To Make Your Home Look Like A Splendid Hotel?