Home Warranty Plans: How To Choose The Right One

Published on: 01 March 2023 Last Updated on: 02 March 2023
Home Warranty Plans

Deciding to buy a home warranty plan is a smart move for homeowners. However, with so many providers and options out there, picking the best one might feel overwhelming. Luckily, there are many things a homeowner can research to ensure they select a policy that will serve them well.

Home warranties are different than insurance. Home warranty plans are supplemental contracts that cover common household repairs. Policyholders have monthly or annual premiums and pay a discounted rate for qualified service calls. Here’s what potential buyers need to ask when looking at homeowners’ warranty policies.

What Does The Plan Cover?

Not all home warranties are the same. One plan might cover household appliances, but another might include systems. Air conditioning coverage isn’t always included or might only be offered as an add-on. The same goes for refrigerators. Systems include electrical, plumbing, and water heaters, but once again, not all policies cover every system. Optional coverage options could include sump pumps or septic tanks.

Before signing on the dotted line, double-check what the preferred plan covers. Take inventory of all appliances, and compare the list to several policy options. For example, a built-in microwave might fall under optional coverage. Selecting the right amount of coverage now will save money down the road.

How Much Is The Premium?

Sticking to a budget when shopping for a home warranty is important. The cost depends on a number of factors. High-coverage plans with additional add-ons will be more expensive than a standard policy. That’s why asking about the price before picking a plan is essential.

The premium is how much the policyholder pays for the plan. Some companies charge a lump sum annually, while others divide the premium into monthly payments. It’s also wise to inquire about any deductibles required when making a claim.

How Long Is The Waiting Period?

Most home warranty providers have a mandatory waiting period before paying benefits. The most common is a 30-day period. Further, a coverage gap between policy renewals might trigger another waiting period. Before signing the contract, find out when benefits will be in place.

What Are Current And Past Customers Saying?

The goal of a home warranty agent is to sell a policy. Of course, they will sing the highest praises about their company to lure in new customers. However, are they telling the complete truth? Instead of believing an agent, find out what other customers have to say.

Customer reviews are the best way to get an honest, blunt opinion about a home warranty provider. Read all the reviews, including the good and the bad. What compliments does this provider receive the most? What are their weaknesses? Online home warranty reviews help homeowners make a more informed decision.

What’s In The Fine Print?

Home warranty plans are long and often hard to read. However, buyers need to read every word, including the fine print. Look for any exclusions, such as pre-existing wear, cosmetic damage, or manufacturer warranties. The right plan will be upfront and easy to understand.

Get A Quote And Repeat

Home warranties save homeowners a bundle on appliance and system repairs. However, picking the right one takes time, research, and effort. Ask all the questions mentioned above when comparing plans, request a quote, and repeat the process with another provider. Doing so will ensure the warranty you ultimately select serves you well into the future.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Real Estate 101 – 3 Simple Tips to Boost the Value of Your Property

Whether you’re looking to downsize or are relocating to a new area, there’s a good chance that you’ll need to get your property sold quickly. However, selling a house is neither a simple nor straightforward task. After all, not only is the real estate market oversaturated. But there are a lot of factors that can deter you from getting the money that you want out of your home. The good news is that there are ways to keep depreciation at bay without having to spend a small fortune in the process. And with a little bit of preparation and research, you might even give yourself some excellent bargaining points and get as close as possible to your asking price. To this end, here are a few simple tips to boost the value of your property. Real Estate 101 – 3 Simple Tips to Boost the Value of Your Property 1. A little curbstone appeal can go a long way They say that first impressions last. And this statement is true, especially when it comes to selling a home. And if you want to entice prospective buyers to purchase your home, it will need to look as good on the outside as it is on the inside. And because of this fact, it makes sense to work on the curb appeal of the property. From doing a little bit of landscaping and retouching the paint on the exterior of the house to getting rid of any debris or junk. If you have a scrap car Gloucester firm Phelps will take it away for you. A little time and money invested in making your home aesthetically pleasing can go a long way in piquing the interest of aspiring homeowners. And, in turn, increase the value of your property. 2. Make sure that your home is depersonalized No matter how much history or memories you have built-in your home, none of it matters to potential buyers. So before you list your property for sale, make sure that you depersonalize the house completely. By removing artwork, collectibles, photos, and other personal items, you’ll present the market with a blank canvas that will not only help make them feel more welcome. But also allow them to imagine themselves living in your home much easier. More importantly, de-cluttering your home and keeping it neutral will also add some square footage. And as a result, give you another talking point to drive the price up. 3. Price the property reasonably Let’s face it: we all want to get as much money as we can from our properties. However, economic conditions and market demands will often ultimately determine the price. And while you don’t necessarily need to undersell your home, it’s crucial not to overprice it either. So make sure that you do some research and price your home reasonably and accordingly. In this way, you’ll be able to reel in more potential buyers and get your house sold quicker than you would have otherwise. There’s no denying the fact that it’s not easy to sell big-ticket items like a house. But with these tips, you’ll be able to find the right buyers for your home. More importantly, you’ll be able to land a much more favorable deal in the process too. Read Also: 5 Tips For Transport & Logistics Business Owners Before Investing In Insurance 4 Questions To Ask From Your Home Relocation Company