How Real Estate Factors into Business Decisions

Published on: 19 November 2016 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019
Real Estate

People tend to think of real estate in a very direct, narrow sense. We factor our rent into our monthly budgets and see property taxes as only a small slice of the larger bill we pay every year. We rarely think about the fact that real estate and housing costs have incredible ripple effects that dictate the success and failure of several industries.

Consider the housing bubble in the United States and how it eventually prompted the greatest economic setback since the Great Depression. The woes of the housing market permeated into virtually every other facet of the American economy, and they had a gigantic impact on the lives of so many people who felt the pinch in ways that seemingly had little to do with housing.

For business owners, real estate is a much bigger piece of the economic pie than they might initially assume. Though there is little we can do to influence the policies of banks who give out loans or the real estate prices in our markets, we can look at how real estate factors into our bottom lines.

Factoring Real Estate Costs into Your Budget

The first consideration you should make is how property costs will directly impact your budget. A business owner might decide that they are best served to own the property they’re using, or they might find that perhaps their interests are best met by a rental space. Whatever solution you’ve decided is best for your business, don’t forget to factor in the costs of property tax, insurance requirements or legal expenses that you might encounter and how those costs could add to your initial estimates.

Remember that buying a property, especially if you’re building or renovating a commercial space, comes with many costs. You will carry the responsibility for repairs and maintenance, for example. You’ll need to determine whether your business can sustain these costs, and you’ll need to leave room in your budget for unforeseen circumstances.

Your Location Will Also Affect Employees

If you are poised to hire workers, you will also need to consider how your real estate choices might impact them. If you are relocating, will you be able to offer your employees compensation for relocating with you? If you are hiring new employees, will they have to travel to reach your business? The size of your workforce will also dictate the size of your workplace. Remember that if your business will be adding more employees in the near future, you will need to accommodate those workers.

Using Real Estate as a Barometer

If you’re starting, expanding or relocating a business, you might be able to determine what location is most advantageous by looking at real estate prices in your new location. There are many things to consider. Is the area you’re looking at booming, or is it stagnant? If an area is showing signs of growth, can you afford the costs of a property in a competitive real estate market? How much does your business really depend on being located in a prime area of your community?

Being Realistic in Your Expectations

Just like any other decision you’ll be making as a business owner, you’ll need a healthy dose of realism when you are factoring in how real estate will impact your bottom line. Is it reasonable to buy a big, plush location in the most booming part of a city, or is your business model best served by renting a space and keeping costs down until you know how much income you will be generating? In the beginning stages in the life of a business, it is best to cut any expenses that are not absolutely essential to the operation of your company. Find out how many expenses you’ll be facing that you might not currently be factored into the equation, and look at all of your options before making a decision.

Real estate impacts our lives in many ways, some of which might be out of our control. But so many of the decisions that business owners make can be based on predictable costs that we might fail to overlook in the excitement of beginning or expanding a business. Be cautious, realistic and thorough when determining the role property will play in your operations.

Rebekah Damen Lusk a partner at the Maryland law firm Thienel & Lusk, LLC Attorneys at Law. Her practice includes civil litigation, business, employment, landlord/tenant, real estate, family, equine and animal law.

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buying a house vs renting an apartment

Buying a House vs Renting an Apartment: Which is More Affordable?

There's a knock at your bedroom door. It's accompanied with a shrill nag: "Get out of bed! It's already noon, you lazy butt!" That's your mom. She has plans to convert your room into a yoga studio. Dad wants it for his home office. And all you want is for the sun to stop peeking through the curtains. Time to move out. But there's something you have to consider first: buying a house vs renting an apartment. If you make the wrong choice, it could leave you homeless and broke. Is there a different option? Of course, there is. Find out how to choose wisely by moving on to the blog. Buying a House vs Renting an Apartment: a Time Investment: The first thing to consider, well before financial cost, is time. A broad question to mull, "how long do you plan to stay in one spot?" Each decision, renting an apartment or owning a home, is a commitment to time in a single location. They're both contractually binding; but, you're signing up for different longevity. If you don’t see yourself in the same place a couple of years from now: check apartment app and rent. If you love the area, and you'd like to set up a permanent residence: buy a home. Time investment is a crucial variable in calculating costs. Love the Neighborhood?  Owning a house is a wise decision if you plan on staying for a while. Before moving forward (or out of your mom's house), check if you afford a house in the area of your choice. It's a good idea to get a gist of the quality of homes within your price range using Hommati. It might surprise you what you can or cannot afford. This might persuade you to rent instead or move elsewhere. You love the area. You love the house. I hope you love your neighbors. Let's talk about money. Conventional home-buying wisdom would say to make a down-payment of 20% on the house. If you can't afford 20%, there are government or less traditional loans to fund the mortgage. However, there are advantages to the former: You'll pay less in the long run. If you knock out 20% of the home's payment from the start, you'll have less of a principal that accrues interest. Having a higher down-payment is a show of good risk. Banks will loan you the money at a lower interest rate if they think you won't default. Loaners require private mortgage insurance (PMI) if they think you're a greater risk. This is insurance for them, which you'll be paying. If you can afford the housing costs, start working on your lawn tidying skills. How About a Bachelor's Pad, Instead? If you want to get outta Dodge for a couple of years or dip your toes into adulthood, an apartment is your best bet. If you don't like it, an apartment is less of a ball and chain. Breaking a lease is less costly and less headache than reselling a home. Usually, it only costs a couple of month's rent to ditch the apartment. The biggest downside to renting an apartment: long-term cost. Remember, renting an apartment shouldn't be more than the short-term. Lease payments are typically more costly than mortgages. In the long-run, it's best to buy a house. Weird, right? Something else to think about: you don't own an apartment. You do own the house and are the owner of any profit it may generate. Rent is pricey. It's subject to frequent changes at the whim of the market. Don't do it for long periods of time. Get a Move On!  When moving out, buying a house vs renting an apartment is your biggest conundrum. Each has its caveats. Each has its benefits. Both share a relationship with time. If you want to live somewhere for long, buy a house. It's cheaper month-to-month, and it's an investment piece. If you don't want to live in the same spot indefinitely, rent an apartment. The same is true if you can't afford the down-payment. It's more expensive monthly, but it's less binding financially. Get moving into your dream house or sweet pad. Let us know if you make it outta your mama's house. Read Also: Best Home Buying Tips For First Time Buyers 7 Helpful Tips During An Emergency Moving Process Why Renting A Duplex House May Be Right For You

Selling a Property

Benefits of Working with a Realtor When Selling a Property

Selling a property is a very complex transaction, especially if you are selling your home. From setting the right price, to advertise the property, presenting it to potential buyers, and finally closing the deal, this process is very time-consuming, and it can cost you a lot of money. This is where a good realtor comes in handy, as they take care of most of the work, without requiring any assistance from your part. Moreover, a good realtor can actually get you a much better deal than you had ever hoped for. So, if you are still not convinced that the 3% commission is worth it, keep on reading to learn the main benefits of working with a realtor when selling a home. List at the right price : When you sell your home on your own, your only option is to compare other similar properties that are currently on sale and estimate how much your own property is worth. There are also online tools that you can use to estimate your property, but most of them are very inaccurate. On the other hand, a good realtor with local experience will tell you from the start how much your property is worth. Sure, you can ask for more than what they advise, but even in this scenario, the realtor can help by telling you approximately how long it will take to find a buyer willing to pay the demanded price, or whether or not you have any chances of selling at all. Marketing expertise : A good marketing plan should include more than just some online adds. Realtors will expose your property to the general public, but also to other agents through multiple listing services. This means that there will be other agents that could bring in potential buyers. If you don’t want your property to advertise the property, a good realtor will have valuable contacts that can make the deal happen as privately as possible. For example, say you wanted to sell an expensive property in the West Hollywood Real Estate market. You would have to work with a reputable dealer, whose network includes celebrities and wealthy investors. Moreover, a good realtor can also provide you with better home presentations. Since most of them also work with buyers, they know what small presentation details usually make a positive impact on potential buyers. Security : When selling a home on your own, you need to take a lot of precautions to ensure your safety. Bringing strangers into your home can be very dangerous, especially when it comes to private presentations. Keep in mind that not everybody will have the availability to attend open house events, so you will often have to bring potential buyers at home in the evening or early in the morning. However, if you work with a realtor, you don’t have to worry about these problems, as they will take care of screening the candidates, and they will handle all the presentations on their own. Negotiating and closing experience : First of all, the negotiation process is very tough, and inexperienced sellers can often be fooled into lowering their price on account of small damages. An experienced agent, on the other hand, will stand their ground, and they will know how to highlight a property’s advantages, in order to balance its disadvantages. Moreover, they will also take care of all the paperwork, including the written offers and counteroffers. If potential buyers ask for repairs, the realtor can tell you whether or not it is convenient for you to satisfy their demands. As a seller, your judgment will be clouded by subjective reasons, but you can count on your agent to be objective and protect your interests at all times. Expert advice : Whether or not you are a first-time seller, this type of transaction is a significant financial decision, so it pays to have an expert on your side to guide you through this process. There are countless details that can cost you money when dealing with the process of selling a property. You might save a little money if you handle it on your own, but you will increase the risk of encountering problems that could cause you to waste a lot more money than the realtor’s commission. Read Also : 6 Things You Must Know Before Selling Your Home How To Sell Your House Fast?! Five Must-Know Tips To Move Your Property! Buying Or Selling A Home In Seattle?

What to Know When Relocating to Ontario

What to Know When Relocating to Ontario

Ontario Is a one of a kind province that many fall in love with the moment they arrive.  You won't want to look away from the gorgeous Toronto beaches to the beautiful Niagara Falls, as this province gets the most out of every season. Whether you're moving from outside of the country or a Canadian looking for a fresh start, these are some of the most important things to know when relocating to Ontario. Not Every City is As Expensive as Toronto The struggle between Vancouver and Toronto over the most expensive city in Canada has been going on for over twenty years.  Because of this, when many people think of Ontario, their mind goes to Toronto before anything else, to the point that many non-Canadians falsely assume this city is the nation's capital! Thankfully, not all of Ontario is as expensive as real estate in Toronto.  Although you can still find pockets of sites like Ottawa that are pricey, most are affordable and easy to make work for your needs.  Of course, if you want to move to Toronto, even if you're on a tight budget, you can make it work by finding enough roommates! Find a Job Before You Move Out It’s a good idea to land a job before moving to Ontario.  Although the job market is hot in most of its cities, there are jobs in everything from communications to banking, to the arts. Landing a job before you move out allows you to avoid having to go through the struggles of finding work when you first arrive.  Get to know the job market, consider your options, and try to find work before even planning your move. Consider Transportation Before Picking a Location A surprisingly large number of young Canadians don't own cars or want driver's licenses.  Although this is shocking to many older generations, a lot of it is thanks to the public transit that many cities offer and the rideshare apps that allow people to easily get in transit without investing in a car. If you don't want to drive, or you want to limit your commute, consider this carefully when picking a place to live.  Most large cities in Ontario have awesome public transit, but it's a good idea to map out your commute before settling on a home. Save Three Months of Expenses Save up before you move!  Even if you have a job lined up, almost a third of workers quit their job within the first three months of working there, which may mean you end up in a business you don’t want to work in and have to change plans quickly. Having these savings will give you a safety net to fall back on. Ontario is a Fantastic Province With A Lot to Offer Anyone Home to the capital of Canada and also the most diverse city on Earth, Ontario is built to surprise and delight anyone who considers moving here.  Of course, some areas are expensive, but there's so much to do and see here and countless jobs to grab that Ontario can feel like a paradise compared to any other province. Read Also: Is Real Estate Investment Trusts A Good Career Path? REITs Pros And Cons 4 Benefits Of Taking North Carolina Real Estate License Classes Online! Here Are a Few Reasons Why You Should Use Real Estate Farming Postcards to Increase Visibility of Your Business The Best Areas Of Palm Springs Real Estate To Find A Luxury Condo