How To Harvest Weed: A Beginner’s Guide To Cannabis Cultivation

how to harvest weed

If there is one thing that most people try to know after searching for the legalities of growing weed, it is about “how to harvest weed?”

If this is something that you are searching for, I have you covered!

You see, weed, or marijuana, is a controversial plant to talk about. You might want to grow it for medicinal and recreational purposes. But the “What if people…” thoughts might put you off! This is because harvesting or growing weed is not like harvesting potatoes. There are several other things associated with the same.

But don’t you worry, my friend! If you are trying to search for the best ways to harvest weed, both indoors and outdoors, you need to look no further! Keep on reading this blog till the end to learn more…

Is Growing Marijuana Legal?

Is Growing Marijuana Legal

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, weed, pot, or ganja, is a plant that contains several psychoactive compounds. It can alter one’s mood, cognition, and perception. Marijuana has been used for several reasons and purposes for thousands of years, ranging from medicinal to spiritual.

But its legal status has been a matter of debate and controversy in many countries. So, is growing marijuana legal?

The answer depends on where you live, how much you grow, and what you use it for. In some countries, such as Canada, Uruguay, and South Africa, growing marijuana for personal use is legal or decriminalized as long as you follow certain rules and regulations.

In other countries, such as the United States, Australia, and the Netherlands, growing marijuana is legal or tolerated in some states or regions but illegal or restricted in others. In many countries, such as China, India, and Saudi Arabia, growing marijuana is illegal and punishable by harsh penalties, regardless of the amount or purpose.

Various factors, such as the potential benefits and harms of marijuana use, the social and cultural attitudes towards marijuana, the economic and political interests of different groups, and the international treaties and agreements on drug control influence the legal status of marijuana.

The legal status of growing marijuana is also subject to change as new laws and policies are enacted or revised and further research and evidence are presented.

Growing marijuana is a complex and controversial issue that has no simple or universal answer. The best way to find out if growing marijuana is legal in your area is to consult the relevant authorities and sources, and to be aware of the risks and consequences of your actions. Remember, just because something is legal, does not mean it is safe, ethical, or advisable.

When Should You Plant Weed?

When Should You Plant Weed?

Spring is here, and you know what that means: it’s time to get your marijuana seeds ready for planting outdoors.

This is the most important crop of the year because you can get the biggest harvest of all.

Some old-timers like to plant their seeds on the first full moon of March. They say this way, the seeds get some light at night and don’t grow too tall too fast.

But sometimes, it’s still too chilly in March, and not everywhere has the same weather. If you live in a colder place, your plants will grow slower and suffer from the cold and the wind. They will be weaker and more likely to get bugs and diseases

So, what should you do in this case?

Well, you can wait a month or two longer. A seed that sprouts in a nice climate from April onwards will grow bigger and better than one that sprouts in March in the same place

But growing plants for so long is not easy.

You must watch out for all kinds of things: bugs, diseases, nutrients, transplanting, pruning, training… It’s a six-month-long job requiring constant attention

Things to Keep in Mind

Things to Keep in Mind 

If you want a good quality and quantity of weed there are several things that you need to keep in mind. Want to know what they might be? I have you covered! Here are some of the things that you’ll need:

  • Fertilizers for growth and flowering: You can choose whatever fertilizers you like, organic or chemical. Organic ones, like humus, guano, and flower boosters, will give you a tasty and aromatic weed, but less of it. Chemical ones, like those from specific brands, will give you more buds, but less flavor.
  • Insecticides for insects like whiteflies, mites, or thrips: It’s better to use them as a prevention, so you don’t get any nasty surprises.
  • An anti-fungal product that works well against powdery mildew: Propolix or other chemical products are good, but you have to use them from the beginning.
  • Bacillus Thuringiensis: This is for caterpillars and other worms. Use it as soon as the flowers start to show, which is when these critters start to show up. Around May/June.
  • Stakes or wires to support the branches during the flowering stage.

Soil and Other Conditions to Grow Weed or Marijuana

Soil and Other Conditions to Grow Weed or Marijuana

It’s obvious that this is the most common grow medium, probably because it’s easy to find and has some nutrients already in it. Weed grown in soil is also more delicious and fragrant. And, no, it’s not hard to grow in soil – just plant your (favorite) strain in the soil, and you’re good to go.

That’s it. Of course, there are different kinds of soil, and some are better than others. High-quality potting soil will make your life easier and faster. You might also want to add some extra nutrients to make your weed grow better.

Or you can make your own super soil. If you decide to buy soil, we suggest you go for the best brands, or at least those with a good soil mix. They should have things like earthworm castings, alfalfa meal, humic acid, etc.

Can You Grow Weed Without Soil?

Want to try something different? Go soilless. You’ll see some quicker growth (and bigger harvests). And, conveniently, growing weed in soilless mediums is pretty similar to growing it in soil. The only difference is that you’ll have to give the nutrients yourself because soilless mediums don’t have any. Some examples of soilless mediums are coco coir, vermiculite, perlite, etc.

What About Hydroponic Grows? Is it Complicated?

No, hydroponic growth is not complicated. It’s as easy as picking your setup (hydroponic system), getting your nutrients, and sprouting your seeds. And you’ll get some amazing benefits: super-fast growth, huge yields, and super-strong weed.

Sounds good, right? Don’t believe everything you hear because some information can mess up your growth. But with the right setup and care, you can be sure of a plentiful harvest.

What It Needs to Survive and Thrive: How to Grow Weed Plant?

What It Needs to Survive and Thrive: How to Grow Weed Plant?

If you want to grow the best weed possible, you need to know your plant well. Here are some of the main things that a weed plant needs to thrive, and how it works.


Light is the fuel that drives photosynthesis and growth in a weed plant. The fan leaves are like solar panels that absorb light. The more light you give your plants, the more buds they will produce. 

But be careful not to give them too much light. If you grow indoors, keep your lights at a safe distance from your plants, or you might burn them and ruin your nugs. And if your plants get too hot, they will dry out faster and need more water and attention.

Weed plants usually need at least six hours of sunlight a day when they grow outdoors. This is called “full sun”. When they grow indoors, they usually get between 12 and 18 hours of artificial light a day, depending on their stage of growth.

Weed is a photoperiod plant, which means that the amount of light it gets every day affects when it flowers and makes buds. Outdoors, this happens when the days get shorter in the fall. Indoors, you can make this happen by changing the light cycle from 18 to 12 hours a day.   


Water is essential for all plants, including weed. Water provides hydrogen for photosynthesis, and also carries nutrients from the soil to the plant through the roots, and throughout the whole plant.  

Water also helps the plant stay firm and flexible, by creating pressure on the cell walls. This allows the plant to bend with the wind or reach for more light. 

Plants also lose water through their leaves, like humans sweat, to cool down. This is called transpiration, and you can see it as droplets on the leaf tips.  

This may sound obvious, but you only need to water the soil or the medium where your weed plant grows, not the leaves or the plant itself. We suggest that you water a lot, but not too often, rather than a little, but more frequently. This way, the roots can dry out a bit and get more oxygen from the soil. 


A marijuana plant needs several nutrients to grow and flower. The main nutrients it needs are: 

  • Nitrogen: Nitrogen helps a weed plant grow during the vegetative phase, when it makes more mass, stems, branches, and leaves. It is part of chlorophyll, the green pigment that helps the plant use light for photosynthesis.
  • Phosphorus: Phosphorus is important for storing and using energy, as well as for root growth and bud development. It helps the plant take up nutrients and build its structure.
  • Potassium: Potassium helps with many of the plant’s metabolic activities, such as respiration, transpiration, and enzyme activation. It also helps the plant fight off diseases and pests. 
  • Calcium: Calcium is a minor nutrient, but it still plays a role in keeping the plant’s cell walls intact, and helping the plant absorb other nutrients. 
  • Magnesium: Magnesium is part of chlorophyll, and helps the plant make glucose from photosynthesis. Without it, the plant can’t turn light into energy. 


Plants breathe in CO2 through tiny holes in their leaves called stomata. During photosynthesis, plants turn CO2 into glucose, which they use to grow and flower. 

Some indoor growers use a “CO2 burner”, which is a device that adds a little bit of CO2 to the air, to make the plants grow faster and bigger. But this is usually too much for home growers. 


Wind or airflow is good for your plants, because it brings fresh air and CO2, which they need to grow.  

Airflow also prevents mold and diseases, by removing moisture from the inside of the plant, so it doesn’t get too wet. You can also use a technique called scragging, which spreads out the branches and lets more air in.

Wind or airflow also makes your plant stronger and healthier, by making its stalks and branches thicker and sturdier. When a plant bends with the wind, it produces a hormone called auxin, which stimulates growth.

What to Keep in Mind While Harvesting Weed?

What to Keep in Mind While Harvesting Weed?

You probably know that different strains of weed need different amounts of time and sun to grow well. Sativas, which come from places near the equator, like a long and sunny summer to get fully ripe.

Indicas, which come from colder and harsher places, are usually faster to finish. But there are exceptions, of course. Some indicas are slow and some sativas are quick.

The best time of day to cut down your outdoor plants is in the morning, before the sun gets too strong. You don’t want them to be wet from dew, but you also don’t want them to be exposed to too much sunlight, which can ruin their flavor.

You can also harvest at night when it’s cooler, but the morning is better because the plants are fresher and haven’t been under the sun all day.

1. Watch the weather 

As your buds get bigger and heavier and the season changes from summer to fall, the weather can change too. Depending on where you live, you might get some cold snaps or rainstorms.

These are not the end of the world, but you do need to pay attention to the weather and maybe decide on the spot when to harvest your plants, balancing their ripeness with the risk of losing them.

2. Harvesting in Lower Temperatures 

According to sources, most weed plants can handle a light freeze—28-32°F for up to three hours—without any problem. But a hard freeze, anything lower or longer, can be a disaster. 

Frost can make ice crystals form in the plant cells, hurting them. The leaves will look droopy and then turn dark and crunchy. The worse the frost, the more damage to the plant.

Remember that plants in pots are more sensitive to temperature changes than plants in the ground, so they are more likely to get frost damage.

3. Rainy Harvests 

Rain is not a big deal by itself, but it depends on how long and how hard it rains. If it’s going to stop soon and dry up fast, you can leave your almost ready plants outside. But if the rain is going to stay, mold is waiting—better to harvest sooner than later.

Covering your plants can help, but the air will still be humid. You can use some tall stakes and a tarp to cover them, but make sure to take them off when the rain or cold is over. In this way, the plants can warm up and breathe.

When to Harvest Weed Plant? 

When to Harvest Weed Plant? 

The type of plant growing determines when to harvest cannabis. Sativa, hybrid, and indica are the three primary kinds of cannabis seeds. Are you curious about the best time to harvest marijuana?

Let me break it down for you!

Sativa strain plants typically take longer to mature and give off a stronger cerebral height. However, Indica plants yield larger blooms and a more sedative, paralyzing high.

When an Indica and a Sativa are crossed, hybrids that enable flowers to have both traits are created. While Sativa cultivars blossom in 10 to 16 weeks (about three and a half months), Indica varieties flower in 8 to 10 weeks (about two and a half months) on average.

The cannabis plant can be found in hybrid form halfway between the two main species. It is important to understand that flowering times might vary based on environmental factors like temperature and duration of day.

Thus, the questions of when and how to harvest cannabis remain unanswered. Knowing what you want to achieve with your cannabis plants can help you decide when to harvest them.

Let’s say you are growing cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Is there a unique method for harvesting cannabis in this case? If so, it is imperative to harvest the plant at the height of its cannabinoid content.

But if you are cultivating cannabis seeds for fun purposes, then it is best to harvest marijuana at its peak maturity.

How to Harvest Weed?

How to Harvest Weed?

Once you’ve decided when to harvest your cannabis, it’s critical to understand how to harvest cannabis plants correctly. It’s simple to harvest cannabis; you just need to cut the stem off at the root. But it’s best not to pull the branch out of the ground since this could damage it and reduce its yield.

It is crucial to properly dry the cannabis after harvesting it before stocking it. Hanging it upside down in a room with lots of ventilation and little light exposure is the best method to accomplish this, like a wardrobe. In order to efficiently dry cannabis, proper ventilation is necessary because it inhibits the growth of mold.

Before you proceed to store it, ensure that you let your cannabis rest for some time. This can range anywhere from three to seven days. This is a great way to ensure that the leaves are dried and ready for you to store.

Wrapping It Up! 

In case you were searching for the best ways on how to harvest weed, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your suggestions in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you!

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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9 Things need to Know When Moving to a New Neighborhood

Moving to a new neighborhood can be daunting. Just because a neighborhood looks inviting does not necessarily mean peace of mind. Ever gone phone shopping without knowing the specifications and how it will meet your needs? Shopping blind means you may go home with something less than ideal for your needs. The same goes for looking for a new neighborhood to move in. You can’t call your agent after moving in a couple of days to say you do not like the place. Before you sign a lease or mortgage do your homework first. Thanks to the internet, you don’t have to worry about how to find a job based on your geolocation. I mean, online Ghanaian job postings for employers have facilitated the search for jobs. Nevertheless, searching for the neighborhood of your dreams means you have to consider a lot of other things. For instance, you might want to consider safety, amenities, architectural style, just to name a few. These are some questions to ask yourself before moving to a new neighborhood. These questions will help you to streamline your search in finding the perfect neighborhood with your specifications. Read More: Are You Planning To Relocate To Canada? Question 1 Does the neighborhood have sidewalks? Reason A lot of people do not think of sidewalks when searching for a new neighborhood. Sidewalks actually say a lot about the neighborhood. Sidewalks suggest an active presence of your neighbors. It means amenities are easily accessible either by walking or jogging. Sidewalks also mean the neighborhood is safer. This is because you are less likely to get hit by a car when taking a stroll. The safety of sidewalks makes it extremely desirable especially if you have children and pets. Question 2 Do you have to take care of taxes and other expenses? Reason Most often than not, we focus on buying a home but forget additional expenses. These costs should be an important factor in your decision to move to a new neighborhood. For instance, you may be responsible for your pricey home owner's association fees when moving to a condo or country club. Some of these fees come with rules so you need to understand these before making a decision. If the association forbids parking of motorcycles in driveways and you happen to own one, it is time to consider. Property taxes are another important cost people overlook particularly if you escrow and pay as part of your mortgage payment. Property taxes are taxed based on the value of your home. Therefore, they can increase if you escrow which changes your monthly payment. Prepare yourself to make sure your budget can handle such increment. On the other hand, if you decide to move to a declining housing market, your taxes may decrease. It has its own perks as well. Moving to such a neighborhood means less access to good public services. Question 3 Does the neighborhood have amenities for you and/or your family to indulge in activities? Reason This is a pretty obvious question. Whether you’re single, have a family with children or is retired with your spouse pretty much sums up what you should look out for in a neighborhood. You will want a new neighborhood that has everything to suit your lifestyle. For families with children, they might be interested in communities with parks, a swimming pool, libraries, and others. A young single person with a dog might want a neighborhood with a dog park or bike trails. If you enjoy a good movie at the cinema and you have to drive a long distance to access one from the new neighborhood you might want to reconsider. On the other hand, a new neighborhood may not have some amenities. You will have to compromise in some situations. Make sure the necessary basic amenities are within your reach. Question 4 Does the neighborhood provide you with convenience? Reason Convenience is walking to a shopping center nearby and accomplishing several errands within a very short period. Convenience is getting easy access to stores you frequently visit. The biggest convenience is the ease to commute to work daily. In other words, the more convenient your neighborhood is, the more it affects your happiness. Moving to a neighborhood that has your favorite stores within reach is a plus. Not only do you save money on gas, but you also get to patronize these services at your own time. Ask yourself this, do I have to double my commute trip to work or to school if I move to this neighborhood? Is it really worth that trouble? Question 5 What are your plans for the future? Reason The neighborhood may look great in the present but may be liable to change in the future. In a neighborhood you move into, living in the here and now may be a good outlook on life. However, it does not necessarily mean a good neighbourhood. Check with your local planning office about future developments in your area. It is because you may not want to purchase a new home only to find out it’s in the middle of a new community college. Visiting the planning office and inform you of any future construction project that will affect the neighborhood. So you like the quiet private nature of the neighborhood with mature trees lined up along each side. Probably in the future, these trees will be cut down to build another subdivision. So even if your lot is not directly affected, it may impact the serene environment you’ve come to love. All this may affect your decision of moving to the neighborhood. Question 6 Is the neighborhood situated in a noisy place or has a bad smell? Reason Your well being and health is one important factor when choosing a neighborhood to move into. Visiting the neighborhood several times during the day is extremely important. On paper, the place might be a perfect fit for you, but visiting the place will reveal its secrets. The perfectly lined trees behind the house may be hiding a major road. Train tracks, restaurants, clubs and all that create noise that may be a menace. These bothersome noises will never go away. So while you may get used to them is a gamble. In addition, in the eventuality that you want to move from the place, it is usually harder to sell a place with so much noise. While you are listening, you may want to get a good whiff of the air in the neighborhood. A stagnant lake, sewage problems, and even a corner BBQ joint can create some odors that do not go away. Question 7 What is the crime rate in the neighborhood? Reason This is for your own sake and safety. You do not want your new home to feel like you are trapped in a war zone. It is also easier to know the crime rate of the neighborhood as they are many websites available for that. This makes it especially easier for you to decide if you are stuck between two neighborhood choices. If you find a neighborhood you love and to your dismay, you find it has a questionable crime rat, you should speak to your local police office for more details. It could be just a small area away from your new home acting as a crime magnet. Question 8 Are they good schools? Reason This is a very important question to ask if you have children. The presence of public and private schools from kindergarten to high schools affect the value of a home. If you do not have children, it is very important to understand that the quality of the school system in that area will affect the resale of your home. Also, good schools may add unnecessary costs to your rent if you do not have children. If you do have children, research about the school by seeking advice from fellow parents in the neighborliness. Most schools give tours as well, so might want to take advantage of this. Also, inquire about school activities and extra-curricular activities the school permits. Question 9 What is the neighborhood culture? Reason So you’ve found a neighborhood that fits your budget, has low crime rates, great reviews and all that, what of the culture? Your dream neighbourhood isn’t about statistics and information, is about how the place makes you feel. If you are used to a hip urban neighborhood, you may not be happy in a quiet, family-oriented neighborhood. Doing so means you have to compromise on some things if that’s your wish. The bottom line is, you won’t be happy moving to a neighborhood that does not fit your lifestyle. Make sure the neighborhood you choose has the right culture, then other pieces may fall into place. Read More: Dalhousie, A Perfect Place To Unplug The Anxiety Of Rat Race Of Modern Cities Create A Stunning Outdoor Space With These Residential Landscape Lighting Tips 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden List Of Most Durable Kitchen Flooring


5 Features That Any Heating Service Should Have!

It is less likely you will come up with unusual tips to guide you hire a good heating service Bergen County NJ. While some might ask you to go by the company goodwill, there will be some who will make you check the packages. However, there are several elements that make any service better than the others. It is imperative for you to go through them carefully before confirming on the services of any heating and cooling professionals. Here are 5 most essential qualities that any heating service Bergen County NJ should have: 1. Work Certification: It is important that you have only certified professionals to take a look at your HVAC unit. You cannot risk the comfort and health in your home or office. The heating units crafted for the residential purposes are different from the commercial ones. When you have certified professionals they are capable of providing assured services to any problem in your unit. You should be looking out for “HVAC certification”. Additionally, you should be looking out for the legal requirement that your state has laid down for the functioning of the services. 2. Quality: It is best to track the company’s record. This will help you know if the heating service Bergen County NJ has the right experience to handle the unit issue. Only a company that believes in offering quality service will come and offer a thorough evaluation of your unit. According to their evaluation, they will suggest you the solution. Only a good service provider will suggest you with honest solutions and help you fix the issue on time. 3. Work Contracts: When you are looking forward to hiring a heating service Bergen County NJ, go for the work contracts. Apart from the regular repairs, you will need such services for maintenance. Keeping the units well-conditioned can help them perform efficiently. Additionally, you will not have to worry about major damages or repair work. A trustworthy company will not hesitate in getting the contract ready and signing it. Hence, you should be looking out for a company that believes in working only with a signed contract that has all the agreed terms and conditions. 4. Insurance: It is important that the heating service Bergen County NJ has professional liability insurance. While working on the heating or the cooling units, it is possible that there might be an accident. The insurance takes care of the damages that incur upon the property. At the same time, it even covers the repair or hospitalization expenses if necessary. Hence, instead of just going by the goodwill of the company, you should be looking out whether the company is certified and insured to undertake the maintenance and the repair work. 5. Referrals: The best and assured way to know if you are looking for the best service in the town is to ask for the referrals. This is a tested way that will help you know if the professionals of the heating service Bergen County NJ are experts and experienced in handling your queries and resolving them. You can get in touch with their previous clients to learn about their work policies. This will help you to 5 Safety Precautions That Heating Services Should Take! Heating services involve working with heating equipment such as furnaces, boilers, water heaters, fireplaces, and space heaters. These equipment can pose various hazards such as fire, electric shock, gas leak, carbon monoxide poisoning, and burns. Therefore, heating services should take the following five safety precautions to prevent accidents and injuries: Install and maintain smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms: These devices can alert the heating service workers and the homeowners of any potential fire or gas leak. They should be tested monthly and replaced every 10 years. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE): Heating service workers should wear appropriate PPE such as gloves, goggles, masks, hard hats, and boots to protect themselves from heat, sparks, flames, chemicals, and dust. Follow electrical safety rules: Heating service workers should use insulated tools, avoid wet or damp areas, and turn off the power supply before working on any electrical components of the heating equipment. Avoid flammable objects and materials: Heating service workers should keep the heating equipment at least three feet away from any combustible items such as curtains, furniture, paper, or aerosol cans. They should also store and dispose of any flammable liquids or gases properly. Ensure proper ventilation: Heating service workers should work in well-ventilated areas to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide, a deadly gas that can cause headache, nausea, dizziness, and death. They should also check the vents, chimneys, and flues of the heating equipment for any blockage or damage. Final Word In case you wanted to know about heating services and why you should take them, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are nay other queries that you might have related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your comments and queries in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you! Read More:  Additional Ways To Keep Your Home Warm Five Efficient Uses Of Propane In Your Home