How To Harvest Weed: A Beginner’s Guide To Cannabis Cultivation

how to harvest weed

If there is one thing that most people try to know after searching for the legalities of growing weed, it is about “how to harvest weed?”

If this is something that you are searching for, I have you covered!

You see, weed, or marijuana, is a controversial plant to talk about. You might want to grow it for medicinal and recreational purposes. But the “What if people…” thoughts might put you off! This is because harvesting or growing weed is not like harvesting potatoes. There are several other things associated with the same.

But don’t you worry, my friend! If you are trying to search for the best ways to harvest weed, both indoors and outdoors, you need to look no further! Keep on reading this blog till the end to learn more…

Is Growing Marijuana Legal?

Is Growing Marijuana Legal

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, weed, pot, or ganja, is a plant that contains several psychoactive compounds. It can alter one’s mood, cognition, and perception. Marijuana has been used for several reasons and purposes for thousands of years, ranging from medicinal to spiritual.

But its legal status has been a matter of debate and controversy in many countries. So, is growing marijuana legal?

The answer depends on where you live, how much you grow, and what you use it for. In some countries, such as Canada, Uruguay, and South Africa, growing marijuana for personal use is legal or decriminalized as long as you follow certain rules and regulations.

In other countries, such as the United States, Australia, and the Netherlands, growing marijuana is legal or tolerated in some states or regions but illegal or restricted in others. In many countries, such as China, India, and Saudi Arabia, growing marijuana is illegal and punishable by harsh penalties, regardless of the amount or purpose.

Various factors, such as the potential benefits and harms of marijuana use, the social and cultural attitudes towards marijuana, the economic and political interests of different groups, and the international treaties and agreements on drug control influence the legal status of marijuana.

The legal status of growing marijuana is also subject to change as new laws and policies are enacted or revised and further research and evidence are presented.

Growing marijuana is a complex and controversial issue that has no simple or universal answer. The best way to find out if growing marijuana is legal in your area is to consult the relevant authorities and sources, and to be aware of the risks and consequences of your actions. Remember, just because something is legal, does not mean it is safe, ethical, or advisable.

When Should You Plant Weed?

When Should You Plant Weed?

Spring is here, and you know what that means: it’s time to get your marijuana seeds ready for planting outdoors.

This is the most important crop of the year because you can get the biggest harvest of all.

Some old-timers like to plant their seeds on the first full moon of March. They say this way, the seeds get some light at night and don’t grow too tall too fast.

But sometimes, it’s still too chilly in March, and not everywhere has the same weather. If you live in a colder place, your plants will grow slower and suffer from the cold and the wind. They will be weaker and more likely to get bugs and diseases

So, what should you do in this case?

Well, you can wait a month or two longer. A seed that sprouts in a nice climate from April onwards will grow bigger and better than one that sprouts in March in the same place

But growing plants for so long is not easy.

You must watch out for all kinds of things: bugs, diseases, nutrients, transplanting, pruning, training… It’s a six-month-long job requiring constant attention

Things to Keep in Mind

Things to Keep in Mind 

If you want a good quality and quantity of weed there are several things that you need to keep in mind. Want to know what they might be? I have you covered! Here are some of the things that you’ll need:

  • Fertilizers for growth and flowering: You can choose whatever fertilizers you like, organic or chemical. Organic ones, like humus, guano, and flower boosters, will give you a tasty and aromatic weed, but less of it. Chemical ones, like those from specific brands, will give you more buds, but less flavor.
  • Insecticides for insects like whiteflies, mites, or thrips: It’s better to use them as a prevention, so you don’t get any nasty surprises.
  • An anti-fungal product that works well against powdery mildew: Propolix or other chemical products are good, but you have to use them from the beginning.
  • Bacillus Thuringiensis: This is for caterpillars and other worms. Use it as soon as the flowers start to show, which is when these critters start to show up. Around May/June.
  • Stakes or wires to support the branches during the flowering stage.

Soil and Other Conditions to Grow Weed or Marijuana

Soil and Other Conditions to Grow Weed or Marijuana

It’s obvious that this is the most common grow medium, probably because it’s easy to find and has some nutrients already in it. Weed grown in soil is also more delicious and fragrant. And, no, it’s not hard to grow in soil – just plant your (favorite) strain in the soil, and you’re good to go.

That’s it. Of course, there are different kinds of soil, and some are better than others. High-quality potting soil will make your life easier and faster. You might also want to add some extra nutrients to make your weed grow better.

Or you can make your own super soil. If you decide to buy soil, we suggest you go for the best brands, or at least those with a good soil mix. They should have things like earthworm castings, alfalfa meal, humic acid, etc.

Can You Grow Weed Without Soil?

Want to try something different? Go soilless. You’ll see some quicker growth (and bigger harvests). And, conveniently, growing weed in soilless mediums is pretty similar to growing it in soil. The only difference is that you’ll have to give the nutrients yourself because soilless mediums don’t have any. Some examples of soilless mediums are coco coir, vermiculite, perlite, etc.

What About Hydroponic Grows? Is it Complicated?

No, hydroponic growth is not complicated. It’s as easy as picking your setup (hydroponic system), getting your nutrients, and sprouting your seeds. And you’ll get some amazing benefits: super-fast growth, huge yields, and super-strong weed.

Sounds good, right? Don’t believe everything you hear because some information can mess up your growth. But with the right setup and care, you can be sure of a plentiful harvest.

What It Needs to Survive and Thrive: How to Grow Weed Plant?

What It Needs to Survive and Thrive: How to Grow Weed Plant?

If you want to grow the best weed possible, you need to know your plant well. Here are some of the main things that a weed plant needs to thrive, and how it works.


Light is the fuel that drives photosynthesis and growth in a weed plant. The fan leaves are like solar panels that absorb light. The more light you give your plants, the more buds they will produce. 

But be careful not to give them too much light. If you grow indoors, keep your lights at a safe distance from your plants, or you might burn them and ruin your nugs. And if your plants get too hot, they will dry out faster and need more water and attention.

Weed plants usually need at least six hours of sunlight a day when they grow outdoors. This is called “full sun”. When they grow indoors, they usually get between 12 and 18 hours of artificial light a day, depending on their stage of growth.

Weed is a photoperiod plant, which means that the amount of light it gets every day affects when it flowers and makes buds. Outdoors, this happens when the days get shorter in the fall. Indoors, you can make this happen by changing the light cycle from 18 to 12 hours a day.   


Water is essential for all plants, including weed. Water provides hydrogen for photosynthesis, and also carries nutrients from the soil to the plant through the roots, and throughout the whole plant.  

Water also helps the plant stay firm and flexible, by creating pressure on the cell walls. This allows the plant to bend with the wind or reach for more light. 

Plants also lose water through their leaves, like humans sweat, to cool down. This is called transpiration, and you can see it as droplets on the leaf tips.  

This may sound obvious, but you only need to water the soil or the medium where your weed plant grows, not the leaves or the plant itself. We suggest that you water a lot, but not too often, rather than a little, but more frequently. This way, the roots can dry out a bit and get more oxygen from the soil. 


A marijuana plant needs several nutrients to grow and flower. The main nutrients it needs are: 

  • Nitrogen: Nitrogen helps a weed plant grow during the vegetative phase, when it makes more mass, stems, branches, and leaves. It is part of chlorophyll, the green pigment that helps the plant use light for photosynthesis.
  • Phosphorus: Phosphorus is important for storing and using energy, as well as for root growth and bud development. It helps the plant take up nutrients and build its structure.
  • Potassium: Potassium helps with many of the plant’s metabolic activities, such as respiration, transpiration, and enzyme activation. It also helps the plant fight off diseases and pests. 
  • Calcium: Calcium is a minor nutrient, but it still plays a role in keeping the plant’s cell walls intact, and helping the plant absorb other nutrients. 
  • Magnesium: Magnesium is part of chlorophyll, and helps the plant make glucose from photosynthesis. Without it, the plant can’t turn light into energy. 


Plants breathe in CO2 through tiny holes in their leaves called stomata. During photosynthesis, plants turn CO2 into glucose, which they use to grow and flower. 

Some indoor growers use a “CO2 burner”, which is a device that adds a little bit of CO2 to the air, to make the plants grow faster and bigger. But this is usually too much for home growers. 


Wind or airflow is good for your plants, because it brings fresh air and CO2, which they need to grow.  

Airflow also prevents mold and diseases, by removing moisture from the inside of the plant, so it doesn’t get too wet. You can also use a technique called scragging, which spreads out the branches and lets more air in.

Wind or airflow also makes your plant stronger and healthier, by making its stalks and branches thicker and sturdier. When a plant bends with the wind, it produces a hormone called auxin, which stimulates growth.

What to Keep in Mind While Harvesting Weed?

What to Keep in Mind While Harvesting Weed?

You probably know that different strains of weed need different amounts of time and sun to grow well. Sativas, which come from places near the equator, like a long and sunny summer to get fully ripe.

Indicas, which come from colder and harsher places, are usually faster to finish. But there are exceptions, of course. Some indicas are slow and some sativas are quick.

The best time of day to cut down your outdoor plants is in the morning, before the sun gets too strong. You don’t want them to be wet from dew, but you also don’t want them to be exposed to too much sunlight, which can ruin their flavor.

You can also harvest at night when it’s cooler, but the morning is better because the plants are fresher and haven’t been under the sun all day.

1. Watch the weather 

As your buds get bigger and heavier and the season changes from summer to fall, the weather can change too. Depending on where you live, you might get some cold snaps or rainstorms.

These are not the end of the world, but you do need to pay attention to the weather and maybe decide on the spot when to harvest your plants, balancing their ripeness with the risk of losing them.

2. Harvesting in Lower Temperatures 

According to sources, most weed plants can handle a light freeze—28-32°F for up to three hours—without any problem. But a hard freeze, anything lower or longer, can be a disaster. 

Frost can make ice crystals form in the plant cells, hurting them. The leaves will look droopy and then turn dark and crunchy. The worse the frost, the more damage to the plant.

Remember that plants in pots are more sensitive to temperature changes than plants in the ground, so they are more likely to get frost damage.

3. Rainy Harvests 

Rain is not a big deal by itself, but it depends on how long and how hard it rains. If it’s going to stop soon and dry up fast, you can leave your almost ready plants outside. But if the rain is going to stay, mold is waiting—better to harvest sooner than later.

Covering your plants can help, but the air will still be humid. You can use some tall stakes and a tarp to cover them, but make sure to take them off when the rain or cold is over. In this way, the plants can warm up and breathe.

When to Harvest Weed Plant? 

When to Harvest Weed Plant? 

The type of plant growing determines when to harvest cannabis. Sativa, hybrid, and indica are the three primary kinds of cannabis seeds. Are you curious about the best time to harvest marijuana?

Let me break it down for you!

Sativa strain plants typically take longer to mature and give off a stronger cerebral height. However, Indica plants yield larger blooms and a more sedative, paralyzing high.

When an Indica and a Sativa are crossed, hybrids that enable flowers to have both traits are created. While Sativa cultivars blossom in 10 to 16 weeks (about three and a half months), Indica varieties flower in 8 to 10 weeks (about two and a half months) on average.

The cannabis plant can be found in hybrid form halfway between the two main species. It is important to understand that flowering times might vary based on environmental factors like temperature and duration of day.

Thus, the questions of when and how to harvest cannabis remain unanswered. Knowing what you want to achieve with your cannabis plants can help you decide when to harvest them.

Let’s say you are growing cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Is there a unique method for harvesting cannabis in this case? If so, it is imperative to harvest the plant at the height of its cannabinoid content.

But if you are cultivating cannabis seeds for fun purposes, then it is best to harvest marijuana at its peak maturity.

How to Harvest Weed?

How to Harvest Weed?

Once you’ve decided when to harvest your cannabis, it’s critical to understand how to harvest cannabis plants correctly. It’s simple to harvest cannabis; you just need to cut the stem off at the root. But it’s best not to pull the branch out of the ground since this could damage it and reduce its yield.

It is crucial to properly dry the cannabis after harvesting it before stocking it. Hanging it upside down in a room with lots of ventilation and little light exposure is the best method to accomplish this, like a wardrobe. In order to efficiently dry cannabis, proper ventilation is necessary because it inhibits the growth of mold.

Before you proceed to store it, ensure that you let your cannabis rest for some time. This can range anywhere from three to seven days. This is a great way to ensure that the leaves are dried and ready for you to store.

Wrapping It Up! 

In case you were searching for the best ways on how to harvest weed, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your suggestions in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you!

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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There are one thing movies and TVs all agree on – lofts are cool. If there is a loft in a TV show or a movie, you can bet it will be chic and stylish, furnished in the latest fashion, exuding both the minimalism of the upper class and the industrial design of the hipster movement. Generally speaking, a loft can also be the small attic apartment directly under the roof of the building, but we will keep to the first definition of the loft. We asked real estate pros from Neuman & Neuman to tell us what advantages and disadvantages you may expect if you opt to live in a loft. 1. High Ceilings As mentioned before, we will focus on the apartments on the top floor which have a lot of free space in which you can adapt to your liking, usually including the attic. That means that the height of the ceilings will be considerably higher than in other apartments, even in that same building. Naturally, what you do with all that extra vertical space is up to you, some people enjoy having a completely open plan and admire the height of the ceiling, whereas other construct landings and floors within the apartment, creating smaller separate units with or without physical walls. 2. A Lot of Natural Light Being on the top floor of a building comes with some perks, and having access to a lot more natural light than others is one of them. In cases when a building or the loft itself is adapted from a different purpose into a living unit, ceiling windows may exist already, or you may install them to give yourself that coveted sunlight. In other cases, ceiling windows may not be an option, due to the building itself, but with the vertical dimension of your home a lot bigger than a regular apartment, you may have a lot more room for regular wall windows which a door interior designer will know how to incorporate in your home’s design. 3. An Amazing View Finally, living on the top floor of a building means that your view of the surroundings promises to be spectacular. If you are fortunate enough to have a terrace or a balcony – all the better. If not, I’m sure that the view from your many large windows is just as spectacular as ever. The view factor is particularly appealing in revitalized buildings in the city centers, like in San Diego’s Little Italy district, or Brooklyn in New York – which makes the prices of these loft properties go up in recent times, especially since they’re becoming more popular with the younger population. 4. Disadvantages of Lofts Even though lofts look amazing and have a lot of advantages, there are some drawbacks as well. One of the biggest potential problems is that lofts tend to be, at least partly, repurposed old buildings. That means that they were not built for living and that the insulation is not great. And having so many large windows isn't exactly helping, either. This can potentially increase your heating and air conditioning bills. However, if you spend some money on adaptation and adding insulation, you can increase your home’s energy efficiency considerably. Another problem may be the echo and the noise, especially if you opt for a completely open plan. The cavernous nature of lofts means that the sound will reverberate and there's not much you can do about it. Having drapes and cushioned furniture may reduce this problem, but this is one thing you will have to learn to live with if you go for buying or renting a loft. Read Also: How Long Does Vinyl Flooring Last? 5 Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Floor Colors 7 Unexpected Ways to Use Glass and Wood for your Home 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment 10 Points to Remember if you are Building a Residential House

Top Roofing Tips

Top Roofing Tips

Are you looking for the most roof care tips? Here you will learn about roof care tips including, repair, installation, and maintenance. Although your roof may be designed to protect your home for long years (say 10-15 years), you need to inspect your roof every year. It will help you remain calm and relax that you are living under a safe roof. In this article, you will learn some valuable tips from the Minnesota roofing company. These tips ensure the safety and comfort of your home. Roofing Tips You can apply the following tips on your own. However, you may need expert assistance or hire a roofing agency like A to Z Construction to repair your roof. Think About Your Safety First Whenever you find that there is a leak on your roof, don’t rust to find it out. Being on the roof when it is raining is not the right way. It can be dangerous to walk on the roof to find a leak while raining, or there is ice buildup on your roof. Have patience and wait until the rain stops. A temporary fix if the leak is not a solution; keep in mind that there is no quick fix for a roof leak. So, you shouldn’t meddle on the roof as soon as a leak happens. Think about your safety and take precautions before you go to spot the leak. Wear a rubber shoe when you're going to find a leak on your roof. Don’t work alone; take help from a buddy when you’re on the roof. Clean Gutters and Spray the Roof Usually, gutters are a common reason for a leak. If your gutters are not clean and clogged with leaves and debris, that can be a reason for leaks during rain. So, you should first clear the gutters. The next step is to spray various areas of the roof to locate the leak. You can spray water on your roof with your garden hose. If it's winter, though, you shouldn't spray water. Since it's not safe to spray water on your roof when it's freezing outside, you can wait until the winter is over. Prevent Ice Buildup Ice buildup is a common problem in the wintertime. You cannot do anything about the ice buildup in the exterior area, such as the roof membrane, gutter, and shingles. However, you can prevent ice buildup in the interior. For that, you should use ice and rain shields along with proper ventilation. Ice buildup in the interior causes drips inside your home. Also, you can use an edge drip to prevent this problem. Fix Your Roof Boots Another major problem for leakage is your roof boots. It’s common that we check the flash, skylights, roofs, and gutters for finding any possible leakages. Another thing that most people miss is the rubber roof boots. So, you should also check the roof boots if there is any leak. If you find any defect in the roof boot, you can quickly fix it by purchasing a new one from a local store. Inspect Your Roofing Material Sometimes your roofing material and shingles can be of low quality or faulty, which may cause leakage soon. So, you should check the roofing material too. Always use good quality material on your roof. Since the roof is one of the most important parts of your home, you should use the standard quality material with high longevity. Final Words These are some of the common roofing tips to protect your home from leakage. However, you should consult a reputed roofing agency if you think that you cannot handle it on your own. Do proper research and ask for referrals before you choose a roofing agency. More Resources: Professional Roofing Services and Different Decorating Styles Choosing the right roof for your home – Types to select from Roofing Painting Contractor Leads: Ask Before Hiring One