How to Harvest and Preserve Dill for Year-Round Use?

Published on: 12 March 2024 Last Updated on: 05 September 2024
how to harvest dill

The tender, fern-like leaves of dill almost beg to be touched. If you want to cook them, trim the fresh dill foliage and gather the seeds for pickling. Or you can chop the feathery leaves and yellow umbels for attractive bouquets of homegrown flowers.

In addition, black swallowtail caterpillars love to feed on it. Its tiny yellow blooms are great at drawing in a wide range of pollinators. Dill grows as an annual for summer harvests in USDA Hardiness Zones 2–8. In other parts, it may self-seed and is hardy in the winter in Zones 9–11.

Here is everything you need to know about how to harvest dill. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide.

How to Harvest Dill?

Harvesting Dill

Fresh dill clips easily, but it soon starts to droop. Sounds familiar to Cilantro, right? Its flower umbels may look lovely in a mixed bouquet, but after a few hours, don’t be shocked if they start to wilt. When harvesting dill for recipes, use it as soon as possible because its flavor starts to fade after a few days.

Cut off the flower stalks of dill after the yellow blooms have faded but before the seeds start to ripen and come away from the umbel. Cover the entire flower head with a small paper bag that has a few tiny holes for ventilation.

Hang the plant upside down in a cool, dry place. Watch for the seeds to fall and collect them in the bag’s bottom. The seeds should be kept in a cool, dry, and dark area in an airtight glass container.

When and How to Plant Dill?

When and How to Plant Dill

Dill grows best outside and is simple to start from seed. Plant the seeds directly into the ground, 1/4 inch deep and spaced 1 to 2 inches apart, in the springtime following the last frost. If you want the dill plants to be able to self-sow, plant the seeds in tufts so the seeds can fall and sprout the following year.

Or you can plant them in rows spaced about 6 inches apart. You might want to think about succession planting if you want a reliable supply of dill. During the growing season, start by planting a small number of seeds from the packet at a time and then a few more every week.

Typically, seeds take 7 to 14 days to germinate. Also, dill can be grown from transplants grown in nurseries planted in the ground or in containers in spring. You can plant dill outside a few weeks before the last predicted spring frost because it can withstand light frost.

To achieve lush growth and stop crowded seedlings from producing seed heads, which stops the production of foliage, thinning is essential. Every 12 to 24 inches, reduce the number of seedlings to just the strongest one once they reach 3 or 4 inches in height.

As they get bigger, some start to flop. Plants can be kept upright by placing a stake or a sturdy twig in the ground close to the plant’s base. To loosely secure the plant to the stake, use garden twine.

You can start the dill seeds indoors four to six weeks prior to the last frost. And you can move the seedlings to the ground once the risk of frost has passed. Transplanting mature dill does not work well, so plant your seedlings where they will be able to grow and thrive.

Where To Plant Dill?

Where To Plant Dill

Dill should be planted in a spot with well-drained soil and at least 6 to 8 hours of daily full, direct sunlight. Particularly for cottage gardens, the delicate foliage gives garden beds and borders textural interest. Choose a location for your dill that will shield it from the wind if possible.

Just like spinach, high winds can easily damage its stalks if you do not stake the dill. You can plant dill’s fragrant foliage in perennial garden container plantings. Or you can plant them alongside other herbs or vegetables in a traditional kitchen garden.

In an edible garden, cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, collard greens, broccoli, and cabbage are good companion plants for dill. Dill draws beneficial insects like ladybugs and bees and drives away common brassica pests like loopers and cabbage worms.

But avoid planting dill close to carrots. Carrots can be stunted by dill, and because they are closely related, dill can cross-pollinate with carrots to produce inferior hybrid plants. Planting dill close to tomatoes is also not recommended.

Mature dill will probably stunt your tomatoes’ growth, even though some studies have indicated that tomatoes and dill can be beneficial companions when they are young.

How to Propagate Dill?

How to Propagate Dill

Seed is the most effective method of dill propagation. Cuttings can also propagate Dill, though this isn’t as dependable.

Seed: Direct sow the dill seeds in early spring at a depth of 1/4 inch in a prepared garden bed. Dill does not tolerate transplanting well. Thin the seedlings so they are 12–24 inches apart when they are 3–4 inches tall.

Cuttings: Using shears or scissors, cut off the stem with at least 3 to 4 inches of new growth to take a dill cutting. Place the cutting in a water-filled container, making sure to remove any leaves below the water’s surface, and allow the roots to grow for two to three weeks.

Fertilizer and rooting hormones are not required. Plant the dill in a container or on the ground once the roots are 2 to 3 inches long.

Is Dill a Type of Weed?

No, I am not talking about WEED weed (read: marijuana). Although dill isn’t technically a weed, some individuals and spice companies call the plant dill weed, possibly due to its feathery leaves. Dill weed is a dried or fresh foliage plant. Flower umbels are yellow and used to make dill seeds.

How Should Dill Be Stored for Optimal Quality?

How Should Dill Be Stored for Optimal Quality

You can keep fresh dill in the fridge by wrapping its leaves in a moist paper towel. Or you can tuck its stems into a container of water. Fresh dill can be frozen by submerging it in water in ice cube trays. Place the cubes in cooked dishes that have enough moisture to withstand them.

Dill seeds and leaves can also be easily dried for later use, though the flavor is a lot more muted.

Water and Soil

Sow dill in soil that is moist but well-drained. If there is a lot of clay in your soil, add organic matter to the top few inches to aid in drainage. If you have trouble with poor soil drainage, plant this herb in raised beds or containers. Growing dill requires proper irrigation.

As the seeds germinate, keep the soil evenly moist. Dill plants require one to two inches of rain or extra water each week once they begin to grow.

Humidity and Temperature

Dill tolerates temperatures as low as 25ºF, but 70ºF is the ideal temperature for it. Dill often bolts, sending up flower stalks to set seeds when temperatures rise. This annual herb dies after it flowers and produces seeds. Get rid of the flowers to prolong the plant’s growing season.

Apply Fertilizer

While most herbs, including dill, don’t require extra fertilizer, you can give them once or twice during the growing season by applying a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer. When planting, either mix a liquid fertilizer with water or etch a time-release fertilizer into the soil.

Refer to the product label for instructions on how much to use.


Dill should be pruned early in the growing season to prevent limb bending. Cut off the top leaves of the plant to promote more growth of the lower leaves. Food preparation and cooking can be done with anything that has been pruned.

Repotting and Potting

You can grow dill in pots on a sunny balcony or deck, even if you don’t have an outdoor garden. Due to the deep taproot that dill plants have, choose a container that is at least 12 inches deep. Because clay and terracotta pots don’t retain as much moisture as plastic or glazed ceramic pots.

They are ideal for growing dill. Make sure the container you select has good drainage and is big enough to allow you to space your plants 12 to 24 inches apart. It is best to start over in a new, larger container. Especially if your dill plant outgrows its current one because it does not take well to transplant.

If the temperature where you are planting is not too high, you can keep planting seeds into the summer.

Types of Dill

Types of Dill

Dills can be of many types with each of their distinct looks and flavors. Here are the three different types of dill you can grow in your kitchen or backyard.

Long Island Mammoth

Also known as Long Island Mammoth this one is an old-time favorite. Its fern-like leaves can be dried and stored for a long time, or they can be harvested fresh. It produces big clusters of yellow flowers with flat tops. They turn into brown seed heads, and they can reach a height of five feet.


Grown to a height of only 18 inches, Anethum graveolens, or Fernleaf, is a highly productive dwarf variety. It works well in container gardens or small in-ground beds. Its feathery, delicate foliage has a great flavor of dill. From midsummer into fall, it blossoms.


The ‘Bouquet’ cultivar produces plants up to thirty inches tall with fine bluish-green foliage. The enormous, six-inch-diameter yellow flower heads are ideal for drying, creating an enduring arrangement. Or you could chop them for fresh floral arrangements.

How to Keep New Dill Fresh?

How to Keep New Dill Fresh

Dill weed quickly wilts after harvesting and gradually loses its distinctive flavor and aroma. If you know how to store your freshly harvested dill, this shouldn’t be a problem. Here are two straightforward techniques that you can use:

Put It in the Crisper Drawer of the Refrigerator

Loosely wrap the recently cut and cleaned leaves in damp kitchen towels before putting them in a container or sealed bag. Put the container in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator, which has a lower humidity than the other sections of the appliance.

Utilize the herbs before they begin to wilt and dry out, which should happen in a few days.

Put It in Water

To make this method function, when harvesting the herb, you must cut off the entire stem. After gathering the stems, put them in a glass of water and seal the opening with a plastic bag. Every day, change the water. Unlike potatoes, dill leaves can remain fresh for up to a week when stored in this manner.

How to Freeze Fresh Dill?

How to Freeze Fresh Dill

Freezing is the best way to preserve extra dill for later use if you’ve harvested more than you can use at once or in a few days. Dill freezes most effectively when chopped into smaller pieces and added to ice cube trays with just enough water to cover the freshly minced dill.

This allows the herbs to be kept for four months or longer. This will ensure you always have dill on hand for when a recipe calls for it.

How to Dry Fresh Dill?

How to Dry Fresh Dill

Dried fresh dill is a popular method if you’re searching for another way to store dill for a long time. The herb has many uses, even though it won’t have as much flavor as when it’s fresh or frozen. All year long, you can use it as a herb in cooked dishes or to make tea.

Stick to hang-drying if you don’t want much of the flavor to be lost. This is a very easy method to use. All you must do is gather a few dill leaves and then bind them with a string. Later, place them in an area with adequate ventilation upside down.

 Place them in an airtight container once they’re crumbling and dry. Even though fresh dill is always preferable, make sure to save some for later use. Particularly if you don’t have a year-round indoor herb and spice garden.

Wrapping Up

Growing dill is a great way to add flavor to fish and seafood dishes. A little goes a long way because fresh dill leaves have a strong licorice flavor. It is best that you add dill toward the end of cooking, in salads, or as a garnish for soups. Because once cooked, it tends to lose its flavor.

If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about how to harvest dill, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Garden Fences

Tips For Planting And Maintaining Greenery On Garden Fences

Garden fences are an essential part of any outdoor space, providing privacy, security, and aesthetic appeal. One way to enhance the look of your garden fence is to plant greenery on it.  Not only does it add visual interest, but it can also provide shade and habitat for birds and other wildlife. However, planting and maintaining greenery on decorative garden fences can be challenging.  How To Maintain Greenery On Garden Fences? Maintaining greenery on decorative garden fences addition is a beautiful and natural touch to your outdoor space. When it comes to maintaining greenery on garden fences, consider the versatility of custom window boxes. These personalized window boxes can enhance your garden's aesthetic and provide a perfect space for your favorite plants. Without proper care theses, the beautiful natural touch can look like a small wild bush. More than installing the fence panels, regular maintenance is required to ensure the long life of the fences. Check out for fencing repair and maintenance ideas. Let’s see the easy caring tips that do not require expert help. You can apply these tips on your own by using small and readily available tools. 1. Choosing The Right Plants For Your Garden Fence The first step in planting greenery on your garden fence is to choose the right plants. When selecting plants, consider the amount of sunlight your fence receives and the soil quality.  Some plants, such as ivy and jasmine, are ideal for shady areas, while others, like clematis and morning glories, prefer sunny spots. You should also choose plants well-suited to your soil type and moisture levels. It's also important to choose garden fences and plants that will complement your existing landscaping and the style of your garden fence. Consider planting wildflowers or climbing roses if you have a rustic wooden fence. You might opt for succulents or grasses if you have a more modern fence. 2. Planting Your Greenery Once you've chosen the right plants for your garden fences, it's time to start planting. Before you begin, be sure to prepare the soil. Clear any present debris or weeds from the area, and amend the soil with compost or other organic matter to improve drainage and fertility. When planting your greenery, be sure to follow the specific planting instructions for each plant. Some plants, such as climbing roses or ivy, may require a trellis or other support structure to climb up the big or small garden fences. Other plants, like clematis, may require regular pruning to keep them from becoming too heavy and damaging the fence. 3. Caring For Your Greenery Proper care is essential for the health and longevity of your greenery. Be sure you are watering your plants daily, especially during hot and dry periods. Fertilize your plants as needed, following the specific instructions for each plant. Regular pruning is also important to keep your greenery healthy and well-maintained. Be sure to remove any dead or diseased branches and prune back any overgrown areas that are crowding out other plants or obstructing your view. 4. Protecting Your Garden Fence While planting greenery on your garden fences can be a beautiful and eco-friendly solution, it's important to protect your fence from damage. Be sure to use plant ties or other support structures to prevent your plants from pulling down or damaging your fence. You should also be aware of any potential pests or diseases that could harm your greenery or your fence. Be sure to monitor your plants regularly and take action if you notice any signs of infestation or disease. 5. Provide A Sufficient Amount Of Water And Nutrients Make sure your plants receive enough water and nutrients to thrive. Consider using a slow-release fertilizer or compost to give your plants the necessary nutrients. Regular pruning helps your plants to maintain their shape. And regular pruning also prevents them from becoming overgrown or damaged. Prune away dead or diseased branches, and remove any growth encroaching on other plants or structures. Keep your eye out for pests and diseases which can damage your plants. Using the natural pest control methods, like companion planting or organic pesticides, keeps your plants healthy. Conclusion Planting greenery on your garden fence is a great way to add beauty and interest to your outdoor space. If you are concerned about deer damaging your garden, installing a deer fence from by a professional can provide the protection you need while adding value to your property. By choosing the right plants, planting them properly, and providing proper care and maintenance, you can create healthy and thriving garden fences that will enhance the look and feel of your outdoor space for years to come. Read Also: 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life How To Plant Grass Seed On Hard Dirt? – Latest Update 2022 10 Best Bedroom Plants To Buy In 2022

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10 Best Aesthetic Plants To Buy In 2022

Making a home habitable is all about decorating it with the right elements. The decoration needs to please your senses to make you feel comfortable with the proper sense of aesthetic decorum; above all, it needs to make you feel at home. There is no better way of decorating your home than the touch of green. Many indoor plants help you decorate the house just the way you need. They restore the life the brick and woods of your house were missing. Aesthetic plants are amazing because of their looks, but they also help you with several health benefits like refreshing the air indoors. You can decorate your aesthetic bedroom with plants and bring nature home for a healthier, happier, and merrier life indoors. So, if you are interested in making your indoors look incredible, you need to bring some indoor plants home and decorate the indoors more beautifully. This article has talked about several aesthetic plants that will help you do just that. 10 Best Aesthetic Plants When I said aesthetic plants, I meant nothing but aesthetic. These plants look elegant in their beauty and versatility, and they are perfect for decorating your home properly. Here are some of the best plants for aesthetic home decoration. 1. Alocasia Silver Dragon Alocasia silver dragon is a beautiful aesthetic plant that adorns your home with its thick veined leaves. They are a famous variety of the Alocasia Baginda plant. The light to dark green leaves is just as pretty as aesthetic in looks. If you plan to keep one of them on the table, you are making a good decision. You are going to love how good they look indoors. They require minimum sunlight, so you won't have much to worry about keeping them indoors. Read More: Looking for a Gardener: 8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Professional 2. Bird Of Paradise According to many, the Bird of Paradise is the queen of all indoor plants. The large and upright plant adds a glossy and clean feel to your indoors. This aesthetic plant will decorate your drawing room indoors and refresh the air indoors. You can grow the Bird of Paradise in the low light, but they won't grow faster that way. So, I recommend keeping it somewhere the plant gets maximum sunlight through the window. You need to water the plant when the soil in the pot gets dry by fifty percent. 3. Foliage Houseplants The decorative foliage is another aesthetic houseplant you can keep at home. Tropical foliage, calcium, and several other foliage aesthetic plants are incredibly pretty for decorating the indoors of your house. Having one or two of these plants in your drawing room will add more decoration and beauty to your house. These plants need a medium amount of sunlight. So it would help if you kept in mind to put them somewhere the sunlight reaches them. Also, since the foliage plants are tropical, it would be better to keep the potting soil wet most of the time. You May Like To Read This: Garden Edging for Beginners 4. Parlor Palm NASA uses the Parlor palm plant as one of the most effective air cleansing plants. They are the ideal aesthetic plants for decorating the indoors of your house. Their size remains perfect even when you are growing them indoors. They grow around 2.5 ft in height. The way the leaves of the parlor palm trees grow is a sight to look at. They are decorative and keep the indoor environment healthy at all times. When keeping one of these plants indoors, you need to keep in mind to make a good drainage system and keep the potting soil mildly wet. 5. Lemon Tree This might sound like the craziest idea ever, but a lemon tree can also take the indoors and make it look more appealing to the spectators' eyes. Of course, many aesthetic plants may appeal more to you than a lemon tree, but a lemon tree will surely have the upper hand in giving the house the refreshment it deserves. Your lemon tree needs an ample amount of sunlight and regular watering. Also, it would help if you remembered to let the soil dry out before you water it. 6. Rubber Plant Rubber plants or Ficus Elastica are incredible for derating your indoors. Once you get one of these aesthetic plants for your indoors, you will understand how amazing they are in refreshing the indoors while also decorating the indoors properly. When growing a rubber plant, you will need a minimum amount of sunlight (even indirect sunlight will do). There is no specific humidity level required. It would help if you watered them once or twice every week; also, let the soil dry before watering. The rubber plant is a low-maintenance aesthetic house plant, so if you were looking for one such plant, we recommend buying them. 7. Calathea Aesthetic Plant For a tabletop decoration, you can indeed choose the Calathea plant. The dual tones of the plant make your indoors look gorgeous with a dignified look. It is a low-light plant so you can keep it inside without any problem. They also don't require lots of watering, and they are pet-friendly. 8. Boston Ferns Ferns can be the pretty, perky, and adorable green aesthetic indoor plant you have been looking for. There is no match for a pot of fern on your table for indoor decoration. The green color of the ferns will look incredible in your house if you keep them for decoration. If you want to use ferns indoors, you can opt for Boston Ferns. They need very little light so that they will be just fine indoors. But you need to regularly water the pot so that the soil remains moist. 9. Money Plant A small aesthetic plant indoors that brings luck, fortune, money, and wealth in your life is the money plant. According to popular opinion, the money plant is an aesthetic plant that helps restore wealth, luck, and fortune if you keep them indoors. As an indoor plant, the money plant requires lots of sunlight and regular water, so you need to be careful about them if you are growing any at home. 10. Heart Leaf Philodendron Heartleaf Philodendron requires bright and healthy light and needs regular care if you want to grow them. However, these are excellent choices for decorating your indoors because of their beautiful-looking leaves and flowers.  It is important to provide them with the proper amount of moisture in the soil, regular pruning, and the required amount of fertilizers. There is plenty of caregiving that your heart leaf philodendron needs. Conclusion Aesthetic plants are an excellent addition to your home decor, and they add incredible value, beauty, and health benefits to your home. However, if you want to decorate your indoors with full potential, you need to consider keeping them in your home. Here, in this article, We have provided the names of a few of them to help you buy the right one. Read Also: DIY Ways to Control Pests in Your Garden What Is the Fastest Growing Plant On Earth? 5 Tips to Keeping Animals Away From Your Garden

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5 Types Of Kitchen Cabinets

Cabinets are considered to be the foundation of the kitchen. Besides lying under budget-oriented kitchen designing ideas, they play a very important role in storing the items such as storage of food, equipment required for cooking, etc.  Cabinets are built to store items safely and to provide more spacing and a better look in kitchens of any type according to size. Now, selecting different types of Kitchen cabinets might be a challenging task.  Decades ago, the place where the stove and some utensils were kept had been given the name of the kitchen, but with the change of time and thinking of people and the advancement in technologies, kitchen has been considered the warmth beauty of the house.  5 Types Of Kitchen Cabinets To reduce your time and effort, we have listed the top 5 types of kitchen cabinets that will be useful for you in the long run. Thus, nowadays people go for finding the best layout and design for their kitchen. So, visit flat pack kitchen cabinets for better choices. Base Cabinets: Base Cabinets consist of adjustable legs and adjustable shelves with shelf support to meet all the storage needs required by a customer.  Moreover, base cabinets come in various sizes. You can choose the size according to the dimensions required for your storage need. They can be easily cleaned. Wall Cabinets:  Wall cabinets or, wall-mounted cabinets are often marked under amazing kitchen(specifically small ones) storage ideas. They are similar to base cabinets and are supplied with adjustable shelf supports to provide the best symmetrical look. People generally prefer to install wall cabinets in their kitchen to have a modern, sleek look.  They come in various forms slimline wall cabinets, overhead wall cabinets. They are typically built with plywoods(make sure to choose the right kitchen cabinet material of your choice). Pantry Cabinets:  Pantry Cabinets are considered to provide a great space to provide a better look to your kitchen and also offer a breeze in assembling.  Pantry Cabinets come in the perfect size and can be properly easily installed in the kitchen. They are considered to be the most preferred cabinets because they provide a proper workspace to work in the kitchen. Combination Cabinets:  Combination cabinets consist of pantry cabinets and base cabinets combination. Thus, this combination offers more space for storing the items safely.  They also cover less space and are easy to install. They have an open top for displaying ornaments. Thus, this is one of the best types of kitchen cabinets that you should prefer.  Appliance Cabinets: Appliance Cabinets provide a compact way to showcase your held dear kitchen appliances. They are purposely built for ovens and range hoods to provide sufficient space to store such large items. They can be customized according to your requirements. Cabinets are build up and processed in a systematic manner with proper frames and doors. Cabinets can be easily purchased from specialty retailers, shops for kitchen remodelers, home centers, online retailers, and ready-to-assemble furniture manufacturers.  The Final Thoughts  Some installers also offer a package deal from measurement to construction, to proper installation of cabinets. Also, you can refer to kitchen designers for the best advice on the installation of cabinets. Cabinet doors panels along with refulgent decorative lighting and ideal Feng Shui appearances will be stand out inch-perfect on cabinet sides, where exposed, for a more finished appearance. Hence, if you come across any doubts, you can mention them in the comment section below! Don't forget to go through our bonus tips regarding proper kitchen tiles installation! Read Also: Top Secrets That Slash Your Kitchen Remodeling Bill in Half