From Bud To Bite: Crafting Your Own Cannabis Gummy Edibles  


28 September 2023


how to make cannabis gummies

Hello there, fellow cannabis enthusiasts! Today, I’m excited to take you on a flavorful journey into the world of homemade cannabis gummies. If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at crafting these delectable treats, you’re in the right place.

Want to know how to make cannabis gummies? I have you covered! In this blog, I will walk you through the process step by step, from selecting the right strain to infusing your gummies with the perfect dose of cannabis goodness. So, roll up your sleeves (pun intended), and let’s get cooking!

Before We Dive In: A Word On Cannabis Strains  

Before We Dive In: A Word On Cannabis Strains 

Choosing the right cannabis strain for your gummies is crucial. Each strain offers a unique flavor profile and effect, so consider what kind of experience you’re aiming for.

Personally, I like to use a hybrid strain for a balanced blend of relaxation and creativity. Indica strains can be too sedating for some, while sativa strains might make you a bit too chatty. A hybrid is often the sweet spot.

How To Make Cannabis Gummies: A Step-By-Step Guide That You Need!  

How To Make Cannabis Gummies: A Step-By-Step Guide That You Need

Before we start with the steps, there is one thing I would like to make clear. While making cannabis gummies at home offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to approach the process responsibly, especially if you are new to cannabis edibles.

Start with lower doses, be patient, and remember to comply with local laws and regulations regarding the preparation and consumption of cannabis-infused products.

Now that it is done, let’s get started!

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients And Tools  

Before you start whipping up your cannabis-infused gummies, make sure you have everything you need. Here’s a list of what you’ll require:

  • Cannabis tincture or cannabis-infused oil: This is the star of the show, providing THC or CBD goodness.
  • Flavored gelatin packets: Choose your favorite flavors for a delightful twist.
  • Unflavored gelatin: This will give your gummies the right texture.
  • Sugar: For sweetness, of course!
  • Water: To mix everything together.
  • Silicone molds: These will help shape your gummies.
  • A saucepan and a whisk: To heat and mix your ingredients.
  • A dropper or syringe: For precise dosing.

Step 2: Calculate Your Dosage  

Getting the dosage right is crucial. We want those gummies to provide a blissful experience, not send us to the moon! Start by determining how much THC or CBD is in your tincture or oil and calculate the dosage per gummy. For beginners, I recommend starting with a lower dose (around 5-10mg) and gradually increasing it as needed.

Step 3: Prepare Your Molds  

Before you dive into the cooking process, prepare your silicone molds. Lightly coat them with cooking spray to prevent sticking later on. This step will ensure your gummies pop out effortlessly once they’re set.

Step 4: Mix Your Ingredients  

Now, let’s get cooking! In your saucepan, combine the flavored gelatin packets, unflavored gelatin, sugar, and water. Stir everything together until it forms a smooth mixture. It should be free of lumps and evenly blended.

Step 5: Infuse With Cannabis  

This is where the magic happens! Add your cannabis tincture or infused oil to the mixture. The dosage you calculated earlier will guide you here. Use a whisk to ensure the cannabis is evenly distributed throughout the mixture. Keep the heat low to avoid overheating the cannabis, which could affect its potency.

Step 6: Heat And Stir  

Place your saucepan over low heat and continue to stir. You want to gently heat the mixture without boiling it. Keep stirring until all the ingredients are fully combined, and the mixture becomes smooth and shiny. This should take about 7-10 minutes.

Step 7: Fill Your Molds  

Once your mixture is ready, use your dropper or syringe to fill the silicone molds. Take your time and be as precise as possible. This will ensure that each gummy has the correct dosage, and they’ll all look fantastic!

Step 8: Let Them Set  

Patience is key at this stage. Allow your cannabis gummies to set at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. You can speed up the process by placing them in the refrigerator, but be careful not to freeze them.

Step 9: Pop And Enjoy!  

The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived! Carefully pop your gummies out of the molds and behold your homemade cannabis-infused creations. Store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness.

The Beauty Of Homemade Cannabis Gummies  

The Beauty Of Homemade Cannabis Gummies

There’s something truly special about crafting your own cannabis gummies. You have full control over the ingredients, flavors, and dosages, ensuring a personalized experience every time. Plus, it’s a fun and rewarding process that allows you to experiment with different strains and flavors until you find your perfect match.

Now that you’ve learned the art of making cannabis gummies, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re treating yourself or sharing with friends, these homemade delights are a delightful way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis in a delicious and discreet form. So, go ahead, put on your apron, and let your culinary creativity shine in the world of cannabis-infused treats!

Benefits Of Making Cannabis Gummies At Home!  

Benefits Of Making Cannabis Gummies At Home

Making cannabis gummies at home offers several benefits, which contribute to their popularity among cannabis enthusiasts. Here are some key advantages:

1. Control Over Ingredients:   

When you make cannabis gummies at home, you have full control over the quality of ingredients. You can choose organic, non-GMO, and natural products, ensuring that your gummies are free from undesirable additives or artificial flavors.

2. Customizable Dosage:   

One of the most significant advantages is the ability to customize the dosage. You can precisely measure the amount of cannabis you want in each gummy, allowing for consistent and accurate dosing. This is particularly important for medical cannabis users who require specific doses for their conditions.

3. Choice Of Strain:   

Homemade gummies let you select the cannabis strain that suits your preferences and desired effects. Whether you want a relaxing Indica or an energizing sativa, you can tailor your gummies to your specific needs.

4. Variety Of Flavors:   

You can experiment with an array of flavors, creating gummies that cater to your taste preferences. Whether you prefer fruity, sour, or herbal flavors, you have the freedom to get creative and craft gummies that delight your palate.

5. Cost-Effective:   

Making your own cannabis gummies can be more cost-effective than purchasing pre-made edibles. You can buy cannabis flowers or extracts in bulk, which often offers better value for money, and create a substantial quantity of gummies.

6. Quality Control:   

Home preparation allows for better quality control. You can ensure the cleanliness of your equipment and environment, reducing the risk of contamination. This is particularly crucial for individuals with allergies or dietary restrictions.

7. Privacy And Discretion:   

Crafting your cannabis gummies at home offers privacy and discretion. You can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without drawing attention to yourself or your cannabis consumption.

8. Fun And Educational:   

The process of making cannabis gummies can be enjoyable and educational. It provides an opportunity to learn about the science of cannabis infusion and cooking techniques. It can be a fun activity to share with friends or loved ones.

9. Experimentation:   

Homemade gummies encourage experimentation. You can try different recipes, ratios, and infusion methods until you find the perfect formula that suits your preferences and needs.

10. Longer Shelf Life:   

Keep With proper storage, homemade cannabis gummies can have a longer shelf life compared to store-bought edibles. You can keep them fresh for an extended period, allowing you to enjoy them at your own pace.

Wrapping It Up!  

In case you were searching about how to make cannabis gummies at home, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page, Then leave your comments and queries in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you!

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Healthier Lifestyle

Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle

If you’ve been feeling less than fresh so far this year and none of those New Year’s resolutions made a dent in your overall lifestyle, it’s not too late to make some changes. The secret to leading a healthier lifestyle is to make gradual, sustainable changes that you can truly stick to without abandoning within days. If you’ve been finding it hard to make the switch to a way of living that’s better for your body and mind, try incorporating these simple changes into your day. Change the portions on your plate : Revolutionizing your entire diet is no easy feat – anyone who’s attempted to make drastic changes to their food intake all at once knows that. What’s more, quick-fix diets don’t tend to be successful in the long-term. If the way you eat is one of your concerns when it comes to your overall health, then simply adjusting the way you portion up to your plate could help. Shop at supermarkets that source fresh produce from wholesale fruit and veg suppliers, and try to increase the number of fruits and veggies on your plate at each meal while decreasing the less healthy foods. Add a walk to your daily routine : If you want to improve your fitness but are starting at a basic level of, well, zero fitness, then hitting the gym every day and transforming into a gym bunny may not be realistic. Taking a walk each day, however, can be great for both your physical and mental health. Start off with a short stroll and increase the distance to see a gradual but substantial improvement in your fitness levels. Make a snack exchange : Another small food-related shift you can make in your day is to change out the snacks you’re munching on between meals. If you tend to grab a high-sugar snack to give you a lift in at mid-afternoon crash period, try swapping it out for something nutrient-dense that will give you energy without the crash. A handful of nuts, yogurt, or other protein-packed snacks with a small number of healthy fats all make great alternatives to your usual unhealthy pick-me-up. Reach out to your friends : If your emotional health has taken a knock recently, then making connections could be even more important to your overall well-being than any diet adjustment or a trip to the gym. Social media has its benefits, but it can also leave us feeling isolated, rather than genuinely connected. Give an old friend a call, make plans to do things you enjoy with people you feel comfortable talking openly to or just start picking up the phone more often instead of resorting to communicating through memes. Understand sleep hygiene : The quality of your sleep can have a huge impact on your overall health and lifestyle. If your nights haven’t been as restful as they should be, take a look at your sleep hygiene. This means getting electronics out of your room at night, developing a relaxing evening routine, and ensuring that your bedroom is a soothing, comfortable space that makes it easy for you to settle down. It may seem surprisingly simple, but just making a few tweaks to your evening routine may drastically improve the quality of your sleep, which could make you feel physically and mentally stronger. Read Also : How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule Important Habits To Protect Your Ear Health And Hearing Must-Have Appliances For A Healthier Life

past life stories

Fact or Fiction? 10 Intriguing Past Life Stories That Will Give You Goosebumps

There is something comforting about the idea of reincarnation. We like imagining our spirits will live on after death. We also like imagining the future lives we will lead. Will we return as a caterpillar, an eagle, a blade of grass, our favorite teacher, or even our current enemy? Who knows! Thinking about reincarnation from another angle begs different questions. What are the lives we have already lived? Where have we been, and when? Reading through this article is sure to give you goosebumps. The fact is, that in many cases, there have been verified sightings and tales of the supernatural. If you are someone that is worried about getting affected by such elements in a negative fashion, it is best that you invest and get for yourself some evp ghost hunting equipment. It is spooky to ask these questions because we are asking about our past lives. Past life stories are like ghost stories in which we are the ghosts. Whether you believe in past lives or any other form of the supernatural, these stories are as haunting as they are entertaining. You don't have to believe them to enjoy them. But if you spend enough time reading them, you may question everything you think you know about the beyond. Keep reading to learn 10 stories of past lives that will make your hair stand on end. What Is Past Life Regression? The field of exploration that attempts to answer questions about past lives is called past life regression. Practitioners range from amateurs with no third-party certification to licensed therapists with psychology degrees. Many practitioners see past life regression as the autobiography of the soul. By looking into your past, they can find out personal details from your lives in different times and places. These details, can help you better understand your purpose on Earth. Past life regression is different from past life readings. Past life regression is a process in which you actively participate, experiencing transitional states. On the other hand, a past life reading is a more passive process. It is kind of like receiving a book report on your soul's history instead of going on the field trip. People who have experienced past life regression claim many benefits from it. Some of these benefits include the following. Gaining a different understanding of personal relationships Getting in touch with talents and abilities they did not know they have Relief from physical ailments Processing and letting go of fears and anxieties that relate to traumas in the past lives Learn more about the benefits of past life regression for yourself. These are powerful benefits, but if you are skeptical, you will want evidence that past life regression works. 10 People with Incredible Past Life Stories: Here is the evidence we have found. Some of these stories may sound unbelievable. If you find that to be the case for you, just sit back and enjoy the thrill of them. However, you may find yourself unable to shake these stories. They have a way of sticking with you and reappearing in memory from time to time. They may even provide inspiration for you to seek out your own past life therapy. Whatever your motivation, we hope you enjoy these stories of real people throughout history who laid claim to past lives. 1. Jane Evans: Jane Evans is a pseudonym for a woman who was a patient of Arnall Bloxham. Bloxham was a British hypnotherapist in the middle of the 20th century. Evans was a 30-year-old Welsh housewife. Bloxham recorded Evans detailing six past lives. Some of these lives included a Roman tutor in the third century, the wife of a Jewish moneylender in the 12th century, an Egyptian servant woman, a lady in waiting to Catherine of Aragon, and a Catholic nun in Iowa. There is evidence of Evans' past lives. The evidence is primarily fictional. Some of her past lives appear in novels, and one appeared in a radio play. 2. Virginia Burns Tighe: Tighe was a woman from Colorado who recorded her past life regressions in the 1950s. She claimed to have lived a life as an Irish woman named Bridey Murphy. Tighe's case was convincing. She spoke in a thick Irish accent as Murphy, though she did not have an accent herself. She detailed Bridey Murphy's life from age 8 up until her death from a fall as an adult. Like in Evans' case, journalists found evidence for Tighe's past life. Again, the evidence was not historical. During Tighe's childhood, she grew up across the street from an Irish immigrant named Bridie Murphey Corkell. 3. James Leininger: James Leininger was a two-year-old boy from Louisiana. He played with toy airplanes, but his play had a disturbing quality. He would often crash his plane and yell, "Airplane crash on fire." James' father asked him about the airplane crash. James told him that he had been a pilot before and that he had flow off a boat. He said the boat was named "Natoma" and that he had a friend on the boat named Jack Larson. James' father did his research. He discovered there was an American aircraft carrier called the Natoma Bay where a plane crashed in the manner his son described. There was also a pilot on the Natoma Bay in the plane next to the plane that crashed. That pilot's name was Jack Larson. 4. Dorothy Eady: Dorothy Eady's past life memories led her to uproot her life in London. She moved to Egypt because she had memories of living in the temple of Kom el-Sultan near Abydos. She claimed her name was Bentreshyt in this past life. Dorothy adopted the name Om Seti, or Omm Sety, and she moved to Egypt with her Egyptian husband. They divorced after just two years, but Om Seti stayed there. 5. Shanti Devi: Shanti Devi was an Indian girl with one of the more compelling past life stories. It was so compelling because so many of the details were verifiable. Devi claimed she had lived in Mathura, not Delhi, where she was born. She spoke of dying from complications in childbirth. Keep in mind, this was a four-year-old girl. Devi described the physical details of her husband, who was still alive. When he met Devi, she recognized him and the son she claimed to have died giving birth to. 6. Ma Tin Aung Myo: Ma Tin Aung Myo was a Burmese girl who claimed to have been a Japanese soldier in a past life. Her story is less hair-raising because of any verified details and more for how convinced she became of this past life. As she grew older, Myo refused to cut her hair and stopped wearing women's clothing. She was afraid of airplanes and accurately described a plane the Allies used in Burma during World War II. Myo also described the soldier she used to be in great detail. She talked about the number of children he had (five) and even named the occupation of the oldest (army cook). 7. Laure Raynaud: Frenchwoman Raynaud rejected Catholicism outright. She claimed a belief in reincarnation instead. She began to feel stirrings of a past life while running a clinic in Paris. In this past life, Raynaud said she had a chest disease, and she developed a cough. Later in her life, she visited Genoa, Italy. There, she found the locations she remembered, and she even discovered her identity in the past life. An Italian woman named Giovanna Spontini had lived in the very house Raynaud claimed was hers. Spontini had died of a severe chill that came from a chronic illness. 8. The Pollock Sisters: The Pollock sisters were four girls. The first pair, Joanna and Jacqueline, died in a car crash at ages 11 and 6, respectively. Their parents then had twins, this time named Gillian and Jennifer. Jennifer shared several birthmarks with the deceased Jacqueline. Gillian did not. When the family moved to the area of Britain where the car crash happened, the twins demonstrated a familiarity with the place that only their sisters could have had. Gillian and Jennifer also developed a huge fear of cars because they were afraid of a crash. The twins lost the memories of these past lives at age 5, so the mystery of their possible reincarnation was never solved. 9. Patrick Christenson: Here's another sibling story. Patrick Christenson was born in Michigan in 1991. Twelve years earlier, an older brother of his named Kevin had died from cancer. Patrick had a birthmark on his neck in the same place Kevin had his chemotherapy scar. As he grew up, Patrick asked his mom to go back to his orange and brown house, which were the colors of the house where Kevin lived. 10. Arthur Flowerdew: We saved one of the most verifiable stories for last. It is also the one with the best-named subject. Arthur Flowerdew had memories of a desert city since his birth in 1906. In his elderly years, he watched a BBC documentary on the ancient city of Petra and knew it was the one. He contacted the BBC, and they flew him to Petra to film another documentary. When they quizzed him on major landmarks and other identifying features of the city, he passed with flying colors. People still point to this as one of the most convincing arguments for past lives. What's Past Is Present: We hope these past life stories have made your eyes bug out as much as they have made you think. It never hurts to question your assumptions, even if those questions lead in mystical directions. If you are interested more in the here-and-now than the Great Beyond, check out our other lifestyle stories. Read Also: Understanding New Age Spirituality Forever Young: Natural Ways To Live A Longer Life

Gift Ideas

10 Awesome Gift Ideas for the Person Who Has Everything

No one really has everything but people can be hard to shop for. Coming up with unique gift ideas for the person who has everything will take some thought and creativity. You want to find something that reflects who they are, a gift they will enjoy and something they will use. You also want the gift to be thoughtful and you want them to think of you when they use it. Let's take a look at some different types of gifts and help get you started with your gift planning. Gift Ideas for the Person Who Has Everything Trying to find something out of the ordinary is not always easy. You need to put your gift-giving powers in a good workout for them. 1. Autographed Items: If your friend has a favorite movie star, sports figure, or musician, try to find them an item that belonged to them or something autographed by them. A baseball mitt, a theatre program, or even an autographed book by their favorite author will make them happy. There are a few ways to go about this, some easier than others. For books or programs, you can go to a book signing if the author is in town. If it's a sports figure, they are often willing to sign items if you ask, not pester, them at a game. For other items, celebrities often donate items for a charity event. Attending charity and bidding on an item can get expensive, but all to a good cause. You can also find their website and try to make contact that way. Also, contacting their management can get you information and perhaps an autographed headshot. 2. Tickets to Events: Getting those tickets for the comedy show, the concert, or the big game is always welcome. If you are generous, get them seasons tickets for their favorite team, for the theatre, or to their favorite museum. Maybe they will even take you with them. You can find affordable tickets for some amazing events if you search online, and combine those efforts with Seatgeek coupons for even more savings. 3. Give the Gift of Education: There is always room for learning. If you have been listening, this person has likely mentioned something about wanting to learn about a certain thing. What better surprise than to buy them a gift certificate for classes. It can be anything from skiing and swimming lessons to how to ride a bike, grow vegetables on your deck, or even singing or piano lessons. 4. Classes for Cooking or Language Classes: Perhaps they have always wanted to learn how to bake or perfect those homemade sauces. Enroll them in some classes for cooking. Learning a new language is fun and they will not only learn new languages, but they will learn about a new, interesting culture, as well. This is a perfect gift if they have mentioned how much they would love to see a particular country. 5. Personalized Items: Getting something personalized with a picture or name of them on an item is a great gift. Consider beach towels with names or their favorite picture on them. You can get it personalized with their wedding or graduation picture, or other types of designs. Their initials, their name, or their favorite quote or image of their favorite food. It's a personal towel that won't go missing and they will enjoy using it. Check out for ideas of towels, phone cases, mugs, and more. 6. Photo Album: Putting together a photo album or collage of photos of their life, their wedding, or even their birthday is a great gift to get. It's also fun for you to make. Ask their family and friends for pictures you can use and make this personalized album their favorite gift this year. 7. Jewelry and Art: Who doesn't love getting jewelry? You don't have to go broke finding some really great pieces. Why not go to a local artisan who makes their own jewelry and you can support your community at the same time. Local artists will often have their work on display around your city. When you see some, get their contact number and make them an offer. It's an original gift that no one else will have. 8. Gift Certificate: Don't pooh-pooh the gift cards. It might seem like a bailout, but these are always welcome. You can get them for music or books to download, magazine subscriptions, or for their favorite store. Purses, shoes, specialty food shops, books, movie passes, and anything else they like. It's perfect for the person who appears to have everything. If you know a store they like, get them a gift card. 9. Wine and Accessories: A nice bottle of wine or aged scotch with some beautiful glasses is a classy gift that people will enjoy for years to come. You can get glasses engraved with their initials or name, for an added touch. People don't often splurge on a vintage bottle of wine or fine whiskey, so get them hooked on the good stuff for a change. They might just share that with you, too. 10. Pet Accessories: If you can find a gift for the person, find a gift for their pet. There is no end to accessories for dogs and cats, and they may not be something that the person would buy themselves. You can also spring for 'family photos', getting a portrait picture of your friend and their beloved cat, Mittens. People take their pets to get pictures taken with Santa Clause, so why not some professional pictures with them and their fur babies. Wrap it Up: Coming up with gift ideas for the person who has everything is fun if you know the person well. It's nice to break away from tradition and find something unique and as individual as they are. Putting some thought into gift-giving makes giving the gift that much more special for you, as well. You get to enjoy watching them open the perfect gift. Imagination will replace expensive any day of the week. Everyone loves getting a gift. When it's thoughtful, personal and from the heart, it's appreciated so much more. If you are a big spender and thinking about buying them, a vacation, here are some great tips for traveling Europe. Read Also : Make Your Boyfriend Feel Extremely Loved With These Gifting Ideas 5 Exciting Father’s Day Gifts For The Tech-Obsessed Dad A Fashion Gift Guide For Special Occasions