Your All-Important Guide to the Best Labelling Trends of 2019


02 November 2019


labelling trends

labelling trends undoubtedly have an impact on the effectiveness of your product and how attractive it looks to your target audience. The label often displays relevant information about your product, but it will usually contain images and other details as well. Paying attention to the design of your label is just part and parcel of making sure that your product is a veritable hit. With the proper label, your product will be flying off the shelves before you know it. But when it comes to product labels, you have to bear in mind that there are certain elements which have proven effective time and again – and there are certain trends which may help your product sell as well. So, what are these labelling trends? Here’s your all-important guide to the best labelling trends of 2019.

Simple and bold

The bold and straightforward look has never really left the labelling arena, and for many good reasons. It’s a basic design that has proven its worth through the years, and it seems that it’s at the forefront amongst even more products today. The key in this kind of design is minimalism – the use of elements which can elevate your product and give a clear description of what your product is all about. Not many shoppers today have time to read through a ton of details, so it’s best to give them the essentials at a glance. A clean, simple, and bold label will usually make a big difference.

Customised letters

Another noteworthy trend in labelling today is customised letters. Designers simply love customised letters, and this will certainly give your label a more organic look and effect. For instance, you can take advantage of ‘imperfections’ such as irregular lines or natural fills that can make your product get the right attention from customers. The ‘non-digital’ appeal is strong these days, and it can definitely give your product an edge.

Colours are your best ally

As you may already know, colour can certainly add depth to your product label and can evoke specific emotions in your audience and influence their decision to buy your product. Because of this, colours have always played a significant role in regard to label design, a fact that contract labelling experts like Atwell Labellers know all too well. More designers today are experimenting with their use of colours in many different ways, and you can often see bright and vibrant colours on various shelves. In particular, you can use colours to differentiate between numerous variations within the range or selection of a particular product. Oftentimes, shoppers will not remember the product’s name or its number, but they will usually remember its colour. Words are simply not enough; you need colours to be your best ally as well.

The repetition of patterns

Another on-point trend today is the repetition of patterns. For example, you can repeat a particular motif that captures your brand’s essence; this allows you to convey a much stronger message to your customers as well. It doesn’t really matter if you choose a playful pattern, a more serious pattern, or a bold pattern – as long as you can repeat it, you should be able to have a stronger identity for your product, helping your customers more easily remember your product and have a better connection with it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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New Employee

What Are the Ways to Prepare a New Employee?

It’s the end of your first day. You’ve completed a plethora of online applications, psychometric tests, digital interviews and hopped through all manner of recruitment rings of fire – and you’ve landed the job of your dreams. Or so you thought… But do you know what are the ways to prepare a new employee? You arrived at your fancy new office, but there was no one to greet you. After waiting near an hour, your co-worker-to-be apologized and took you to your desk, only to find it hadn’t been cleared. Grimacing that your equipment hadn’t been set up, your ‘guide’ spun you around the office’s sea of blank faces. Did they even know you were starting? The awkward acclimations were interrupted by an irritated-looking administrator who lugged a thick binder of forms to fill in. You missed lunch with the gang. After finally navigating through all the red tape, the person you were meant to shadow was never notified so you were given menial tasks to pass the time, while they were in an important meeting with a client. You stared at the clock, waiting, waiting, waiting. With the day over, you’re just sad you didn’t get out sooner. Wait – is this really your dream job? New hires expect and need their onboarding to run smoothly. The above scenario sounds like an exaggerated horror story, but in a survey, Cezanne HR asked new employees about their onboarding experiences and was shocked to find: 52% didn’t know what to expect on their first day 30% didn’t have a buddy 8% didn’t meet their managers 23% didn’t have a desk ready 6% didn’t get told about health and safety regulations 5% didn’t have data security training 6 didn’t have a laptop or computer. Great onboarding is extremely important. It increases retention and reduces staffing costs. It delivers an engaging experience for new hires, so they connect with the organization and colleagues from the moment they’re given the offer. Also. it should turn first-day new employee anxiety into genuine excitement. It should make them feel prepared for the new job and welcome! Of course, no one said it’s an easy process, and orchestrating the activities to get onboarding right is time-consuming for everyone. In addition, the burdens of paper-based systems or dancing between data spreadsheets, such as Excel, allow important processes to slip through the cracks – which shouldn’t happen in a modern workplace. However, with the right HR software, you can make new employee onboarding engaging and straightforward, while automating and streamlining the admin involved in bringing on new hires. Here are the ways to prepare a new employee: Stay in touch after the job offer It’s very important for a new employee to engage with employers from the moment they’re hired. This can go beyond a simple email. Make sure you consider the following: Welcome portals are a very common feature in HR software because they do precisely that: they welcome people. Welcome portals act as an information hub and enable constant communication. They are a platform to share all essential details, including the new hire’s start date, office location, and contact details. It’s also a great way to prepare the new hire by letting them know how their first day will be structured and what their first projects will be. Make sure you send your new hire links to any documents they need. Provide them with essential advice including what they should bring with them on the first day or week, including items like their passport, P45, national insurance number and other relevant work documents. You could use your HR software system’s welcome portal to deliver this information and advice. Get the paperwork out of the way in advance of the first day. Signing a lot of forms can delay more pressing tasks, such as the relevant introductions, training, and the new hire’s first projects. HR software can be especially effective here. Instead of wasting time filling out form after form, new hires can sign documents electronically. It streamlines admin processes and makes everything available in one place – and it can all be done before the starting date. Making use of welcome portals and their visual content is a powerful way of engaging with new hires and allows companies to add photos and embed company videos – it might be a hello from a CEO, or a video demonstrating the company’s culture, or brand values and goals. Portals can also allow new hires to self-serve, adding a profile, information, bank details and the like. Moreover, all information you collect should flow straight through to your HR system. Cloud HR solutions should come with onboarding modules that are simple to set up and accessible 24/7. Storing information in one place also cuts back on the task of re-entering the same data into multiple systems. Prepare the desk When your new hire’s first day comes, ensure you’ve got a plan: assign someone to receive and greet them at the door put in an order with IT and prepare all the relevant equipment: a computer, phone, email, and network access, and office supplies moreover, ensure security and compliance policies are explained as appropriate. Spread the duties for onboarding tasks across different departments. For example, the IT department might be responsible for setting up the new hire’s laptop and email; the finance team might organize payroll, and the line manager will arrange inductions as well as check-in meetings. HR software’s task management systems can help significantly here. HR software makes it much easier for these departments to fully understand their roles in the onboarding process. Task managers and checklists make use of notifications, meaning important processes don’t get forgotten about. It gives an overview of what’s been done and what needs doing. Involve your employees Send the first-day welcome announcement to the organization and share the news of the new hire with the team. Give their name, title, and something that distinguishes them: it might be a hobby or interest, for instance. This allows current employees to easily see if they have anything in common, making everyone more prepared for the big day. Moreover, give your current employees details of the new hire’s background, making sure the new employee’s biggest strengths are acknowledged. Find a peer and assign them to mentor/buddy the new hire. This will help the new hire to get settled and to be comfortable enough to ask any questions that are on their mind. This also helps build relationships with the team, integrating the new employee into the company significantly faster. Also, consider explaining who’s who – HR software can create a staff directory mapping this for you. This will help your new hire to familiarise themselves with their co-workers and assists them in directing their queries to the right people from the right departments, so they don’t feel like they’re barraging their mentor with questions. Planning welcome social help breaks the ice, too – and not just between the company and the new hire. From team lunches to company happy hours, both new hires and current employees can benefit from getting to know each other in a more open and casual environment, building stronger relationships and channels for collaboration. Establish a formal training program The importance of setting a clear and comprehensive training program can’t be overstated. Doing so helps prepare and motivate the new hire for the first day and sets a precedent for the weeks and months ahead as they approach their new projects. Such a structured program does much to ease their potential short- and longer-term worries. Indeed, the HR portal assists here, too. By being able to provide access to important training documents, setting out a comprehensive program schedule through calendars, and by making use of notifications to make clear to current employees what is expected of them in the onboarding process and when. On top of this, it’s an effective and simple way for new hires to view set assignments and tasks, as well as their own schedules. Check-ins Check-ins are a series of regular discussions between managers and employees about their progress. They are: ongoing and build a rapport, setting short and long-term goals an extremely effective way of ensuring employees are continuously aware of their professional development within the company, allowing them to express any concerns and ask questions, and they form a crucial part of the onboarding process. At the end of the first week, give the new hire the opportunity to ask any outstanding questions. This helps demonstrate your enthusiasm towards the employee’s start beyond just the first day and will help set a clear and lasting relationship between the new hire and the company. HR software can make continuous performance reviews and check-ins an integral part of company culture. Cezanne HR, for instance, provides a seamless and engaging way of recording conversations, achievements and agreed goals or outcomes, so it’s easier to ensure everyone is aligned. The right HR systems are equipped with performance management functions that allow employees to make use of their flexibility and to collaborate in an online forum where others can easily and securely request feedback, record check-in conversations, and track outcomes. Poor onboarding is a wasted opportunity The benefits of great onboarding are infinite. It reduces unnecessary barriers that might otherwise inhibit the new employee from settling in or performing at their best. It gets new hires up to speed swiftly and immerses them in the company’s values, vision, and culture. Furthermore, great onboarding protects your new investment. A robust, systematic onboarding process boosts new hire retention by 50%, and new hires that experienced strong onboarding are 58% more likely to stay with the company for more than three years. Why would you waste all your efforts with a dissatisfactory onboarding process? Onboarding can be the difference between a quick and costly new employee turnover, and a long and lasting productive relationship. Above are just some of the boxes to tick to ensure an engaging onboarding experience. Do you have any more? Let us know! Read Also: Fastest Growing Company, on Creating the Best Place to Work How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems?

Real-Time Monitoring

The Benefits of Real-Time Monitoring of Goods

If you are manufacturing or supplying goods then you need to ensure that they remain in perfect condition from the time they are created until they are delivered safely to your customer’s home. This means you need to monitor your goods on every step of their journey, whether you’re producing them, storing them, or simply sending them to the end customer. In fact, there are several benefits to real-time monitoring of goods. Monitoring Goods: Monitoring means knowing where your products are. In a manufacturing sense, this means an inventory of all the different materials and the states of production. This allows you to keep track of the production process and ensure units are completed on time. It also ensures you’re aware of when the components need to be re-ordered. In a supplier setting real-time monitoring means knowing how many of each item you have and where they are, whether in the warehouse, on their way to you, or being dispatched to a customer. The Benefits Of Real-Time Monitoring: There are several benefits you should be aware of: Costs: Businesses need to minimize costs in order to make money. Real-time monitoring ensures that all products are recorded; there is no danger of them being ‘lost’; which directly affects your bottom line. It will also help you to establish the right stockage level, allowing you to supply customer needs without having too many funds tied up in stock. Damage: One of the biggest risks when holding and shipping products is damage. Damaged items cost companies thousands of dollars every year, that’s why you need a good product liability policy. Storing them in your warehouse is one thing, the risks are controllable and the stock is visible. But, what about when it’s in transit? That’s where an impact indicator is useful. This will tell you and your customer whether the product has been mishandled during transit, potentially saving you the cost of replacing it. Reputation: Perhaps the biggest benefit of real-time monitoring is your reputation. In the modern digital age, most customers will leave a review of your product and the service. It can take a long time to build enough favorable reviews that other customers will choose your product first. Unfortunately, just a few bad reviews can undo this hard work very quickly. Besides, you must also know about boxed packaged goods. Real-time monitoring allows you to confirm the customer has received the items and they know if there is an issue whether it is with you or the delivery service. All you need to do to gain a good review is respond quickly and fairly if a fault is discovered, even if the issue is with the delivery service. Your intervention will speed up the process, creating a happy customer and a positive review. This will lead to more customers as they will be impressed by how you helped your customer resolve the issue. In short, your real-time monitoring will help you to build your customer base and increase your profits, that has to be a good thing. Read Also: Tips For Building Relationships With Senior Managers Why Every Business Holder Should Start Using The Drip Marketing Campaign

Project Management Tool!

Redmine Demo Vs. Trello Demo: Choosing The Right Project Management Tool!

Welcome to the ultimate battle of project management tools: Redmine vs. Trello. It is no secret that choosing the right software can significantly impact your team's productivity and collaboration. Today, we will embark on a journey to explore the Redmine demo and the Trello demo options from the two popular project management tools. So, let's dive into the article to know the key features, pricing, and user reviews and find the perfect solution to manage your projects efficiently. Let the battle of the demos begin! Redmine Project Management Software Redmine is an open-source project management software that assists teams in efficiently tracking and managing projects. With its user-friendly interface, Redmine allows users to create projects, assign tasks, set priorities, and track progress. It offers a range of features, including issue tracking, time tracking, and Gantt charts. The flexibility and customizable nature of the Redmine software make it suitable for various industries and project management methodologies. Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, Redmine aims to streamline your project management process and enhance collaboration. Redmine Software Features Customization One of Redmine's standout features is its high degree of customization. You can tailor the software to match your specific project management requirements. From custom fields and workflows to user roles and permissions, Redmine allows you to adapt the tool to fit your team's unique processes. Issue Tracking Redmine excels in issue tracking, offering a comprehensive system to create, assign, and prioritize issues. With features like status updates, due dates, and progress monitoring, Redmine ensures that your team stays on top of tasks, identifies bottlenecks, and resolves issues promptly. Integration Capabilities Redmine offers many integrations with popular tools and platforms, enabling seamless collaboration and data synchronization. Whether you need to connect with version control systems, customer support software, or communication tools, Redmine's integration capabilities make it a versatile solution for cross-functional teams. Redmine Pricing Let's talk about everyone's favorite topic: pricing. Redmine is an open-source project management tool that is free to download and use. You can customize it to suit your needs and enjoy its full features without worrying about breaking the bank. However, remember that Redmine might require technical expertise for setup and maintenance, so consider the associated costs if you don't have an in-house IT team. Redmine provides a self-hosted demo version that allows you to explore its features within a sandbox environment. The Red mine demo offers a great opportunity to test drive the software and understand its capabilities. However, setting up the demo might require some technical know-how, so if you're uncomfortable, you might need some assistance. Redmine Reviews Redmine has built a loyal following in the project management world. Users praise its flexibility, customization options, and robust issue-tracking capabilities. However, some mention that the learning curve can be steep, especially for non-technical users. It could be the perfect match for your team if you're willing to invest some time and effort to harness Redmine's power. Trello Project Management Software Trello is a visual project management tool that helps teams organize and prioritize tasks using a flexible board and card system. With its intuitive interface, Trello allows users to create project boards, add cards for tasks, and collaborate seamlessly. It offers tasks, assignments, due dates, and checklists to keep projects on track. The simplicity and ease of use of the Trello software make it a popular choice for individuals, small teams, and even large organizations. Whether you are planning a vacation or managing complex projects, Trello provides a visual and organized approach to project management. Trello Software Features Visual Task Management Trello's card-based interface makes task management a breeze. You can create cards for individual tasks, assign team members, add due dates, and attach relevant files. The visual nature of Trello's boards allows for a quick overview of the project's progress, ensuring transparency and easy collaboration. Task Assignments And Due Dates Trello allows users to assign tasks to team members and set due dates, ensuring accountability and timely completion. Assignees receive notifications, enabling them to stay informed about their responsibilities and deadlines. Easy Workflow Automation Trello's automation features, powered by its Butler functionality, save time and effort. You can automate repetitive tasks, set triggers and actions, and create rules to streamline your workflow. This feature reduces manual work and allows your team to focus on high-value tasks, boosting overall productivity. Trello Pricing Trello offers a tiered pricing structure that caters to different business sizes and needs. The software offers a free subscription with limited capabilities that is ideal for small teams or personal usage. If you require advanced functionalities like file attachments, automation, and team overviews, Trello's paid plans will be your go-to option, starting at a reasonable monthly fee. So, budget-conscious folks, take note of these pricing differences as you weigh your options. The vendor offers a cloud-based Trello demo that allows you to dive right in without any setup hassles. With a few clicks, you can start creating boards, adding cards, and experiencing Trello's intuitive interface. It's a user-friendly option that gives you a taste of what Trello offers without technical hurdles. So, if you prefer a quick and seamless demo experience, Trello's got your back! Trello Reviews Regarding Trello, users rave about its simplicity, visual appeal, and ease of use. The drag-and-drop interface and card-based system receive high praise for keeping teams organized and focused. Some users mention that Trello's free plan may feel limiting for more complex projects, but the paid plans unlock additional features. So, if you're all about simplicity and collaboration, Trello might be the tool you've been searching for. Redmine Demo Vs. Trello Demo—Concluding Remarks In the Redmine demo vs. Trello demo battle, the winner depends on your team's specific needs and preferences. Redmine excels in issue tracking, time tracking, and Gantt chart functionality, making it ideal for teams that require detailed project management capabilities. On the other hand, Trello offers a visual and intuitive board and card system, perfect for individuals and small groups looking for a simple and flexible approach to project management. When deciding, consider your team's size, project complexity, and desired features. Please take advantage of the demos provided by both platforms to experience their user interfaces and functionalities firsthand. With the right project management tool in your arsenal, you'll streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and drive success. So, let the battle of the demos guide you toward finding your team's perfect project management solution. Read Also: Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work 7 Common Construction Project Management Problems 7 Convenient Services Project Management Companies Offer Landlords