What Can I Do With An International Business Major?

Published on: 13 December 2021 Last Updated on: 01 February 2025
International Business Major

A career in international business has the potential to shape your entire professional life. It can lead to high salaries and career advancement opportunities that can help you grow your career trajectory.

An international business career can allow you to travel the world and interact with high-profile business leaders, which is a dream for many aspiring students who desire to make a career in the global business domain. With international business management, you can gain the competency to enter the business sector with ease and confidence.

If you are drawn to other cultures and have an affinity for numbers can consider majoring in international business. Pursuing a well-designed course can be a wise investment of your valuable time and effort. Read ahead to learn about the outcomes of doing an international business.

International Business Major: An Overview

International Business Major: An Overview

The international business major is an interdisciplinary degree program that combines the subjects, including business and economics, to equip the students with comprehensive knowledge of other countries’ legal, economic, socio-political, and financial systems.

Attending a major in international business can help the graduates in mastering the core concepts of international commerce that enable them to take on challenging positions in the global business sector.



When you opt to study a major in international business, it allows you to develop industry-specific skills that employers of the business setting highly seek. You will also develop transferable skills that can be applied in a range of sectors. Here is a sampling of representative skills and abilities of an international business graduate:

  • Efficient communication skills
  • Quantitative skills
  • Cross-cultural communication skills
  • Excellent networking abilities
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Adaptive thinking
  • Emotional intelligence

To thrive in the modern business industry, especially in the international business sector, you must have an entirely different industry-relevant skillset.

Career Progression

Career Progression

Acquiring an international business management degree can open doors for various lucrative career opportunities. However, we have listed the job opportunities for a skilled international business graduate:

  • Distribution and logistics administrator
  • Foreign trade consultant/specialist
  • International marketing and the sales associate
  • Customs broker
  • Import/Export manager
  • International Banker
  • International project manager
  • Finance analyst
  • Business development manager

These are only some of the many employment opportunities that an international business graduate can consider. There is a massive demand for skilled and qualified international business graduates who can understand business at the global outset and offer their expertise in business operations.


The future is bright for international business graduates as more and more companies are looking forward to expanding their business beyond their home countries. Earning a degree in this domain can enable you to work across many sectors, including investment banks, international trading companies, multinational companies, etc. These are some of the sectors known for offering high-end salaries and international exposure that can work wonders for one’s career.

An international management degree can be your gateway towards an industry-aligned and futuristic career in the modern business industry. Hone the knowledge and skills offered by international business management programs and become a perfect fit for the contemporary business sector in a national and international platform. Sign in now to know more about the potential of a degree with majors in international business!

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Team Leader

How To Become A Successful Team Leader?

Some people choose to seek a leadership path. Being a team leader isn’t the same as being a boss. You can not expect that people will do everything you want just because you have this job title. A talented and ambitious leader is one who walks ahead of the team and clears all the branches on the way with a machete. Leaders know the answers to most questions and are capable of taking decisions. As you can understand, it is not the easiest job. Team leaders balance between employers and employees while trying to get some work done. On the other hand, this role can give you the freedom to create and a lot of satisfaction. Here is what you need to know in order to become a successful team leader: Educate yourself: To lead people, you should be a detail-oriented professional yourself. It’s recommended to gain valuable work experience before getting promoted to a leadership role. Before becoming a team leader, try out different jobs and don’t hesitate to ask your co-workers about their work duties during lunch breaks. It will help you to find a connection with team members and delegate the tasks to the right people. As a present or future team leader, you should never stop educating yourself. Consider getting a diploma of work health and safety in order to develop your management capabilities. Also, you will be able to find a lot of leadership courses online. So, refresh your knowledge from time to time and don’t think you are the smartest person in the room because it might be wrong. Delegate tasks: Team leaders have a lot of responsibilities. However, you are not alone in this; you have a team that can help you out whenever you need it. Sometimes people can’t see how stressed or overloaded with work you are. As a team leader, you should start delegating tasks to the right people without blaming anyone for not reading your mind. You should be leading people, not doing their job. Before you start delegating tasks, talk to your team members and uncover their talents and skills. When you assign a project to someone, you should be clear about the deadline and all the details. Your team members should feel your presence, so remain open to discussion. Let them know that you are there to guide them. Check new hires by giving them smaller tasks. It’s the way to understand what they are capable of doing. Also, it will help to build their competence and confidence in the workplace. You might make mistakes and delegate a task to the wrong person. If it happens, explain to the team member what exactly you want them to change. Once again, no one can read your mind! Keep track of these situations and make sure it will never happen again. Get to know your team: To manage your team successfully, you should learn as much as possible about each member. Your team members have different goals, motivations, and intentions. So, your main task is to get to know people as soon as possible. For instance, you can ask the previous supervisor/ manager about their experience. Keep in mind that prism can distort reality, so don’t trust everything other people tell you about your team. Another way to get to know people is to schedule one-on-one meetings with them. Ask everyone about their short-term and long-term goals and what they would like to improve and learn. Feel free to use this information in the future - all people want to be heard and feel valued. Also, don’t keep yourself at a distance from everyone else in the office. Sit next to your team and let them observe you. It will make them think that you are an integral part of the team and that you don’t escape responsibilities. Once they see how hard-working and open you are, they will feel more comfortable around you. Don’t hesitate to hang out with your team members. Parties and other team-building activities have always been great icebreakers. Be a good person: Your team should trust and respect you. Obviously, the team members will not do it only because you command them to do that. You can only earn respect. To do so, you should behave appropriately. Here is what not to do: Gossip Put people down Steal business ideas Blame others for failures Think you always know best Do everything yourself Here is what you should do as a team leader: Get to know your team Listen carefully Help people grow professionally Resolve conflicts Delegate tasks Protect your team Be a good example The Bottom line: Being a team leader isn’t the easiest job in the world. You will have a lot of responsibilities and stress. However, you can apply leadership strategies to make it easier for yourself. You should spend more time with your team and understand what they are capable of doing in the company. Be a role model for them - the one who keeps the word and does the work on time. Read Also: 5 Key Leadership Skills For Entrepreneurs How To Become A Good Team Player At Work 4 Business Leadership Skills For Business Success

Credit Report

What Are the Important Parts of a Free Business Credit Report?

Did you know that small businesses make up 99% of employer firms in the U.S.? Small businesses are an important part of the economy. Everyone knows it's important to have a good personal credit rating. But, did you know that it's also important for your business to have good credit? If you own a small business, read on to learn how you can get a free business credit report and why it's important. Why is Good Credit Important? If you've ever applied for a home or auto loan, you know that good personal credit is important. If you don't have credit, it's difficult to get a loan. No credit doesn't always mean you have bad credit. It means you haven't established a credit record. If you've handled credit poorly, then you have bad credit, and you might not get be able to get a loan. Lenders check your credit score to ensure your ability to pay back your loan. It's critical to build and maintain a good business credit rating. How to Build Credit : Not everyone carries a credit card, but it helps to have one if you want to build your credit score. Too often, college-age kids get one or more credit cards and find themselves in debt and are unable to pay it back. It's important not to overuse a credit card. Credit cards charge high interest on the money they loan. It's okay to buy things with a credit card, but make sure you pay the entire loan off monthly as much as possible. If you don't pay the entire loan monthly, the interest you pay adds a significant amount of money to the cost of your purchase. Unfortunately, if you don't use a credit card, it's harder to build credit. In addition to paying your entire credit card balance on a regular basis, be sure and pay all your other bills on time as well. Late charges aren't the only problem you'll have if you pay your bills late. Late fees also hit your credit report and lower your score. There are other ways to help build your credit as well. Getting a Free Business Credit Report : It's important to know how to check your free business credit report and to understand what it contains. According to the law, it's possible to get your personal credit report for free on an annual basis. The law doesn't say a business credit report has to be free on an annual basis. But, it's possible to get a free business credit report. Here are a few ways: CreditSignal : Dun & Bradstreet offers a free business credit report at CreditSignal.com. This is a great place to get your business credit report because it also has a learning center. It's an easy service to use, and it comes with a mobile app that'll alert you to changes in your Dun & Bradstreet credit score. The service gives you fundamental information about your score. To get the full service, you'll need to get the paid subscription. Try Nav : Nav.com is another service where you can find your personal and business credit scores for free. While CreditSignal only tells you about your Dun & Bradstreet score, Nav offers information regarding your Dun & Bradstreet and Experian score. Free Trial Demos : You can also get a free business credit score if you want to sign up for a free trial from companies such as Credit.net, CreditSafe.com or Scorely.com. Remember that once the free trial is over, you'll be charged for a subscription. What Does It All Mean? Now that you have your free business credit report, what does it all mean? When checking your personal FICO score, look for a number between 300 and 850. The higher the score, the better your credit rating. Don't panic when you check your business credit score and the number is under 100! Unlike the FICO, business scores range from zero to 100. Business credit reports are confusing because they're not all calculated the same way. The Big Three : There are three major companies where you can check your business credit. These are Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax. Dun & Bradstreet calculates your credit score based on information from partner companies or payment info reported to directly to them. They use a Paydex score that ranges from zero to 100. You'll need to file through the Dun & Bradstreet website to obtain a DUNS number before you can get your score. Your report will show you creditworthiness, payment history and trends, and public filings. Experian offers a business credit score between zero and 100, as well as a financial stability risk rating. You'll also see a credit summary and payment trend summary. The payment trends are thorough, including monthly and quarterly trends. If your company has any judgments are liens filed against it, these will also show on the Experian summary. Equifax also uses the zero to 100 score. But, you'll also see a business credit risk score that ranges from 101 to 992. This score determines the likelihood that your company will fall behind on payments. With all three of the large credit bureaus, the credit summary is easy to read and self-explanatory. It's important to pay close attention to everything in the report so that you can correct any incorrect items that could hurt your credit. Obtaining a Loan : One of the most important reasons to maintain good business credit is so you can obtain a small business loan. Whenever you open a line of credit, such as a credit card, there's a hard hit to your credit report. This means that applying for any sort of loan is actually bad for your credit score! This is one more reason to make sure you maintain good credit, in case you're in need of a loan to purchase necessary company equipment. It's sometimes possible to obtain a small business loan without a hard hit to your credit. Read more now to learn about one of these loans. Learn More About Business and Finance : Business can be complicated, but don't let the details scare you. Work on building and maintaining good credit to help with your personal and business finances. Looking for more great articles on business and finance? Take a look at our many resources here. Read Also : 5 Smart Ways To Boost Your Credit Score Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation Credit Card Fraud The Holiday Season: Things To Consider For Next Year

First Party Data

What Is First Party Data And How To Use It?

If you take some time to think about the methods of doing business that people have been using in the past and compare them with the methods everyone is using right now, you’ll certainly notice a lot of differences. The world has changed and some of those changes have happened quite quickly. And, we all have to adapt if we want to run our businesses successfully, especially when marketing changes are in question. Read more about how marketing has changed. Living in 2022 and not knowing anything about digital marketing would certainly be rather unusual. That is why I am sure that you know at least a few things about it. You’re aware of the importance of it and you are informed about at least some of the strategies that are used in business promotion, such as online ads, SEO, and similar techniques. That may all sound so easy to do, though, but there is a catch here. If you really want to do all of this the right way, you cannot rely on what others are doing. In simple words, your specific marketing strategy needs to be created in accordance with your own needs. Or, better yet, it has to be created in accordance with the specific needs of your audience. This all brings us to one simple conclusion. You need to get to know your audience, and there is much more to that process than you might be thinking right now. In order to really get to know your audience, you will need to collect relevant data about them. Today we are going to talk about a specific type of info that you need to collect if you really want your marketing campaign to be successful. In case you couldn’t have guessed it, I am referring to first party data, and here’s why party data collection is important: Before we get to the part of explaining how you can use the data for marketing, we need to do one important thing first. Basically, we need to be absolutely sure that you understand what first party data is in the first place. So, if you just keep on reading, you’ll get a better understanding of this particular concept, and you’ll also get a clear idea of how to use it to your advantage. Here we go. What Is First Party Data? As explained, we first need to talk about what first party data is, but I have no doubts in my mind that understanding this won’t be difficult at all. The actual term might be new to you, especially if you haven’t been running a business for a long time, but the processes behind the term are definitely all quite logical and I’m sure that you are familiar with it. You just need to put a face to the name, to speak metaphorically. In a few words, first party data is the info about your customers that your company has collected and that your company owns. Second-party data, for instance, are owned by a trusted partner, and that’s a difference that you need to be aware of. Basically, your company will own software solutions and programs that will help compile all types of information about your customers. You can gather the info with the help of purchase history, digital interactions, behavior, and similar stuff. Since you now most likely understand what this concept entails, it is time for us to proceed to the next important question for the day. After all, you do need to know why first party data is so important and how you can actually use it to your advantage when creating your marketing strategies and campaigns. You May Also Check: How Can Master Data Management Help Your Business? How To Use It For Marketing? The first thing that you are wondering here is what these types of information can actually bring to the table. In other words, why is the info important and what should you use it for? Well, here is the simplest and the shortest answer to that question. Companies use first party data in order to create ads and content that will cater to the specific needs and interests of an individual. To be even more precise, it allows you to create personalized content and ads, which is certainly quite important for marketing. Another thing you should know here is that there are now certain tools you can use with the aim of using this info during the process of programmatic media buying. This concept actually consists of using automated technologies for buying advertising space, which is much easier than the traditional method of manually buying digital advertising. As you can probably understand all on your own, these types of tools allow you to use your first party data even more effectively in your marketing campaigns, which is why you should think about making them a part of your strategy as well. Read Also: Questions to Ask Before a Data Center Relocation A Checklist Of Tools For A Successful Advertising Agency Why it is important to study Masters’ Degree in Data Analytics?