Is InterServer The Best Web Hosting Platform Of 2020?


22 February 2020



Are you looking to work with the best web hosting platform for 2020? Have you heard the name of InterServer Web Hosting?

Can you optimize your WordPress Blog in less than 20 minutes?

Do you know where you can get the most affordable Server Solutions in the world?

Is there a way by which you can optimize your cloud computing capabilities with the help of experts?

If you have been asking yourself any of the above questions. We would like to introduce you to InterServer.

For people raising their eyebrows and acting all skeptical, let us clear some of the obvious doubts at the very outset.

InterServer, the company and organization started back in the year 1999. For over 21+ years, it has been helping startups and established businesses optimize their web hosting and digital capabilities.

It is by no means a brand, which does not have experience or the expertise to help you grow your business. On the contrary, the range, prices, and affordability of its products and services are by far the best in the industry.

In this article, we will look at a brief history of InterServer, the brand. We will also talk about two of their most sought after services- Web Hosting and WordPress VPS. Besides these two, we are going to point out InterServer’s ‘X-Factor’.

What are we waiting for; let us get right to it.

InterServer: The Brand

Can you imagine a web hosting company started by two teenagers that offered 24×7 Support right from the time it started?

Mike Lavrik and John Quaglieri started InterServer as they were fed up with the poor quality of service from their own web-hosting providers. In the days of dial-up internet, these two high school tech-savvy individuals got a domain and a license to become a web hosting reseller.

21 years and a few thousand milestones later, InterServer is one of the world’s most respected web hosting providers. With two data centers in Secaucus, New Jersey and one in Los Angeles, California, the company helps some of the biggest Fortune 500 Companies.

By focussing on affordability, service, quality and a very on-hands approach when it comes to 24×7, Mike and John have set an industry benchmark. The fundamentals have not changed much over the past 21 years.

InterServer’s team claim that the response time to query support is less than 20 minutes.

Guess who beats everyone to the response- owner and founder, John Quaglieri! We tried the same for ourselves and were pleasantly surprised to have our query heard and solution offered within fifteen minutes.

Talk about great service- Wow!

The only Web Hosting Service Provider you will ever need- InterServer

Every web hosting service provider tries to specialize in a niche. However, when it comes to InterServer Web Hosting, you will get access to the following:

  • A Free and Complete Security Shield
  • Automatic Caching and Cloudflare
  • Free Clean Up (Inter-Insurance) during Migration
  • Completely Free Migration with Price Lock Lifetime Guarantee
  • 24×7 Tech Support

Besides these eyeball-popping free features and a dedication to uncompromising service, you get the basics as well.

You get an inbuilt Domain Registration service for only $1.99 with any of InterServer’s web hosting packages. The tech support team had promised me that the Server Capacity is always maintained at only 50%! This helps in optimizing the performance of the customer’s websites. It also ensures that no performance issues are ever experienced.

However, the best part about InterServer is the amazing Control Panel. Running an e-commerce website, with this Control Panel is going to make your life easy. With various tools, dashboards, and insights at your disposal, you will enjoy a streamlined approach to your business.

In addition, you can also take their help in building great e-commerce sites from a host of operating platforms. Take your pick from Magento, WooCommerce, OperCart, and others.

InterServer’s WordPress Expertise: The Best in the World?

Let us put a number of the most sophisticated WordPress solutions in the world. Wait for it; I have come up with some numbers-

  • CPU Cores- 4
  • Memory- 32768 MB
  • Storage- 480 GB SSD
  • Transfer- 32 TB

If we were to play a little game and ask you as to how much the above would cost you, what is the figure you would arrive at?

Let us start throwing some numbers- $150, $250, $350…

What if I told you that you could get the above for less than $99 USD!

$96 USD to be exact!

InterServer has developed a highly successful level of specialization when it comes to WordPress Hosting and Solutions. I can stretch my neck out and say, that it is one of the best WordPress hosting platforms in the world.

It should be pointed out that InterServer WordPress Solutions is 100% optimized for peak performance. You get more than 99.9% guaranteed uptime. In addition, you are looking at dedicated WordPress resources. Not to mention, free migration service and 24×7 tech support to sweeten the deal.

I kept reading various forums while researching InterServer’s claimed capabilities. Some of the reviews complimented the platform for offering high-performance storage. Others stated that they liked the ease of working on the Control Panel.

However, one thing that clearly stuck out was how everyone was in a consensus of InterServer as being an industry standard when it came to WordPress sites.

The Final Word

There is no dearth of web hosting service providers claiming to make the stars fall down. However, being in the industry for over ten odd years, my team and I have nearly tried them all.

The biggest problem of companies working in the digital domain is their lack of personality. What I personally liked about InterServer was the fact that this was an honest and earnest team. Here is a company that cares so much about their service that even the owner and founder get their hands dirty from time to time.

They make it a point to offer information and educate audiences on the nature of the services and industry. If you are looking for some great educational and informative articles, you can head over to their tips section.

Whatever the nature of your query- WordPress Tips, Ecommerce Tips, etc. you will find complete guides. If you are looking to migrate to a new web hosting provider, you should check out InterServer.

Bloggers, who are looking to take their WordPress site to the next level, can also lookup InterServer. From affordability to genuine service with dedication, the InterServer team was able to win me over successfully.

Great going guys; keep up the good work for the next 21 years!

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Google analytics

Ways to use Google analytics to find content ideas

Data is one of the most essential aspects which is of high importance to analyze any trend or other matter. For any marketing campaign, the company relies on statistical data massively. The companies which analyze data perfectly and more efficiently are said to understand the customers better. Though data is mostly used to inform SEO, PPC or social campaigns, it can also be used to find better blog content. In today’s world, content marketing is one of the most effective online strategies and small entrepreneurs are working very hard to survive in the business world against giant companies. Thus it is evident that they should come up with new content ideas for betterment. In this article, we will see how Google analytics can be used to come up with better content ideas. Few methods to use Google analytics to find content ideas Find the popular blog types: Try to find the trending blog posts which will provide a way for new ideas for content. The most popular blog posts can be found on the dashboard of Wordpress. This will provide the benefit of knowing what is trending and anyone can plan the blog accordingly. Popular post categories: If you want to know which category of your blog is the most popular, you can know it and thus try writing on those categories for better publicity and success. Though Google Analytics does not allow you to see directly which blog categories are most viewed by default, it can be done. To do this, you need to enable custom dimension tracking on your site. This will make you see which categories of your posts are most viewed and liked. Most searched keywords: You should have high-quality content to rank well or your posts will be lost down due to changing search algorithms. It is easy to come up with some content ideas by gathering some low hanging SEO fruits. If there is any search bar on the site, you can easily look for the keywords which people search for when they look for your blogs. This will help you to write your content accordingly keeping in mind what the public is demanding, and this will bring you immense success. To do the task in Google Analytics, go to behavior > site search > Search terms to finally locate these keywords and you can plan your content accordingly. By knowing the keywords you can plan your topic and know the lags that you were having in your content before. The search term reports will also give you the idea about what the viewers are looking for and you can choose the idea of the content depending on that. Intent of keywords: Google wants to serve its users in every possible way. It provides value to its visitors and thus provides various options. If the keywords given in your post are matched by the need and intent of the users, then it will make your post more useful and will increase the rank of your page as people will start liking your post more and this will bring you success in the field. There are basically four types of keyword intent that anyone should be aware of: Navigational, Informational, Investigational Transactional. These types of keyword intent can help anyone to write posts and fix their keywords accordingly to attract more users and more readers and establish the content widely. To discover the intent of the users visiting your site, you can look for your search queries report by going to Acquisition > search console > queries. Thus it can be said that you should focus on the keywords so it can match the intent of the users and your posts can be viewed by many users. You should stick on the keyword intent type following your category and content. So, for a better result, focus on the right set of keywords and see your posts getting viewed massively and see the number of views in your posts increasing day by day. This step is very helpful for coming up with content ideas and succeeding in the field of content marketing. Advanced segment: Another most productive way to get writing ideas with the help of Google analytics is that a special question advanced segment can be created and this segment can be used to identify the question and answers of the customers. The procedure is given below: Click on advanced segment > click new custom segment> click to box next to include> find and enter keywords which will indicate a question > click “add or statement” and add another keyword that would indicate a question. This can also be helpful to get writing ideas and this will benefit any content page to succeed and establish itself remaining ahead of the others. To know about other various advantages of Google analytics which can help us to come up with various ideas can be found on the internet or contact SEO company. Google Analytics is very useful for performing various online operations and is a friend on whom we can rely on. These ideas can prove to be very helpful for the small business organizations as it may give them ideas for better contents to fight against the well-established and powerful organizations. To rank higher than others, the content should be well written and of high quality to come into consideration by the viewers and to increase the popularity of your posts. For any content management team, it is very important to take care of the keywords and the most typed words. If the keywords of the topics are matched with the searched words of the users, then there is a high chance that your post may be shown at the top rows and there is a chance that your blog will be viewed. These points will help you with ideas to write better contents with the help of Google Analytics and will bring your webpage more success and acknowledgment. Read Also : The 10 WordPress Plugins Every Successful Blogger Uses Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Oh, Crop! Killer E-Commerce Mistakes You Need To Conquer

Social Media Ads

How To Run Effective Social Media Ads

Due to digital technology, marketing has evolved beyond using print, radio, and television. The emergence of social media platforms allowed businesses to reach their target audience on a more personal level. Businesses can simply create their own social media account and directly interact with their consumers. However, traditional ways of advertising are also possible on these platforms. Social networks also show ads to generate revenue from their sites. As such, it’s worth discussing social media advertising as another form of digital advertising. Social media advertising refers to paying for a social networking platform to show ads to specific users that make up your target audience. The ads involved often come in different forms such as images, videos, and text. Moreover, these ads can also direct the user to the business’s website or social media profile. What sets social media ads from other digital ads is the ability to use metrics and the specific platform’s features. In fact, it’s so powerful that companies such as those in Bristol often work with a local marketing agency to fully optimize their social media ads. Essentially, it allows businesses to effectively reach more people and engage with them. For example, you can use metrics to ensure your ads will have an impact. More specifically, you can use it to see if your content and graphics generate enough conversions. However, since social media ads are guided especially by algorithms, it’s vital that you effectively create the right kind of ad and know how to use the social media platform. In doing so, you’ll be able to maximize your return on investment (ROI), reach your target audience, and maximize conversions. With that said, if you wish to learn how to run effective social media ads for your business, Here’s A Guide On How To Run Effective Social Media Ads: 1. Identify Your Purpose The first step to creating an effective social media ad is to understand the purpose of the specific ad that you’re making. Are you creating it to ask people to check out your business’ social media profile or maybe are you creating it to have them buy one of your products? Knowing the purpose of your ad allows you to create effective content. When you understand your ad’s purpose, you’ll also be able to pick the right kind of media for your ads, such as an image or video. If you intend to have an ad that is easily accessible and scannable, then using an image may be the right choice. Meanwhile, if your goal is to gain more engagement and clicks, then a video is worth considering. 2. Identify Your Target Audience The second step is to understand your target audience. By doing so, you’ll be able to create an ad that is optimized for them, increasing the chances of interactions and engagements. Furthermore, you’ll be able to create an ad that speaks directly to them. One way to do this is to understand their culture. By doing this, you’ll be able to speak their language. Furthermore, it’ll also allow you to understand their struggles and address them in your ads. This helps your business connect with people at a more personal level. 3. Plan Out The Design Then the next step would be to prepare your material, which includes your brand’s assets, the overall layout, and content. This allows you to fully optimize your ad for its overall purpose. Make sure that your brand’s logo is clearly visible in all the ad designs that you create to run on socials. If you are unsure about the impact it will have, try to get an expert for logo design. If you don’t get this right, audiences that view your ad will not be able to clearly identify with your brand. Your brand’s assets are essentially visual elements that help the audience identify a product or marketing material to be uniquely yours. This includes your logo, the color palette, design elements, slogan, and more. When you use these consistently in your ads, you get to solidify your brand’s image. Next is to consider the layout of your ad. This is important because it will direct your audience to the most important parts. Furthermore, it also improves the readability of the material. For instance, if your ad is designed to ask viewers to follow your profile, then the word ‘follow’ must be placed at the top in big bold letters. Aside from this, the layout will also influence the aesthetics of your ad and could leave a good first impression on the audience. Finally, you’ll have to add your content or copy. The content of your ad must include informative text and a catchy phrase that anyone could remember easily. Essentially, the key is to balance the informative portion of your ad with an effective call-to-action. 4. Pick The Right Platform Picking the right social media platform will help you reach your target audience faster. But before choosing a social media platform, you must consider your target audience, the media format of your ad, and the analytical features from the platform that could help you track the performance of your ads. If you’re targeting young professionals, for example, then you may want to consider running ads on LinkedIn and Twitter. If your ad is a video, then it’s safe to assume that you might want to consider a video-based platform such as YouTube or TikTok. Related Resource: 5 Unusual Social Media Tips That No One Will Know About 5. Use Hashtags On Your Campaigns When you publish your ads, you may find that there’s often an option to add a caption or description. This is something that you can include with your ad’s media to give further information about your campaign. In these captions, you can include hashtags. By doing this, you can track your customers’ engagement with your campaign along with the content they create. To be more effective, you must use branded hashtags consistently. 6. Social Monitoring And Listening Finally, the key to launching successful marketing campaigns and social media ads altogether is to utilize information and data. This means using social monitoring and social listening tools. Social monitoring refers to using the metrics available to you to understand how your campaigns and social media posts are performing. Meanwhile, social listening allows you to understand the context behind these statistics. For instance, you may be receiving a lot of comments—which could indicate some level of engagement. However, these comments may be filled with negative feedback, which would not translate well for your business Using these two methods, you’ll be able to completely find out how your target users feel about your brand, what they want from it, and how well your campaigns are actually performing. Related Resource: A guide to Running your Instagram Marketing Campaign Summing It All Up Social media advertisement can be a very powerful tool if you do it right. With all the features and metrics that you can get from using it, you can easily reach your target audience and gain more reach. Learning how to use these tools well is the key to maximizing your ROI, reaching more conversions, and essentially reaching your target audience. Hopefully, the guide above has helped you learn how to do this and improve your marketing strategy through social media. Read Also: Is Technology A Good Career Path In 2021? How To Effectively Promote Your Company How To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes


The Importance of SEO Based Digital Marketing Services

The Internet is one of the most integral parts of life presently. Be it business, shopping or entertainment, the contribution of the Internet cannot be overlooked by any means. The rapid growth of the virtual world has made it easier for people to invest minimally and enjoy high business productivity, through better advertising procedures. Marketing concepts carried out through the Internet definitely has proved to be highly beneficial. The introduction of search engine optimization strategies has made scenarios even better. With the help of the SEO strategies, it becomes easy to manage a website and make sure that it enjoys higher visibility in the digital world. Enhancing the performance of a website is what SEO strategies do in the most convincing way. Online business trend Purchasing a domain name, developing a website, and finally owing the same is the latest trend for e-commerce owners. But, among the millions of websites and web-based businesses available throughout the digital world, only a handful are visible on the first two pages of a search engine directory. This is where the importance of SEO or search engine optimization comes into effect. With the right set of SEO strategies, the entire website can be transformed into a search engine directory friendly one while ensuring it receives the highest form of ranking to remain at the top. What does SEO services primarily includes? In general, a reputed SEO agency includes all the following services like: Optimization of the webpage and website content Maintenance of client website Editing the web content and manipulating the same, if required Removing every kind of barrier associated with the indexing activities Ensuring a perfect marketing campaign for the website Search engines like, Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other notable ones need to be carefully managed. Since they come with a strong set of rules and guidelines, websites must abide by them. Otherwise, they will get banned from the search engines. Satisfying certain quality attributes of usability must be followed while trying to carry out SEO marketing strategies for client websites. This is why content optimization according to search engine directory rules and guidelines is extremely important. Reputed SEO service providers would always ensure that the exact guidelines are followed. They would also be offering help in 24/7-time format with regard to website content revision and SEO strategy rebuilding purpose. They would always provide both offline, as well as, online assistance to ensure that the client’s website achieves the highest form of ranking in the search engine directories. Digital marketing is what that matters most There are different forms of advertising procedures, but none has achieved such tremendous success like digital marketing that takes place over the Internet. With digital SEO based marketing strategies, it becomes easy enough for anyone to promote their brand, business, products, services, and lots more in a more convincing way. A reputed digital marketing agency will always focus on implementing the right type of SEO strategies to make things better and more convenient for the website it is working on. Spreading brand awareness in the virtual world is crucial; what you need to do is opting for the correct approaches to make things fall in the right place. There are numerous digital marketing service providers available, but not all are proficient in implementing the right SEO strategies. Remember, an effective digital marketing campaign will depend strongly on the implementation of the perfect SEO strategies. Henceforth, it is crucial to figure out a suitable SEO service provider who can handle your company’s digital marketing needs and requirements.   Walter Moore is an SEO specialist working with a leading Digital Marketing Agency. He writes regularly for and other blogs to spread awareness about the importance of SEO based digital marketing services.