Investing In Office Space For Your SME: What To Consider

Published on: 20 November 2018 Last Updated on: 01 April 2020

So, your business is thriving. All the hard work is paying off and you’re starting to reap the benefits – repeat customers, growing workload, increased revenue, so is it time to move out of your 3rd bedroom-turned-office, into a more professional environment? It can be tricky to take the leap as an SME owner – so here are key things to consider when buying or renting office space for your business.

Shared or Private Space?

There are many options for professional working environments, including the private vs shared space debate. There are pros and cons for each option, so it really is down to how your business operates.

If you are currently the only worker or you have 2 to 3 employees, you may benefit best from a co-working environment. This means you will be in a larger office space which other business people are using at the same time. You can take advantage of an office environment with internet allowance, desks, lockable storage units, and telephone systems without having to pay a hefty price tag for private space.

Alternatively, if you have a larger amount of staff, or the business you run is highly confidential or sensitive, you may be better off in a private space where you can discuss business freely and openly without worrying about being overheard.

There are many serviced offices across the country, with companies such as BE Offices and Prime Office Space offering both shared and private spaces so you are sure to find something to suit your business.

Renting or Buying?

When looking to set up your first office, you will no doubt deliberate over renting or buying. The rental market is extremely popular as it gives you the flexibility to move on at the end of the lease. So, if your business grows significantly and you need more staff, you can move to a larger space in line with business requirements. This flexibility may also be useful if you decide an alternative location may be better down the line for your business, due to localised demand for products or services. Renting also usually means fewer upfront costs than buying, but you do run the risk of rental values inflating, with a subsequent high impact on your finances.

Buying is obviously a huge commitment and requires a larger investment up front. This may be suitable for you if you have a good idea of your long-term business requirements and you know that the property will serve these. This may be the case for businesses requiring large factory spaces, for example. It also gives you the ability to make any changes to the property that you desire –you own it, so you can do what you like to it.

Is It Practical?

It is also important to consider whether the location is suitable for you and your staff. It is easy to get to via public transport? Does it have sufficient car parking?

Finally, always put your Health and Safety hat on and make sure the building abides by current health and safety standards. It may look pretty, but it needs to be a safe place to work with comfortable conditions for you and your staff. Undertake a risk assessment before you move in to highlight any potential issues and implement strategies to mitigate risks.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Shipping Company

6 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Shipping Company

A reliable shipping partner is integral to the success of any business that depends on a supply chain. The choice of a shipping company also has a direct implication on ‌costs and hence profitability. A brand's reputation hinges very much on its ability to deliver products to the customer's door as promised. The shipping experience your customers get has a big weight on their satisfaction. If they receive their products safely and on time, they are happy. But when they have to contend with high shipping costs and delayed deliveries, the brand image suffers. Therefore, the choice of shipping services should be carefully considered. Here are some of the top factors you'll want to consider when choosing a shipping company. Consider Shipping Specialization Shipping services specialize in carrying different freight types. For example, oil tanker services specialize in carrying petroleum products. You must look at the nature of your products to decide if you need specialized shipping services. There are advantages in using  specialized shipping services: 1. Experience in Product Handling Experience in product handling is a must in order to be successful in this field. A specialized service will have experience in handling your product. They can make sure that your product will arrive in good condition, at the destination point. For example, a shipping company that handles fragile products will always carry the tools necessary to handle fragile products. This allows you to be sure that your product will arrive in good condition, without being damaged. 2. Specialized Packaging Special products require custom packaging. For example, perishables require packaging to keep the product as fresh as possible. Additionally, the product must be protected against contamination. For example, a dairy has to be placed in special containers to keep its products fresh. A shipping service must show it will accommodate your packaging requirements. It is also about marketing the product. Specialized packaging can help to create a unique identity for a product and set it apart from the competition. This can be especially important for small businesses that are trying to compete against much larger companies. Specialized packaging can be used to create a sense of luxury, sophistication, or excitement around a product. Related Resource: 4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Shipping Your Car Compare shipping rates Shipping rates can vary depending on the shipping company and the service that is used. It is important to compare shipping rates in order to get the best deal. Remember, shipping rates have an impact on your operating expenses and hence customer shipping prices. Online shopping platforms often allow customers to choose their preferred shipping service. You must offer them affordable shipping to make your products attractive. Compare Delivery Times Shipping delivery times play a big role in meeting your customer's expectations. Delivery time has a direct impact on your profits. Deliveries that are fulfilled within the specified time frame help you remain competitive. You have to offer quick delivery services to suit the demands of your customers. But faster shipping costs more, so you need a balance. The competitors in the market might offer less expensive shipping rates, but the importance of offering fast delivery services cannot be neglected. Consider the Destination Network A shipping service's transport networks can impact delivery times in a few ways. Service with a dense, interconnected network of hubs will be able to get packages to more destinations faster than one with a less-connected network. The location of the service's hubs on land is also important - a service with hubs in major metropolitan areas will be able to reach more customers in a shorter amount of time than one with hubs in rural areas. Consider the Size and Nature of Freight What is the size of the products you want to ship? For example, bulky products like oil, grains, and heavy machinery need a shipping service that has the machinery and space to handle the loading and unloading. One important consideration is whether a shipping service has partnerships with land services that can handle your product e.g., bulk grain handling, offloading, and storage. Consider Tracking, Tracing, and Customer Service Today, it is a standard expectation that a shipping service will offer tracking and tracing of freight for both the business and the end customer. It offers valuable information on the shipment status and allows customers to easily check the progress of the delivery. This information offers the end customer confidence that their order is in transit. A good shipping service must also demonstrate good customer service. In turn, it helps businesses become more responsive to their customers because they can respond to issues from a point of information. For example, if a customer’s order is delayed, the shipping service should have a clear answer on the problem, so that the seller can inform the customer about the situation and when it will be resolved. Conclusion Shipping services play a big role in helping businesses meet their customers’ expectations.  It is important to choose a shipping service that will ensure your supply chain runs optimally to get goods to your customers affordably and on time. It enhances the brand, raises customer satisfaction, and raises profitability. 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Hiring Strategies

Only the Best for Your Business: Check These Hiring Strategies

As a small business owner, you are probably familiar with the constant challenge of finding the best people to work for you. There is no single best approach to getting the right people to join your company. But one thing’s for sure, hiring involves a lot of money, time, and energy, so it should be done right every time. Check out these fresh and innovative ways to get top talents to fill roles in your company. Find Who Fits In What is your company’s character, the values it stands for, the attitudes of people in it, and so on? Have a clear definition of your company culture to help you look for people who share the same values or beliefs or will be able to adapt to your unique environment. Also, come up with culture-fit questions that elicit honest responses, and show applicants the physical working space or describe the virtual setup. Company culture can affect an employee’s performance and desire to stay in the organization. Some new hires quit on the first day because of “how things are being done.” To avoid this situation, have a potential new hire mingle with the team and see how well they fit in. But as a long-term solution, ensure that office dynamics remain healthy and productive for everyone. Enlist Employees’ Help This help can come in many forms. The most practical one is to ask for the opinion of those who will be working closely with the new manager, for example. You can share the candidate’s resume with them and crowdsource interview questions, like leadership style and experiences relevant to the open position. Make sure that you don’t breach the candidate’s privacy, though. Limit the number of employees with whom you share a candidate’s personal information as much as possible. You can also have everyone meet over lunch or for a quick chat to get a feel of how they will get along. Another way of involving employees in the hiring process is through a referral program. It’s a win-win situation: The employee gets rewarded for the referral, and the company gains a quality employee in a more cost-effective manner. The ultimate success of the program lies in its design and implementation. Ask Questions That Matter Not all interview questions produce the same results—that is, answers that will help you make sound hiring decisions. Ask questions such as “Why should we hire you?” “What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?” and “Where do you see yourself in x years?” in addition to unexpected questions that no one has seen on Google yet. Consider these points when formulating interview questions to ask candidates: Tailor questions the specifics of the job, particularly the skills and traits necessary to perform the job successfully. Does the job involve handling people? Ask about that time when the applicant was involved in a conflict and able to resolve it. Ask off-resume or LinkedIn items to reveal a hidden strength that may be useful at work. Conduct Background Checks Employers perform background checks as part of hiring and recruitment. Some checks serve to confirm the accuracy of the documents presented, such as academic credentials and references. Others are used to look into criminal records as deemed reasonable and subject to laws and regulations. In Canada, for example, businesses can run a quick criminal record check on an applicant that has given their written consent. Companies like Instant Record Check can help with RCMP criminal record checks. Take Time to Decide Consider this as the fifth tip. The competitive job market has applicants doing everything to land a job. As for you, you to use a multifaceted approach, based on what the candidate has offered and presented, to decide to choose the most suitable per son for the job. It may take a while for you to give an employment offer. This is also in consideration of the needs of the business, which may have changed since posting the job ad. As it is, quality is always best in hiring. Read Also: What to Know About Location-Based Data Things to look out for while hiring health app developers Tips When Hiring a Concrete Driveway Contractor in California

what companies are in the consumer services field

What Companies Are In The Consumer Services Field?

What companies are in the consumer services field? If this is the answer that you are looking for, you have come to the right place.  As most people across the world are still coping with the damaging effects on the economy as a result of the outbreak of the pandemic caused by covid-19, there are many of us who are looking for jobs across all sectors. That is the reason why many people are also asking about the jobs in consumer services. Keep reading this article till the end to learn more about what companies are in the consumer services field… What Is Consumer Services? Before talking about what companies are in the consumer services field, it is important to throw some light on what is consumer services. So here I go! Consumer services is a field that deals with several other sectors. In this field of work, there are several organizations that work to satisfy the demands of the clients or customers. These organizations help the clients to meet their personal or professional needs by following certain strict guidelines. The service guidelines are important for these organizations in the consumer services field to meet the demands of the customers. Answering, “What Companies Are In The Consumer Services Field?” If you want to know what are the companies that are there in the consumer services field, then you have come to the right place. Most of the companies that deal with customer satisfaction and aim to deliver their demands are a part of the consumer services. Large and reputed companies like Amazon and KFC are all a part of the consumer services field. According to reports, there are more than 450,000 companies that are in the field of consumer services in the United States of America alone. Here Is A List Of The Some Of The Companies That Are In The Consumer Services Field👇 Walt Disney CompanyStarbucksApplesPfizerAmazonAirbnbHiltonWalmartTargetBank Of AmericaUberSubwayKFCMcDonald’sTalkdesk What Are The Types Of Companies In The Field Of Consumer Services? Now that you have read what are some of the best companies that are a part of the consumer services, you must have already figured that this field of work is one that is full of variety. From hospitality to education and health, there are a lot of opportunities in the field of consumer services. Here are some of the types of companies that are present in this field: 1. Hospitality Services Hospitality services are one of the most important fields or sectors in the line of consumer services. These companies aim to achieve customer satisfaction through their services. There are many companies that are a part of this sector, like Airbnb and McDonald’s. The consumer services companies that are a part of the hospitality sector include those like food and hotels. 2. Finance Services There are many people across the world who have started to build their own companies. However, they need to get loans in their initial days. This is where companies that provide financial services and help come to the scene. If there is one thing that you must know about these companies, then it is the fact that they are different from banks. The services are much more personal than that of a bank. 3. Content Writing Services If there is something that we know, it is the fact that digital marketing is growing and how! And in order for digital marketing to be great, you must have great content that you put up on your website. This is the reason why many people have started taking help from organizations that provide content writing services to their clients. With the help of the quality content, these growing websites are able to meet their target audience and expand their reach. 4. Web Designing Services Considering the fact that everything is becoming digitized and digital marketing has taken over the world, it is no news that you will need a web designer in order to have your own website. That is the reason why there are many companies that provide web designing services to their clients. This is one of the fastest-growing as well as one of the most in-demand jobs in the field of consumer services. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): As you have almost reached the end of this article, I hope that most of your queries have been answered. Nevertheless, here are some of the questions that readers frequently ask about what companies are in the consumer services field. You might want to take a look at them. 1. How Many Jobs Are Available In The Consumer Services Sector? Consumer services are one of the most important and growing sectors in the world. As a result, there are many jobs that are available in this field of work. According to reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics of America, there are more than 2.9 million jobs that are available in the consumer services field. 2. What Are The Highest-Paid Jobs In Consumer Services? There are many jobs that are available in the field of consumer services. Some of the jobs that pay you well in consumer services are:1. Bank Teller2. Concierge3. Technical Support Engineer4. Receptionist. 3. How Many Sectors Are There In Consumer Services? There are many sectors that are an important part of the consumer services sector. Here are some of them:1. Education Service2. Hospitality Service3. Health Service4. Retail And Wholesale Wrapping It Up! Consumer services are one of the most growing areas of jobs in the world. This field of work is very popular as it gives the employees a lot of opportunities to delve into other career options. Some of the most important areas of work in the line of the consumer services are hospitality, retail and wholesale, education, and others. In case you have been looking for the answer to “what companies are in the consumer services field,” then I hope that this article has been of help to you. If you have any other queries about other consumer services, then feel free to write in the comment box. Read Also: Is Consumer Services A Good Career Path?Is Electric Utilities Central A Good Career Path?Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path?