What You Need to Know About Guest Posting in 2021

Published on: 17 August 2021 Last Updated on: 18 August 2021

Guest posting is a type of marketing that often gets an eyebrow raise. The truth is that there are many ways to utilize guest posting – some of them are excellent tools in your marketing arsenal, and others may get you on Google’s bad side. The key is knowing the difference and using only legitimate guest posting strategies.

But what does that look like? Here, we offer some pointers and helpful information from EraBright, a Black-owned advertising agency.

What You Need to Know About Guest Posting in 2021

A great guest post is one that helps you, but also provides some value to the publisher and readers. Before getting started, target sites that make sense for your business. This helps your SEO strategy and avoids your link being viewed by Google quality raters as being “spammy”.

How to Find Guest Post Opportunities

How to Find Guest Post Opportunities

There are many blogs out there that have a clear message to “contribute”, “write for us”, etc. These are great opportunities to contact them and find out more about their policies. If there are sites that you like and match your target, but they don’t identify that they accept guest posts, you can always reach out to them individually. Just remember that you won’t always get a “yes”.

Some tips for finding blogs that accept guests posts include:

  • Search for blogs in your market or niche
  • Choose blogs that are authoritative and have a high domain authority/rank
  • Choose blogs that have followers, readers, or high engagement
  • Assess the blog’s social media
  • Search Google for a topic and “guest post” and see what type of results you get. You may find other bloggers in your industry on sites that will also accept a guest post from you.

Writing a Great Guest Post

Writing a Great Guest Post

Once you have narrowed down where you want to submit a guest post, the next step is writing the content. The goal of guest posting is to bring attention to your brand, business, products, or services. Therefore, you want your guest post to be interesting and informative, and you want it to bring awareness to your brand.

Look at the blogs you are targeting and get an idea of the sort of content that is published there. Take note of blogs with a lot of engagement. You can use a similar style to successful posts, just make sure you match the tone of the site. You should also choose a topic that is relevant to your brand and the chosen blog. Write your content in a way that is “evergreen”, meaning it won’t become quickly outdated.

What about Backlinks?

What about Backlinks?

For many people who guest post, the overarching goal isn’t to build backlinks. Of course, getting a do-follow backlink to your site is an added bonus. Increasingly, websites are only allowing guest posts to contain no-follow links, which means the link won’t go back to your site. While that’s bad news for backlinking, it’s not detrimental to your goal of brand awareness. After all, you can mention your brand in the article and provide a link, and also will likely have author information at the bottom.

One word of caution about backlinks – Google can penalize websites that have low authority or spammy backlinks. If the backlinks seem irrelevant, poorly placed, or low quality, it can actually hurt your Google ranking. The best way to avoid this is to choose legitimate blogs with a decent domain authority/rank, and avoid sites with a high spam score.


It seems like every year there are new guidelines and advice for how to manage digital marketing and SEO. Guest posting is one element that seems to be evolving more now than in the past, however. Increasingly, search engines are watching how sites interact and link to one another. For this reason, it is important to be selective in your guest posting adventures.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Blogging Tips

5 Blogging Tips for Beauty and Fashion Bloggers in 2018

If you have the good fashion sense and people admire you then why you don’t go for fashion blogging. If you help your friends in styling and go with them for shopping and they ask for your suggestions to buy new clothes then you should start your own fashion blogging and earn a lot via it. This is the digital time and nothing is impossible at this time, you should start our own blogging. In this article, we will give you the 5 Blogging Tips for Beauty and Fashion Bloggers in 2018. 1. Find the best blogging platform: The first step to start your fashion blogging or any other blogging is to find the best available blogging platform. The main blogging platform which is very common these days is WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. WordPress is leading in this race and it depends on you that which platform you find the easiest one that you can handle on your own. Every platform is based on your posts, images and graphics content. So, the first step is to find your blogging platform. 2. Choose the domain name:  A domain name is the first thing which will mark your impression on others. Domain name basically consists of three things, the short one is better, make it specific and make it more about you. The URL name should be attractive that people like to open it and see what content you have. No one remembers long URL, try to get that short and the catchy one. This one will work better than any long URL and people dislike long URL. 3. Link your account with hosting provider: After choosing the domain name, the next step is to link your domain with some hosting provider. It works like that if we buy some clothes from a well-known brand so you should get some better hosting provider. Whenever a user opens your URL, you don’t get any crash or lags. These things depend on your hosting provider. So, it should be good. 4. Make your blog online: When you get some hosting provider like the Blue host, which is the best hosting provider till now. After buying that host you have to set your account as basic or premium. I will suggest you start with the basic one and after that choose your theme. The theme should be a simple one and if you don’t have any IT information then go for the simplest one. It will work better for you. 5. Choose the best Plugins: Plugins are the first thing which decorates your whole website. Plugins same works like the way we decorate our home, it depends on where we upload our images, videos or any other graphic content. The way which we show your clothes and guide others that how they can improve their wardrobe. Try to get the best slideshow, subtitles for your posts or social buttons on your picture. These all thing enhances your blogging site and makes it catchier for the fashion lovers. Carolina Owens is a business graduate from the London School of Economics. She likes to blog about the latest business news and trends. She likes hanging out with friends in her free time. You can read her latest post on Outsourcing Virtual Assistants Read More: How To Ensure You Have The Perfect English To Enhance Your Blog Bloggers, Beware! Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid Doing It The Right Way: Common Mistakes Every New Blogger Commits

Tips On Keeping Your Car As Fresh

Tips On Keeping Your Car As Fresh As Production Day

When it comes to owning a car, there is nothing better than that first day when you pick it up, and it is spotless and fresh. The new car smell is fantastic, and when our car is brand new and clean, it is such a joy to ride. While we always have intentions of keeping a new car as clean as possible, over time, the smell starts to fade, and the car becomes not so fresh. This is why it is so important to stay on top of the cleaning process by correctly looking after your car. In this article, we will be talking you through some tips on keeping your car as fresh as production day. These tips are super easy to follow and will make a significant difference when it comes to how great your car looks. 1. Regularly Wash Your Car Regularly washing your car is essential. As you are driving your car, over time it will naturally get dirty and messy. This is unavoidable, especially when it comes to adverse weather or the winter months. If you live in a rural area, you will also be subjected to potential mud and grime too. If your car is looking dirty on the outside, then it is not going to look as fresh as it did on production day. This is why it is important to purchase the correct cleaning materials, and regularly wash the outside of your car. While you can take your car to a professional car wash occasionally, you can also keep on top of the cleaning yourself too. Another big issue with cars is bird poop. This is something that can be frustrating to remove however there are a number of ways in which you can stop birds pooping on car chassis. 2. Regular Hoover And Clean The Inside Of Your Car Regularly hoovering and cleaning the inside of your car will help to keep it as fresh as possible. Even if you are clean, over time a car will naturally become dirty. Whether this is fingerprints on the dashboard, crumbs on the seats, or dirt on the car floor, it is essential to remove this as soon as possible. This will help to prevent any staining from occurring, and it will stop the car from looking worse for wear too. There are so many cleaning products that are safe to use on car interiors. We would recommend regularly hoovering the car, and wiping down the surfaces, to keep on top of the cleaning and mess before it gets out of control 3. Purchase Car Mats Car mats are a must as they are far easier to clean in comparison to the floor of a car. If something were to stain or tip on to the car mats, they can be scrubbed, washed, and removed with ease. The carpet of the car floor cannot be cleaned as easily as this. Car mats will keep the floor of the car fresher for longer. 4. Purchase A Car Bin A car bin is something that not everyone considers purchasing, however, they are so useful to own. They take away the temptation of placing rubbish within the side compartments of the car or on the car floor. Once full, the car bin can then be easily removed. This helps to prevent unwanted spillages, and crumbs from getting into the seats and floor of the car, and they are a great way to keep cleaner in general. The beauty of car bins is that they are inexpensive to purchase, and are easy to remove and refill when full. 5. Stay Organized Last, but not least, you will want to stay organized. This will make a significant difference when it comes to keeping your car as fresh as possible. The more organized you are, the less clutter and mess there will be in your car. While you will want to have the essentials in your car, we would recommend purchasing a folder for important documents, and an organizer to place in your car boot. This can hold all the necessary items such as cleaning products, deicer, and other useful products. Being organized prevents them from cluttering your boot or the floor of your car. Summary These are just a few ways in which you can keep your car as fresh as production day. As you can see, these steps are easy to follow and are not overly complicated. However, they make a significant difference. In addition to this, we would also recommend purchasing an air freshener for your car too! Read Also: Cleaning Your Home with Pets Roof Repair: Should You Hire Roofers or DIY? Can Families Be Happier and Healthier And Still Saving Money?


Doing It The Right Way: Common Mistakes Every New Blogger Commits

Many people thought that when you choose a blog for a living, you are just only making money while sitting. But when you let them write their first couple of posts, it hits them like: I never thought that this job would be tough, and like any other person, they mess things up. Messing things up in the beginning and making mistakes along the way is normal. So to help beginner bloggers get started accordingly, here are some of the most common lapses every new blogger should avoid. Mistake #1: Absence of your Niche What’s the core of your blog? Do you write about anything every day? Or are you stuck with an ordinary subject matter that you like? If you write an article about food one day and fashion on the next and then wonder why no one is commenting, chances are people don’t have a clue about what your real blog is. Don’t underestimate the power of focus because a clear and straightforward blog can more likely niche to develop a somewhat focus, valuable, efficient and passionate content.  Mistake #2: Missing your real audiences  Gathering hundreds (even thousands) of reader online can be astonishing, but when you don’t know who your real viewers are, the problem enters. When writing a new blog, why not create an article as if having a conversation with your friend or a family member instead of addressing it to a crowd? Being specific to your topics will instantly make your blog more engaging and personal making your blog site more interesting and gather more readers. Mistake #3: Quantity Vs. Quality One common mistake of every blogger is the constant publishing of new articles every single day. Well technically, posting a lot to your blog is not a bad thing but if your posts are crappy and invaluable why update regularly? Read also: Some Powerful Attributes That A Website Must Have In Its Content Instead of wasting the time of your readers with your irrelevant blogs, you can create a real and profound blog post that requires time to analyze, write, and edit to encourage reliability and credibility. Mistake #4: Negligence of editing  Are you one of the writers who can write flawless posts in a flash of the eye? Oops! Stop right there and consider editing your blogs, because there’s no such thing as a perfect blog. But if you still want a close to perfection article, there are possible things that you can do: Make sure that every spelling is correct and always watch out for grammatical errors. Polish everything. In proper editing, you can cross out unnecessary words, replace jargons with simpler terms and split two long sentences with short information. Evaluate your post properly. Make sure that each paragraph is cohesive with the paragraph before it. Read also: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Mistake #5: Never consider plagiarism as a choice  Most of the rookies in the world of blogging do ‘copy and pasting’. And they think that they can escape it. You can’t. Plagiarism doesn’t work at all because readers and editors can easily tell whether an article was made initially or plagiarized. If you copy the thought of another blog, your voice will not sound like you, and it will destroy your reputation. Plus, if you will be caught stealing the ideas of others, your site will be punished by Google that will cause an adverse impact on your blog and will affect its growth. If you ever read through the list of mistakes and is now thinking that you committed them, just remember that every neophyte learns many things and those mistakes are common. Every blogger has probably done one or more mistakes in his or her lifetime. Takeaway With the mistakes listed above, you will have a clearer path to excel in your writing. The period of your writing doesn’t matter because everyone at some point makes common mistakes in their life. Instead of being discouraged by your mistakes, use it as a fuel to power up your experiences that will keep your blogging business continuously growing and healthy. Read also:  Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO