4 Payday Loan Facts You Should Know Before You Borrow

Published on: 12 November 2021 Last Updated on: 13 November 2021
Payday Loan

Convenient, speedy, and available with bad credit. These are just some of the benefits of getting payday loans, but do these stats give you the whole story? Keep reading to find out more about this kind of small-dollar loan.

1. You Can Find Online Payday Loans

1. You Can Find Online Payday Loans

People often lump in payday loan lenders with check-cashing businesses and pawnshops. And it makes sense — all three organizations provide small-dollar, short-term loans with high-interest rates.

However, payday loan lenders are unique in that many of them operate online with no physical branch. Instead of walking through the doors of a brick-and-mortar store, you can fill out an online application for quick cash from your phone or laptop anywhere, anytime you have data.

If approved, your borrowing experience unfolds entirely online, too — from collecting your funds as a direct deposit to arranging an automatic withdrawal to come out of your account.

Check cashers and pawnshops, on the other hand, do all this the old-fashion way: in person.

2. Fewer People Used Payday Loans During the Pandemic

According to the Pew Charitable Trusts, approximately 12 million Americans used at least one payday loan in 2010 — whether from a storefront or online payday lender.

Now more than 10 years and a global pandemic later, you might think these numbers should have multiplied. But early reports suggest fewer people had to rely on payday loans.

The Online Lenders Alliance, an industry association for payday loan lenders, told Bloomberg the demand for small-dollar loans fell by 67% during the lockdown.

Instead of borrowing, many people took advantage of unemployment checks, rent moratoriums, and other COVID relief resources.

3. Most People Use Them Incorrectly

Most People Use Them Incorrectly

If you take a look at any legit cash advance direct lender’s website, you’ll see they market payday loans as an emergency stopgap when your savings fall short of what you need.

In other words, you should only turn to payday cash advances in unexpected emergencies, like when your furnace dies one winter morning, and you need help covering the repairs.

But what cash advance direct lenders advise and how people borrow don’t always match up. According to the Pew Charitable Trusts, 69% of borrowers use payday loans for expected expenses, like rent, utilities, and groceries.

4. Fees Vs. APR

The reason why cash advance direct lenders say their loans are for emergencies is because of the cost. Let’s face it — payday loans are an expensive way to borrow. But do you know just how expensive?

A cash advance direct lender might charge anywhere between $10 and $30 for every $100 you borrow. This may not sound like too much upfront, but it’s another story when APR enters the mix. Calculated on the annual percentage rate, your APR is anywhere between 300 and 600%.

This APR might be OK depending on your budget, but it may be a challenge for people living paycheck to paycheck.

That’s why a list like this is so important—it gives you the facts you need to make an informed decision about your finances.

What’s your opinion now that you know about triple-digit APRs due back in two weeks?

If this doesn’t sound like a good fit, explore alternatives like lines of credit or installment loans for bad credit. These options give you more time to pay what you owe, so they might be easier to handle on a tight budget.

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Everything You Need To Know About Myga’s

People are increasingly looking for safe and dependable investment solutions that will offer a consistent stream of income for their future in the uncertain financial environment of today. Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs), which combine safety, flexibility, and guaranteed returns, have become a popular option. At $24.7 billion in 2022, annuity sales are continuously on the rise, making them worthwhile to consider for your own portfolio. This guide will offer an in-depth examination of MYGA's, covering their characteristics, advantages, factors to take into account, and how they fit into a complete financial plan. An Introduction to MYGAs Insurance firms issue fixed annuity contracts known as Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs). They promise a particular interest rate for a predetermined amount of time, usually between three and ten years. MYGA's, as opposed to variable annuities, provide a fixed rate of return, protecting investors against market turbulence. You get into a contract with an insurance provider when you buy a MYGA. Either a one-time payment in full or a certain number of periodic premium contributions is acceptable. For the term of the contract, the insurance provider guarantees both the principal sum and a set interest rate. You will have the option of either receiving a lump sum payment or annuitizing the accrued money at the conclusion of the contract term. Setting MYGAs Apart From Other Types of Annuities Because of their fixed interest rates and guaranteed returns, MYGAs differ from other annuity types, including variable annuities and fixed annuities. Fixed annuities offer a fixed interest rate but lack the flexibility in contract periods offered by MYGA, whereas variable annuities are dependent on investment performance and expose investors to market risk. Advantages of MYGAs Principal and Interest Guarantees: One of the main benefits of MYGA's is the assurance of both the principal and the interest accrued. The insurance provider makes sure that your money is secure and will make guaranteed returns regardless of market conditions. Particularly for individuals who place a high priority on capital preservation, this offers stability and peace of mind. Tax-Deferred Growth: MYGAs provide tax-deferred growth, which means that taxes are not due on interest earned until the money is withdrawn. As a result, the money that would have been set aside for taxes can continue to compound, allowing your investment to increase more quickly over time. For people in higher tax brackets, tax deferral can be especially advantageous because it may result in tax savings. Flexibility in Terms and Payout Options: MYGAs give you the option to select a contract duration that is in line with your investment objectives. There are options available, whether you desire shorter-term MYGAs for more urgent income demands or longer-term MYGAs for sustained growth. You also have options for how you want to receive the dividend: either a lump sum payment or recurring income installments spread out over a predetermined time.  Things to Consider Before Investing in MYGAs Minimal Initial Investment: The minimal initial investment for MYGAs varies based on the insurance provider and the particular product. Analyzing your financial situation is crucial in order to choose an acceptable investment amount. Before agreeing to a MYGA, take into account variables including your risk tolerance, financial objectives, and cash flow availability. Surrender Periods and Penalties: MYGAs frequently have surrender periods, during which you can incur fees or penalties if you withdraw money before the contract's term is out. Depending on the specifics of the contract, the surrender periods and penalties can range from a few years to a decade. It's important to comprehend the surrender provisions because they affect your liquidity and ability to retrieve the invested cash. Interest Rates and Inflation Protection: Though MYGAs provide interest rates that are guaranteed, it's necessary to take into account current market rates and potential inflation. Your financial objectives should be in line with the interest rate provided by the MYGA, which should also offer a competitive return. Moreover, to make sure that your investment keeps up with rising living expenses, you might want to look for MYGAs that include inflation protection features. Assessing MYGA Suppliers and Products It's crucial to take the insurance company's financial health and ratings into account when choosing a MYGA provider. Choose respectable businesses that have received excellent ratings from independent rating institutions. By doing this, you can be sure that both your investment and the insurance company's capacity to fulfill its commitments are secure and stable. Before choosing an insurance company, compare the interest rates they are willing to provide. Remember that interest rates might change depending on the contract's term and the state of the market. Look for MYGAs that offer reasonable rates in the market, taking into account both the current rates and the insurance company's past performance. Some MYGA products provide extra features and riders that might improve the annuity contract. These could consist of income acceleration options, inflation protection, or death benefit riders. Check to see if these extra features fit with your financial goals by evaluating them. Consider the trade-offs and their applicability to your particular demands while keeping in mind that greater functionality can come at an additional expense.  What Role Do MYGAs Play in a Comprehensive Financial Plan? MYGAs can be quite helpful in determining one's retirement income. They offer security and assurance during retirement by offering a guaranteed income source. MYGAs offer a stable cash flow to cover necessary expenses and can be used as a supplement to other retirement income sources, such as Social Security or pension payments. Because they are guaranteed, MYGAs are frequently seen as conservative investments. They can be a useful tool for investors who place a high priority on capital preservation while balancing risk in their investment portfolio. You can protect a portion of your capital while pursuing higher-risk investments in other asset classes by devoting a portion of your investment portfolio to MYGAs. MYGAs can be included in a portfolio of investments that is both diversified and includes other assets, including stocks, bonds, and real estate. Diversification lessens exposure to the performance of any one asset class by distributing risk and possible rewards among other investment types. You may be able to attain a better balanced risk-reward profile and improve portfolio stability by incorporating MYGAs into a comprehensive financial plan. Final Thoughts For those looking to invest in a safe and predictable source of income for the future, Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs) are an excellent alternative. MYGAs offer a number of advantages, including guaranteed principal and interest, tax-deferred growth, and flexible payout possibilities. Before making an investment in MYGAs, it is essential to carefully analyze variables such as the original investment amount, surrender terms, and interest rates. People can take advantage of the benefits of MYGAs to reach their long-term financial goals by analyzing MYGA providers, comprehending their products, and incorporating them into a thorough financial plan. Always remember to work with a financial advisor to customize MYGAs to your unique situation and make sure they complement your entire investment plan. Read Also: How To Easily Sell Your Life Insurance Policy How To Know If Your Health Insurance Covers Visits To The Chiropractor The Average Price Of Car Insurance In New York – What You Can Expect To Spend!


Insurance- Need of the time

Everything comes with a risk and it may result in financial losses. To handle these risks efficiently, insurance is required. Insurance is a prudent process to transfer the risks to the insurance agency and everything starting from assets, damages, and destruction can be covered through insurance policies. It is a legal agreement between the insurer and the company, which laid down the policies and procedures to be done in case of any contingency. Contingencies can be any event that puts the insurer in the loss. The insurer has to pay a premium on regular intervals or quarterly or annually according to policy terms. How Insurance Help you? 1. Beneficial for Homeowners: It helps you to claim for the repairs and replacement of any damage and protection against theft, damage from fire or water, all which covered in the insurance policy. It is essential for mortgage lenders to know that home is insured. 2. Drive vehicles:  Though it is a legal requirement, insurance helps you to reduce financial strain by covering accidental damage, medical care and legal costs related to your automobiles. 3. Help for the standard of living: In case of critical illness and recovery will take a long time, an insurance policy can be used to cover daily expenses and heavy expenditures including debt to give you time to focus on recovery. 4. Health care and support to Family: In case of death, life insurance policies have many variants to address the long and short term needs to protect your family’s assets, loan, and lifestyle. 5. The backbone for business: To manage the risk in business, an insurance policy can be used for the owner, business and employee coverage. Retirement plans and group benefits can be provided. 5. Tax benefits: Apart from financial losses coverage and security points, income tax benefits can be reaped. Income invested in paying the premium is exempted from tax deductions and it may vary policy to policy. Spend time on insurance research to find the best insurance policy for home, individual or business. In-depth knowledge helps you to take new risks and support in bad situations. You can visit sites like this to get detailed information about insurance schemes. Major insurance types which everyone needs to spend life without worries: i). Life Insurance: According to the name, it is for the safety of your life. It can be purchased to help the dependents to live life easier in case of untimely death. It helps your family to stand again in severe circumstances and helps them to pay loans, bills, or educational costs. ii). Health insurance: Severe illness is equal to bankruptcy, and most of the organizations opt for medical insurance for its employees as a mandatory joining requirement. Premium paid under the policy is mainly supports you in case of ailments, suppositories, and hospitalization. iii). Vehicle Insurance: The vehicle is a valuable asset and it needs to safe and covered financially. Few of the insurance policies provide protection for natural calamities such as storms, earthquakes or floods. iv). Home Insurance: Protecting a house is a tedious task and it can do by taking the right insurance policy to deal with fire and lightning. Choose the right insurance policy to save your assets and loved ones. Read Also: The Top Benefits of Using an Insurance Broker 6 Common Myths busted for the insurance agent exam 5 Proven Ways to Reduce Your Home Insurance Rates