4 Payday Loan Facts You Should Know Before You Borrow

Published on: 12 November 2021 Last Updated on: 18 January 2025
Payday Loan

Convenient, speedy, and available with bad credit. These are just some of the benefits of getting payday loans, but do these stats give you the whole story? Keep reading to find out more about this kind of small-dollar loan.

1. You Can Find Online Payday Loans

1. You Can Find Online Payday Loans

People often lump in payday loan lenders with check-cashing businesses and pawnshops. And it makes sense — all three organizations provide small-dollar, short-term loans with high-interest rates.

However, payday loan lenders are unique in that many of them operate online with no physical branch. Instead of walking through the doors of a brick-and-mortar store, you can fill out an online application for quick cash from your phone or laptop anywhere, anytime you have data.

If approved, your borrowing experience unfolds entirely online, too — from collecting your funds as a direct deposit to arranging an automatic withdrawal to come out of your account.

Check cashers and pawnshops, on the other hand, do all this the old-fashion way: in person.

2. Fewer People Used Payday Loans During the Pandemic

According to the Pew Charitable Trusts, approximately 12 million Americans used at least one payday loan in 2010 — whether from a storefront or online payday lender.

Now more than 10 years and a global pandemic later, you might think these numbers should have multiplied. But early reports suggest fewer people had to rely on payday loans.

The Online Lenders Alliance, an industry association for payday loan lenders, told Bloomberg the demand for small-dollar loans fell by 67% during the lockdown.

Instead of borrowing, many people took advantage of unemployment checks, rent moratoriums, and other COVID relief resources.

3. Most People Use Them Incorrectly

Most People Use Them Incorrectly

If you take a look at any legit cash advance direct lender’s website, you’ll see they market payday loans as an emergency stopgap when your savings fall short of what you need.

In other words, you should only turn to payday cash advances in unexpected emergencies, like when your furnace dies one winter morning, and you need help covering the repairs.

But what cash advance direct lenders advise and how people borrow don’t always match up. According to the Pew Charitable Trusts, 69% of borrowers use payday loans for expected expenses, like rent, utilities, and groceries.

4. Fees Vs. APR

The reason why cash advance direct lenders say their loans are for emergencies is because of the cost. Let’s face it — payday loans are an expensive way to borrow. But do you know just how expensive?

A cash advance direct lender might charge anywhere between $10 and $30 for every $100 you borrow. This may not sound like too much upfront, but it’s another story when APR enters the mix. Calculated on the annual percentage rate, your APR is anywhere between 300 and 600%.

This APR might be OK depending on your budget, but it may be a challenge for people living paycheck to paycheck.

That’s why a list like this is so important—it gives you the facts you need to make an informed decision about your finances.

What’s your opinion now that you know about triple-digit APRs due back in two weeks?

If this doesn’t sound like a good fit, explore alternatives like lines of credit or installment loans for bad credit. These options give you more time to pay what you owe, so they might be easier to handle on a tight budget.

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Nursing Home

How to Protect Your Finances While in a Nursing Home

It is usually the case that very few seniors know what rights they have when it comes to long-term care, as well as their options when it comes to their finances. Many people will either avoid thinking and planning about the issue or develop a faith that they won’t need senior care when they grow older. The statistics point out that nearly 70 percent of Americans age 65 and older will need some kind of long-term care for their sunset years. Nursing Home bills can be expensive if you are not aware of it. When it comes to payment for nursing home costs, you will typically use a combination of Medicaid, long-term care insurance, assuming you took out a policy and have been faithful with the premiums and money out of your own pocket. Paying for it out of your own pocket or some form of insurance will take a lot of planning beforehand and savings as well. Because most people don’t do this, they instead turn to Medicaid. A Look in Medicaid Of Nursing Home: Medicaid isn’t like Medicare, which doesn’t cover long-term care. Medicaid is a means-tested system which means that you can only qualify if you have a low income, own a small amount of money or assets or both. It is usually the case that seniors will want to preserve their money, either to pass it on to their families or simply because they want to preserve it. The problem is that Medicaid has strict requirements that do not allow for this. Medicaid requires Americans to spend money out of their pockets before the program steps in. If a senior American gives their assets away to their families, then Medicaid has a 60-month look-back period where they will look for this inheritance and hit the senior with a penalty period where they will be disqualified from Medicaid. There are, however, various legal strategies you can use to protect your finances, according to The National Association of Nursing Home Attorneys. Put Your Money in an Asset Protection Trust: These trusts, as you might imagine, are designed to protect your wealth. You can, however, use it to protect your money in other instances as well. When you pass your assets along to a properly designed trust, then that property no longer belongs to you. It is therefore not within reach of any creditors or even Medicaid. Make sure you make the transfer more than five years before you need long-term care because it could still come within the look-back period of Medicaid. Put Your Money in an Income Trust: You have to deal with income limits when you apply for Medicaid. If your income exceeds that limit, it will be considered as excess. To avoid this situation, you can put your money in either a pooled income trust or a Qualified Income Trust. Qualified income trusts are designed to hold any of your excess income. It is an irrevocable income trust. A pooled income trust, on the other hand, is used to hold excess income for disabled individuals. The income from many such individuals is pooled together managed by a not-for-profit organization. Caregiver Agreements: This can prove to be a useful strategy in some situations. It is useful when the individual would like to access extra services that Medicaid does not cover. You can get a friend or family member that has taken some time off from work to provide you with these services and pay them an income for it. It is an excellent way to ensure you are cared for by someone you trust and also to reduce your countable resources from Medicaid’s perspective. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About Term Insurance Plan Premium How To Choose The Best Auto Insurance Company?

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How Bitcoin Development Is Evolving?

Today, Bitcoin has become the buzzword in the Crypto trading world. It is one of the evolving Cryptocurrency that one must know about. However, these changes might affect the short-term movement of the price structure of any country’s economy. In most cases, the Bitcoin long-term proposition is affecting the interest of the Crypto-traders. Therefore, it will help you to understand facts before you can achieve your objectives. Now, many investors are responding well to buying Bitcoin. As a result, the market trend is rising higher as you are trading in Bitcoin. However, you need to understand several aspects of Bitcoin trading before entering the Bitcoin market. Reasons For Bitcoin Evolution In 2021-2022 Investors are now feeling confident in the Bitcoin investment. It is one of the essential facts that one must consider. Let’s explore the facts one after the other.    1. Continuous Evolution   The new theory of the Bitcoin evolution has installed the confidence among the investors to invest their money in Bitcoin. The Bitcoin code is evolving at a faster pace, and so the security features of Bitcoin are also advancing.   It is why investors are now more confident in investing their money in Bitcoin and in other Cryptocurrency. Similarly, almost like Bitcoin, the ethereum code is also evolving faster, making it an automatic choice for investors to invest in this Cryptocurrency. 2. Incentives Matters The Most Developers of Cryptocurrency are now making the code of Bitcoin much more complex to increase its security. They are paid for what they are built-in. It is one of the most effective Crypto trading currencies that can work well in your favor.  It is one of the essential things that determines the fact of what the developers are paying for. Moreover, it is the most effective Cryptocurrencies traded worldwide due to the up-gradation of its advanced features. 3. Bitcoin Safety Features When Bitcoin was first introduced in the market from one source, all the funding was derived. After that, many funders from several companies have started to invest their money in Bitcoin. It makes this currency worth remembering that dedicated blockchain technology was introduced to improve safety features. Now, many financial institutions and banks are coming forward to invest their money in Bitcoin. This is why Bitcoin is evolving at a faster pace compared to other Crypto-currencies. 4. Next Level Of Upgradation Recently one news is trending in the market regarding Bitcoin; it is known as the Taproot Upgrade. It will enhance the network smart contract functionality and increased the chances of Bitcoin trading in the global market. It is one of the prime reasons why the up-gradation of Cryptocurrency sounds to be very important. It is one of the best Crypto assets that can work well in your favor. In other words, Bitcoin is one of the best Cryptocurrency that is available in the market right now. 5. Looking Ahead Developers and the miners of Bitcoin are working hard to make it an acceptable global currency like fiat currency. It is evolving continuously to make it an automatic choice for the Banks and other financial institutions to use it as their prime currencies.   In the years to come, we can witness more evolution of Bitcoin. It is one of the costliest Crypto Assets today traded all around the world right now. Therefore, you will have the option to invest your money in this Cryptocurrency to increase your chances to enhance the scope of Crypto-trading. Read More: The Most Critical Year For Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies? The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform


Do I have Enough Super to Retire: Considerations Before Leaving Your Job

As you get older, you start thinking about retirement and if you have enough money to live comfortably afterward. In some cases, people don't even usually get to decide their retirement age due to health reasons. Retirement planning is an important process, and part of it is asking questions like "How much super do I need to retire?" or "Is my current lifestyle something I can afford?". According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics or ABS, the average retirement age is at 65.5 years for men and 65.4 for women. If you're someone who's nearing this age, then you should think about these considerations before you retire or leave your job. How is your account doing? Some of the biggest mistakes that people make is not knowing what their superannuation account is worth or where they're money is invested. This reason is that a lot of people don't really understand what it is and the advantages of having one. At the end of the day, it's money that you've earned, and you've set aside for retirement. Make sure to check how much you already have in your account so you can plan your retirement correctly. According to experts, you need to have at least $545,000 in your account if you’re single and $640,000 if you’re married to be able to have a comfortable retirement. This amount already covers health insurance coverage, home renovations, activities, and food. How much money do you need? You also have to take note that the amount you need will still depend mainly on how your lifestyle will be. Take this example below to find out how much you need to earn to have a modest or comfortable retirement: Modest lifestyle $27,430 for a single person $39,445 for couples Comfortable lifestyle $42,955 for a single person $60,604 for couples A modest retirement would mean that you still get to enjoy activities like eating out once in a while and go on short trips within the country. A comfortable lifestyle, on the other hand, will mean that you can go to a lot of recreational activities, get good private health insurance, buy a reasonable car and travel. Taking into account what your lifestyle is will have a great impact on how much money you need to be pouring into your super account. Where do you wish to live during retirement? After retiring, the house you've lived in for many years may seem dull and boring. Consider where you want to live as this will have an impact on your overall life satisfaction. An option that's popular for retirees is downsizing and selling off some of their assets. The reason behind this is because they want simpler things in life. They don't have kids living with them anymore, and house maintenance cost can be expensive and impossible to do down the line. Additionally, downsizing can actually help you increase your superannuation account. For example, Australians age 65 and over can make a non-concessional contribution to their superfund account for up to $300,000 from the sale of their primary home. This does not take into consideration of your work status, account balance, and history of contribution. Moreover, for couples, this amount can double up to $600,000. Downsizing has some significant advantages such as: Ability to stay closer to family and friends Ability to purchase better health insurance coverage Tax benefits Affordable cost of living depending on your location Ability to put money in other investment opportunities Are you debt free? Debt is something that can eat up a lot of your retirement income when not handled properly. Most experts advise that you carry no obligation when you retire or at least 90% as close to debt-free. Ensure that you've already paid off your mortgage, credit cards, and other types of loans that you may have. If you're planning to retire but still have a lot of payments needed for your mortgage, you may want to reconsider it or making additional payments into it. A debt after your retire can derail your plans of having a comfortable retirement. Conclusion: Taking time to ask yourself these considerations will help you get the life you want after retiring. Additionally, it helps to paint a bigger picture of how your life will be moving forward. Being mentally and financially prepared is what is going to help you achieve the life you have always dreamed of. Read Also: How To Become Financially Stable Before Age 30 How To Live Healthily Even If You Have A Full-Time Job