3 Areas Your Kids Will Learn In International Kindergarten

Published on: 23 July 2020 Last Updated on: 17 June 2022
International Kindergarten

You must know and understand that, mostly, International Kindergarten [1] has a better curriculum than standard kindergarten. It seems not important for kids in kindergarten to have serious study subjects like this. But, providing the best education from an earlier age, helps a lot in their development in the future. As for international kindergarten, many curriculums are used to provide a learning experience. However, most of them aim to improve three areas of learning for their

Here are 3 Areas Your Kids Will Learn In International Kindergarten:


Kids at a younger age can absorb and copy information much better than adults. Language and communication skills can be improved and sharpened by stimulating them since they are young. A good international kindergarten will have this aspect as one of the main targets of their teaching.

The teacher will try to provide more opportunities for students to speak and communicate their thoughts. Furthermore, the teachers also engage the conversation with the students, which will improve their response as well as listening skills. This method will be continuously applied during class time. Keeping the students active in communication develops their natural skills to make a relationship with others.

The best international school in Singapore is well-equipped to establish the first steps toward a child’s educational future. They have the best international faculties that are trained and experienced in imparting the highest levels of education to young minds. As parents, you can rest assured that your kid will grow up to be a confident, educated, and skilled young individual.


This is the aspect that supports the kids’ physical growth as well as movement. The international kindergarten conducts the method to improve this aspect by having activities that involve a lot of movement. Jumping, running, walking and many others are some of them.

The activity is designed to improve each of the parts that stimulate physical development. It includes coordination training, control training, and response training. A good kindergarten will have a method to improve all those aspects in the most fun and relaxing way. So, the students will feel happy when they try them all.


By enrolling your kids in a kindergarten, is a good way to support your kids’ development in those three parts. Attending a class and studying with other kids help your kids to know how to make friends. It also teaches your kids about how to behave in a group or community. Of course, it can’t be done by your kids alone. The kindergarten staff and teacher guide it, so it will bear a good result.

Not only that. The teacher in the kindergarten also pushes the students to have more confidence in themselves. There are many teaching methods to do that. However, the goal is to make the student believe that they have the ability that they can rely on.


When a kid has a good result in those three areas, they will grow into a fine individual that excels in, not only intelligence but also social relationship. Preparing these doesn’t make sense to do in their early years. But, believe us; it will help your kids a lot when they have grown up. Therefore, it’s not wrong, and even recommendable to enroll your kids in the best International Kindergarten. With all those great things to learn, this is the best thing you can do for your kids.

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Horseback Riding

How to Train Your Kids for Horseback Riding

Riding a horse is a dream come true for many children but dreaming about it and actually getting on your first pony can be very different things so it’s important to make sure your child is truly ready before they get in the saddle. While horse riding lessons provide many benefits including fitness, strength and improved confidence and focus, children still need to understand the potential dangers and risks associated with handling a large animal. Few Things: There are a few things you can do to help train your kids ready to go on their first horseback riding and the most important is to get them used to the reality of being around real horses and a stable environment. We spoke to the team behind https://www.equisupermarket.co.uk and they shared with us what we can do to help better train kids, you can see some of their ideas below. Look for a riding instructor whose expertise lies with working specifically with children and have them assess your child’s readiness to ride. Every child develops differently at different ages so it’s important to make sure your child is fully ready before they begin.   A child riding expert will be able to assess if they have the necessary confidence and common-sense to be able to behave well around horses and handle the potential risks that even the calmest of ponies can create. It can be really helpful to give your children the chance to go and watch other children riding first, so see if you can take your young ones along to a riding school to observe a couple of lessons so they can see exactly what’s involved. Watching a lesson can also be great for parents to really understand the kind of balance, maturity, and co-ordination in which children need to be able to fully participate and enjoy a horse riding lesson safely. Try to find a riding school that offers assessment checks. This is where they will take your child and allow them to ride a small well-behaved horse to assess their skills and abilities and can make an informed judgment about whether or not your child is ready to start formal lessons. The last thing you want is to put your child on a horse in a lesson only to find they are not ready physically or emotionally and end up having a terrifying experience which puts them off for life, instead of the magical experience it should be. When getting involved in horses it’s good for your child to understand there is a lot more to it than just riding lessons as well. They would benefit from spending time in the stables so they can understand what it’s like working around horses. They should experience all the sides of horses such as grooming, tacking up, and cleaning out the stables. That way they can get an all-round appreciation of what’s involved in being around horses regularly. Find out if your chosen stables will let them shadow someone for a couple of hours as they carry out these kinds of routine tasks around the horses so they can learn more about how their favorite animals behave. Loving horses from watching TV shows or having posters on the wall is very different from actually dealing with mucking out stables and handling a large animal in real life so it’s important to know your children are ready to translate their dreams into real life. Children won’t be able to do too much riding to start with because they won’t have the strength but they can still get to know horses and spend time with them through all of the other activities like grooming and mucking out, while they get used to the demands of riding. Important lesson children need to know is how to react around horses and what to look out for. It’s important they understand that horses don’t like quick and sudden movements or loud noises and what the consequences could be of not respecting that. They also need to know how to safely approach a pony without spooking it, and never to approach a horse from behind due to the risk of being kicked. Children need to be educated about the importance of approaching from the side. It’s also really important to teach young children how to interpret a horse’s body language and how to react in certain situations, for example, not to suddenly shout or run and the signs that show a horse is in distress or likely to lash out any minute. Your child should also be fully prepared to wear all of the required protective clothing needed for horse riding, from the right boots up to the riding helmet and should ideally get used to the feel of wearing it all before their first lesson. Horseback riding can be great for children and a really fun hobby but it’s worth getting your youngsters ready and prepared before they jump into the saddle. Read Also: Planning A Family Vacation As The Kids Grow Up Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?

Baby Formula

Why Baby Formula Should Be A Consideration For All Parents

Choosing whether to breastfeed or use baby formula is a decision all parents need to make. Before you choose one over the other keep in mind that whatever your final decision, both choices are good for your baby’s development. Whether a woman can’t breastfeed or simply decides not to, when making this judgment it is important to know that there is a healthy formula substitute for breast milk with all the nutrients needed for your baby to thrive. More parents are considering using baby formula for its many benefits even when breastfeeding is an option for them. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of using baby formula and why you should consider it as an option. For more details please make sure to visit the most reliable store in the baby food industry themilkybox.com. Emotional Connection: Often, new mums fear that if they don’t breastfeed they won’t bond with their baby. However, bonding will happen even with bottle feeding and it can be strengthened with a few little tricks like having skin to skin contact, looking into baby’s eyes during feeding and singing to the baby. Additionally, feeding time is not the only time mum and the baby bond and there are plenty of opportunities throughout the day such as bath time, putting the baby to sleep and playtime. Diet: Breastfeeding mums need to be more careful about their food intake for however long they decide to breastfeed the baby. On the other hand, when bottle feeding, the mother’s food intake won’t affect the newborn. For instance, mums who are breastfeeding should not have fish high in mercury, they need to watch their caffeine intake and will have to wait for at least 2 hours before they feed the baby if they had even a small amount of alcohol. These and many other restrictions are not applicable to mums who use a formula to feed their child. Pain-Free: When breastfeeding a baby, there is some pain caused by the nipple and areola being pulled into the baby’s mouth. The pain usually lessens after a minute or two, but it can be quite uncomfortable, especially for first-time mums. When bottle-feeding, any pain or discomfort of such kind is avoided. Convenience: Unlike breastfeeding, bottle feeding can be done by both parents. Father helping out with feeding can lessen the burden on the mum who is also recovering from giving birth. Although this is also true for women who express their breast milk, bottle feeding can be more convenient as it doesn’t require mum to schedule her day around breastfeeding or expressing breast milk. Breast milk is digested faster than formula so breastfeeding mums are in higher demand and need to be available for feedings more than formula feeding mums. Medical Conditions And Treatment: Bottle feeding can be the preferred choice in any situation where the mother has a medical condition that can affect the baby, such as HIV/AIDS, and/or needs sedating psychotherapeutic drugs, anti-epileptic drugs, and opioids. Bottle feeding in such a case can be imperative, not only a preferred choice in order to prevent endangering the baby’s health. In addition, there are infant syndromes that require the formula to be used instead of breast milk. Personal Choice: Every mum will have to make a decision - formula or breast milk. Sometimes a decision made before birth might change after the baby comes due to any number of reasons like medical conditions of mum and/or the baby, low milk supply, latch-on pain, etc.. It is important to consider formula as an option due to its many benefits. Keep in mind that with the formula the baby will still receive all the nutrients needed to grow, an emotional connection will still be established and mum can have more freedom with food intake and her availability. Read Also: How To Set Up Your Baby’s Room Baby Shower Party: What To Expect

Swimming Lessons

What is the Right Age to Start Swimming Lessons?

Swimming lessons for children are an important way to teach them the skills they need to stay safe and confident in the water both now and later on in life. This is particularly important if you have a pool in your backyard, live near the water, or if you spend a lot of time at a pool in the summers. Drowning is a leading cause of death among children, and it only takes a split second for it to happen. Many parents are uncomfortable letting their children swim for this reason. However, while swimming lessons do not immediately prevent a child from drowning, they can provide an extra layer of protection in terms of skills and knowledge that could potentially save their lives. So, now that you know it’s important for your child to learn to swim, what is the right age to start swimming lessons? Get Them Swimming by 4 Years Old: Children develop at different ages. For that reason, it’s hard to put a specific number on when your child will be ready, but there are some guidelines that parents can follow. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all children over age 1 take some kind of swimming lessons, even if it is just to learn how to safely enter the water. By the time a child is 4, however, they should be fully enrolled in a swimming lesson program. Typically, most children won’t be confident, skilled swimmers until they are around 6 or 7 years old, but the earlier they start, the stronger they will be. Consider Toddler Swimming Lessons: Drowning is more common for children ages 1 to 4 than it is for older children and early teens, and drowning rates are highest between ages 1 and 2. For this reason, it is recommended that children start swimming lessons as early as possible when they are toddlers. Ideally, knowing water safety and how to conduct yourself in a pool is beneficial for a child to know before they can walk. As any parent knows, once children start walking, they don’t stop and will take off running in any direction without warning. If a pool or body of water is in that direction, they could drown before a parent has time to reach them. The same goes for children who can crawl - they can just as easily crawl into a pool. However, if they end up near the water and have a basic knowledge of swimming, they’re more likely to be able to conduct themselves safely. This knowledge may not stop them from drowning, but it will certainly lower the odds and give them a fighting chance. Should Babies Learn to Swim:   Clearly a baby won’t be able to swim until they are a little older, but enrolling your baby in an infant swimming lesson program is generally a good idea. Infant swimming lessons can help babies to adjust to being in the water, as well as learn basic concepts such as floating that they will be able to build upon later. Typically, these classes teach skills such as showing babies how to roll over onto their backs so that they can breathe if they end up in the water. These classes often involve parents, which is a helpful idea to provide parents with more knowledge about water safety and keeping their baby protected. This is also a great way to ease into the idea of having your children learn to swim. Regardless of what age you decide to do it, you should be enrolling your children in a learn to swim program at some point in their young life, for their protection and yours. Swimming is something kids enjoy, and giving them the skills and knowledge to be safe while doing so can help make a difference as they grow up. Read Also: Benefits Of Martial Arts For Kids 4 Tips To Find The Best Voice Lessons How To Train Your Kids For Horseback Riding Care Free Fun: 5 Fun And Family-Friendly Activities For Children With Special Needs