Language and Speech Disorders in Children: How Speech Therapists Can Help

Published on: 02 April 2019 Last Updated on: 30 March 2022
speech therapists

Having a speech disorder can impact a child’s life in many ways. Speech and language disorders can affect a child’s social development and relationships. It can impact their self-confidence and emotional well-being and their ability to learn.

Luckily, early intervention methods are available to help children with speech problems.

Speech therapists help struggling children to reach their full potential.

With the help of a professional therapist, speech often improves. Speech therapy can even help children to overcome speech deficiencies completely. At Better Speech you can get a free consultation to get your questions answered about the language development of your child and to address any possible speech disorders early on.

Speech & Language Disorders in Children:

Speech and language disorders in children are not uncommon. According to the National Institutes of Health, one in 12 children in the U.S. has had a speech, language, or swallowing disorder over the past 12 months.

Many parents that identify their children to be specially-abled often seek the assistance of special needs school singapore to help them with speech and language disorders.

If you’re a parent of a child with a speech disorder, you may feel helpless. Speech disorders in children can be frustrating for the whole family. But, there is help available.

How Can Speech Therapists Help Children with Speech & Language Disorders?

Research has shown that speech therapy is an effective treatment for speech disorders. It’s most helpful when continued for six months or longer.

Today, there are many treatment options for children with speech and language disorders. Often, school systems have speech therapists to work with their students.

Parents can also access online therapeutic resources, such as those offered by Global Teletherapy.

Also, most professional therapists accept health insurance plans to cover their services.

Here are some of the ways that speech therapists can help your child.


Stammering or stuttering is the most common fluency disorder. Children who suffer from stuttering may experience embarrassment due to their disorder. Others may even ridicule them because of their fluency issues.

Speech therapists can help children learn strategies to cope with their disorder. They can help your child deal with emotional consequences, and deal with unpleasant reactions from others.

They can also help your child learn how to control the flow of their words. This helps make their disorder less noticeable. Sometimes, it’s possible for therapists to help children overcome fluency disorders.

Voice Disorders:

When a child has a voice disorder, their speech may be difficult for others to comprehend. Often, the child will start mumbling after they begin speaking.

A speech therapist can help children learn to practice awareness of their speaking habits. They will help your child learn to complete sentences clearly. And, they can help make the connection between one’s thoughts and their spoken words.

Better yet, speech therapists know special activities to help children with special needs. They’re also aware of current learning trends for these children. And, they understand that it’s important to make learning fun for your child.


Many children have difficulty pronouncing words. Some even have issues with words that are familiar, or that they commonly use in conversation.

Articulation difficulties can lead to many social and emotional issues if not addressed.

Speech therapists can teach children strategies to discern and correctly pronounce sounds. This helps children gain confidence. It also helps them to feel comfortable speaking to others in social circumstances.

Want More Tips for Helping a Child with Special Needs?

Speech therapists can be life-changing in the lives of children with special needs. Like all children, those with special needs desire acceptance and understanding from others.

Want more tips for parenting a child with special needs?

Check out this post for more tips to help you support friends and family members with special needs!

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Content Rally

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Children’s Parties

Ways to Improve Children’s Parties

Children’s birthday parties have become a really lucrative and expansive industry. Compared to just a few decades ago, the parties have become more elaborate and more expensive. However, the children don’t seem to mind the complexity; what’s more, they seem to be enjoying all the attention and the choice they have. So, if you are looking for ideas on how to really improve the birthday party for your child, consider these tips from children entertainment experts at Jump 4 Adan share some of the most successful moves you can make for your child’s party. Venue: Well, the first thing you need to decide is the venue. This decision is going to influence a lot of the decisions you will make after that. The first, and usually the simplest idea is to lease a playhouse for a few hours and leave everything to the professional entertainers and caregivers. However, even though it is an easy option, doesn’t mean that it is the best one. You don’t have a lot of input about how the party is going to go on. Another option is to have the party at your own home. This option gives you a lot of freedom to be creative and tailor the party to your child’s liking. However, that does leave you with a huge mess to clean after the fact. Finally, if the weather serves you well, you may be able to have the whole event outdoors. This might just be the best option, because you still retain as much control as possible and it simplifies the clean-up process. Entertainment: When it comes to entertainment, there are numerous options and different directions you can take. If you are hosting an indoor party, a film or a cartoon screening might be a great centerpiece event for a birthday party. Alternatively, you can have a make-your-own cupcake event with different toppings. Be prepared for some serious mess, but the kids will surely like it. However, if you are hosting an outdoor event, your options are much more diverse and depending on your child’s preferences, you can go for different styles. For instance, in San Diego bouncy castles are very popular. The weather is almost always nice, which makes it possible to really go for it. And what kid doesn’t like a bouncy castle. There are countless options in terms of design, sizes, and shapes but you can certainly find something that appeals to your child. Piñatas are almost as popular. These papier-mâché toys filled with candy or something else are both an interesting snack and a fun game to play. Finally, sports and similar games are a staple and a classic which should never be left out. Snacks and Drinks: Gone are the days when you could get by with some generic store-bought snacks and drinks. First of all, allergies are on the rise in children and you need to be careful of many different ingredients in store-bought products. Nut allergy is still the most common one, but there are other ones you need to be careful of, like eggs and gluten. However, the problems with snacks don’t end there, because both children and their parents might have some specific preferences which are not allergy-related. Going gluten-free or vegetarian/vegan is much more common nowadays, and you as a host need to provide those guests what they expect. Planning the best birthday party for your child simply cannot be done without consultations with your child, so make sure that whatever you have planned for them is what they actually want. Read Also: Baby Shower Party: What To Expect

Baby Formula

Why Baby Formula Should Be A Consideration For All Parents

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