Language and Speech Disorders in Children: How Speech Therapists Can Help

Published on: 02 April 2019 Last Updated on: 30 March 2022
speech therapists

Having a speech disorder can impact a child’s life in many ways. Speech and language disorders can affect a child’s social development and relationships. It can impact their self-confidence and emotional well-being and their ability to learn.

Luckily, early intervention methods are available to help children with speech problems.

Speech therapists help struggling children to reach their full potential.

With the help of a professional therapist, speech often improves. Speech therapy can even help children to overcome speech deficiencies completely. At Better Speech you can get a free consultation to get your questions answered about the language development of your child and to address any possible speech disorders early on.

Speech & Language Disorders in Children:

Speech and language disorders in children are not uncommon. According to the National Institutes of Health, one in 12 children in the U.S. has had a speech, language, or swallowing disorder over the past 12 months.

Many parents that identify their children to be specially-abled often seek the assistance of special needs school singapore to help them with speech and language disorders.

If you’re a parent of a child with a speech disorder, you may feel helpless. Speech disorders in children can be frustrating for the whole family. But, there is help available.

How Can Speech Therapists Help Children with Speech & Language Disorders?

Research has shown that speech therapy is an effective treatment for speech disorders. It’s most helpful when continued for six months or longer.

Today, there are many treatment options for children with speech and language disorders. Often, school systems have speech therapists to work with their students.

Parents can also access online therapeutic resources, such as those offered by Global Teletherapy.

Also, most professional therapists accept health insurance plans to cover their services.

Here are some of the ways that speech therapists can help your child.


Stammering or stuttering is the most common fluency disorder. Children who suffer from stuttering may experience embarrassment due to their disorder. Others may even ridicule them because of their fluency issues.

Speech therapists can help children learn strategies to cope with their disorder. They can help your child deal with emotional consequences, and deal with unpleasant reactions from others.

They can also help your child learn how to control the flow of their words. This helps make their disorder less noticeable. Sometimes, it’s possible for therapists to help children overcome fluency disorders.

Voice Disorders:

When a child has a voice disorder, their speech may be difficult for others to comprehend. Often, the child will start mumbling after they begin speaking.

A speech therapist can help children learn to practice awareness of their speaking habits. They will help your child learn to complete sentences clearly. And, they can help make the connection between one’s thoughts and their spoken words.

Better yet, speech therapists know special activities to help children with special needs. They’re also aware of current learning trends for these children. And, they understand that it’s important to make learning fun for your child.


Many children have difficulty pronouncing words. Some even have issues with words that are familiar, or that they commonly use in conversation.

Articulation difficulties can lead to many social and emotional issues if not addressed.

Speech therapists can teach children strategies to discern and correctly pronounce sounds. This helps children gain confidence. It also helps them to feel comfortable speaking to others in social circumstances.

Want More Tips for Helping a Child with Special Needs?

Speech therapists can be life-changing in the lives of children with special needs. Like all children, those with special needs desire acceptance and understanding from others.

Want more tips for parenting a child with special needs?

Check out this post for more tips to help you support friends and family members with special needs!

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Baby Formula

Understanding The Carbohydrates In Baby Formula

It is a well-known fact that carbohydrates in baby formula are the main, easily digestible energy material for a baby's body. Then, when the child grows up, the role of the main sources of carbohydrates in his diet is played by fruits and berries, as well as juices, milk, honey, sugar, cookies, candy, and various jams.  But we must not forget that an excessive intake of carbohydrates eventually leads to a metabolic disorder, obesity, and reduced resistance of the body to various infections. How Many Carbohydrates Are Present In Baby Formulas? This may not be news to some, but it is the composition and amount of carbohydrates that determine the child's tolerance to baby formula.  Lactose The main type of carbohydrate in the baby formula is lactose.  For example, in Holle Formula, there are 61.4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of finished formula, of which 44.7 g is lactose.  Milk sugar is not only a source of energy for a baby but also an ideal medium for the cultivation of bifidobacteria that promote immunity. But the principle of "the more, the better" does not work here.  If there are not enough enzymes to digest, lactose in the intestines can begin fermentation. If the baby had an acute respiratory infection, intestinal infections, or stool disorders might even develop dysbacteriosis.  To avoid this happening, the amount of carbohydrates in the milk mixture is chosen very carefully. And sometimes, paediatricians even recommend the use of fermented milk formula containing bifidobacteria, which aid in the absorption of milk sugars. How Is Lactose Increasing Carbohydrates Amounts In Baby Formula? Quantitative adaptation of lactose involves increasing the number of carbohydrates in the baby formula so that its composition is as close to that of breast milk as possible.  More important is the question of the type of carbohydrate attached. A number of aspects are taken into consideration: osmolarity, sweetness, bifidogenic, and the ability to form acid in the mouth.  Is lactose Best For Infants? For healthy infants, the best carbohydrate is lactose. But for a number of medical and technological reasons, other types of carbohydrates are used.  The first generations of adapted formulas used sucrose and dextrin-maltose or dextrin-maltose together with starch (oat flour, rice flour, buckwheat flour) to correct the carbohydrate component.  The modern adapted baby formula uses primarily lactose, which children usually tolerate well. But there is an opinion that in some cases, babies may have intestinal colic. Which One Is Better Dextrin-Maltose Or Lactose In Baby Formula? The advantage of dextrin-maltose over lactose, and main sucrose, is its low osmolarity in solution.  It is this feature of dextrin-maltose that is taken into account when developing formulas for premature and low birth weight infants since they have a significant risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis when fed the baby formula with high osmolarity. The greater the energy expenditure of the body (we are talking about fidgety babies), the more "fuel" it needs. "Fuel" for the body is primarily carbohydrates, then fats, and to a much lesser extent - proteins. A healthy diet means a balance of all components. So, to replenish the energy requirements of the baby. Great importance is carbohydrates. It is, they provide energy for muscular work. The more children move, the greater their need for carbohydrates. They should be in the diet of children 4-5 times more than proteins or fats - this is the norm. Simple Vs. Complex Carbohydrates In Baby Formula Carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are called sugars and are found in fruits, berries, and some vegetables as glucose (grape sugar), sucrose (beet sugar and cane sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), and malt sugar, as well as in milk and dairy products. Water-insoluble complex sugar enters as starch in cereals and potatoes. It is a complex carbohydrate. But sugars are rapidly soluble in water and therefore quickly absorbed into the blood and well absorbed by the body. Starch must first be broken down into simpler compounds. It enters the blood gradually. Therefore, it is advisable to replenish the main mass of carbohydrates with foods containing starch, and only a quarter or a fifth in the form of regular sugar, confectionery, and as part of the fruit. And you should never forget that an excess of carbohydrates is highly undesirable. Read Also: How to Get Your Baby Started on Solid Foods Is Artificial Sugar Are Adding In Baby Formulas? All children love sweets, but abuse of sweets can cause considerable harm: children quickly put on weight, reduced immunity, decreased muscle tone, the tissue becomes loose, the skin becomes pale. These children become lethargic. They begin to fall ill often and severely, with complications. The growing child receives carbohydrates also from cereals. Add them to different oatmeal, soups, side dishes, puddings, casseroles, and other dishes! A child should eat 40-45g of varying baby formula and cereals in a day.  These also include beans and peas. Be sure to add them to soups and salads! Bread has always been, is, and will be the head of everything! Of the required 150-170 grams per day for a child, 1/3 should be rye bread. How Many Sweets Are Good For Babies? Sugar intake is a separate topic! All children love them very much, but you have to remember that after sugar (40-50 grams per day) or all confectionery (20-40 grams per day) the most useful for your child is honey!  Only 5-10 g on baby formula day, but for the whole week, if you can! In second place - jam, jam, marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade. Candy is out of the question! Except sometimes on holidays, as an exception! Conclusion: Today, on the shelves of stores, there is a baby formula large arsenal of a variety of mixes of numerous companies with worldwide experience, which allows you to choose the appropriate for individual needs of the child. But parents, in turn, are sure to teach and monitor their composition. And always remember that a balanced diet guarantees good health for the baby. Read Also: Different Ways Of Choosing The Best Baby Rocker For Your Child The Benefits of Using Goat Milk Formula for Your Baby 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents


Kids Will Get These Benefits if They Learn Coding

Coding is not necessarily the first thing you think of when asked what your kids do at school. Coding involves programming language and writing lines of code. You associate these tasks with professionals who want to pursue a career in this industry. However, several educational institutions now introduce coding in the curriculum. It seems like the world has become more dependent on the internet these days, and knowledge of coding is an advantage. Whether kids ultimately become professional programmers or not, they will receive these benefits from learning to code. Creative thinking: Coding involves building computer games and animation movies. Kids not only learn coding language in the process, but they also explore ideas. They become creative. They learn how to tell stories and create characters. They don't limit themselves with rote learning but look at things from different perspectives. Problem-solving skills: Coding involves lots of problem-solving. During the process, children learn how to find the best method to solve a problem. The solutions may or may not work, but they can at least try. They also learn how to work hard until they accomplish their goals, and not give up because they find something too difficult to solve. Teamwork: Coding for kids does not only involve one person. The process requires several minds to think together. They need to communicate with other kids, discuss the best techniques and negotiate. These are skills you usually associate with adults, but it is not too early to introduce them to kids. Presentation skills: Kids don't only work on the code. They also need to present their output. They discuss what they did in the process. Along the way, they learn how to present themselves and feel confident when talking in public. Self-learning: It is not good to keep telling kids what to learn and how to learn. At some point, they need to have the freedom to discover things without assistance, or with minimal supervision. It is one of the benefits kids will receive if they try coding. They will receive the task, and it is up to them how they make the most of what they receive. Build friendships: Kids bond when they share the same interests. Those who love speaking and discussing will most likely hang out in the same place. Those who love math will work together on problems during the break. The same thing can happen with kids who enjoy coding. They will work together and even spend more time with each other outside the class. Boost self-confidence: You can't expect kids to excel in all areas of learning. Some of them might find it difficult to do well in school because they feel like they are not good at anything. With the addition of coding in the curriculum, they might finally find something they feel interested in doing, and it will make them feel confident. Given these benefits, you need to find a school that offers coding as part of the curriculum or enrol your child in a place to learn how to code. Read Also: Online Services To Help Student Can A School Be Legally Responsible For A Student’s Suicide? 5 Strategies For Parents To Help Kids With ADHD Perform Better At School

CBD for Kids

CBD for Kids

Since CBD is doing miracles for a lot of adults it is normal to ask about the possibility to use it for kids. People are not only using CBD products for themselves but also for their pets. The results and benefits are the same or very similar because both have the so-called endocannabinoid system. And when it comes to kids, parents want to know more about the benefits and possible side effects. Assuming that you know enough about CBD, we will not dive into details of explaining what CBD is again and again. Instead, we will dive right into the pros and cons of using CBD for kids. Are parents using CBD to help their kids? Yes. Parents around the world are using CBD products such as CBD oils to treat some conditions. Children may suffer from anxiety and hyperactivity and CBD can help against both. And not only that because other parents who have children with autism use it to reduce symptoms of autism. While there is some evidence about the effectiveness and benefits of CBD, more research is underway. That is because some parents are still unconvinced and uncomfortable giving it to their kids. As we mentioned above, the main factor that is pushing parents to try CBD on their children is the fact that CBD helped them well. These parents took the advantage to use it on a daily basis until it worked. Even though a cannabis plant's ingredient, CBD is legal and safe to use without a prescription in most countries. And the list of health issues it fights is long and getting longer after each scientific study. If we are to mention a few health conditions that some children face, then epilepsy, autism, and anxiety are what CBD is successful in fighting. Assuming that you are sure of using CBD oil, then we recommend you buy the best CBD oil out there. Are there any risks of using CBD for kids? Medical cannabis has a rich history of usage, for hundreds of years to be more informative. CBD oil as a derivative of that is still a bit new to the market. That means that this product hasn't been researched enough for use in children. It helps the adults, it helps the animals, and may also help the children. But when it comes to children more studies are needed to find more about its effects. We are saying that because if the child is taking other medications it is not safe to use other compounds without talking to the doctor first. The interaction between CBD and non-all-natural products may produce negative side effects. While CBD oil has shown to be quite successful for the treatment of seizures in kids, for other issues there is little evidence. In conclusion, it is obvious that more parents are using CBD oil for their kids. These parents are also recommending it to other parents stating that it is very beneficial. However, when it comes to you, we recommend that you think of it one more time and always talk to your child's pediatrician. This is a must if your child is taking other supplements. Read Also: The Top Benefits of CBD Oil For Dogs Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin? What is the best way to consume CBD? CBD capsules & softgels! CBD the Solution to Insomnia