Is Living in a Loft All It Is Cracked Up to Be?


10 August 2020

Home & Garden


There are one thing movies and TVs all agree on – lofts are cool. If there is a loft in a TV show or a movie, you can bet it will be chic and stylish, furnished in the latest fashion, exuding both the minimalism of the upper class and the industrial design of the hipster movement.

Generally speaking, a loft can also be the small attic apartment directly under the roof of the building, but we will keep to the first definition of the loft. We asked real estate pros from Neuman & Neuman to tell us what advantages and disadvantages you may expect if you opt to live in a loft.

1. High Ceilings

As mentioned before, we will focus on the apartments on the top floor which have a lot of free space in which you can adapt to your liking, usually including the attic. That means that the height of the ceilings will be considerably higher than in other apartments, even in that same building.

Naturally, what you do with all that extra vertical space is up to you, some people enjoy having a completely open plan and admire the height of the ceiling, whereas other construct landings and floors within the apartment, creating smaller separate units with or without physical walls.

2. A Lot of Natural Light

Being on the top floor of a building comes with some perks, and having access to a lot more natural light than others is one of them. In cases when a building or the loft itself is adapted from a different purpose into a living unit, ceiling windows may exist already, or you may install them to give yourself that coveted sunlight.

In other cases, ceiling windows may not be an option, due to the building itself, but with the vertical dimension of your home a lot bigger than a regular apartment, you may have a lot more room for regular wall windows which a door interior designer will know how to incorporate in your home’s design.

3. An Amazing View

Finally, living on the top floor of a building means that your view of the surroundings promises to be spectacular. If you are fortunate enough to have a terrace or a balcony – all the better. If not, I’m sure that the view from your many large windows is just as spectacular as ever.

The view factor is particularly appealing in revitalized buildings in the city centers, like in San Diego’s Little Italy district, or Brooklyn in New York – which makes the prices of these loft properties go up in recent times, especially since they’re becoming more popular with the younger population.

4. Disadvantages of Lofts

Even though lofts look amazing and have a lot of advantages, there are some drawbacks as well. One of the biggest potential problems is that lofts tend to be, at least partly, repurposed old buildings. That means that they were not built for living and that the insulation is not great. And having so many large windows isn’t exactly helping, either.

This can potentially increase your heating and air conditioning bills. However, if you spend some money on adaptation and adding insulation, you can increase your home’s energy efficiency considerably.

Another problem may be the echo and the noise, especially if you opt for a completely open plan. The cavernous nature of lofts means that the sound will reverberate and there’s not much you can do about it. Having drapes and cushioned furniture may reduce this problem, but this is one thing you will have to learn to live with if you go for buying or renting a loft.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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What These People Did Wrong in Using Pesticides

Pesticides serve a very important purpose in our world, but they must be used safely and by people and organizations who know what they are, how to use them safely, and with care. The Pest Company and other businesses have the expert knowledge to use pesticides how and for what they were intended without harming the environment or other people who might not have the same knowledge of these chemicals. Novice users of pesticides often make serious mistakes when applying and using pesticides in general, causing great harm. Here are a few of the worst cases of people incorrectly using pesticides. What These People Did Wrong in Using Pesticides: 1. Spray System: How a person sets up a system for spraying pesticides can be the difference between them being effective and them unevenly protecting the areas they're supposed to protect. Careful setup of something like a crop sprayer is vital if the pesticides are going to do their job. Farmers and other people who use such systems need to carefully decide whether they are capable of doing the job themselves or whether they should call a company that can do it for them. 2. The Wrong Pest: Pesticides only work if you use the proper pesticide for the proper pest. The initial trouble is often determining what pest is interfering with your property. If you misidentify, you can completely fail to control the pests that might be destroying crops or other growing things. Make sure to identify the pest before heading to the store for a pesticide. Read more: DIY Ways To Control Pests In Your Garden 3. The Wrong Mix: Pesticides often have to be mixed, and if you get an improper quantity of mixture, things can become very ugly very quickly, damaging crops or even causing harm to the person who is doing the mixing. These are extremely powerful chemicals, and they can cause harm to the human body when you don't follow the directions for mixing them with other substances. The best way to get the write mixture is to ask a professional to do the job for you. This can save crops and other living things from destruction and even save a person from being injured. 4. When It's Too Late: There is a certain time when it's right to apply a pesticide. Sometimes people may wait until it's too late for the pesticide to do any good. Things like weeds can sometimes grow so much that a pesticide isn't going to do a lot of good at that stage, or you may need a stronger pesticide to cope with the problems. Professionals know exactly what stage of growth a particular crop is at and just when a certain pesticide will be useful or useless. 5. Misjudging The Environment: Temperature counts on certain pesticides, as well as other environmental conditions that you might not be aware of. There's nothing more frustrating than putting a lot of money toward a certain pesticide and finding out that it's ineffective because the rainfall was too great or the temperature in your area was too hot. Temperature and rain affect the effectiveness of pesticides, so it's important to read the labels and know exactly what conditions will make that specific pesticide useful. If you don't, you might waste a lot of time, money, and effort spraying a completely useless pesticide. 6. Dirty Spray Systems: When spray systems sit, they often become the victim of environmental residue, dirt, and other debris that can get in the tanks. This debris may even harm crops or other living things that you're trying to protect, so it's vital to make sure that you have a clean spray system before you start spraying your pesticides. Professionals are the people to call when you need your spray system cleaned spotlessly. People make these mistakes about pesticides every day. The majority of folks don't know a heck of a lot about pesticides, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's for this reason that pesticide companies are so useful to the world. They make sure that spray systems are clean, pesticides are used properly and on the right pests, and used safely so that no harm comes to the environment or the people who might be exposed to the pesticides. If you're not sure how to use pesticides, call a pro. Read Also: What You Should Expect From A Pest Control Visit 10 Pest Control Tips To Keep Pests Away This Summer 9 Signs You Have A Pest Infestation In Your House (And What To Do About It)

Ways to Make a Big Statement in Small Bedroom

5 Ways to Make a Big Statement in Small Bedroom

No matter how you want to redecorate your room, making a big statement in a small bedroom room is what you will find this post. And of course this article includes some ideas which can have an enormous effect and all the difference you would like to have in your bedroom by small changes. Despite the fact that it might appear to be anything but difficult to top off a little space with a negligible measure of furniture; yet, it is an fatiguing task for when one plans on putting forth a style expression. So, let’s see how it can be done. Idea # 1: A Nice Looking Bed Set Buying a nice bed set is never difficult and it’s so easy to change the look of your bed room with bright bed sheet, bed covers and pillows. It’s nothing like you need a big financial plan for it. Nice theme of a bed set can smoothly give your room an engaging look. You can try some hardwood bed set to make a statement in your room as well. Hardwood being utilized may turn out to be generally on an expensive side considering the two its sheer toughness and additionally high feel. However, it is justified regardless of each penny spent. Idea #2: Buy Some Gorgeous Looking Wallpaper A darker shade of wallpaper on one wall gives the room a bigger and better look. You can choose wall paper designs according to the overall theme of your room. You can use printed wall paper on one wall and keep the other walls plane. Idea #3: Have a Nice Bookshelf No room can turn out badly with a bookshelf joined inside. It isn't important to have a big book shelf in your room but including a small bookshelf inside will look great and noticeable. For rooms with a smaller size beautiful bookshelves can be fixed with traditional hardwood boards upon the divider. In a few cases, where the bed may comprise of a nice headboard, the book shelf can be made near the bed for best use of free space. Close by conventional sweet-smelling candles. Idea # 4: Get a Full Length or Big Sized Mirror Keep a full-sized mirror upon a whole divider or your preferred space. It is the most generally used secret and in addition the most seasoned trend to not just influencing the space to appear more outwardly engaging but also  influencing the space to seem bigger than it at first is. The impression of the room itself makes the ideal fantasy and also get intensifies, mirrors are best for adding more space to the premises of the little room. Idea #5: Lights/Chandeliers Lights, especially traditional chandeliers or side table lamps can change the look of your room. Lights help in making a comfortable atmosphere in your room. Mostly the essential lights may appear to be excessively cruel or too brilliant; some additional small lights like fairy lights, lamps or light chandeliers can really give your room a subtle look. Hanging up light fixtures of little to medium sizes upon the divider can help with better use of divider spaces. And additionally make a more traditional appeal in your room. It's not the size of your room you claim which matters. It is the manner by which you design it and also how you use free space in an imaginative way, which helps influence a room to appear sufficiently lavish. I hope you liked reading these bedroom decorating ideas. If you have some interesting tips to add, do let us know in comment section. Read More: Home Decor Is An Art Itself – Things To Know Mirror Decorating Ideas To Style Your Bathroom Top Expert Tips For A Stunning Condo Interior! 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden

Home Safe

Top 10 Effective Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

A burglary occurs every 18 seconds in the United States. These statistics are scary! Even safe neighborhoods experience crime from time to time, so you need to be prepared. The good news is that there are several ways you can go about making your home safe. Some may require that you purchase equipment while others may not. The more you can thwart a burglar's plans the safer your home will be. Here are ten tips that will help you to keep your home safe: 1. Change Your Locks: Did you just buy a new home? Don't be so excited to get the keys that you forget to change all the locks. No matter how wholesome the previous homeowners may seem, you never know who is unscrupulous and who isn't. You also never know who they may have given a key to in the past. It could have been a distant relative, a nanny, a house cleaner, or a handyman to name a few. The point is, you don't know if a shady character doesn't have a copy of the keys to your new home. The best thing to do is to hire a locksmith to change the locks. 2. Get An Alarm System: Sure, you may not want your home to feel like a high-security vault, but it is never a bad idea to be prepared for the worst. There are literally dozens of safety systems you can choose from. This makes it more likely that you will find something that is within your budget. There are also some security systems that you can install yourself. However, if you do get a high-tech security system the security company will have to install it for you. Once you have installed your security system put a security sign in your front yard or place security signs in your windows to deter criminals. If you think that an advanced security system is something you will not be able to afford, you can always go for robust roller shutters. Roller Shutter People are leading installers in Sydney that state that installing these on windows and doors can be a simple, yet time-tested and effective way to keep burglars out of your house and maintain safety. 3. Vacation Wisely: Criminals like to target homes when people go on vacation. Protect your home when you are away by setting timers on your television and your lights. These timers make it easy for you to have your lights and your television on at specific times. When criminals think someone is home, they are deterred from committing crimes. 4. Get Smart: These days you can monitor your home from anywhere using smart security cameras. Some of these cameras are so tiny the average person might miss them, and you can control them from your smartphone or tablet. Smart lights should also be a major part of your security plan because you can turn them on or off whether you are just down the road or in another country. 5. Exercise Mail Control To Keep Your Home Safe: If you are going to be away for a while, then it is usually a good idea to get a friend or neighbor to take your mail and any delivered packages off your front porch at least once per day. If your front porch or doorway is flooded with mail it is a dead giveaway to criminals that no one is home. You can also go to your local post office in Gainesville FL and explain that you will be away for a period of time and ask them to hold all your mail. 6. Rethink Your Landscape : Did you know that the landscape edging of your home can either deter or attract criminals? Overgrown bushes and untrimmed hedges can provide places for thieves to hide so that neighbors and passersby cannot spot them. Trim bushes and hedges to at least three feet in height. Plant thorny bushes near your windows with gravel nearby, so that it is easier to hear footsteps. The more you can make it difficult for criminals to gain entry the more secure your home will be. 7. Motion Detector Lighting: Motion detector lighting shines the spotlight brightly on anyone who may try to get onto your premises. As soon as an intruder moves so does the light. You should install motion detector lights at the back and the front of your home, for added protection you can add them to the sides as well. One of the many benefits of this kind of lighting is that it saves on energy since it is only activated when it detects motion. 8. Get A Video Doorbell: You can get a video doorbell to keep your home secure. A video doorbell will let you see who is at your door before you open it. Astonishingly enough many thieves ring your doorbell to get a feel for who is home or not before attempting a burglary. A doorbell camera will give you the upper hand should a thief decide to rob you. Installing Rodann door chimes is also another security feature you can use. The chimes will alert you when anyone is within a certain distance from your door. 9. Get A Dog: With all the high-tech security systems mentioned so far, getting a dog may seem like a low tech way to safeguard your home from intruders. However, if you can get a dog then do so, since burglars tend to avoid homes with dogs. When a thief wants to rob a home, they want to be in and out as quickly as possible and a barking dog attracts too much attention and is an unnecessary complication. 10. Watch What You Post On Social Media: Social media has become a place where you can share the daily happenings of your life with family, friends, and neighbors. However, if you go on vacation or are away for a weekend it is not a good idea to announce your absence from home on social media. This is especially true if you don't know everyone in your network. Announcing you are away and posting pictures of your getaway is an announcement for anyone with bad intentions that you will be far away should they decide to break into your home. Final Thoughts Keeping your home safe is essential for your peace of mind. If you are vigilant about finding ways to protect your home, you are likely to succeed in keeping criminals out. Keeping thieves at bay is often a matter of combining common sense with technology. If you would like more lifestyle tips please visit our website. You are sure to find helpful tips for making your life better. Read Also : 5 Tips To Safeguard Your Home From Intruders 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster Relax In Style In The Comfort Of Your Homes