Love Who You Are: How to Prevent Eating Disorders

Published on: 05 March 2019 Last Updated on: 16 November 2019
how to prevent eating disorders

Sixty-two minutes – that’s how often a person dies from an eating disorder. That’s almost one person per hour.

There are many resources discussing how to treat these conditions, but discussing how to prevent eating disorders is just as important. Not only to prevent them from occurring the first time but to prevent relapse.

Around the world, millions of people suffer from some type of eating disorder. Although the numbers are alarming, it also means they don’t have to suffer alone.

If you’re seeking help for yourself of a loved one, read more about how to prevent eating disorders below.

What Is an Eating Disorder:

Eating Disorder

Before you can recognize the signs of an eating disorder, or eating disorder relapse, it’s necessary to understand the disease.

This condition is a mental disorder that affects eating habits, but it can take a variety of methods. The well-known ones include binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa. However, there is also pica, rumination disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, and other specific conditions.

It can be difficult talking to parents about eating disorders, or anyone in your support group because the disease is so complex.

How to Prevent Eating Disorders:

As a mental disorder, it takes a large amount of mental power to recognize the signs of an eating disorder. Maintaining awareness of your mental health is crucial to the task.

Social Media Control:

Social media

Bringing people together is one of the benefits of social media. However, persuasive language and depictions of what is beautiful can harm our mental health.

One way to prevent eating disorders is to control your social media consumption. Weed through your social media accounts and eliminate anything that triggers eating disorder symptoms. You can replace these negative influences with positive ones like cute and funny animal accounts or inspirational content.

Recognizing Size Discrimination:

Unfortunately, size discrimination exists and is a huge part of the prevalence of eating disorders. To take control of your condition, learn to recognize this harmful influence and work to fight it.

It can feel empowering to fight against weight-based jokes, be inclusive of all sizes in your environment, and disconnect the association between weight and wellness.

Practicing Body Positivity:

Cultivating body positivity is a lifelong practice for many people – even those without eating disorders. It often involves controlling your negative thoughts about yourself and replacing them with healthy mantras.

Make a list of your best attributes and post them where you can see it regularly. Instead of focusing on how your body looks, focus on what it can do. Your body is an amazing work of science and evolution that deserves respect.

Health Advice and More:

Recognizing the problem is the hardest step to healing. The next step, reaching out for help, can feel just as hard.

Making it to this article means that you’re halfway there. Don’t forget to take it easy on yourself and celebrate your accomplishments along your journey learning how to prevent eating disorders. There is no achievement too small to praise.

For more health and lifestyle advice, make sure to stop by our page.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Ingest Okra

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Ingest Okra

Abelmoschus esculentus ,  Okra Hibiscus esculentus or Abelmoschus esculentus, is a vegetable that is widely used acrss the globe. Many people like its ‘slimy’ texture, however it is loaded with many health benefits that will definitely force you considering including it into your daily diet. Originated in Egypt, Okra is been produced since 12th century and consumed in various different manners, like fermented, stewed and even fried. It is typically served with rice, soups and other with vegetable. Various Health Benefits of Okra According to research published in Jilin Medical Journal in 2005, Okra proved to have positive effects on kidney or nephropathy diseases. To perform this study, participants were divided into 2 different groups, one of which was treated with okra and others with traditional medical therapy. For 6 months, no significant improvements were seen in the medical therapy subjects, however, participants with Okra intake experienced a significant reduction in urine protein and uric acid. Another study done on Okra capabilities to cure liver diseases published in Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal proved that Okra can protect against chemically induced liver problems. Okra was found to be having hepaprotective and potent antioxidant properties as compared to silymarin and milk thistle. In the Journal of Pharmacy And Bioallied Sciences, a study was published that stated that extracts of okra can help protect from diabetes. They took rats with the diabetes disease and found blood reduction in sugar levels as well as normalized lipid profile levels when rats were given okra. Also found in Vitro and Vivo studies that okra is great blood glucose-lowering food and it contains fiber in great quantity. Okra is also good to fight against cancer and proven to have effective action against breast cancers cells, however, this is only proven in preliminary lab studies. Many experts discovered that lectin (just discovered type of protein which is capable to bind to cell membranes) in Okra, really induces cell destructions in breast cancer cells. Research has also shown okra to possess the ability to fight depression. Although some fruits and vegetables have been shown to have various effects on mood, and the ability to elevate one’s mood (flavonoids and quercetin), Okra had not made the list until recently, when researchers from Mazandaran University of Medical Science decided to examine its effect on mood. Their results showed that okra seed extracts acted as a strong agent for elevating mood, in some cases performing just as well as common antidepressants. It seems that okra’s positive mood effects can be attributed to its high total phenol and flavonoid content. Okra like many other vegetables and fruits is also proven to be able to fight against depression. However, Okra is just recently proved to have such abilities against depression. Researchers from Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences planned to examine the effects of okra on mood. The results proved that extracts of okra seeds are a potent agent for mood elevation and in few cases, it works as good as antidepressants. When I come across scientifically validated information that sheds light on the knowledge of our ancestors and ancients, I am never surprised. This is commonly seen with quantum physics, astronomy, health, and spirituality, where our modern-day measurements of ‘truth’ correlate with teachings of our ancient world. It’s good to see science shed light on the healing properties found within nature, as it’s a branch of knowledge we have neglected for many years now. Chemical-based health and our reliance on pharmaceutical-grade medicine have completely taken over, which is perhaps one reason why chronic illness and disease are on the rise. “Let food by thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Read More: Healthy Protein Alternatives For Grandpa And Grandma Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair

Cocaine Addiction

What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction and Can It Be Treated?

Cocaine Addiction is a highly potent substance that has been glamorized for decades as being a party drug, mainly because it makes users feel “larger than life” in social situations. Being the center of attention or enjoying popularity may seem like an attractive incentive for taking cocaine but the risks are significant and can include death. According to a study of cocaine rehabilitation centers, the substance is one of the most common people are treated for in America today. Cocaine is so addictive because it is fast-acting, creating euphoric sensations in the brain. Users are often so impressed by the effects of taking cocaine for the first time that they can quickly become dependent on the substance to give them an extra energy boost at work or extra confidence in social situations. Because the high cocaine creates lasts only around thirty minutes, users find themselves reaching for more. Often alcohol is involved in the mix, which can actually combine with cocaine to produce toxins in the body that are extremely dangerous. Another reason cocaine is highly addictive is because the intense "down" users feel when the drug wears off. The crashing depression some feel can be so intense as to "force" them to use again to buoy themselves up again. The extreme mood swings cocaine produces through its influence on the brain's neurotransmitters can cause significant psychological damage, making cocaine addiction particularly complex to treat. Symptoms of Addiction to Cocaine: It is more common to notice a change in behavior in a person abusing cocaine than it is to see physical signs. When someone is in a pattern of abusing cocaine despite the harm it is doing in their lives, it is a clear sign they no longer have control over when they use. The following are some typical signs of addiction to cocaine: The person uses more cocaine than they planned to They drop out of family or work commitments in favor of using Intense feelings of guilt emerge after using the substance Financial difficulties result from continued cocaine use A developing preoccupation with buying and using cocaine Depression, anxiety, and paranoia Lying about how much or often cocaine is used when confronted Sluggishness and extreme aggression when not using How Is Cocaine Addiction Treated? There are several different approaches to treating cocaine addiction including those with holistic components that work in combination with intensive counseling. Unlike other substances, cocaine addicts don’t necessarily have to go through detox although they are recommended to be supervised through withdrawal when they decide to quit. Just as cocaine is fast-acting, its influence is quick to leave the body and the bulk of the damage done is likely to be more emotional and psychological than physical. That said, prolonged use of cocaine can lead to serious health conditions and potentially death depending on how the drug is taken. A major danger of cocaine is that it is manufactured in illegal labs that are unlikely to be sterile and then cut with other substances to boost the dealer’s profit margin. This means it is possible to have a potentially fatal reaction to taking cocaine. There are almost one million Americans abusing cocaine at the current time. Nevertheless, treatment for all types of cocaine addiction has been shown to be highly effective in restoring balance in a person’s life, particularly when a holistic recovery path is chosen. Residential Cocaine Rehab Is Recommended: With a drug as powerfully addictive as cocaine, it is always recommended people seek specialist rehab and aftercare drug treatment, especially if they have developed serious problems. When people start using cocaine, they often find themselves moving in different circles and going to different places where drug use is considered the norm. This can lead to people being enabled to continue abusing cocaine because they lose their sense of perspective about what is normal and what is not when in drug-taking environments. Peer pressure also comes into play as others encourage cocaine use by indulging in it themselves. The fact is that users can never be sure they are buying cocaine that hasn’t been mixed with detergent, talcum powder, baking soda; or worse. Every time an individual uses cocaine they are throwing the dice on their future and every year, more and more people run out of luck. Cocaine rehabilitation centers take people out of their home environments so that they are able to immerse themselves in their healing. Although it may not be practical for everyone to dedicate three months of their time to get better, the rewards of being rehabilitated from a crippling cocaine addiction are infinite. Cocaine rehabilitation centers are considered preferable for cocaine users not only because it provides a drug-free environment where they won’t be enabled to use by others but also because aftercare is often provided as extra support for the rest of their lives in recovery. How Holistic Therapies Are Effective in Treating Cocaine Addiction: Cocaine has particularly damaging effects on a person’s state of mind because of the way it interrupts natural brain function and because holistic therapies focus on a person's overall well-being, they are effective in treating this type of substance abuse. The main challenge faced by individuals in cocaine rehab centers is addressing the root causes that caused them to form an addiction the substance in the first place. For example, the person seeking a confidence boost to make them a party animal may have self-esteem issues or an underlying mental illness. It is always important to assess each individual entering holistic cocaine rehabilitation centers to determine the most appropriate therapeutic approach to their treatment. Holistic therapies including meditation, yoga, massage therapy, experiential treatments, aromatherapy, nutritional awareness, and aftercare drug treatment have all been shown to be extremely effective in promoting long-term recovery. Essential coping mechanisms can also be learned in holistic cocaine rehab centers that provide recovering addicts with an arsenal of tools to maintain their sobriety. Read Also: Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips To Find The Best Rehabilitation Center 9 Signs You Have A Prescription Opiate Addiction

Sleep deprivation

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits

Sleep deprivation has an important effect on your skin health, heart health, brain and blood pressure level. Without 8 hours of solid sleep, your body and mind won’t be fit at all. Additionally, lacking sleep is a great cause of skin problem. Have you ever noticed, your skin looks tired after a sleepless night? Not only tired skin, but you also get paler skin trend, dark circles & redder and puffier eyes too. That’s why proper sleep is too important to all of us. So, we all need to know the causes of sleep deprivation so that we can have good sleeping habits to prevent this problem. Causes of Sleep Deprivation: You may have sleep deprivation for various reasons. Some of the main reasons are given below- Insomnia Voluntary Behavior Sleeping Habits Sleeping Environment Study or Work Commitments Sleep Apnea Psychiatric Issues Stimulant Medications Concurrent Medical Conditions Neurotransmitter Imbalances Anxiety Short-Term Illness Effects of Sleep Deprivation: As we said before, sleep deprivation has many effects on skin problem. Let’s have a short look at what it does for your skin.   1. Acceleration of Skin Aging: The main and most annoying thing is it accelerates the skin aging which makes you look aged. Poor sleeping slows down the cell repairing process and damaged cells can’t be repaired. As a result, you get an aged-looking skin.   2. Decreases Collagen Production: The body system runs the collagen function in the body while sleeping. And the collagen keeps the skin health softer and younger-looking. If you have lack of sleeping, the function gets damage and your skin starts losing the softness and youth.   3. Impairs Skin Barrier Function: Without enough sleep (at least 6-8 hours), the skin barrier system of the body gets hurt and the skin cells become weaker. As a result, the skin tone starts fading away. Sleep deprivation affects other natural body functions too.   4. Increases of Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes Appearance: If you don’t have proper sleep at night, it seems to be an appearance of puffy eye spots and dark circle on the skin. So, to get rid of this, good sleep is the must. Good Sleeping Habits: So, you know the importance of proper sleep. You need to sleep well for your healthy skin. Are you ready? Here, we have included some tips for good sleep. Hope, they will help you out. Let’s try…   1. Put Electronic Devices Away: In this modern era, we all use smart-phone or tablet. But you know what, the blue ray of the electronic device screen prevents the release of “Melatonin” hormone. Melatonin tells your brain that it’s time to sleep. But if you use electronic devices for a long time before bedtime, you won’t get sleep easily. So, turn off the devices before a couple of hours before going to bed.   2. No More Alcohol: If you take alcohol and have poor sleep, then we would like to recommend you to reduce alcohol intake. Alcohol decreases the Melatonin release you get sleep problem. So, if you want to take any liquid food to relax at night, we suggest you take a cup of chamomile tea instead.   3. Manage Your Stress: Sleep goes out first when you are in a stressed mood. So, always try to control it. For better result, you may spend some time outdoors or meditate.   4. Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise is a great way to keep the mind and body fresh. And with fresh body and mind, sleep problem won’t touch you at all. So, it’s a great idea to exercise regularly. Read More : 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness. Why is sleeping well so important for job performance?