Lubricating Gas Turbines is Key to Performance

Published on: 13 September 2018 Last Updated on: 25 March 2020
Gas Turbines

Modern gas turbines are made to put out more power and operate with better efficiency than previous generations. Many major manufacturers of turbines, like GE and Siemens, have reached an efficiency of around 65%. Making sure gas turbines are running at that high level of efficiency is not an easy task, and it takes a lot of maintenance. Taking a top tier approach is necessary for this process, especially since equipment operates at a much higher temperature than before and but far more stress on the turbine, which will ultimately lead to performance issues.

One of the biggest factors in the long-term performance of gas turbines is the lubrication it receives. Without proper lubrication, the bearing life will be greatly reduced, there will be a lot of downtimes for repairs, and the life of the unit can be greatly reduced. All recommended lubrication schedules should be followed, as well as regular inspection and maintenance. As companies like SPI Borescopes, makers of articulating borescopes, have pointed out in the past — there are many avoidable issues when proper inspection and lubrication takes place on a gas turbines.

Promoting Lubrication:

Here are the steps you need to follow to make sure a gas turbine gets the proper lubrication:

Keeping the oil clean:

the oil clean

Clean turbine oil is essential for maintaining the equipment and the life of the lubricant. Contamination from particulates is extremely destructive and will seriously shorten the lifespan of bearings, gears, and cause system foaming that will impact the servo-valve operation. Sources of contamination come from several places and can build up even if the oil is clean. This is another key reason operators should regularly inspect the filtration system to identify any issues.

Make sure the oil stays dry:

the oil stays dry

Water is extremely destructive to the oil’s ability to properly lubricate the components. Damaging contamination from the water will reduce the life of the turbine bearings and can cause sub-surface micro-cracking. This is something that happens over time where free radicals break off from water molecules as they pass through rollers and raceways — this leads to pitting and breaking. Centrifugal purification is the most common method of water removal, but operators sometimes use vacuum dehydration or coalescing filters, if the water concentration is low.

Maintain proper ventilation:

Maintain proper ventilation

Obviously, oil and water don’t mix, so proper ventilation of the lubricating system will prevent condensation and help to dry water to minimize the harmful effects.

Prevent leakage when possible:

Leaking oil is wasteful and will slow productivity while the gas turbines are down for maintenance to constantly fill it back up with oil. In addition, leakage is a huge source of contamination at the seals, supply lines, cooler tube joints, and the valve connections. Too much oil pressure can lead to leaks, as well as worn seals.

Keep an eye on performance:

The quickest way to identify a problem is by ‘listening’ to what the machine is trying to tell you. Most of the time, poor lubrication that causes damages is not a problem that happens overnight. Even the slightest drop in performance should be identified as being problematic, and should not be ignored. If you not even the slightest drop in performance, you can have the company a lot of downtime and costly repairs.

Put together proper logs:

You need to log the temperatures of things like oil and water coolers and oil at different parts of the systems. A rise in temperature of oil and oil system components could indicate excessive frictions, signaling to low oil pressure, contaminates, or low oil levels. Alternatively, keeping operating records is also a vital part of identifying changes that signal to issues. Operators should note turbine and purification running times, the condition of the oil when the oil was serviced when the filter was changed, and anytime there was a replacement, repair, or rebuilding of any and all parts.

Lubrication Maintenance is a Small but Mighty Task:

Maintaining a proper lubrication system and taking action at the first sign of trouble might not seem as impactful as it is, but it’s a key business driver to companies that rely on gas turbines. This is a first-line opportunity to take preventative action and make sure your equipment is operating at world-class standards.

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Fixer-Upper Improvement Ideas

Top Fixer-Upper Improvement Ideas That Make A Huge Impact

Real estate investors understand that fixer-upper properties carry huge potential. Yes, they may look bad initially, but their property value will steadily increase with the right improvements and renovations. Buyers know this and take advantage by acquiring such properties for less and investing enough in the renovations to increase the value.  Renovating a fixer-upper is a huge financial endeavor. It’s labor-intensive, and it might take some time before things look good as envisioned. Homeowners who want to improve their fixer-uppers must work with a reputable and experienced contractor to address issues that may crop up during the project. They must also look for a good skip-hire company to help eliminate the waste produced by the project. If you’re looking for such a company, you can check out to determine how they can assist you. They can provide adequate-sized skips at reasonable rates, so you wouldn’t have to worry about waste disposal.  Checkout Top Six Fixer-Upper Improvement Ideas That Make A Huge Impact Here are some home improvement ideas that can make a huge impact. 1. Replace the front door If your front door isn't stable and the door frame isn't secure enough, it's time to replace them. A good front door will help you save energy costs and improve security and kerb appeal. You can also repaint the door with a suitable colored paint that will reflect your personality.  2. Paint the exterior Chipped, peeling, or faded exterior paint doesn’t look good and will greatly affect the property value. Potential buyers look into such details and will be discerning when it comes to that. It will be best to paint the exterior walls with good weather-proof paint to ensure durability and better kerb appeal. It will take a bit of change to finish the job, but it will be worth it.  3. Light up the property One of the best ways to improve a fixer-upper is to ensure that it has adequate lighting fixtures inside and outside the house. For example, you can use strings of LED lights or strips for the front and back yard. You can also use solar-powered lamps to illuminate pathways. Inside the house, make sure that you have enough lighting fixtures in every room to guarantee safety. 4. Repaint the cabinets If your budget doesn't accommodate new cabinetry, you can repaint the existing ones with a color scheme that would make them pop. It will help improve the design cohesion and will also define the area. Bright-colored paint will brighten up the space and energize people.  5. Install a backsplash  Backsplashes may be a minor installation, but they can help make the kitchen area look better. When cooking, these backsplashes will also protect the walls from messy and greasy splashes. Install ones that complement the countertops or tiles for design unity.  6. Install better windows Another way to improve property valuation is to install more secure windows. Typically windows in fixer-uppers have rotted frames and aren't properly secured from theft, so it would be better if you had a professional window installer replace them with newer ones. Endnotes If you buy a fixer-upper house, you will spend some money getting them into shape. You might spend a lot, but the results will be worth it in the long run.  Read Also: Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans Important Things to Know Before Starting a Home Improvement Project Home Sweet Home Improvement: How to Find the Best Home Improvement Loans

Tiny Homes

5 Things You Should Know About Heating and Cooling Tiny Homes

Tiny homes are small-scale houses meant for simple living with a smaller carbon footprint. Tiny houses have special considerations because of limited space, especially concerning heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Here are some critical points for heating and cooling of a tiny home. Different Ways Your Tiny Homes Can Help You In Heating & Cooling    Make use of the tiny homes that can help you to achieve your heating and cooling in the correct order. Try to make use of the best Tiny homes that can help you in that.   How Much Heating and Cooling Is Needed? Heating a home of any size requires knowledge of heating systems. British Thermal Units (BTU) measures the energy it takes to raise the temperature of a pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit. It is used for heating and cooling, so calculate the BTUs of the home, and move on to heating and cooling options. Online calculators provide the BTU for your space, allowing you to make the best and most energy-efficient choice. Off the Grid or On? Another consideration for a tiny-home living is energy. Is the home tied to local utilities, or is it off the grid with its source of energy coming through solar or wind power? It's important to look at the needs and the amount of energy available in the house before looking at heating and cooling units. Heating Options Half splints are a solid choice for homes tied to the grid. These units provide both heating and cooling options and mount outside the home with professional installation. Consider the climate as these units struggle when temperatures drop under minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit. You don't want to service your unit in the dead of winter. Radiant floor mats are another option that saves space, warming the floor throughout the home. Electrical floor heaters are an affordable solution, allowing you to move the unit wherever it is needed. Homes off the grid may also use basic heating like wood stoves and propane heaters. Cooling Options Cooling options also include mini splints. These convenient HVAC units blend seamlessly into the home interior but do require professional installation. Roof-mounted AC units, like the ones seen on RVs, are another option. So long as the roof is flat, this option even allows minimal ductwork throughout the home. Packaged terminal air conditioners are those seen in hotel rooms, usually under the windows. This option is both more expensive and takes up prime real estate in a small home. Window AC units are budget-friendly and don't require professional installation. Depending on the heat extremes of the area, floor and desk fans are relatively inexpensive and adaptable. Ceiling fans are another choice, depending on the layout of the home, especially the height of the ceiling. Logistics for Temperature Management Weather extremes dictate the needs and options for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) of the home. A home in the Pacific Northwest can get away with a few desk fans during the summer, while in the desert of the Southwest, a house needs more powerful cooling. Owners of small homes usually look for highly efficient units to cool and heat the home with the least amount of energy necessary. Tiny homes allow minimal living, paring everything down to the bare essentials. Small-home living does not mean discomfort, as heating and cooling units create the perfect living space. Once you know the BTUs of the home, the climate of the area, and your utility considerations, deciding on which unit meets your needs is relatively simple. Read Also: 5 Features That Any Heating Service Should Have! Interiors To Reduce The Heat Build-Up In Your Homes 7 Specifications You Should Look For When Buying A Home Generator Don’t Get Caught In A Heatwave: 5 Signs That Your AC Is About To Go Out

Mold Growth At Home

Mold Growth At Home: What You Should Know And What You Can Do

Molds are common problems in many homes. They can cause more than just unpleasant smells, though. These notorious fungi can also expose you to several health risks and damage your home's structure. Although their effects may not be noticeable at first, molds will eventually make their presence felt. By this time, however, the damage they have wrought could already be irreversible. What Is Mold?   Molds belong to the fungi family. They can be found in both your home and out in the natural environment. Outside, molds play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down animal and plant matter. Molds inside your home, however, are a different story. These can cause serious health problems. This is especially true for people with vulnerable conditions like asthma. Where Do Molds Grow? Certain areas of your home are more susceptible to mold growth than others. The following should be included on your mold watch list: 1. Bathroom   According to, molds love the bathroom because the place is always damp, and many don't have adequate ventilation. Bathrooms practically have everything that mold spores need to grow and multiply. 2. Kitchen   Molds can attach themselves to kitchen surfaces such as countertops and sinks. Dishes that aren't washed properly are also good breeding grounds for molds. In the refrigerator, expired food items can likewise attract mold, so regularly check your fridge for any food that should already be thrown away. 3. Ceiling   Molds can grow anywhere in your home, and the ceiling is hardly an exemption. Mold growth in the ceiling, however, can be somewhat hard to determine, although if this has an earthy odor, it's a good sign that the fungus is present. What to Do With Molds at Home If you notice signs of early mold growth in your home, it's best to contact a mold removal specialist. Other than that, you can do the following:  1. Check for Leaks   Mold growth is primarily driven by moisture. Given this, you should inspect your home for water leaks from time to time. If you find one, it is important that you have it fixed immediately. This should stop molds from growing and cut down on your water bills at the same time. 2. Reduce Home Humidity   Mold growth is also affected by excess humidity in your home. To reduce this, you can open the windows, use a dehumidifier, turn on your exhaust fans, and hang the laundry outside. Additionally, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that your home's humidity levels should be set between 30% and 50% but should not go over 60%. 3. Limit Condensation   When the air cools to its lowest point, it can produce moisture and promote the growth of molds. You can prevent this by reducing the number of times that condensation takes place. To do this, you can open a window whenever you cook. It will increase the rate of airflow and also create better ventilation. 4. Maintain a Dry Bathroom   Molds thrive in moist areas like the bathroom. Work on keeping this part of your home dry and clean to ensure molds don't flourish here. The Role of Mold Damage Repair Experts At first, glance, removing molds from your home seems like a relatively easy job. This is not exactly correct because there's a proper way of getting rid of these fungi. It's best to let the professionals handle the job for the following reasons:  1. Mold Management Expertise   Mold damage experts have the knowledge and skills to determine the extent of fungi damage, the source, and the type of mold involved. For every mold type, a different approach is needed. 2. Proper Equipment   Dealing with molds requires proper handling, including using the correct tools. Mold experts have all these, along with the necessary protective gear and cleaning equipment. They will not only clean mold-infested surfaces but also remove mold spores from the air. 3. Effective Treatment   Mold remediation experts are completely trained to handle these fungi. They follow a thorough and rigorous process to ensure the problem doesn't get out of control. 4. Prevent Future Issues   Mold cleaning experts address the root cause of the problem to protect you and your property from the harmful effects of molds. This gives you the assurance that the same problem will not happen again. Key Takeaway   Molds are common household problems, but many are not aware that they have these fungi living inside their homes. The realization often comes only after serious damage or family members start to feel sick. If you believe you have molds at home but are unsure, there are several places you can check. Any home area rich in moisture is a potential mold breeding ground, with the kitchen and the bathroom being prime candidates. Contact companies that provide mold removal services if you find mold growth in these places. They are in the best position to resolve a nagging mold problem. Additionals: 5 Different Kinds Of Wood Used To Make FurnitureWhat You Need To Know Before Buying Grass CarpetsTop Useful Tips On How To Make Your Home Allergy-FreeMore Motivation, Less Distraction: How To Pack For Temporary Storage