5 Reasons to Use Magento for Your Next Ecommerce Website

Published on: 05 September 2018 Last Updated on: 17 June 2021

Magento is a hugely popular platform for creating online stores and e-commerce sites. There are many reasons for this popularity including being a fast scalable platform that is also responsive and mobile-friendly. While still being easy to optimize for SEO.

If you need help, there is a large community of developers constantly working on improving the platform. There are also helpful agencies like Bing Digital Magento Agency. Along with, a variety of extensions, plugins, and add-ons to completely customize your store and user experience.

5 Reasons to Use Magento for Your Next Ecommerce Website:

1. Flexible and Scalable With Multiple Store Management :

Magento has been created with an open modular architecture. It optimizes web pages for faster delivery and has accelerated server response times. It also has efficient backend operations and boosted database flexibility to handle traffic surges.

What this means is Magento can grow with your business. When you first build your store, you can start with one module hosting a small number of products.  As you add modules, you can grow your store into thousands of products. This allows unparalleled flexibility.

You can also manage multiple stores through one convenient administrative panel. If your store takes off, and you get a lot of traffic the speed improvements will help keep your site up and running.

2. SEO Friendly :

Site speed is an important SEO ranking factor. The improved performance of Magento will keep your site running fast and optimized for speed. This software is also helpful in optimizing page traffic, indexing, landing pages, and avoiding duplicate content issues.

There are also some great Magento SEO plugins available such as SEO Suite Ultimate which helps with things like meta-tags and rich snippets. And advanced SEO Suite which helps with canonical URLs and things like pagination and indexing.

3. Large Community of Developers

There is a large community of Magento developers. There are several very active Magento forums where people help each other and share ideas. Reddit also has a very active Magento community as do many programming websites.

There is no shortage of Facebook groups. If you use Magento, you can be sure that there is an active group of developers working on the platform and available to help you if you need to hire someone.

4. Marketing and Shopping Cart Options :

There are quite a few tools and plugins available to help with your marketing efforts. Whether you’re trying to create coupons, a multi-tier pricing system, or landing pages there is a Magento solution for you. There are also many shopping cart solutions that enable you to customize the purchasing process.

5. Mobile Friendly

The growth of mobile is outpacing desktop use. You want your online store to be mobile-friendly. Fortunately, it’s easy to create a responsive website with Magento. There are many tools that will help make your website mobile-friendly.

It’s also possible to have a mobile shopping platform that easily integrates into your existing web store. This platform is really an all-in-one solution for building e-commerce stores.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing Tool to Move from Local to Global Market

Influencer marketing is having a high card nowadays as people are indulging more into the Virtual World. As per a survey, there are more than 2.3 Billion active users online and on average active internet users have at least 5 Social Media accounts. So just imagine how much time people actually spend Online. And if the statistics are to be believed an average US citizen spends 1 hour and 18 minutes watching a video online on the Social Media Daily! And other statistics are like this, the Snapchat users watch over 6 Billion videos in a day and the figure on Facebook is around 8 Billion. It is enough stats for any marketer to understand that no matter what niche their Product falls in, their potential buyers are waiting for them online. So the question that remains is How and When to make the approach for the purchase? The best answer for a local brand who wishes to expand their business globally is Influencer Marketing. It is the fastest and most effective way to promote business amongst the Brand’s Global leads. But there are certain things and options that are to be kept in mind for a successful promotion of a brand via Influencer Marketing. Influencer marketing is an important activity of Digital marketing, and here are some statistics of who the most famous Influencers of Social Media were and how much they earned. Selena Gomez ($550,000 per post) Kendall Jenner ($300,000 per post) Kylie Jenner Rihanna Beyoncé Knowles Taylor Swift Selena Gomez tops the chart where each social media post can be worth around   $5,50,000. Isn’t that huge? But think of the business people who are paying her would be making from the marketing she does. That’s out of my mind at least. These were enough proof for how effective influencer marketing is, let’s see how a local brand can expand their business via Influencer marketing: There are three options for Influencer Marketing Approach a local brand can make to take the leap from Local to Global: 1. Work as per the Target area and make a progressive approach: This option is for those who don’t want to take a big risk and are a little less willing to spend much in Digital Marketing in the Initial level and then increase once they start getting returns on their investment. It is completely normal for any brand to think like that and for them, the approach towards Influencer can be like this, first make a target area where you want to expand your business. After that find a local Influencer of that area and approach with a mutual win-win situation for both. You make a proposal that they will develop a special scheme and Discounts only for their followers and in return, they do the marketing with a fair compensation paid of course. Once that is done and a brand starts getting a response, move out to other areas with the same strategy and spread the market. This is a long term approach but it has minimal risk and you ought to spend less. The best benefit is the brand won’t be dependent only on one Influencer and if they think the influencer of one specific region is not worth the investment, they can stop doing marketing for that area. So the only loss of business you suffer is from one area and others are still productive. 2. Difficult and Creative Approach to hit a nation or globe: This approach is unique and is totally based on how well you execute the strategy of marketing the approach. The thing is all a brand needs to do is come up with a cause that is sweeping the nation or the globe and start to think creatively in that area. Develop a challenge and form a campaign for the same, now hire a single influencer and ask them to pitch the challenge to other influencers and all you got to do is somehow link your brand with the challenge. This way the influencer will promote your challenge and then all you got to do is sit and enjoy the word spreading across the nation or across the world. The cherry on the cake could be if you are able to profit from the campaign. That can be done by making an announcement that if people who support the cause buy their product, the company will donate some part of the profit to the Government for the eradication or betterment of the cause. The best example is the Ice Bucket challenge, think of one viral challenge and you are done. 3. Third is traditional approach: This is the option where a brand does the traditional approach and contacts an influencer to do the marketing, but there are certain things that need to be taken care of in the campaign. Make sure the campaign is backed with a unique and relative hashtag and the influencer specifically pitches the brand, not just a few tags and messages. Nowadays in platforms, like Instagram people are not concerned about who the Influencer tags but, the effect will be prominent if the Influencer is seen with the product or the person associated with the brand and pitches the brand for sales purpose. Another thing that needs to be kept in mind is the approach to an Influencer is much different than that of a normal sales and promotion approach. Many influencers don't care about the money much but about fame and image more. Make sure to present with something that is beneficial for both the parties. And it is not the sole responsibility of the Influencer to do the marketing of the product. Brand marketers also must put in some efforts and share information on their own social media accounts both personal and professional. Make sure Influencer knows these efforts as it will give a positive boost to the campaign and Influencer’s moral. Read also: 9 Ways To Use Pinterest To Promote Your E-Commerce Store Thus, above were some statistics and options that are available for a brand to take a leap from Local to Global market with the help of Influencer Marketing. Read More: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing The New Wave: Conquer Gen Z With Effective Marketing 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram

Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategies to Help You Get Endorsements

Getting endorsers for your event is a great way to increase earnings, but event sponsorship provides you with more than just money. In your marketing strategies, you may sell your event to a wider audience and draw into your promoter's connections to attract event-goers you might otherwise overlook if you have the proper sponsors on board. The endorsement also provides a significant return on investment for event sponsors. Inform potential partners that this is a great opportunity to increase their exposure and generate new leads. By designing distinct sponsorship packages, you may even provide each sponsor one-of-a-kind opportunities. Continue reading to learn four marketing strategies for ensuring that your endorsers get the most out of your collaboration. 1. Sponsorships should be Highlighted in Advertising Material Sponsors should be acknowledged in all of your advertising material, both electronic and print. Contemplate including your donors in your event banner on Eventbrite or in social media graphics. Using a free and simple online editor, you can create a bespoke event banner with intriguing graphics, logos from your sponsorships, and event details. Let’s say your sponsors are flexible packaging manufacturers in the UK, you need to ensure that you include them in every advertising item of your event. Creating a good awareness for them will not only help them boost their sales through your readership but also offer you an opportunity to meet more sponsors through their referrals. Because your endorser's monetary contribution assists you in planning and executing your event, you should express your appreciation as the creator. Whenever you make your endorsers more visible, you're reaffirming the value of your collaboration, which aids in the development of a creator-sponsor connection that could go beyond your present event. So, as you make advertising banners for the event, be sure to include your sponsors in the advert. It’s a simple way to show gratitude. In addition, for your backdrop screen, you should also showcase your sponsors as well. 2. Use Digital Platforms to Cross-Promotion Marketing your endorsed event has never been simpler gratitude to social media and everyone benefits. Cross-promotion on media platforms helps you to promote both the event and the products or services of your endorsers at the same time. This could happen prior to, during, or even after your event. Spend some time talking with your sponsor about how you can create a meaningful and reciprocally beneficial social media campaign. To get your marketing strategies to be fruitful just right off the bat, make sure you're making the most of social media so you can stand out in a swarm of posts. To broaden the reach of your event, make sure your postings are posted on both your and your endorser's pages. Select a hashtag for the event that you and your endorsers can use across all of your social media platforms. To generate awareness, hold a tournament or give away a couple of tickets to the event in advance. 3. At the Event, Make a Point of Mentioning Your Endorsers Your event's sponsorship mustn't have to be a behind-the-scenes participant. You can also use their logo, products, and services to enhance your event. During their digital events, Sephora does an excellent job of presenting brand sponsors. Attendees may learn how to improve their skincare routine or create a glam beauty appearance by tuning in to Sephora's webinars, but they can also learn about items from the event's endorsers. Another way to promote sponsorship is to provide gift bags or sponsor items. If your endorsers have free samples to give away, put them in a goodie bag and give them out or mail them to attendees. Set up a booth at in-person events where attendees may get branded things from your endorsers. You might also think of virtual gifts, such as discount codes from endorsers. 4. Connect the Sponsorship with a Well-Known Name in the Industry Examine how you can connect sponsorships and highlighted speakers by holding an event featuring an expert or well-known figure in the field. If you involve your sponsors early in the planning process, they may be able to assist you in finding a high-quality presenter. They most likely already have connections with industry experts or influencers that can bring value to your event while also promoting your business. 5. Have an After Event Meeting With the Sponsors Now that you have had your event and it has succeeded as planned, you need to set up another meeting with your sponsors.  This meeting should be done in a week or so after the event(preferably) so that you can give a status report for your event. You also need to inform the sponsors how their products performed, in response to the free samples that were offered to the customers. Give them both the positive and the negative reviews so that they can improve on any areas of weaknesses. You can use a poll system to gather this information for them. 6. Give an After-Event Gratitude Vote Now, as implementing perfect marketing strategies, this is an important section of the whole endorsement. While it is well known to your sponsors that you are grateful, you need to post to your readership how the event was and thank your sponsors for their contribution. The Bottom Line Finally, ensuring that the rewards of being an endorser for an event are evident is the most essential part of maintaining endorsers happy. With the implementation of proper marketing strategies, you'll be much more capable of finding endorsers willing to work with you and more individuals interested in your next event if you do it this way. Best of luck! 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Business Marketing

Explore Some Interesting Marketing Trends for Your Business in 2018

How effective is your business marketing strategy? Have you been successful in staying abreast with the latest marketing trends? Have you been implementing effective strategies for measuring your success? If the answers to the above questions are no, do not lose heart. You are certainly not alone on this count. Several small businesses and SMEs do not even bother to find out if at all their business marketing tactics are working successfully. Here we would be examining some of the latest business marketing trends that are dominating the scenario today. You are advised to follow these strategies for gaining incredible business success. Tune Your Market Strategy : A small segment of business owners is aware when their market strategies are tanking. This could happen due to lack of planning, poor planning, haphazard attempts at success and no foresight. Successful digital marketers know that a large portion of their budget must go into content marketing on blogs, social media, and emails and so on. Good content must be created and promoted so that the business is noticed and can take off. Plan, Plan, Plan Less than 40% of businesses have effective content marketing strategies in place. Some fail due to poor quality content, others because they don't target their audience properly. A good marketer always tracks activity through each stage of the funnel and ensure that the strategy is fine-tuned when things go wrong. Tracking & Measuring : How to gain marketing success digitally for your SMEs could still seem to be a mystery for many of you. A huge percentage of small business entrepreneurs, as much as 46 percent to be precise, actually do not have any idea if the marketing strategies for their businesses are effectively working or not. Thanks to the present cutting-edge technologies, you are in a position to keep on tracking all your marketing returns, expenses, and debt.  For example, you could today find out exactly how much it would be costing your business for acquiring a new customer. You must consider all dollars diverted toward various areas of marketing including social media, website, blog writing, trade shows, direct mail, paid social, etc. you must consider factoring in all you have already spent on all these important marketing elements and then divide the amount by the number of new clients you acquire every month. Moreover, you must find out from exactly which marketing channel you are able to get new clients and more inquiries. It is imperative to consistently track ROI. Social Media Marketing Is Currently the Rage : As per a recent study, it has been predicted that 2018 is surely going to be the year of intense social media promotion and marketing. Among the SMEs, an impressive 71 percent is expected to gain new clients by using social media platforms effectively for marketing their brands.  This present marketing trend must be given a lot of importance and most entrepreneurs are appreciating and understanding the effectiveness of social media marketing. Social media is certainly one of the hottest business marketing trends. Facebook is obviously the prime choice for small businesses as 79% of entrepreneurs would be using Facebook in all their marketing endeavors. Will your business be benefitted if you incorporate the social media marketing plans into your business strategy? According to some Facebook exponents, Facebook success is all about going mobile.  If you wish to maximize the impact of Facebook in the marketing and promotion of your business, you must dedicate all your efforts at generating and delivering everything mobile-friendly. Virtual Reality Is Common : Virtual reality is gaining importance by the day and is, therefore, becoming a common marketing tool for both small and big brands. The actual challenge would be to utilize Virtual Reality or VR in such an effective way that it really makes sense for both your target audience and brand messaging in general. VR marketing actually is an emerging trend and now is the right time for exploring the options that are available to you and getting well ahead of the competition. More Dependence on Interactive Content : Several brands, particularly in the B2B sector are relying heavily on PDF content or blog content for generating leads as an integral part of content marketing tactics for their organizations. 2018 is going to be the year of interactive web experiences which ultimately help in boosting engagement. These experiences would be demonstrating amazing thought leadership content definitely in more impressive, visual, and animated ways. Pinterest : Pinterest is actually regarded as a niche social networking site. However, it is forecasted to be a huge success. The best way of grabbing marketing attention is by utilizing Pinterest Lens and its versatility and functionality for engaging effectively with consumers and showcasing your mind-blowing style, products, and services. Artificial Intelligence : Early exponents of AI or Artificial Intelligence have categorically realized the efficacy of AI in boosting user engagement. However, incorporating AI into any site’s chatbox such as the Facebook messenger could be creating more creativity and it also helps you to understand clearly the target market of the brand. Artificial intelligence would be addressing consumer needs and issues with perfection and the same degree of efficacy as a human agent. Remember it would be quite effective and helpful if the artificial intelligence experience absolutely delights your customers in basically lighthearted and fun ways. Conclusion : This year marketing trends have focused on honesty and authenticity. The latest marketing trend is to focus on stark reality or brutal honesty and this marketing trend is winning a lot of acclaim and appreciation. Marketers could discuss their products and explain clearly how advantageous those products or services are. They must, at the same time, tell their target audience the scope for improvement and the flaws that may still exist. All these statements could be supported by truly objective customer reviews. Authenticity for brands is the hottest marketing trend today. Around 86 percent of the customers feel authenticity is of utmost importance while deciding and evaluating the brands. Around 60 percent of consumers believe that user-generated content is the best form of authentic content. Read Also : Marketing – What’s Right For Your Business? Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO Digital Marketing: Utilize Facebook To Support Your Hospitality Business