Maintaining Productivity: The Basics of Industrial Safety

Published on: 12 January 2019 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Industrial Safety

Health and safety in the workplace should always be a topic that is high on your agenda if you are working in any sort of industrial environment, and if you can achieve a good safety record it should also contribute to greater productivity too.

Here is an overview of what sort of typical safety hazards you need to guard against and what steps to take to avoid an accident, plus a look at some of the main basic safety measures you should adopt in order to keep the production line rolling and workers as safe as possible.

Understanding the hazards:

A good starting point would be to make a checklist of the main hazards you are likely to have to deal with in your workplace, as a working knowledge of these dangers will help you to take counteractive measures.

You can categorize industrial hazards under a number of broad headings.

Physical threats to the safety of workers are a key issue and there are numerous challenges to account for in your safety procedures, such as slip and trip hazards, inadequate lighting, the risk of exposure to noise and poor air quality, plus the danger of fire, amongst others.

You can take steps to manage these specific threats, such as maintaining good air quality throughout the building, for example, which you can read about on this page.

Other key hazard categories include biological and chemical threats, injuries sustained through poor ergonomics and building design, and even the mental health aspect of working in a challenging or hazardous situation on a regular basis.

A good suggestion would be to conduct a thorough health and safety review where you take a detailed look at the layout of your building and what specific dangers workers face every time they clock on.

Make a comprehensive checklist of all the potential hazards that are relevant to your particular industry and then look to create a health and safety plan that deals with those issues in the best way possible.

Dealing with fire risk:

The risk of fire is a constant potential threat to every building and that risk is enhanced when you have machinery, chemicals, and other potentially hazardous sources all under the one roof.

There are many different ways for a fire to start and electrical faults, chemical spillages, and a lack of safety awareness amongst workers, can all create a fire risk in an instant.

You can’t always avoid a fire starting when an accident occurs through an unforeseen set of circumstances, but you can at least have a robust set of fire safety procedures in place to help deal with the situation and limit the potential damage.

A good quality fire alarm warning system needs to be installed and regularly tested and maintained, and a sprinkler system might also be necessary, once you have carried out a fire risk assessment.

Fire extinguishers installed at regular intervals around the building will allow immediate action to be taken to try and reduce the spread of fire and hi-spec smoke detectors provide a decent early warning of a fire or smoke hazard.

Emergency lighting:

All workers need to be fully briefed on what to do in the event of an emergency and how to evacuate the building in the quickest and safest way possible.

One of the threats to a successful and safe evacuation of the building is when power in the building is lost and it becomes dangerous to walk around in the dark.

Power cuts are always a possibility in an industrial setting for a number of plausible reasons and a lack of adequate lighting greatly heightens the prospect of an accident happening.

The way to counteract this threat is to install emergency lighting that lights up the building to make it safer to see where you are going and minimize the risk of an accident.

Falls are a leading cause of accidents and deaths:

One of the main causes of death and injury in the workplace falls, and it should be noted that a worker doesn’t have to fall from a great height to suffer a bad or fatal injury.

Nearly half of all fatal falls in an industrial setting occurred when the person fell from a height of fewer than 20 feet. More than 10% of recorded fatal falls were from a height below six feet.

Some industries have a higher incidence of falls than others, and it should not be a surprise to learn that the construction sector is considered one of the most hazardous workplace environments for falls.

It is reasonable to surmise that a very high percentage of these recorded fatalities and injuries could have been prevented with adequate risk assessment procedures in place and with the right use of safety equipment and adequate training.

Large numbers of workers are treated for fall-related injuries each year but with the right precautionary measures and by raising awareness of the potential dangers, many of these accidents could have been avoided.

Know your limits:

Pushing your body to its limit and beyond is another leading cause of accidents in the workplace and overexertion is cited as the cause of about a third of all work-related accidents according to the National Safety Council.

Every worker should be encouraged to assess and know their limitations before undertaking a task that might lead to an injury through overexertion.

Ergonomic injuries are when you do something like tear a tendon, damage your spine, or overreach when attempting to lift an object that is too heavy, or is not being lifted and handled correctly.

Every worker needs to have health and safety training that highlights and talks about the dangers of ergonomic injuries and provides guidance on how to work safely and know your physical limitations.

It is not just physical jobs that create injuries and office workers can also suffer injuries if they don’t set up their work environment in an ergonomically efficient way and don’t take regular breaks away from their desk.

These are some of the main causes of accidents but with some basic safety training and an ongoing risk assessment program, it is possible to significantly reduce the prospect of an accident happening in your workplace.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Security Guard

The Top Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Security Guard

Whether you have a small- or medium-sized business such as a restaurant, a convenience shop, a retail shop, or a bank, your business could well be a target for intruders and those who are criminally inclined. Security should be a top priority, and for good reason, especially if your business is in an area that has had its share of security issues. The need for security guard is huge when you want to ensure the safety of your business. The good news, however, is that you can make use of a security guard to enhance security for your premises, and security guards are not just there to provide protection, either – they can also assist your employees and customers. So how else can a security guard benefit your business? Here are the top reasons why your business needs a security guard. Reasons Why Your Business Needs Security Guard  These are some of the factors that you have to take care of while you want to make choices to achieve your objectives for making the use of a security guard. 1. Enhanced security and protection One apparent reason why you need a security guard for your business is enhanced security and protection. If you have a security guard present at your business, they can enhance your peace of mind as well as the peace of mind of your employees along with your customers. Employees who work in an area with a high risk of security breaches can be more productive because they need no longer worry about theft or break-ins and their personal safety. Your customers will also be assured by the knowledge that you have taken substantial steps to ensure their security while they are on your premises. This is especially true if you have highly-valuable merchandise or if your business is in an area with a high incidence of crime. 2. An invaluable deterrent Just the simple fact that you have a security guard at your premises is often enough to deter criminals from breaking in or steal something from your premises. A thief or burglar will think twice before they target your business if they can see a professional security guard at your premises. Aside from this, professional security guards are specially-trained to identify and detect suspicious behaviour or activities. They can assess a specific situation and take the necessary steps to ensure that no security breaches occur. A security guard is also a better deterrent than a camera or a standard system for security, as they are highly visual. 3. Improve your service to customers With a static security guard such as one from specialists in security in Oxford like Securipol Ltd, you can improve your service to your customers. The security guard can assist your customers and man a desk or reception area, and they can also serve as a sentry in order to control access to a specific sector of your premises. A security guard can act as an escort for employees and customers who are trying to locate their cars in the parking lot, and they can help your customers reach their destination within your premises. 4. A thorough way of dealing with criminal incidents and other situations Security guards often receive different levels of professional training in regards to responding to an incident or a crime. Some guards can note down specific details of a situation and then get in touch with the police. Others can detain intruders and suspects. Most will also know how to handle difficult situations (such as fights and disturbances). With a security guard, you can be sure that any problematic situation will be dealt with in the proper manner. Read Also: How To Improve Workplace Security Protecting Your Business From Retail Theft

Microsoft 365

6 Benefits of Microsoft 365 Security

Microsoft 365 is the integrated solution your business has been waiting for: If you're considering investing in Microsoft 365, or perhaps need a little more convincing, read through the list of benefits below. Here we cover details of Microsoft Office 365 security and compliance, enterprise-level mobility, and powerful solutions that help to optimize productivity – wherever your team is working. To get a clear picture of the benefits of Microsoft 365 we’ve sought the help of IT experts who are in the know. Microsoft Office 365 Security Features: When your employees work remotely, they carry a lot of sensitive data on their laptops and mobile devices. For business owners or managers, you want to be able to rest assured that this data is securely stored, while still being easily accessible to your workforce. The key security features included with Microsoft 365 are: Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection Azure Information Protection P1 Intune Data Loss Protection These features protect against external threats such as hackers, phishing emails and malware, and prevent sensitive customer information - whether that's email addresses or credit card details - from leaving the organization. By purchasing all these features in a single package, you will also save a significant sum of money on your monthly subscription. Layered Security Approach: Microsoft 365 provides three levels of security: Threat protection. You will be protected from both common external threats, such as spam, phishing emails, and malware, while also receiving cutting-edge defense from more sophisticated threats, such as zero-day ransomware. Data leak protection. As previously stated, 365 prevents any sensitive data from leaving your system, which will provide peace of mind to any employer with a remote workforce. Control data access. You can customize your own level of security when it comes to sensitive data, by applying restrictions such as 'do not copy' or 'do not forward to certain information. You can also remotely wipe data from lost or stolen devices. Advanced Threat Protection: If you suffer a malware attack, it could spell the beginning of the end for your business by resulting in lost work hours, loss of income and an undermining of public trust. With Microsoft 365, links are checked in real-time to warn you if it will take you to a malicious website. Email attachments are scanned for malware, and your devices are monitored for any suspicious strings of communication that might indicate the beginnings of a ransomware attack. All of this means that the future of your business won't rely on your employees' ability to spot a suspicious email or attachment before they have a chance to click on it. Data Loss Prevention: Keeping all the sensitive information your business holds secure is a difficult task and a constant battle that never goes away. With 365, you can apply data loss prevention policies to prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands, encrypt devices to protect data if that device is stolen or lost, and manage all your companies devices remotely; handy for when an employee leaves and you need to wipe all company data from their phone and laptop. Control Data Access: The Azure Information Protection Feature allows you to manage and control how data is accessed and shared across your business. You can require your employees and customers to sign in to sensitive information with a fingerprint or PIN, and classify that information as 'sensitive' to restrict how it is shared both inside and outside the business. Windows 10: By upgrading to Microsoft 365, you get the added bonus of standardizing your employee workstations on Windows 10. Windows 10 is the most secure Windows platform ever, coming with its own range of security innovations that significantly reduce your business's risk profile, as well as adding cloud-based management to ensure that all your devices are properly configured. Read Also: Ways Of Protecting Your Privacy Online Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes Defending Your Modern Company Through the Use of Threat Intelligence

Importance Of Emergency Button Systems

The Importance Of Emergency Button Systems In Ensuring Workplace Safety

Emergency button systems are critical safety features installed in various environments, such as homes, businesses, hospitals, and schools. They allow one-touch communication for instant help during emergencies, enhancing security and speeding up response times. Safety is crucial in every sphere of life, as it serves to protect us from harm, accidents, or injuries. Prioritizing safety protocols can significantly reduce risks, ensure our well-being, and promote a secure environment for all. Understanding The Basics Of Emergency Button Systems A definition is a statement expressing the precise meaning of a word or phrase. It provides clarity and understanding, eliminating ambiguity or confusion. Definitions are crucial in communication, study, debates, and in forming legislation. Emergency button systems work by instantly alerting designated authorities or responders when pressed during crises. Emergency button Australia often uses wireless technology and may emit a loud alarm or quietly notify a monitoring service, depending on their design. Emergency button systems are vital for ensuring personal safety and security. They offer an immediate response in critical situations, helping in early detection and faster intervention. This system is beneficial for vulnerable individuals, fostering independence while ensuring their overall well-being. Different Types Of Emergency Button Systems are essential safety features that come in various forms such as personal medical alert systems, panic buttons for high-risk facilities, or industrial emergency stop buttons. Each type is designed to instantly alert authorities or halt operations for immediate response to safety hazards. Home Security Button Systems are essential for personal safety at home. These systems provide rapid assistance during emergencies by just pushing a button. They ensure quick communication with local authorities, offering top-notch protection and peace of mind. Medical alert systems are lifesaving devices that allow seniors and individuals with health conditions to request immediate assistance during emergencies. Equipped with wearable pendants or wristbands, these systems ensure safety by providing 24/7 medical monitoring services. Mobile Personal Emergency Response Systems (mPERS) are devices designed for personal safety. They offer immediate assistance during medical emergencies or unexpected dangerous situations. mPERS provides GPS location tracking and two-way communication to ensure timely help and support. Fall detection systems are life-saving tools designed to detect and alert when a person falls. They are critical for the elderly, disabled, or those with health conditions, providing instant notifications to caregivers, thus ensuring timely assistance and potentially preventing major injuries. Essential Features To Look For In An Emergency Button System When selecting an Emergency Button System, prioritize reliability, simplicity, and speed. The system must work consistently, have a seamless activation process, be easily accessible, and send immediate alerts to emergency personnel. Range of connectivity and battery life are also crucial considerations. Reliable connectivity is essential in today's digital age, providing stable, uninterrupted internet access for individuals and businesses. It fosters seamless communication, efficient remote work, and online learning, and supports various forms of digital entertainment and e-commerce. Extensive battery life is crucial for portable electronic devices. Devices with more extended battery life provide users with uninterrupted usage, eliminating the need for frequent charging. It enhances productivity, convenience, and overall user experience, especially for constant on-the-go individuals. The range of operation refers to the spectrum within which a device or system can function effectively. This range can be defined by various parameters such as distance, temperature, speed, or frequency depending on the specific application. Waterproof features offer vital protection for electronic devices against water damage. This safeguard proves invaluable when exposed to the elements or accidental submersion, ensuring device longevity and providing users peace of mind in various environments. Wearer Comfort is the level of ease and relaxation experienced by individuals while using apparel or equipment. It involves factors such as breathability, fit, material softness, ergonomic design, and thermal regulation, significantly impacting user satisfaction. Top Emergency Button System Brands On The Market Top brands such as Apple, Nike, Google, Amazon, and Coca-Cola dominate their respective markets owing to their consistent quality, innovative products, strong customer loyalty, exceptional marketing strategies, and global recognition. Their reputation significantly influences consumer purchasing decisions. Key features refer to the distinctive attributes of a product, service, or system. Pros are advantages that contribute to its value and usability. Cons, on the other hand, are its disadvantages or limitations. Choosing The Right Emergency Button System For Different Environments Home use refers to the utilization of various products or services within a residential space to cater to personal needs. It includes household items, home appliances, furniture, electronics, personal care products, and more, aiming to make domestic life convenient and comfortable. Workplace use refers to the application and utilization of resources, tools, and processes within a professional setting. It encompasses various elements like technology use, space utilization, employee interaction, and adherence to policies to ensure optimal work efficiency and productivity. Outdoor use of products like furniture, appliances, or recreational items demands durability against weather conditions. High-quality materials ensure longevity, while also providing style and comfort for activities such as camping, picnics, or backyard gatherings. Maximizing Safety With Emergency Button Systems Regular testing and maintenance are crucial in ensuring the seamless operation of machines, systems, and software. They help detect potential problems early, prevent system failures, enhance safety, and extend the lifespan of the equipment. Correct positioning and usage are essential in various fields including ergonomics, product marketing, and sports training. They ensure optimized results, prevent injuries, improve efficiency, and enhance product visibility and appeal, thus affecting productivity and sales positively. Efficient use training aims to maximize productivity and minimize waste. It encompasses multifaceted strategies, which include time management, proper utilization of resources, and adoption of advanced, energy-saving technology. Fundamental for sustainability and cost-effectiveness, it's instrumental in fostering successful business operations. Cost Considerations Understanding the costs is essential in financial planning. It involves the process of comprehending expenditures related to investments, operations, and projects. These costs may include labour, materials, overheads, and other related expenses. Numerous payment and subscription options cater to diverse customer needs. Credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and direct bank transfers are commonly used payment methods. Subscriptions can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, offering flexibility and convenience. Conclusion In conclusion, an emergency button is a crucial safety measure designed to provide immediate help or protection during unexpected, critical situations. Its presence in various settings such as homes, workplaces, public facilities, and transportation systems reinforces public safety and emergency response. However, the efficiency of this tool lies in regular maintenance, correct use, and prompt response from the appropriate authorities. The recap of important points entails summarizing the critical aspects of information or discussions. It is a highly valuable process, especially during meetings, brainstorming sessions, or academic presentations. This helps reinforce understanding and improve memory retention of the salient details. Maximizing safety is paramount in any environment. Utilizing the best emergency button system significantly boosts security. Its importance lies in its proficiency to alert authorities promptly during emergencies, potentially saving lives and assets. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About PKI In Cybersecurity Five Tips to Make Sure Your Security Software Is Actually Secure Why DRM Is the New Standard for Document Security