6 Benefits of Microsoft 365 Security


24 March 2021


Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is the integrated solution your business has been waiting for:

If you’re considering investing in Microsoft 365, or perhaps need a little more convincing, read through the list of benefits below.

Here we cover details of Microsoft Office 365 security and compliance, enterprise-level mobility, and powerful solutions that help to optimize productivity – wherever your team is working. To get a clear picture of the benefits of Microsoft 365 we’ve sought the help of IT experts who are in the know.

Microsoft Office 365 Security Features:

Microsoft Office 365 Security Features:

When your employees work remotely, they carry a lot of sensitive data on their laptops and mobile devices. For business owners or managers, you want to be able to rest assured that this data is securely stored, while still being easily accessible to your workforce.

The key security features included with Microsoft 365 are:

  • Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
  • Azure Information Protection P1
  • Intune
  • Data Loss Protection

These features protect against external threats such as hackers, phishing emails and malware, and prevent sensitive customer information – whether that’s email addresses or credit card details – from leaving the organization.

By purchasing all these features in a single package, you will also save a significant sum of money on your monthly subscription.

Layered Security Approach:

Microsoft 365 provides three levels of security:

  • Threat protection. You will be protected from both common external threats, such as spam, phishing emails, and malware, while also receiving cutting-edge defense from more sophisticated threats, such as zero-day ransomware.
  • Data leak protection. As previously stated, 365 prevents any sensitive data from leaving your system, which will provide peace of mind to any employer with a remote workforce.
  • Control data access. You can customize your own level of security when it comes to sensitive data, by applying restrictions such as ‘do not copy’ or ‘do not forward to certain information. You can also remotely wipe data from lost or stolen devices.

Advanced Threat Protection:

If you suffer a malware attack, it could spell the beginning of the end for your business by resulting in lost work hours, loss of income and an undermining of public trust.

With Microsoft 365, links are checked in real-time to warn you if it will take you to a malicious website. Email attachments are scanned for malware, and your devices are monitored for any suspicious strings of communication that might indicate the beginnings of a ransomware attack.

All of this means that the future of your business won’t rely on your employees’ ability to spot a suspicious email or attachment before they have a chance to click on it.

Data Loss Prevention:

Keeping all the sensitive information your business holds secure is a difficult task and a constant battle that never goes away.

With 365, you can apply data loss prevention policies to prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands, encrypt devices to protect data if that device is stolen or lost, and manage all your companies devices remotely; handy for when an employee leaves and you need to wipe all company data from their phone and laptop.

Control Data Access:

The Azure Information Protection Feature allows you to manage and control how data is accessed and shared across your business. You can require your employees and customers to sign in to sensitive information with a fingerprint or PIN, and classify that information as ‘sensitive’ to restrict how it is shared both inside and outside the business.

Windows 10:

By upgrading to Microsoft 365, you get the added bonus of standardizing your employee workstations on Windows 10.

Windows 10 is the most secure Windows platform ever, coming with its own range of security innovations that significantly reduce your business’s risk profile, as well as adding cloud-based management to ensure that all your devices are properly configured.

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Workplace Safety

Staying Safe in the Office: 8 Workplace Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Workplace accidents don't only happen on construction sites and in warehouses. The office environment poses risks to health and safety, too. Although most office hazards don't result in death, they do cause injury and sickness. In this article, we take help from one of America’s leading work injury lawyers, Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard. We ask them to list down some constructive steps which can help businesses not be at the receiving end of workplace injury lawsuits. If you are a business organization that is concerned about your workplace safety requirements, please read on to get a fair idea of the topic. Are you safe in your workplace? Do you know which hazards to look out for? It's your employer's responsibility to make the workplace safe, and yours to maintain it. It's important to know how to protect yourself from potential hazards. Keep reading for the eight most important workplace safety tips. 1. Ergonomic Desk Setups: The most common office injury is muscle strain from a poor desk setup. When the body stays in uncomfortable positions too long, it causes strain. Muscle strain can create short and long-term pain. You can prevent this situation by making sure your desk is set up ergonomically. First, make sure the height of your computer monitor is at eye level. Your chair should allow you to sit with a straight posture, your elbows at desk height. When you type on the keyboard, your forearms should sit gently on the desk. They shouldn't be straining to reach the keyboard. Second, make sure your office chair is on wheels. Reaching for objects and twisting to grab them cause back strain. Use the wheels to move closer to whatever you're grabbing. If you use the phone a lot at work, invest in a headset. This prevents neck pain from leaning into the phone. Your employer should supply any ergonomic materials. 2. Make Emergency Exits Clear and Known: It's crucial that everyone in the office know where the emergency exits are. In the case of a fire, you can't take the elevator. You must be able to take the stairs. Not only does mean you need proper signage, but you need clear pathways. Many offices are guilty of having filing boxes sit in the hallway for weeks. Someone will put them away eventually, right? If these boxes get left in front of an emergency exit, they could prevent a speedy exit. This is only one of the reasons to have a clean and clutter-free office. 3. Prevent Slips and Falls: Boxes left on the ground are also serious tripping hazards. You might turn a corner expecting it to be clear, only to knock your shin on a stack of boxes. If you don't trip and fall this time, someone else will. Make it a rule to always keep pathways clear of clutter. If someone takes a box from its storage spot, they must put it back. Slips are another common office safety concern. The breakroom is where people fill their water bottles and prepare lunch. Spilt liquids are hazards for slipping and falling. Your office needs to have "wet floor" signs so employees can signify a spill right away. Until the janitor gets there, people will know to use caution near the spill. 4. Proper Storage: Improper storage of boxes can cause muscle strains and injuries. The basic rule is to keep heavier items on the bottom shelf, lighter on the higher ones. If a box were to fall from the top shelf, you don't want it to be the heavy one. Every bookshelf should have a step ladder near it. Reaching upwards to lift a box is dangerous for your back muscles. Instead, use the handy ladder to bring down whatever you need. When it comes to filing cabinets, it's crucial all the drawers aren't opened at the same time. This can cause the cabinet to fall over and land on you. Open one drawer at a time and make sure it's closed when you're done. 5. Inspect Electrical Cords: Fire hazards exist in office workplaces, too. Since so much of the office equipment relies on electricity, there are tons of cords and wires. Cords and wires that have tears or rips are risks for starting a fire. Some offices use extension cords as a regular office tool. These, too, are serious fire hazards. Check the state of your office’s cords regularly. Don’t get used to using extension cords. Instead, have an electrician from Barwon Heads to re-position the outlets. 6. Use Hazardous Tools Correctly: Even the office has hazardous tools that need instruction. All employees should get training on the various office tools and equipment. For example, large paper cutters are common for workplaces that work with paper. Without proper training, these tools can cut off a finger or seriously slice you. Any automatic office equipment requires caution. Keep your hair, jewelry, and sleeves away from any openings. 7. Be Aware of Surroundings: Many workplace incidents occur when the employee isn't aware of their surroundings. You may walk around reading text on your phone or looking at the ground. While you'll see clutter on the ground, you won't see hazards at eye level. When people don't close the top drawer of a filing unit, someone could walk into it. If you bump into a ladder, the person using it could fall. It's everyone's responsibility to be aware of their surroundings. Encourage all employees to slow down; it's better to be safe than fast. 8. Choose a Health and Safety Officer: Staying on top of all the different health and safety aspects is tedious. You may not have time to check cords, signs, and declutter every day. As a solution, elect one employee to be a health and safety hazard. Give them the task of doing a weekly or bi-weekly check of the office. They can have a report to fill out. Any hazards that need fixing can be on the report. Bonus pay could be the incentive for an employee to take this role. Even the employees who aren't appointed officers should take safety training. Click here to find out why safety skills are important in the office. Want More Workplace Safety Tips? The safety of all employees depends on health and safety procedures. If you keep the workplace clean, organized, and up to date, there will be fewer risks of incidents. Use the workplace safety tips above to make your office a safer place to work. There are tons of other ways to improve your workplace. Stay up to date on business news and trends to improve your office. Happy employees do productive work which thus boosts sales. Read Also: How To Improve Workplace Security The Top Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Security Guard


How to Improve Workplace Security

We often talk about workplace safety and even use scaffolding planks and other such tools to make jobs easier and safer. However, we hardly talk about workplace security, which is as important as safety, if no more. In fact, the two concepts are interlinked. You can’ feel safe if you’re not secure. It’s important to keep the place safe from intruders and protect employees from injuries. Read on to find out how you can significantly improve the security of a workplace. Make Sure to Lock All Doors and Windows : Having a secure system for locking your place after leaving is one way you can ensure workplace safety. Make sure you have windows and doors that lock securely. The best option is to use a complete security system that’s computerized and can control all entrances without any trouble. This helps ensure the job is done properly. Restrict Access to Important Zones : You will have confidential information that you’d like to keep secure. The best option is to keep such information in a password-protected zone so that only people who have an access to it can enter or exit the room. You may also use other tricks, such as biometric verification, to control entry and exit. Install a Security System : Have a security system installed in your workplace to ensure more security. Burglars are less likely to break into a property that’s secured. You can install CCTV cameras and motion detectors to ensure security. These devices can help you keep an eye on what’s happening at work and also record video that can serve as a proof in case of a theft or other such accidents. Just invest in a high-quality CCTV system that can record videos at night and also allow you to enjoy live feeds on your mobile devices. Protect Against Fire : A fire alarm is a great way to keep your workplace safe. If there was even a threat of a fire being started the alarm would go off to alert everyone to quickly evacuate the place. They can also instruct sprinklers to go off so that the damage is reduced. Moreover, the latest smoke detectors can also send you a notification on your email or phone in case there’s a fire so that you can take an action quickly. Draw an Emergy Plan : Have an effective emergency plan so that people can escape in case of an emergency. Also, prepare a list of procedures to follow in case of an emergency so that the extent of damage can be reduced. A list of emergency contacts should be kept with all the workers for their safety. drill for evacuating the place in case of any emergencies is also necessary. Having this drill every now and then will help the workers be quick and organized with the evacuation process. Have Security : Believe it or not, this trick is still quite effective in keeping burglars away. Hire security staff to safeguard the entrance. Also, create security checks at all entrance points to ensure nobody enters the property without being inspected. Train Your Employees This is a great way to improve the safety of your workplace. Training your employees to take all security measures properly will help make the place more secure. They should know how to lock or unlock doors and keep information safe and secure. Reduce Visitor Interaction : Visitors should be limited to only a few specific areas of the workplace. They should not be allowed on places like storerooms, utility closets, or boiler rooms. Also, make sure to keep a record of all visitors and to have guest passes so that you’re well aware of guests in the workplace. Protect Your Data Data security is very important. Since most of our data is stored on computers, criminals can access it without having to physically break into the premises. Make sure to strengthen your IT department and to use fool proof methods to safeguard your computers. Password protect all your files and use passwords that are hard to guess. Also, make use of an antivirus to ensure no malware or spyware can cause your system to get infected. Also, train your employees on how to safeguard data. It’s also common for employees to get involved in theft for different reasons. This can be prevented by making sure they can’t download or take data back home. Get in Touch with Professionals This is the best way to ensure safety and security. A professional security firm will ensure you’re well protected against all kinds of dangers. Speak to different organizations and pick one that appears the most reliable to you. Follow these simple tips to ensure workplace security. It’s important because nobody wants to work at a place that’s unsecure. Read Also: Why Is It Essential To Have A Social Security Number? Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes Relocating Your Business To Downtown Toronto? Read This First

Facebook Marketplace

How To Stop Scammers On Facebook Marketplace?

Scammers are everywhere online these days, and it’s important to be aware of the different types of scams that you might encounter when buying and selling items on the Facebook marketplace. Staying informed about potential scams that might be targeted toward you will help you protect your items, your personal information, and your money. Our article gives you information on common Facebook marketplace scams and how to stop scammers on the Facebook marketplace. What Is Facebook Marketplace? Facebook marketplace is one of today’s most popular selling platforms for both used and new goods. Facebook users can easily navigate the marketplace to find items in their area and items that are available for shipping. It doesn’t charge any kind of fee for this service, which is part of what makes the platform so popular. Common Facebook Marketplace Scams As with any type of selling platform, scams are common on the Facebook marketplace. We give you an overview of the most common Facebook marketplace scams you might encounter. 1. Overpayment Scams Overpayment scams are common both on and off the Facebook marketplace, and these scams involve the buyer claiming to have overpaid for the item by accident. They may try to show proof by providing some kind of receipt or screenshot of payment. The buyer will then ask that you refund the difference, but once you do this, their original payment will be shown to be false or otherwise not processed. The buyer will then disappear, making off with the money that you sent them as a ‘refund.’ 2. False Payment Scams False payment scams involve the buyer sending you a payment receipt in order to get you to send a package or deliver an item. These are often screenshots of false payments or utilize suspicious third-party apps. So, it’s important to always use a trusted payment app such as PayPal or Venmo and verify that payment is actually received before you take the next steps in the selling process. 3. Shipping Scams Shipping scams are very common on most buying and selling platforms, and the Facebook marketplace is no exception. In these scams, a buyer may request that you go ahead and send a package before payment is received. Alternatively, they may present you with a false payment receipt so that you will send the package. Buyers may also claim that a package was never received, and sellers on the Facebook marketplace may simply take your money and never ship your package. These scams can be hard to catch at first, so always use common sense and scrutiny when dealing with shipping and receiving packages. 4. Bait and Switch Scams Bait and switch scams involve the scammer listing a more valuable or popular item on the marketplace, but when you message them about that item, they tell you it has been sold. They may then offer you an item of inferior quality in the hopes that you settle for it and buy it. 5. False Listings Fake listings, such as listings for apartments or other rentals, and listings that appear too good to be true for valuable items are often the cornerstone of this scam. In these scams, you may be asked to fill out forms to obtain items or a rental, asked to put down a deposit, or asked to pay a holding fee, only for the rental or item listing to disappear. Then, the scammer vanishes with your money and information. Tips for Stopping Facebook Marketplace Scammers The following tips will help stop you from falling for scams when utilizing the Facebook marketplace. Always use caution and common sense when buying or selling online. Make sure payments are fully received and processed before shipping any product; this stops you from losing the item if a payment turns out to be false. Never engage with anyone who wants to send payments through sketchy third-party apps and always double-check who owns email addresses. Always double-check electronics to make sure they are working and be wary of items that appear like they have been stolen. If the price of something or a product is too good to be true, it likely is. Never reveal codes that are texted to your phone, and never fill out any kind of form asking for your personal information in order to receive an item. Always ask for tracking codes or provide tracking codes when shipping and receiving items to prevent false claims of lost packages and to ensure items are actually shipped. To stop a Facebook marketplace scam for good, open the listing you believe is a scam. Tap on the three dots to open the menu, then navigate to the option that says ‘report listing.’ Tap or click on this, and Facebook will handle the scam listing. You can also complete this method with the buyer by navigating to the messages exchanged with the buyer. Then, open the same menu by tapping or clicking on the three dots, and select ‘report buyer.’ Making Your Marketplace Experience Safe Facebook marketplace is a powerful tool to help you buy and sell personal goods to locals in your area, or ship products to those farther away. However, the Facebook marketplace does have its share of scams, and it’s important to be wary as you utilize the platform. Keep your wits about you and remember our tips for stopping Facebook marketplace scammers in their tracks. 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