How to Make Your Student Apartment Feel Like Your Own House?


23 December 2023

Home & Garden

Student Apartment

Feeling a bit homesick while away at college is pretty common and almost everyone goes through it at some point. And, if you are a student living abroad in student housing, it might be even more difficult for you. 

Feeling a bit homesick while away at college is pretty common, and almost everyone goes through it at some point. And, if you are a student living abroad in student housing, it might be even more difficult for you. 

After all, being in a different environment, like student apartments, can sometimes make you feel disconnected from home. First things first, you might need to find apartments near campus so that you can at least save some commute time. 

The good news is — there are several other strategies that’ll help you make your new place feel just like your own house.  Let’s keep reading to know more about it.

Let’s keep reading to know more about it.

1: Add a Little Bit More Light

Improving the brightness of your living space is essential for comfort and health. Dim or insufficient lighting can create a dreary atmosphere, making your student accommodation feel cramped and less inviting. Enhancing the illumination may also create a curious illusion of spaciousness, akin to the roominess of your bedroom back home. 

If your current light fixtures aren’t effective, consider investing in stylish lamps to brighten up your place. Not only will this boost the ambiance, but it’ll also revive the space, making it feel more lively and homely. Choosing lamps that align with your personal style will not only add a touch of flair but also bring back the cozy feelings of home that you’re missing.

2: Instill Life in Those Lifeless Walls 

If your new apartment has plain white walls and feels a bit empty, bringing in cherished photos or posters can liven up the space. 

Whether it’s capturing your family moments or displaying images of beloved sports icons, incorporating these elements, can personalize your living area. 

Consider engaging a professional house painter in CT or a painting company in Prospect, CT, to introduce more depth and texture to your walls with a fresh coat of paint.

3: The Plants… Don’t Forget Them

If you enjoy plants but lack the time or skill for care, consider placing a few low-maintenance plants in your student apartment. 

They can bring color, improve air quality, and enliven your living area effortlessly. 

However, if you don’t have the time or inclination for plant care, there are a lot of attractive artificial plants available that can still lend a sense of style and coziness to your new home.

4: Blankets, Rugs, and Pillows Can Be Your Best Friend

Simple tile, carpets, or hardwood floors might lack excitement. 

To spruce things up, consider adding stylish throw rugs to your apartment—they not only enhance decor and color but also bring comfort and a personal touch. 

Additionally, throwing blankets and vibrant pillows on sofas and chairs might further elevate your space with a touch of flair.

5: Gather Your Favorite Food and Stuff

Food serves as a strong cultural link and a way to bring people together, although it can also spark heated debates like the pineapple pizza controversy. It holds significant value in our lives, often tied to cherished family recipes. 

Exploring those recipes with loved ones can be a wonderful experience. Yet, not all favorite dishes originate from family recipes; some hail from local restaurants. 

Recreating these meals can be achieved through copycat recipes found online or by purchasing specialty sauces or dishes from these establishments. If all else fails, discovering new eateries can lead to new culinary favorites and create fresh memories.

6: Make Your Space Smell Better

Is there a particular aroma that evokes the feeling of being home? It could be the comforting scent of your mom’s Sunday morning cinnamon buns or the nostalgic fragrance of garden flowers from your childhood bedroom. 

Whatever brings you that sense of security, consider finding ways to incorporate that smell into your space. If burning candles isn’t an option in your apartment, there are alternatives like oil diffusers, wax melts, and candle warmers that can help recreate that familiar scent.

7: Have a Motivating Study Space

In college, studying is inevitable. While some apartments offer study rooms, you might opt to carve out your own study nook within your place. 

Thankfully, the additional room in an apartment lets you craft a cozy workspace to ease the studying grind. Locate a peaceful corner with minimal interruptions. Then, deck it out with a comfy chair, a quality reading lamp, and enjoyable stationery to amp up your study vibes.

8: Cozy and Ambient Lighting

Fluorescent lights commonly found in dorm rooms might not be appealing. Instead, opt for a stylish desk lamp for your study area or a larger floor lamp to illuminate the entire space. 

You could also think about getting a budget-friendly light timer to automatically switch on your lamps in the evening. 

Walking into a softly lit room late at night creates a much more inviting atmosphere than entering a completely dark space.

Cozy and Ambient Lighting

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I personalize my student apartment on a budget?

Personalizing on a budget is possible! Consider using affordable decor items like posters, string lights, and inexpensive furniture. DIY projects and second-hand stores are also great options.

Q: What are some easy ways to add a personal touch to my living space?

Incorporate items that reflect your personality, such as photos, artwork, or memorabilia. Adding throw pillows, rugs, and curtains in your favorite colors can also make a significant difference.

Q: How can I maximize storage in a small apartment without making it feel cluttered?

Optimize vertical space with shelves and organizers. Use under-bed storage bins, wall-mounted hooks, and multi-functional furniture like ottomans with hidden storage to keep things organized.

Q: Can I paint the walls of my student apartment, or are there alternative options for adding color?

Check with your landlord first regarding painting. If not allowed, use removable wallpaper, wall decals, or large fabric panels to add color and personality without causing damage.

Q: How can I create a productive study space within my apartment?

Choose a quiet area with good lighting and invest in a comfortable chair and desk. 

Personalize the space with motivating quotes, plants, and organizational tools to make it conducive to studying.

Q: Are there any low-maintenance plants that are suitable for a student apartment?

Yes, consider plants like snake plants, pothos, or succulents that require minimal care. These can add a touch of nature to your space without demanding too much attention.

Q: Any advice for maintaining a clean and organized apartment?

Develop good habits, such as cleaning up after yourself daily and having a designated place for everything. Regular decluttering sessions and a cleaning schedule can help maintain a tidy and organized living space.

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Nabamita Sinha loves to write about lifestyle and pop-culture. In her free time she loves to watch movies and TV series and experiment with food. Her favourite niche topics are fashion, lifestyle, travel and gossip content. Her style of writing is creative and quirky.

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Professional Roofing Services and Different Decorating Styles

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A List of Last-Minute Things You Should Check before You Move House

When we are moving house, it’s relatively easy for us to remember a good number of things, such as packing our belongings for our move and making sure all the items are properly packed and secured, and making sure that we inform our utility providers, both present and future as well. But there are indeed some other aspects which we may end up forgetting or neglecting simply because we are too focused on the major things we have to do. So what are these last-minute things you should check before you move house? Here’s a list. Things from repair shops, dry cleaning shops, tailors, and more: Yes, you probably have a lot of clothes to pack. But before you close and seal your boxes, make sure you have collected all your clothing from the dry cleaning shop and tailor, and you have taken all your items from repair shops as well. If you neglect to take things from the dry cleaners or the tailor or the repair shop, you may be faced with regret, especially if you are moving hundreds of kilometres away. Your personal paperwork, records, and documents: It may be surprising, but many individuals actually neglect to take care of their personal paperwork, records, and documents before it's too late. In essence, you should be taking care of your paperwork, records, and documents about two months prior to your move, as some files and documents may take time to process and retrieve, such as health records for your family from your local GP and records from the veterinarian if you have pets. If you have a local pharmacist, you may also want to take your list or a copy of your prescriptions from them. Some medical centres and pharmacies can transfer your records to your new general practitioner; it's still best to make sure of this before you move. Valuables and spare keys: You shouldn’t forget your valuables and spare keys, either, especially if you have a spare key with, for example, a neighbour, or hidden somewhere in your garden or property. Make sure you give your extra keys to the new occupants of your home; this is good protocol, even if the new occupants choose to change the locks in the end. Before you move to your new home, make a thorough sweep of your old home to see if there are any valuables you may have forgotten about, such as wads of cash hidden in a tin box, or jewellery which you have stashed away in a cupboard or shelf. You never know if you have forgotten a particularly valuable item, especially if you have lived in your old home for a long time, this is a common occurrence according to Advanced Removals & Storage, who offer a man with van in Cheltenham moving service. Gym memberships and library books: Aside from the things mentioned above, don't forget your gym memberships and library books too. Return whatever library books you may still have in your possession, and remember to inform the library about your move as well (this way, they can cancel your library card). If you have a membership for the local gym, make sure to cancel your membership – better yet, if they have a branch in your new location, you can simply ask them to transfer your gym membership to the other branch. Good luck, and happy moving! Read Also: 8 Home Gym Systems You’ll Want To Try Out Moving House? Here’s The Ultimate Checklist How To Sell Your House Fast?! Five Must-Know Tips To Move Your Property!

Improve Refrigerator

7 Smart Tips to Improve the Efficiency of your Refrigerator

Thanks to some home appliances such as air conditioners, fans, air coolers, and inverters, and of course the refrigerators; we can tolerate the summer easily. During the summer season, the amount of power used is directly proportional to the temperature. With an increase in mercury, the need for cooling appliances also goes up and so is the electricity bill. Talking about the fridge, it is not only storage for storing perishable items but also a savior during the summer season. Right from cold water to chilled shakes to ice creams to fresh fruits and juices, ice cubes, and more, it provides us with all. Nonetheless, with all this, it also leads to an escalation in the monthly electricity bill. A great example is with the residents of Texas for taking care of their electricity bills. They are able to choose the best and cheapest electricity plans from the most reputable electric companies in the comparison websites such as HomeEnergyClub, where they can compare Texas energy plans side by side. In the same context, here are some simple tips that will not only increase the efficiency of your refrigerator but even help save power. Read on! Follow these tips to make your fridge efficient 1. Set the temperature right Do you know that keeping the fridge at a high temperature consumes more energy, leaving you with a higher power bill? Hence, to make your fridge’s compressor working easily, keep the temperature lower between 0 and 5 degrees. 2. Don’t let your fridge face the heat It is recommended to keep your refrigerator away from direct heat such as sunlight, oven, or stove heat. It is because the fridge will then use more energy to adjust the continuous heat on it to maintain the chill. On the other hand, if you place it under a shadow with proper ventilation, it will help in the reduction of energy. Proper ventilation is needed in smooth heat flow produced from the fridge. 3. Defrost the fridge often The defrost button on your refrigerator could be a lifesaver for it! Doing that on a frequent basis will help your fridge to maintain efficient cooling! Also, you will be able to save up to Rs.10 per day on the electricity bill. 4. Storing open containers is a no-no If you keep the already opened food containers and bottles in your fridges, then the internal moisture level will rise to force the compressor to work hard. It will reduce the efficiency of your fridge and also increase the power bill. 5. Regular fridge maintenance is a must It should be your duty to clean your refrigerator on a frequent basis if not daily. It can help the compressor to work even more efficiently. You only need to spare 30 minutes out of your busy schedule to do it, and your fridge will thank you by working powerfully. Also, you should ensure to get the condenser coils of your fridge cleaned at least once a year. You can do that by unplugging the unit and brushing or vacuuming the coils carefully. It will help to enhance the fridge’s efficiency by up to 30%. If you are unable to do that, you should get it done by a trained professional once a year. 6. Make room You should also make sure that there are a few inches of space between the wall and the fridge to maintain good circulation. It will also help your refrigerator to run without issues and proficiently. 7. Practice some smart habits You can also practice some smart habits so that your fridge gets some rest. Have a look: Try to open your refrigerator less frequently Cool the hot foods before keeping them in the fridge Cover foods Label the leftovers Ensure to keep your freezer full Buy a new fridge this summer and grab savings and cashback You can continue having your refrigerator working for years at its optimal level if you can follow the discussed tips. If you are ready to buy a brand new refrigerator, then you don’t have to stretch your budget by paying the entire amount of your purchase in one go. Instead, you can divide the cost over a tenor; pay only a fixed amount and nothing extra. This way, you won’t need to handle paying additional charges other than EMI and save more. The easy EMI facility is offered by Bajaj Finserv EMI Network across India. Bajaj Finserv is also here to offer the Special Summer Offer on refrigerators and more. This way, you can buy an LG fridge, Godrej fridge, Haier fridge, Hitachi fridge, and more on easy EMIs to indulge in a hassle-free shopping experience. Read Also:  Important Things To Know Before Starting A Home Improvement Project Home Sweet Home Improvement: How To Find The Best Home Improvement Loans 10 Tips To Pick The Best Table Saw For Home Improvement Projects