A List of Last-Minute Things You Should Check before You Move House

Published on: 16 November 2018 Last Updated on: 26 November 2018
Move House

When we are moving house, it’s relatively easy for us to remember a good number of things, such as packing our belongings for our move and making sure all the items are properly packed and secured, and making sure that we inform our utility providers, both present and future as well. But there are indeed some other aspects which we may end up forgetting or neglecting simply because we are too focused on the major things we have to do. So what are these last-minute things you should check before you move house? Here’s a list.

Things from repair shops, dry cleaning shops, tailors, and more:

Yes, you probably have a lot of clothes to pack. But before you close and seal your boxes, make sure you have collected all your clothing from the dry cleaning shop and tailor, and you have taken all your items from repair shops as well. If you neglect to take things from the dry cleaners or the tailor or the repair shop, you may be faced with regret, especially if you are moving hundreds of kilometres away.

Your personal paperwork, records, and documents:

It may be surprising, but many individuals actually neglect to take care of their personal paperwork, records, and documents before it’s too late. In essence, you should be taking care of your paperwork, records, and documents about two months prior to your move, as some files and documents may take time to process and retrieve, such as health records for your family from your local GP and records from the veterinarian if you have pets. If you have a local pharmacist, you may also want to take your list or a copy of your prescriptions from them. Some medical centres and pharmacies can transfer your records to your new general practitioner; it’s still best to make sure of this before you move.

Valuables and spare keys:

You shouldn’t forget your valuables and spare keys, either, especially if you have a spare key with, for example, a neighbour, or hidden somewhere in your garden or property. Make sure you give your extra keys to the new occupants of your home; this is good protocol, even if the new occupants choose to change the locks in the end. Before you move to your new home, make a thorough sweep of your old home to see if there are any valuables you may have forgotten about, such as wads of cash hidden in a tin box, or jewellery which you have stashed away in a cupboard or shelf. You never know if you have forgotten a particularly valuable item, especially if you have lived in your old home for a long time, this is a common occurrence according to Advanced Removals & Storage, who offer a man with van in Cheltenham moving service.

Gym memberships and library books:

Aside from the things mentioned above, don’t forget your gym memberships and library books too. Return whatever library books you may still have in your possession, and remember to inform the library about your move as well (this way, they can cancel your library card). If you have a membership for the local gym, make sure to cancel your membership – better yet, if they have a branch in your new location, you can simply ask them to transfer your gym membership to the other branch. Good luck, and happy moving!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Five Easy Steps When Cleaning Your Mattress

It is highly important to clean your mattress on a regular basis. This is because mattresses could become a breeding ground for dust mites, stains, and bad odor. None of which we would want in our homes. Since we spend about a third of our lives sleeping, it’s only proper that the mattress we’re sleeping on is clean. But mattress cleaning may prove to be an intimidating task, especially if you do not know what to do. Do you wash it or dry it out? What cleaning agents will you use? Are you using the right cleaning techniques? The questions are endless – and overwhelming, too. After all, no one would want to damage an expensive mattress. To help you out, we have compiled a few tips to make the mattress cleaning experience a lot less daunting. Read on and find out. Suck Up the Dirt : Vacuuming your mattress is perhaps one of the easiest ways available to clean it. It may also be one of the most convenient ways. First remove your pillow top, sheets, pillows, and blankets. After doing so, you may then proceed to vacuum your mattress. This will: Remove any crumbs that may have accumulated from late-night snacking sessions or from movie marathons. Take off any pet hair that may have stuck to the mattress after letting your pet sleep in the same bed as you. Remove any dust that has formed since the last time you took the time to clean your mattress. Nearly every house would have a vacuum cleaner for general cleaning purposes. If yours does not, then consider getting one, as it is quite a good investment. It makes cleaning not only the rooms of your house a breeze, but it is a big help in cleaning your mattress as well, keeping it as comfortable as possible. Easy Spot Cleaning : The next thing you can do to clean your mattress is to spot clean it. The type of stains present on a mattress will vary from person to person. Likewise, the best ways to clean these stains vary as well. Here is a quick list of what you should use when you get an unsightly stain on your mattress: Water: Water is a safe bet. It is cheap and safe to use on absolutely everything. It is good as an immediate treatment to prevent stains from setting. It also lessens the effect of dyes but is not 100% effective. Detergents: These can be used for most situations, especially for grease stains. Commonly, people have detergents for laundry and dishwashing at their disposal. You must be careful with the latter, as it could damage the fabric on the mattress. Salt: This one can be found in almost every household. It is effective in removing sweat or deodorant stains. It is also good in lessening red wine and bloodstains. Vinegar or Lemon Juice: These two are amazing tools for removing coffee and tea stains. People have also found them effective against grass stains as well as tape and glue residue. Bleach: Bleach is effective in removing dyes. This means that it is a good bet for make-up and grass stains. This should be used in moderation, as it can damage more delicate mattresses. People also rely on a combination of hydrogen peroxide, liquid detergent, and baking soda. Simply spray the mixture on a stain and spot clean away. Another easy combination is that of lemon juice and salt. Spread this on a stain and leave it on for at least half an hour. Afterward, just wipe it off. Remove Foul Odors : The third step we suggest for the mattress-cleaning process is deodorizing. There are multiple, easy ways for you to do this. Air Dry: Perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to do when you want to deodorize. Simply leave it in the heat of the sun for a couple of hours. This will remove any foul odors and naturally kill bacteria as well. Baking Soda: Simply sprinkle this stuff on your mattress and leave it be for a couple of hours. It is a natural deodorizer that also kills germs. After it has done its job, just vacuum off the excess on the mattress. Lavender: A bit of an extra step, but has proven to be worth it. It does not only remove unwanted odors from your mattress, it also adds a relaxing scent that will help you get a better night’s sleep every night. While each one of these suggestions is effective in their own right, doing all three would help you achieve better sleep. It may take some more effort on your part, but it will all be worth it. Clean Your Sheets :  Washing your sheets is another important step in this process. It’s not enough that your mattress is clean; your sheets should be, too. It is always a good idea to clean your sheets regularly as this would prevent stains from seeping through to the mattress. This will also remove unsightly stains and foul odors. Together with a clean mattress, this will help you wake up more relaxed and energized. When doing this, it is important to remember the following : The washing machine is your best friend when it comes to washing bulky sheets. A dryer would also help deodorize and kill bacteria with its heat. Read care labels so that you do not cause damage to your sheets especially on sensitive fabrics. Some detergents are very strong and may actually do more harm than good. Some may even make the stain spread instead of removing it. It would not hurt to use a scented detergent to wash sheets. Just know how much and which brand to use. As mentioned before, lavender is a good scent for some more peaceful sleep. It is recommended that sheets be washed at least once a week. If this is not possible, then at least make sure to change them. Protect Your Mattress : Lastly, we would recommend you to protect your mattress. A lot of manufacturers offer mattress covers nowadays. They help prevent future stains from getting on the mattress itself. Not only that, some of them even make the bed more comfortable. As an added bonus, they can easily be thrown in the washing machine with the sheets. And On That Note… While this task may seem like it is too much, it really is not. This also has a lot more benefits than just removing stains. If you haven’t tried doing it and you’re scared of trying, ask someone who can help you out. Additionally, a wealth of information is available on the internet. Sometimes, the answers to your questions are a mere mouse click away. Cleaning your mattress on a regular basis is important. This would help keep germs at bay and remove foul odors. This will also increase your mattress’s longevity. Your mattress will keep you comfortable for as long as possible. All of this would lead to you getting a better night’s sleep in the long run. Take the first step today and you will thank yourself later. You invested quite well on that mattress; make that investment well worth it. Take good care of your mattress and it will take good care of you. Read More : Natural ways to get rid of flea in your lawn. Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean in One Hour or Less.


Eco-Friendly Farming: How Organic Fertilizers Nurture Healthy Soil

With organic fertilizers, you can make the earth stronger and healthier than any other method. They are good for the earth because they don't hurt it much and let plants grow naturally. This piece has a lot of information about how organic fertilizers can help soil stay healthy. What Are Organic Fertilizers? These natural materials from plants or animals help your plants grow better. They've got the good stuff like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that plants love. People like them because they're eco-friendly and don't harm the environment. How Do Organic Fertilizers Work? Organic fertilizers are natural plant nutrients that enrich the soil and provide essential elements for healthy plant growth. They release nutrients slowly, feeding plants over time and improving soil structure. This gradual release helps prevent nutrient runoff and ensures plants receive a balanced diet for optimal development. One key advantage of organic fertilizers is their eco-friendly nature. Since they're made from organic matter, they promote soil health by fostering beneficial microorganisms and earthworms. These tiny soil allies aid in nutrient absorption, making it easier for plants to access the necessary nourishment.  Organic fertilizers also contribute to long-term soil fertility, reducing the need for frequent applications and potentially harmful chemicals. Organic Fertilizers Vs. Chemical Fertilizers They have a friendly, Earth-loving vibe. In contrast, chemical fertilizers are made in a lab, which sounds more scientific. In terms of effectiveness, both types can make your plants happy, but they differ in how they do it.  Organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly and improve soil structure over time, like a gradual health boost. Chemical fertilizers, on the other hand, provide a quick nutrient fix, like giving your plants a shot of an energy drink. Now, let's talk eco-friendliness. Organic fertilizers are environmentally kind, enriching the soil and reducing the risk of chemical runoff into waterways. Chemical fertilizers can sometimes be harsh on the environment, as they may lead to pollution if not used carefully. Organic fertilizers are the "green" choice, slow and steady, while chemical fertilizers are the quick fix, but be cautious about potential downsides like environmental impact and short-term results. The Different Types Of Organic Fertilizers Organic fertilizers come from a variety of natural sources. These include the following: Compost Compost is a fantastic organic fertiliser from decomposed organic matter like kitchen scraps, leaves, and yard waste. It's rich in nutrients and improves soil structure, making it easier for plants to access vital elements. Composting at home is an eco-friendly way to recycle kitchen waste and create nutrient-rich soil additives for your garden. Manure Manure, typically from animals like cows, horses, or chickens, is an excellent source of organic nutrients. It's widely used in farming and gardening to enrich the soil with essential elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Just make sure to compost or age manure before applying it to your garden to avoid potential issues with odor and pathogens. Bone Meal Bone meal come from grounded animal bones. It's an excellent source of phosphorus, which promotes root development and flowering in plants. Gardeners often use bone meal for bulbs, roses, and other flowering plants to encourage healthy growth and vibrant blooms. Fish Emulsion Fish emulsion is a liquid organic fertilizer derived from fish byproducts. It's rich in nitrogen and provides a quick nutrient boost to plants. It's easy to apply but be prepared for the fishy smell. Dilute it before use to reduce the odor and prevent burning your plants. Seaweed and Kelp Seaweed and kelp-based fertilizers are eco-friendly options that offer a wide range of nutrients, including trace minerals. They improve soil structure and enhance plant resistance to stress. These organic fertilizers are especially beneficial for vegetables and fruits. Blood Meal A blood meal is a high-nitrogen organic fertilizer made from dried animal blood. It's a potent nitrogen source, making it ideal for plants that require rapid growth. Be cautious not to overapply, as it can be strong and potentially harm plants if used excessively. Coffee Grounds Coffee grounds are an easily accessible organic fertilizer for your garden. They add nitrogen to the soil and help improve its water retention capacity. If you're a coffee lover, consider recycling your used coffee grounds to nourish your plants. Worm Castings Also known as vermicompost, are nutrient-rich excretions of earthworms. They enhance soil fertility and microbial activity while providing a slow-release source of nutrients to plants. Worm castings are gentle on plants and are often used for seedlings and potted plants. Green Manure Green manure crops are grown and then tilled back into the soil. In this way, they improve the structure and fertility of the soil by enriching it with organic matter and nutrients. Green manure is an excellent way to prepare your garden for future plantings while reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. Eggshells Crushed eggshells are a natural source of calcium and can help prevent calcium deficiency in tomatoes and other plants. They also deter certain pests like snails and slugs. Save your eggshells, crush them, and sprinkle them around your garden to boost your plants' calcium. Benefits of organic fertilizers Aside from its eco-friendly nature, organic fertilizers offer numerous advantages for every farmer or gardener. These are the key benefits of using organic fertilizers: Nutrient-Rich Soil Organic fertilizers enrich the soil with various nutrients. This helps promote healthier plant growth. Improved Soil Structure Organic fertilizers enhance soil structure. This makes it better at retaining water and preventing erosion. Enhanced Microbial Activity Adding organic fertilizers to the soil promotes beneficial microorganisms. The soil is then able to absorb nutrients better. Healthier Plants Plants nourished with organic fertilizers often exhibit better resistance to pests and diseases. This contributes to the overall health of your farm or garden. Choose organic! Organic fertilizer is a green choice for promoting lush plants and nurturing the soil. It offers many great perks, making it a smart choice for the long haul. Choosing organic fertilizer ensures not just tasty produce but also those grown healthily! 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Run Cleaning in Dallas: Why a Professional Cleaner is Better

Have you tried deep cleaning your carpets such as using solutions in order to remove stains? Vacuuming is fairly easy and anybody can do it. But with the complexity of cleaning your rugs, the dirt, stains, and all that, leaving it to a professional is better. You do not know what lurks under those rugs. Why do you need to hire a professional cleaner? The who are specialists in many types of fibers. They know the type of cleaning material to use for any type of fiber. Their technician will simply have to inspect the rug to be treated and teach you ways to prolong the life of your rug. Read also: Use Floor Polishing For Keeping Your Flooring Looking New Benefits of Rug Cleaning in Dallas Time Saver Cleaning your carpet and rugs by yourself is time-consuming. It might even result in a disaster if you do not know what you are doing. By hiring a professional to do the work, you can save a lot of time. Whenever you hire professionals, they will also be the ones to move the furniture and put them back. This is also another convenience because you do not have to do the moving. It can be quite exhausting. Extend Your Rug's Life A rug cleaning in Dallas, when done by professionals, can extend the life of your carpets and rugs. With regular cleaning, your rugs will look as good as new. A professional cleaner will always perform a better job than hiring an amateur without so much experience. You can expect that every inch and fiber of your rug will be cleaned without damaging them. Preserve Indoor Air Rugs and carpets trap a lot of bacteria that you are not aware of. These can pollute your house and might cause allergies. Regular cleaning will prevent the growth of bacteria and allergens that can make you sick. By maintaining clean rugs, you will also preserve a dirt-free surrounding. Feeling Clean and Comfy Have you ever felt good walking into a house that is clean? Chances are, you know the feeling of a newly cleaned house. This is pretty much the same when you have a newly cleaned rug. There is that smell of freshness and your rug feels good on your bare feet. Certification Professionally trained cleaners are certified in all types of fibers. They know how to clean your rugs and spot any other necessary treatments to prolong the life of the rugs. While it is true that professional rug cleaners cost more than an amateur, DIY or rentals, in the long run, you are still able to save more. A professional cleaner knows what to do with dirty and stained rugs. They know the chemicals to use without damaging the rug.  They are also equipped with the necessary tools and cleaning solutions that are effective than those found in stores. You can be sure that with professionals, your rugs will not get destroyed as opposed to doing everything yourself and not knowing the precautions on the use of chemicals.