Five Easy Steps When Cleaning Your Mattress

Published on: 09 May 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

It is highly important to clean your mattress on a regular basis. This is because mattresses could become a breeding ground for dust mites, stains, and bad odor. None of which we would want in our homes. Since we spend about a third of our lives sleeping, it’s only proper that the mattress we’re sleeping on is clean.

But mattress cleaning may prove to be an intimidating task, especially if you do not know what to do. Do you wash it or dry it out? What cleaning agents will you use? Are you using the right cleaning techniques? The questions are endless – and overwhelming, too. After all, no one would want to damage an expensive mattress.

To help you out, we have compiled a few tips to make the mattress cleaning experience a lot less daunting. Read on and find out.

Suck Up the Dirt :

Vacuuming your mattress is perhaps one of the easiest ways available to clean it. It may also be one of the most convenient ways. First remove your pillow top, sheets, pillows, and blankets. After doing so, you may then proceed to vacuum your mattress. This will:

Remove any crumbs that may have accumulated from late-night snacking sessions or from movie marathons.

  • Take off any pet hair that may have stuck to the mattress after letting your pet sleep in the same bed as you.
  • Remove any dust that has formed since the last time you took the time to clean your mattress.

Nearly every house would have a vacuum cleaner for general cleaning purposes. If yours does not, then consider getting one, as it is quite a good investment. It makes cleaning not only the rooms of your house a breeze, but it is a big help in cleaning your mattress as well, keeping it as comfortable as possible.

Easy Spot Cleaning :

The next thing you can do to clean your mattress is to spot clean it. The type of stains present on a mattress will vary from person to person. Likewise, the best ways to clean these stains vary as well. Here is a quick list of what you should use when you get an unsightly stain on your mattress:

  • Water: Water is a safe bet. It is cheap and safe to use on absolutely everything. It is good as an immediate treatment to prevent stains from setting. It also lessens the effect of dyes but is not 100% effective.
  • Detergents: These can be used for most situations, especially for grease stains. Commonly, people have detergents for laundry and dishwashing at their disposal. You must be careful with the latter, as it could damage the fabric on the mattress.
  • Salt: This one can be found in almost every household. It is effective in removing sweat or deodorant stains. It is also good in lessening red wine and bloodstains.
  • Vinegar or Lemon Juice: These two are amazing tools for removing coffee and tea stains. People have also found them effective against grass stains as well as tape and glue residue.
  • Bleach: Bleach is effective in removing dyes. This means that it is a good bet for make-up and grass stains. This should be used in moderation, as it can damage more delicate mattresses.

People also rely on a combination of hydrogen peroxide, liquid detergent, and baking soda. Simply spray the mixture on a stain and spot clean away. Another easy combination is that of lemon juice and salt. Spread this on a stain and leave it on for at least half an hour. Afterward, just wipe it off.

Remove Foul Odors :

The third step we suggest for the mattress-cleaning process is deodorizing. There are multiple, easy ways for you to do this.

  • Air Dry: Perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to do when you want to deodorize. Simply leave it in the heat of the sun for a couple of hours. This will remove any foul odors and naturally kill bacteria as well.
  • Baking Soda: Simply sprinkle this stuff on your mattress and leave it be for a couple of hours. It is a natural deodorizer that also kills germs. After it has done its job, just vacuum off the excess on the mattress.
  • Lavender: A bit of an extra step, but has proven to be worth it. It does not only remove unwanted odors from your mattress, it also adds a relaxing scent that will help you get a better night’s sleep every night.

While each one of these suggestions is effective in their own right, doing all three would help you achieve better sleep. It may take some more effort on your part, but it will all be worth it.

Clean Your Sheets : 

Washing your sheets is another important step in this process. It’s not enough that your mattress is clean; your sheets should be, too. It is always a good idea to clean your sheets regularly as this would prevent stains from seeping through to the mattress. This will also remove unsightly stains and foul odors. Together with a clean mattress, this will help you wake up more relaxed and energized.

When doing this, it is important to remember the following :

  • The washing machine is your best friend when it comes to washing bulky sheets. A dryer would also help deodorize and kill bacteria with its heat.
  • Read care labels so that you do not cause damage to your sheets especially on sensitive fabrics. Some detergents are very strong and may actually do more harm than good. Some may even make the stain spread instead of removing it.
  • It would not hurt to use a scented detergent to wash sheets. Just know how much and which brand to use. As mentioned before, lavender is a good scent for some more peaceful sleep.

It is recommended that sheets be washed at least once a week. If this is not possible, then at least make sure to change them.

Protect Your Mattress :

Lastly, we would recommend you to protect your mattress. A lot of manufacturers offer mattress covers nowadays. They help prevent future stains from getting on the mattress itself. Not only that, some of them even make the bed more comfortable. As an added bonus, they can easily be thrown in the washing machine with the sheets.

And On That Note…

While this task may seem like it is too much, it really is not. This also has a lot more benefits than just removing stains. If you haven’t tried doing it and you’re scared of trying, ask someone who can help you out. Additionally, a wealth of information is available on the internet. Sometimes, the answers to your questions are a mere mouse click away.

Cleaning your mattress on a regular basis is important. This would help keep germs at bay and remove foul odors. This will also increase your mattress’s longevity. Your mattress will keep you comfortable for as long as possible. All of this would lead to you getting a better night’s sleep in the long run.

Take the first step today and you will thank yourself later. You invested quite well on that mattress; make that investment well worth it. Take good care of your mattress and it will take good care of you.

Read More :

  1. Natural ways to get rid of flea in your lawn.

  2. Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean in One Hour or Less.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Portable Generators

Portable Generators: 5 Ways To Keep Them Clean and Running

Before purchasing your portable generator, there are two essential things you should always consider; it’s versatility and handiness. This will significantly help in cases of breakdown. How? Once you’re sure of your portable generator power and versatility, then it becomes more comfortable for you to identify it’s spare parts availability. If you want your portable generator to last longer, then you’ll have to follow the number one rule of owning a portable generator strictly. Bonus: Maintenance. Proper maintenance will ensure your portable generator works efficiently. Outlined below are five tips for maintaining your portable generator for efficiency. 1. Fresh Oil Helps Changing the oil of your machine regularly replacing it with a fresh one will maintain your engine for efficacy. If your generator is new, then it needs to be synchronised exactly after 30 hours of use. This sounds demanding and tiresome but, you’re never going to regret it. Don’t worry because as time goes by, changing the oil of your small engine will only be done after every 100 hours of use, or even after every season. It is always important to have a stock of oil or gas set aside in case you run out of power. The fact is that you’ll never know when you’re going to have extended power outages. This is to prevent your engine from corrosion. 2. Plugs & Filters Ensure that your generator has a way of igniting gas into the engine cylinders otherwise, your generator will have no use. However, maintaining your generator will have you change your plug and air filter occasionally. You can do this after using it for 200 hours or maybe once at the start of each season. Having done that successfully, your generator will have a proper fuel-air mixture that will help your generator work efficiently thus, an extension of lifespan. 3. Store Your Generator on an Empty Tank This implies that if you ’re planning to store your generator for longer, maybe a month or so. But, before you do that, ensure that you drain the fuel from the tank. However, there are necessary steps you’ll need to follow before emptying your generator’s fuel tank. First, you’ll have to add a quality gas stabilizer to the fuel tank and allow it to run for about 15 minutes. Once you’ve done that, allow your engine to cool down, then start your engine and run it until it runs out of gas and automatically shuts down. On the other hand, you may use a siphon that’s non-conductive to remove excess gas in the tank. Remember, the siphon should be non-conductive to prevent the fuel tank from static electricity. 4. Charge the Battery You can charge your generator only if it has a battery because not all of the generators use a battery. Some of the generators are electric starts feature so; they will need to charge before storing them. You can as well plug your generator’s battery in a trickle charger for freshness and availability. 5. Train in the Off-Season As you continue to store your generator, you are advised to always start it after every month allowing it to run for some few minutes. This will help keep your generator’s features lubricated because oil will be circulating through the engine. Wrap Up Had problems before maintaining your portable generator? Worry not because the above tips have provided solutions to your questions. Read More: 7 Specifications You Should Look for When Buying a Home Generator Generator Secrets that manufacturer won’t tell you Advantages of Using a Portable Solar Generator

Garden Fences

Tips For Planting And Maintaining Greenery On Garden Fences

Garden fences are an essential part of any outdoor space, providing privacy, security, and aesthetic appeal. One way to enhance the look of your garden fence is to plant greenery on it.  Not only does it add visual interest, but it can also provide shade and habitat for birds and other wildlife. However, planting and maintaining greenery on decorative garden fences can be challenging.  How To Maintain Greenery On Garden Fences? Maintaining greenery on decorative garden fences addition is a beautiful and natural touch to your outdoor space. When it comes to maintaining greenery on garden fences, consider the versatility of custom window boxes. These personalized window boxes can enhance your garden's aesthetic and provide a perfect space for your favorite plants. Without proper care theses, the beautiful natural touch can look like a small wild bush. More than installing the fence panels, regular maintenance is required to ensure the long life of the fences. Check out for fencing repair and maintenance ideas. Let’s see the easy caring tips that do not require expert help. You can apply these tips on your own by using small and readily available tools. 1. Choosing The Right Plants For Your Garden Fence The first step in planting greenery on your garden fence is to choose the right plants. When selecting plants, consider the amount of sunlight your fence receives and the soil quality.  Some plants, such as ivy and jasmine, are ideal for shady areas, while others, like clematis and morning glories, prefer sunny spots. You should also choose plants well-suited to your soil type and moisture levels. It's also important to choose garden fences and plants that will complement your existing landscaping and the style of your garden fence. Consider planting wildflowers or climbing roses if you have a rustic wooden fence. You might opt for succulents or grasses if you have a more modern fence. 2. Planting Your Greenery Once you've chosen the right plants for your garden fences, it's time to start planting. Before you begin, be sure to prepare the soil. Clear any present debris or weeds from the area, and amend the soil with compost or other organic matter to improve drainage and fertility. When planting your greenery, be sure to follow the specific planting instructions for each plant. Some plants, such as climbing roses or ivy, may require a trellis or other support structure to climb up the big or small garden fences. Other plants, like clematis, may require regular pruning to keep them from becoming too heavy and damaging the fence. 3. Caring For Your Greenery Proper care is essential for the health and longevity of your greenery. Be sure you are watering your plants daily, especially during hot and dry periods. Fertilize your plants as needed, following the specific instructions for each plant. Regular pruning is also important to keep your greenery healthy and well-maintained. Be sure to remove any dead or diseased branches and prune back any overgrown areas that are crowding out other plants or obstructing your view. 4. Protecting Your Garden Fence While planting greenery on your garden fences can be a beautiful and eco-friendly solution, it's important to protect your fence from damage. Be sure to use plant ties or other support structures to prevent your plants from pulling down or damaging your fence. You should also be aware of any potential pests or diseases that could harm your greenery or your fence. Be sure to monitor your plants regularly and take action if you notice any signs of infestation or disease. 5. Provide A Sufficient Amount Of Water And Nutrients Make sure your plants receive enough water and nutrients to thrive. Consider using a slow-release fertilizer or compost to give your plants the necessary nutrients. Regular pruning helps your plants to maintain their shape. And regular pruning also prevents them from becoming overgrown or damaged. Prune away dead or diseased branches, and remove any growth encroaching on other plants or structures. Keep your eye out for pests and diseases which can damage your plants. Using the natural pest control methods, like companion planting or organic pesticides, keeps your plants healthy. Conclusion Planting greenery on your garden fence is a great way to add beauty and interest to your outdoor space. If you are concerned about deer damaging your garden, installing a deer fence from by a professional can provide the protection you need while adding value to your property. By choosing the right plants, planting them properly, and providing proper care and maintenance, you can create healthy and thriving garden fences that will enhance the look and feel of your outdoor space for years to come. Read Also: 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life How To Plant Grass Seed On Hard Dirt? – Latest Update 2022 10 Best Bedroom Plants To Buy In 2022

Garden Shed

The Top Four Reasons Why You Could Certainly Benefit from a Garden Shed

Storage space is essential for any home. This is particularly true if your house is on the small side – you need enough space for all your things and belongings, and it could quickly become an issue if you don't have enough space for everything you have. Where will you store items such as sports equipment, tools, and so on? While you may be able to hire a self-storage facility, do you really want to? If you put your things in a self-storage facility, you will not have access to it at any time. There is a solution, however: your very own garden shed. Check out the Shed Prices from different providers and compare them to find the most suitable one for your garden. Here are the top reasons why you could certainly benefit from a garden shed: 1. More storage  As already mentioned, you could benefit from more storage space if you have a garden shed. If you have a garden shed, you can easily fill it with various items and equipment, from sports equipment to garden tools to bikes to barbecues and everything in between – stuff you don’t need all the time, but which would be nice to have handy. With a garden shed, you can have all these things stored and protected from the elements. 2. Enhanced value for your property If you have extra storage because of a garden shed, your home's value can also increase. If you ever think of selling your property in the future, your garden shed could be a unique and invaluable selling point. Everyone loves extra storage, after all. 3. Free up space in your home By having a garden shed, you can free up space in your home. You can place whatever oddly- or awkwardly-shaped items or belongings you have in the garden shed, therefore making your home more spacious. Your living space will be much more pleasant without all the clutter. 4. Extra space for hobbies and activities Your garden shed can also have a dual purpose: you can make use of your garden shed not just as a storage area but also as a place where you can engage in various hobbies. You can also make your shed look more aesthetically pleasing by adding windows. These can be made using polycarbonate by Simply Plastics. You can make your garden shed a place where you can do arts and crafts, you can convert it into a gym, or you can make it your very own ‘man (or woman) cave’. There are endless possibilities when you have a garden shed, especially when it’s well-built. To make sure your garden shed is well-built, you should rely on a good builder and manufacturer of garden sheds, such as AB Fencing, who have been specialists in garden sheds and fences for years – just have a look at their website. But if you're a do-it-yourself type of guy, then you could build one yourself and has a perfect guide for you. You have yet another option when it comes to your garden shed – you can use it as a summerhouse where guests can stay and where you can do some entertaining. A garden shed can be a very useful addition to any property, and it can even transform your home and property's look and make it a more pleasant place for everyone. Read Also : 4 Essential Tools Needed To Maintain Your Garden In The Winter 5 Tips To Keeping Animals Away From Your Garden 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips And Tactics You Have To Know