Five Easy Steps When Cleaning Your Mattress

Published on: 09 May 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

It is highly important to clean your mattress on a regular basis. This is because mattresses could become a breeding ground for dust mites, stains, and bad odor. None of which we would want in our homes. Since we spend about a third of our lives sleeping, it’s only proper that the mattress we’re sleeping on is clean.

But mattress cleaning may prove to be an intimidating task, especially if you do not know what to do. Do you wash it or dry it out? What cleaning agents will you use? Are you using the right cleaning techniques? The questions are endless – and overwhelming, too. After all, no one would want to damage an expensive mattress.

To help you out, we have compiled a few tips to make the mattress cleaning experience a lot less daunting. Read on and find out.

Suck Up the Dirt :

Vacuuming your mattress is perhaps one of the easiest ways available to clean it. It may also be one of the most convenient ways. First remove your pillow top, sheets, pillows, and blankets. After doing so, you may then proceed to vacuum your mattress. This will:

Remove any crumbs that may have accumulated from late-night snacking sessions or from movie marathons.

  • Take off any pet hair that may have stuck to the mattress after letting your pet sleep in the same bed as you.
  • Remove any dust that has formed since the last time you took the time to clean your mattress.

Nearly every house would have a vacuum cleaner for general cleaning purposes. If yours does not, then consider getting one, as it is quite a good investment. It makes cleaning not only the rooms of your house a breeze, but it is a big help in cleaning your mattress as well, keeping it as comfortable as possible.

Easy Spot Cleaning :

The next thing you can do to clean your mattress is to spot clean it. The type of stains present on a mattress will vary from person to person. Likewise, the best ways to clean these stains vary as well. Here is a quick list of what you should use when you get an unsightly stain on your mattress:

  • Water: Water is a safe bet. It is cheap and safe to use on absolutely everything. It is good as an immediate treatment to prevent stains from setting. It also lessens the effect of dyes but is not 100% effective.
  • Detergents: These can be used for most situations, especially for grease stains. Commonly, people have detergents for laundry and dishwashing at their disposal. You must be careful with the latter, as it could damage the fabric on the mattress.
  • Salt: This one can be found in almost every household. It is effective in removing sweat or deodorant stains. It is also good in lessening red wine and bloodstains.
  • Vinegar or Lemon Juice: These two are amazing tools for removing coffee and tea stains. People have also found them effective against grass stains as well as tape and glue residue.
  • Bleach: Bleach is effective in removing dyes. This means that it is a good bet for make-up and grass stains. This should be used in moderation, as it can damage more delicate mattresses.

People also rely on a combination of hydrogen peroxide, liquid detergent, and baking soda. Simply spray the mixture on a stain and spot clean away. Another easy combination is that of lemon juice and salt. Spread this on a stain and leave it on for at least half an hour. Afterward, just wipe it off.

Remove Foul Odors :

The third step we suggest for the mattress-cleaning process is deodorizing. There are multiple, easy ways for you to do this.

  • Air Dry: Perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to do when you want to deodorize. Simply leave it in the heat of the sun for a couple of hours. This will remove any foul odors and naturally kill bacteria as well.
  • Baking Soda: Simply sprinkle this stuff on your mattress and leave it be for a couple of hours. It is a natural deodorizer that also kills germs. After it has done its job, just vacuum off the excess on the mattress.
  • Lavender: A bit of an extra step, but has proven to be worth it. It does not only remove unwanted odors from your mattress, it also adds a relaxing scent that will help you get a better night’s sleep every night.

While each one of these suggestions is effective in their own right, doing all three would help you achieve better sleep. It may take some more effort on your part, but it will all be worth it.

Clean Your Sheets : 

Washing your sheets is another important step in this process. It’s not enough that your mattress is clean; your sheets should be, too. It is always a good idea to clean your sheets regularly as this would prevent stains from seeping through to the mattress. This will also remove unsightly stains and foul odors. Together with a clean mattress, this will help you wake up more relaxed and energized.

When doing this, it is important to remember the following :

  • The washing machine is your best friend when it comes to washing bulky sheets. A dryer would also help deodorize and kill bacteria with its heat.
  • Read care labels so that you do not cause damage to your sheets especially on sensitive fabrics. Some detergents are very strong and may actually do more harm than good. Some may even make the stain spread instead of removing it.
  • It would not hurt to use a scented detergent to wash sheets. Just know how much and which brand to use. As mentioned before, lavender is a good scent for some more peaceful sleep.

It is recommended that sheets be washed at least once a week. If this is not possible, then at least make sure to change them.

Protect Your Mattress :

Lastly, we would recommend you to protect your mattress. A lot of manufacturers offer mattress covers nowadays. They help prevent future stains from getting on the mattress itself. Not only that, some of them even make the bed more comfortable. As an added bonus, they can easily be thrown in the washing machine with the sheets.

And On That Note…

While this task may seem like it is too much, it really is not. This also has a lot more benefits than just removing stains. If you haven’t tried doing it and you’re scared of trying, ask someone who can help you out. Additionally, a wealth of information is available on the internet. Sometimes, the answers to your questions are a mere mouse click away.

Cleaning your mattress on a regular basis is important. This would help keep germs at bay and remove foul odors. This will also increase your mattress’s longevity. Your mattress will keep you comfortable for as long as possible. All of this would lead to you getting a better night’s sleep in the long run.

Take the first step today and you will thank yourself later. You invested quite well on that mattress; make that investment well worth it. Take good care of your mattress and it will take good care of you.

Read More :

  1. Natural ways to get rid of flea in your lawn.

  2. Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean in One Hour or Less.

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5 Features That Any Heating Service Should Have!

It is less likely you will come up with unusual tips to guide you hire a good heating service Bergen County NJ. While some might ask you to go by the company goodwill, there will be some who will make you check the packages. However, there are several elements that make any service better than the others. It is imperative for you to go through them carefully before confirming on the services of any heating and cooling professionals. Here are 5 most essential qualities that any heating service Bergen County NJ should have: 1. Work Certification: It is important that you have only certified professionals to take a look at your HVAC unit. You cannot risk the comfort and health in your home or office. The heating units crafted for the residential purposes are different from the commercial ones. When you have certified professionals they are capable of providing assured services to any problem in your unit. You should be looking out for “HVAC certification”. Additionally, you should be looking out for the legal requirement that your state has laid down for the functioning of the services. 2. Quality: It is best to track the company’s record. This will help you know if the heating service Bergen County NJ has the right experience to handle the unit issue. Only a company that believes in offering quality service will come and offer a thorough evaluation of your unit. According to their evaluation, they will suggest you the solution. Only a good service provider will suggest you with honest solutions and help you fix the issue on time. 3. Work Contracts: When you are looking forward to hiring a heating service Bergen County NJ, go for the work contracts. Apart from the regular repairs, you will need such services for maintenance. Keeping the units well-conditioned can help them perform efficiently. Additionally, you will not have to worry about major damages or repair work. A trustworthy company will not hesitate in getting the contract ready and signing it. Hence, you should be looking out for a company that believes in working only with a signed contract that has all the agreed terms and conditions. 4. Insurance: It is important that the heating service Bergen County NJ has professional liability insurance. While working on the heating or the cooling units, it is possible that there might be an accident. The insurance takes care of the damages that incur upon the property. At the same time, it even covers the repair or hospitalization expenses if necessary. Hence, instead of just going by the goodwill of the company, you should be looking out whether the company is certified and insured to undertake the maintenance and the repair work. 5. Referrals: The best and assured way to know if you are looking for the best service in the town is to ask for the referrals. This is a tested way that will help you know if the professionals of the heating service Bergen County NJ are experts and experienced in handling your queries and resolving them. You can get in touch with their previous clients to learn about their work policies. This will help you to 5 Safety Precautions That Heating Services Should Take! Heating services involve working with heating equipment such as furnaces, boilers, water heaters, fireplaces, and space heaters. These equipment can pose various hazards such as fire, electric shock, gas leak, carbon monoxide poisoning, and burns. Therefore, heating services should take the following five safety precautions to prevent accidents and injuries: Install and maintain smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms: These devices can alert the heating service workers and the homeowners of any potential fire or gas leak. They should be tested monthly and replaced every 10 years. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE): Heating service workers should wear appropriate PPE such as gloves, goggles, masks, hard hats, and boots to protect themselves from heat, sparks, flames, chemicals, and dust. Follow electrical safety rules: Heating service workers should use insulated tools, avoid wet or damp areas, and turn off the power supply before working on any electrical components of the heating equipment. Avoid flammable objects and materials: Heating service workers should keep the heating equipment at least three feet away from any combustible items such as curtains, furniture, paper, or aerosol cans. They should also store and dispose of any flammable liquids or gases properly. Ensure proper ventilation: Heating service workers should work in well-ventilated areas to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide, a deadly gas that can cause headache, nausea, dizziness, and death. They should also check the vents, chimneys, and flues of the heating equipment for any blockage or damage. Final Word In case you wanted to know about heating services and why you should take them, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are nay other queries that you might have related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your comments and queries in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you! Read More:  Additional Ways To Keep Your Home Warm Five Efficient Uses Of Propane In Your Home

Life Span Of A Tile Roof

What Is The Average Life Span Of A Tile Roof in Albuquerque?

Tiles look pretty appealing to visual, but are they long-lasting or not? There is no doubt that everything starts to damage after a certain period. But when it comes to a house, we must go for the option that looks appealing yet durable at the same time. Tiles on the roof look quite attractive to the sight, but the question is, what is the average life span of a tile roof? Here, we will discuss the lifespan of various types of tile roofs. So, further ado, let's find out all about tiles roof in detail below. What Is The Average Cost And Life Span Of A Tile Roof? The initial installation and up-front expenditures of tile roofs can cost a bit high than other materials. However, tile roofs survive so long before you need to replace them. A tile roof can also save you money in the long term, and you can also save money on roof repairs since you won’t need to hire roof repair contractors in Albuquerque. 1. Concrete Tiles Concrete tiles can range from $4.00 to $9.00 per square foot on average. Concrete tiles are more durable and heavier than clay tiles. Concrete tiles can last for up to 50 years or more on average, depending on how you take care of them. Concrete roof tiles also have an interlocking installation feature which can reduce labor time and installation costs. They are lighter than clay tiles, making installation easier and your property safer in the long term if the roof structure begins to deteriorate. 2. Clay Tiles Clay tiles are less expensive and easier to maintain than other types of tiles. Clay tiles can last for up to 90 years if you keep them properly. Installing clay tiles is more expensive than installing a shingle roof. The price of clay tiles varies between $10 and $17 per square foot. Clay tiles occur in various styles, and you can pick a design as per your choice. However, one must pay attention to the weight of clay tiles, as with other tile roofs. Also, make sure your home's current roofing structure and frame can sustain a relatively heavier roofing material. 3. Slate Tiles These tiles are an environmentally friendly, attractive, and long-lasting roof installation alternative. However, slate tiled roofs can be more costly than concrete or clay. These tiles range from $9 to $16 per square foot. Also, it requires a lot of labor to install due to its weight and construction method. Slate roofing is impenetrable to extreme weather because it is stone. So, you can anticipate a slate tiles roof to endure up to 100 years or even more. 4. Terracotta Tiles Terracotta is a tough material that can survive hundreds of years if you take care of them properly. Terracotta is also waterproof and fire-resistant, providing excellent weather protection. A complete, tiled terracotta roof's durability is also determined by how well it is built and maintained. The terracotta roof tiles installation costs $10 to $25 per square foot. It includes a $5 to $10 per square foot material cost, slightly higher than other materials. Terracotta roof tiles have a life can be of up to 75 years if you maintain them properly. Even with minimal maintenance, these tiles can last up to 50 years. Terracotta is a heavy roofing material, weighing between 600 and 650 pounds per square foot. 5. Solar Tiles Solar tiles are a moderately new roofing option that more people consider while constructing their house roofs. The appearance of solar roof tiles is similar to that of a fresh asphalt shingle roof. Solar tiles are pretty expensive, ranging from $20 to $26 per square foot. These tiles are similar to asphalt in protecting a roof from the elements and durability. Solar tiles can provide electricity for a house directly powered by the sun. Also, solar roofing tiles can provide anywhere from 14 to 64 watts of energy, depending on the number of tiles available on your roof. Conclusion The roof is one of the most important parts of any house. Apart from protecting us from extreme weather, it also plays a significant role in increasing the structure's beauty and aesthetics. A roof constructed with tiles can be the best option that looks visually appealing and has a good lifespan. It costs a bit high initially, but tiles roof can last for up to 100 years if you take care of their maintenance. Read Also: Top Roofing Tips Does Your Flat Roof Need To Be Replaced? Spot The Warning Signs Everything You Need To Know About Metal Roofing: Pros, Cons, And Costs

Screened Porch

How to Make Your Screened Porch as Comfortable as Possible

Outdoor living is in, especially during the sweltering summer months. Turn a staid, screened-in porch into a tranquil oasis with some comfortable furnishings and ambient decor. These are our favorite tips for creating a screened space you'll want to live in all year long. Treat It as Your Home: Don't be tempted to skimp on furniture for your screened-in porch. Many homeowners rely on basic patio furniture rather than adding comfortable cushioned couches and chairs that create an inviting space. Outdoor poufs are a versatile choice that does triple duty as extra seating, a footrest, or a convenient side table. Choose options with weatherproof fabric that provides easy maintenance and care. The cozier you are on the screened-in porch, the more likely that you (and your guests) will want to spend time there. Think of this area as a natural extension of your home. When choosing furniture, picture how you want to use the space. If you plan to entertain, are you envisioning cocktail parties or boisterous family dinners? Pick your pieces accordingly. Add Accessories: Those little details are a major part of making the patio feel like an extension of your indoor space. Think colorful throw pillows, durable rugs, side tables for snacks and beverages, and accent lighting. Choose colors that coordinate with your indoor palette for a seamless transition from inside to out. Pillows and throws in various textures will add visual and tactile interest. Potted plants add more life to space while emphasizing its natural elements. Keep It Cool: For a three-season porch, you can use from spring to fall, consider screened-in, porch-cooling options to see you through the hottest days of August. Ceiling fans are more effective than a window AC unit, and they create a cooling breeze that will provide relief. Evaporative coolers lower the temperature by using humidity. With these units, cold air is blown over water droplets that chill the air as they evaporate. You can also install shades that can be pulled down to keep the cool air in during the summer and to block the cold air out on chillier nights. Look for transparent versions that will preserve the outdoor feel of the porch. Promote Relaxation: Both real and battery-powered candles create a romantic light that enhances the porch's appeal. String lights provide a similar function. If your home is in a suburban or an urban area that tends to get noisy, consider outdoor speakers through which you can play relaxing ambient noise, such as ocean sounds or birds chirping. You can also plant a row of trees or shrubs to dampen the noise, provided it doesn't block your view. Consider adding a fireplace to your screened-in porch, which has the added benefit of allowing you to enjoy the space when the weather cools. By incorporating these design ideas to add life to your screened-in porch, you're expanding the usable square footage of your home and increasing its value. Best of all, you'll have a space your entire family can enjoy together for years to come. Read Also: 7 Ways To Add Character And Style To Your Home 7 Unexpected Ways To Use Glass And Wood For Your Home 5 Things You Should Know About Heating And Cooling Tiny Homes