Managed IT Support vs Technical Support


17 December 2019


IT support

Whatever the business and industry, there’s no doubt IT support is the key element ensuring proper operations. It partially makes for the success of a company. With a countless number of IT support providers, it may be quite a hassle to decide on the format of such services. Should you choose managed or technical support?

The fundamental difference lies in the way things are handled. That is why businesses ought to evaluate their needs and requirements so that they can decide on the form of IT support. Today, we’ll discuss what managed and technical services are.

The Core of Managed IT Support

Managed IT support is a relatively new concept. Its proactive nature provides numerous benefits for a company. Even though it’s usually aimed at bigger enterprises, the trend of opting for managed services is increasingly growing in small businesses as well.

The core of this format is constant, 24/7 access to an IT team. In case an issue occurs, companies don’t even need to inform their managed services provider as thanks to the advanced technological infrastructure an error is already being handled. This way businesses can put their efforts into day-to-day tasks while a team of IT specialists is dealing with an issue. The result? Smooth operations as if nothing had happened.

Technical Support in a Nutshell

Technical support is a more traditional way of handling a company’s issues. If you don’t happen to have an IT department or an in-house IT team, you might find this option fit. Clients usually purchase pre-paid hours on a monthly/quarterly or even yearly basis and in case an issue occurs, they can use their provider’s manpower to fix the problem.

Having access to a team of IT experts can be highly beneficial in terms of running a business in a trouble-free manner especially when a company runs into a bigger project and faces difficulties juggling their efforts. Technical support comes in handy, allowing such a company to put its focus on the important matters while professionals are handling the issue.

Managed Services or Blocked Hours – Which is Better?

Whether a company should opt for managed services or blocked hours is very individual. Firewall Technical suggests evaluating the needs, profile, and requirements in order to make a smart decision. While managed support is a perfect and highly-efficient option for medium-sized and large enterprises, small businesses can find it fit too.

The biggest difference here lies both in the cost and effort. Managed services is a more pricey form of IT support but it generally pays off in the long-run. Technical support, while being a cheaper option, does not give companies full 24/7 access to a team of IT experts. The contract is based on a specific amount of blocked hours that can be used within a certain period of time.

That is why a thorough analysis should be done beforehand. However, if you own a digital company no matter the size, you would probably find managed services to be the more efficient option.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Listing pros and cons is always a good idea in order to estimate the best solution for your company. There’s a lot to consider in terms of budget, time, and effort. So what are the biggest advantages and disadvantages of managed services and technical support?

Managed IT Support

A growing number of companies are going for this type of IT support. No wonder, all the issues are handled right after they occur, or long before they even get the chance to. This is one of the biggest advantages of managed services, and that is why it makes a perfect fit for those whose operations rely heavily on IT systems.

Your company’s efficiency will most likely boost thanks to outsourcing it. Increased focus on development and innovation gives businesses additional asset – competitiveness. Experts at Miropoint emphasize that it’s not only about fixing issues and updating software but most importantly about preventing errors from happening in the first place.

Another very prominent pro of managed services is the level of security, which is crucial if you’re running a business that stores clients’ sensitive data. Cybercriminals like to hunt such companies down and this could cost you money, trust, and reputation.

When talking about the biggest cons of managed support, businesses usually mention the cost. It scares most small companies off since they simply can’t afford it. Well, that’s what they think. They seem to be forgetting about the long-term effects when managed support is a highly cost-efficient solution and does pay off.

Technical Support

IT support prevents your technological infrastructure from any malfunction but not 24/7. In fact, you can use the help of experienced IT professionals any time you need as long as you purchased enough blocked hours to fix your issue. Again, you can also have them improve your old systems so that they’re more compatible with new software. This solution, therefore, could be beneficial for companies that don’t rely on IT infrastructure entirely.

Another advantage is that you’re not bound by any contract. You pay for what you need. No overhead expenses, no flat monthly fee. Such providers are usually quite flexible when it comes to purchased hours so you don’t have to block the same number as the previous month for instance.

There are some drawbacks too. Even though technical support experts have access to state-of-the-art technology, they don’t monitor your systems 24/7, which can cause slight delays before the issue has been recognized. It is also said that sharing information with a third-party could be risky, however, the policy doesn’t allow them to use any information.


The true winner is hard to determine. For some managed services is the top option that provides continuous monitoring, updates, improvement, and security. It is quite costly, which may scare smaller companies off. In this case, they will probably opt for technical support and use an as-needed form of cooperation. No matter what you decide, remember to evaluate your company’s needs and choose the support accordingly.

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Avast UI failed to load

Top Easy Way To Fix Avast UI Failed To Load Error In 2024

Avast Antivirus is the most famous Antivirus in the world. It is so popular among PC users because it offers both a Free Version and a Premium Version, which can be used in computers such as desktops and laptops. There is an Android version of this application as well. If you are not so tech-savvy, let me first tell you in short what Antivirus is. An antivirus is software that protects your system from viruses, malware, and Spyware. Ever since the Windows 10 update, people have been reporting that they are getting an error message saying Avast UI failed to load. Windows is infamous for providing buggy updates. The same thing was reported in Windows 7 as well as Windows 8. It's quite sad to see that Windows, even after becoming the most used Operating System on the planet, has failed to achieve proper security, and adding to that, most of their updates are quite buggy.  However, they fix the bugs in later updates. But the avast UI failed to load has been bothering people for quite some time now. In this article, we will suggest a few troubleshooting methods, following which you can sort out the issue.  What Causes Avast UI Failed To Load? Here are some of the root reasons listed below for this error. There is a good chance that this error pops up because of some error in the configuration of Windows.  Another reason for showing Avast UI Failed to Load pop up is that you might be using more than one antivirus simultaneously on the same device. The last reason we could think of is if there is any problem with your system's Remote Desktop Services. How Can You Fix Avast UI Failed To Load Issue? In order to fix the "Avast UI Failed to Load" issue, you need to check a few things first. Make sure that you have exited the Antivirus. Restart Avast Antivirus. But still, if the issue is not fixed, you can follow these procedures to say bye-bye to this issue.  Procedure 1: Turn On The Remote Desktop Services What you need to do is press the Windows key and R simultaneously. This will open up the RUN box.  After having that box on your screen, you have to type 'services.msc' in that box and press the enter key. Now check for the Service Page. After finding the Service Page, you have to search for Remote Desktop Services. After you have found the remote desktop services, what you need to do is right-click on it and then select the option of 'Properties.' After clicking on properties, you have to double-click on the button that says start and set the startup type to automatic. After you have done that, click on 'OK" to confirm the changes you have made. Now, you have to close the services page and manually restart your PC, laptop, or whatever you are using. It will complete the process. If you are still facing Avast's problem, UI failed to load, then kindly follow the next procedure closely.    Procedure 2: Try Repairing The Avast Antivirus Software Kindly follow this procedure closely to repair. You have to go to the Control Panel Section. You can find the Control Panel in the settings section of your computer. If you do not know how to open the control panel. Click on the start button and type the control panel. After opening the Control Panel, search for the Program & Features option, find it, click on it, and look for Avast Antivirus software. Now, you need to right-click on Avast; you will get the option to uninstall/change.  Be very careful while doing this, as a single mistake can uninstall Avast from your PC. Select the option to repair after having clicked on change. Now, you need to wait for Avast to repair itself, and after Avast completes its repair, reboot your PC. If the error of avast UI failed to load persists, kindly follow the next procedure. Procedure 3: Uninstall And Reinstall Avast Antivirus Software  If any of the above methods did not work for you, then you try to uninstall Avast Antivirus. To uninstall Avast Antivirus Software, you need to open the Control Panel. You can open Control Panel by merely typing Control Panel in the Run dialog box; another way to open Control Panel is by searching the control panel after clicking on the Start button.  After opening the Control Panel, go to the programs and features section and find the Avast Antivirus software. Right-click on it and select uninstall this time instead of selecting change as you did in the previous procedure.  Please wait for some minutes for Avast Antivirus Software to completely uninstall itself from your computer. Reboot your computer as the final step of the process. Switch back on your computer, download Avast from the official website, and install it again as a whole new software. Make sure you do not do anything else on your computer while Avast Antivirus is being installed, as it puts extra pressure on the computer's RAM. After the installation process, open Avast and check if the Avast UI failed to load the error persists. If it does, kindly follow the next procedure.  Procedure 4: Get The Recognition Issue Fixed If the error of Avast UI failed to load persists, you could follow the last and final procedure.You need to look up from the Avast icon on your desktop and Open the shield's control. In shields control, right-click on the Disable to disable the shields. You will get the option to disable it for 10 minutes to an hour. Disable it for 10 minutes, wait for 10 minutes, and check if the 'avast ui failed to load' issue persists. If the error is still showing, then try out some other methods. Press the Windows Button and R buttons simultaneously. It will open up the Run dialog box. Type cmd in that box so that it opens the Windows Command Prompt Box. Type 'winmgmt/verifyrepository' on the search field and hit the enter button.  If it shows the status as inconsistency, you need to type 'winmgmt/salvagerepository' in the search field and press the enter key to finish the process. If the result shows that the Windows management instrument was consistent, you need to type 'winmgmt /resetrepository.'  After doing that, Windows will send you a message showing that the WMI repository has been rebuilt successfully. Finally, you need to reboot the system and start Avast antivirus, and hopefully, it will not show the error of Avast UI failing to load. We are sure that after trying all these steps, your Avast Antivirus will run just fine. But still, if the error exists, we suggest you contact Avast Customer Care as soon as possible. Procedure 5: Update Your Avast Software Most of the time, what can fix such an error message is a simple update. Fortunately, you can update the app without the hassle of having to re-download the app. Redownloading can be a viable option if you cannot access the interface at all. Here is how you can update Avast Antivirus as well as other Avast applications that offer easy updates to its users. Press the Windows+X keys at the same time, then select the app and features from the context menu. Find the Avast Antivirus or any other app that is causing you to see the UI failure arrow. Click on it, and from teh options that unfold, choose Uninstall. Click the Update button and wait for the software to locate any new updates that might be ready to download. It will automatically install the latest version, which will take quite a bit of time, depending on the configuration of your system. When the repair process is complete, launch the Avast app that you were having trouble with. This should get your app up and running. It is possible that updating the Avast app the way mentioned above will fix the internal corruptions or missing files, thereby restoring the UI. But if you are still facing the same issue, try speaking to Avast Customer Support. Conclusion Avast is one of the best antiviruses in the market. The story of avast goes way back to 1995. Initially, it did not offer the best of services, but they have been improving their services year by year. It's one of the few antiviruses that offer a premium version and a free version as well.  Do not think that the free version has limitations like other antivirus software because it's not so. The free version provides a few premium features, which include a WIFI inspector and ad blocker, etc. However the recent trend of Avast showing that the Avast UI failed to load is not what users are expecting. Whether it's the fault of Avast or Windows 10 is yet to be found out. Rest assured, you can try the above procedures to get rid of the issue. 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Direct Mail

Direct Mail: 7 Reasons Why It Isn’t Dead

In an age dominated by digital marketing, you might be forgiven for thinking that traditional advertising methods like direct mail are obsolete. However, contrary to popular belief, direct mail is still alive.  This article will explore why direct mail remains a valuable and relevant marketing tool in the 21st century. It has a lot of valuable information to impart. Hence, if you are looking forward to direct mail marketing, this comprehensive guide is your ultimate destination.  So, let’s get started… What Is The Concept Of Direct Mail Marketing? Direct mail refers to an advertising form where you have to send physical mail elements straight away to consumers. It can be a postcard, letter, catalog, or brochure. This category of outbound marketing lets businesses target a larger audience group and personalize their marketing messages. The goal of shooting direct mail is to generate responses from the recipients.  While direct mail includes sending down physical mail pieces, an email is quite different. The latter is an electronic marketing form where you have to send emails to a number of prospects. Furthermore, email has the same purpose as direct mail, such as lead generation, consumer loyalty, and retention programs. Reasons Why Direct Mail Marketing Is Not Dead Despite the rise of digital marketing and the internet, direct mail marketing is not dead, and it continues to be a viable strategy for many businesses. Here are several reasons why direct mail marketing remains relevant: Tangibility and Engagement One of the primary reasons direct mail persists as an effective marketing strategy is its tangibility. A physical mail piece, whether a postcard, catalog, or personalized letter, offers a tactile experience that digital marketing cannot replicate.  This tangible connection enables potential customers to engage with your brand more deeply. People tend to spend more time reading and exploring physical mail, and they are more likely to retain it for future reference, thus extending the lifespan of your marketing message. Targeted Marketing Direct mail allows for highly targeted marketing campaigns. With access to data and analytics, businesses can pinpoint specific demographics, geographic areas, and consumer behaviors with remarkable precision.  This allows you to reach the right audience with tailored messages and offers. The result is a higher conversion rate and a more cost-effective marketing campaign. High Open Rates In a world where inboxes are overflowing with emails and online ads, direct mail, and leaflet distribution companies stand out. Research consistently shows that physical mail has higher open rates compared to emails. The physicality of mail triggers curiosity, and recipients are more likely to open a well-designed and attractive mail piece. Your message will reach its intended recipient when it arrives in their mailbox, increasing visibility and brand recognition. Creativity and Personalization Direct mail offers a vast canvas for creativity and personalization that digital marketing can't always match.  You can design eye-catching postcards, brochures, and catalogs that capture attention. Personalization can be taken to the next level with custom offers and messages that resonate with each recipient.  Using variable data printing, you can address recipients by their name, include tailored product recommendations, and even provide unique discount codes, significantly enhancing the personal touch and increasing the likelihood of conversion. Multichannel Integration The most successful marketing campaigns often involve a combination of strategies. Direct mail can easily be integrated into a broader multichannel approach.  For example, a direct mail piece can lead recipients to a website, social media channels, or an app, enhancing your online presence and reinforcing your message.  By coordinating your direct mail with other marketing efforts, you can create a consistent brand experience across various channels, boosting customer engagement and brand loyalty. Measurable Results Direct mail campaigns provide measurable results. By using tracking and analytics tools, you can determine the effectiveness of your campaign, from open rates to response rates and conversions.  This data-driven approach allows for continuous improvement. It also provides valuable insights into your audience's preferences and behaviors, helping you tailor future campaigns for even better results. This tangible data-driven approach can lead to a higher return on investment, which is essential in any marketing strategy. Trust and Credibility In an era marked by concerns over privacy, cyber security, and the authenticity of digital communications, direct mail stands out as a trusted and credible form of marketing. People tend to trust physical mail more than online communications.  A well-designed and professionally printed mail piece carries an air of legitimacy and authenticity that can be difficult to replicate digitally. Leveraging this trust and credibility can significantly enhance your brand's reputation and establish a stronger connection with your audience. Bonus Points About Direct Mail Marketing You Need To Remember Now that you know why direct mail advertising is the best for you, here are a few bonus points. Do not forget to consider them as well because all leads to your success: Direct Mail Offers Higher ROI We have discussed how direct mail is highly open in comparison to emails, but that’s not all! It also provides more return on investment. Research says that direct mail marketing provides a 29% median ROI.  If that doesn’t seem too high, think this way. When you take paid search as a way of getting 23% ROI and 16% online display, this number will look more attractive.  It Works Good With Digital Marketing Strategies No brand today can sustain itself without performing digital marketing. And what’s better than incorporating a direct mail marketing strategy? After all, both of them go hand in hand.  Blending direct mail with technological digital marketing strategies boosts the personal touch of an email. Conclusion Direct mail has evolved and remains a viable marketing strategy for numerous reasons. Its tangibility, high open rates, precision in targeting, personalization, and integration with other marketing channels make it a valuable asset in any marketing toolkit.  Direct mail can yield impressive results when executed correctly, providing a unique and effective way to reach your audience in an increasingly digital world.  So, don't be quick to dismiss direct mail – it's far from dead and continues to play a vital role in the marketing landscape. Its unique advantages make it an essential component of a well-rounded marketing strategy. Read Also: Using Direct Mail To Build Trust With Real Estate Prospects The 7 Most Common Email Marketing Mistakes Identify Malicious Emailers With Online Tools

U.S.-Based Appointment Reminders

How U.S.-Based Appointment Reminders Can Help Customers Keep Track of Their Schedule

With so many things going on in our lives, and with so little time, it’s easy to lose track of the things you’ve planned on doing unless you take the extra steps to track your time coherently. Additionally, the older we get, the more difficult it becomes to remember stuff. We all juggle family, our professional careers, and hobbies, among many other personal matters. As such, a little help in the form of appointment reminders would go a long way in helping us plan our time better. An appointment reminder service will communicate to your clients via automated phone calls, SMS, or email to remind them of upcoming scheduled activities such as office appointments, service visits, and deadlines. Let’s walk you through some of the benefits you can expect from using an appointment reminder service. 1. Avoid the Inconvenience of Last-Minute Cancellations or No-Shows It’s estimated that between 5-30% of Americans don’t show up for their medical appointments. Missing an appointment may seem a harmless thing to do since you’ll only have to reschedule but it costs service providers tens of billions of dollars every year. Many people tend to forget about their appointments, especially those that are booked so far ahead. But a reminder the week or few days before the appointment date will allow you to remind your clients in advance so they can either confirm or cancel the appointment. This way, you’ll be reminded of 2. Allows You to Plan Ahead of Time U.S.-Based Appointment Reminders will not just remind you and your clients of the time and day you’re scheduled to meet but also additional information about the meeting. This way you’ll be better prepared for your meeting or appointment. In some instances, the agenda of these meetings might involve certain documents or materials from either party. This could be the case in depositions, medical consultations, or court appearances. 3. Make Your Services More Efficient By integrating U.S.-based appointment reminders within your customer service, you’ll find yourself spending less time and resources trying to get in touch with patients to follow up on meetings. This will give you more flexibility to focus on other productive tasks, including the customers you’re attending to at any given time. 4. Gain More Insight Into Your Client Service Top-of-the-line U.S.-based appointment reminders come with reporting capabilities that allow you to record important customer-business relationship metrics such as no-show rate, duration of a wait after rescheduling, and employee performance. Compiling this information over time will provide high-value insight into your clients, business performance, and customer service. U.S. Based Appointment Reminders Are the Way to Go Are you frustrated at having to reach out to client after client to remind them of their meetings? Has a patient ever caused you incredible inconvenience after not showing up for an appointment? U.S.-based appointment reminders can help sort out all those issues while saving you and your business time and money. Just make sure you do diligent research to find an appointment reminder service that’s ideal for your business needs. Read Also: How to Develop A Healthcare App? Top Non-Physician Career Opportunities in the Healthcare Sector in 2021 How Cutting Edge Technology is Helping Dubai Improve its Healthcare Services