Managed IT Support vs Technical Support


17 December 2019


IT support

Whatever the business and industry, there’s no doubt IT support is the key element ensuring proper operations. It partially makes for the success of a company. With a countless number of IT support providers, it may be quite a hassle to decide on the format of such services. Should you choose managed or technical support?

The fundamental difference lies in the way things are handled. That is why businesses ought to evaluate their needs and requirements so that they can decide on the form of IT support. Today, we’ll discuss what managed and technical services are.

The Core of Managed IT Support

Managed IT support is a relatively new concept. Its proactive nature provides numerous benefits for a company. Even though it’s usually aimed at bigger enterprises, the trend of opting for managed services is increasingly growing in small businesses as well.

The core of this format is constant, 24/7 access to an IT team. In case an issue occurs, companies don’t even need to inform their managed services provider as thanks to the advanced technological infrastructure an error is already being handled. This way businesses can put their efforts into day-to-day tasks while a team of IT specialists is dealing with an issue. The result? Smooth operations as if nothing had happened.

Technical Support in a Nutshell

Technical support is a more traditional way of handling a company’s issues. If you don’t happen to have an IT department or an in-house IT team, you might find this option fit. Clients usually purchase pre-paid hours on a monthly/quarterly or even yearly basis and in case an issue occurs, they can use their provider’s manpower to fix the problem.

Having access to a team of IT experts can be highly beneficial in terms of running a business in a trouble-free manner especially when a company runs into a bigger project and faces difficulties juggling their efforts. Technical support comes in handy, allowing such a company to put its focus on the important matters while professionals are handling the issue.

Managed Services or Blocked Hours – Which is Better?

Whether a company should opt for managed services or blocked hours is very individual. Firewall Technical suggests evaluating the needs, profile, and requirements in order to make a smart decision. While managed support is a perfect and highly-efficient option for medium-sized and large enterprises, small businesses can find it fit too.

The biggest difference here lies both in the cost and effort. Managed services is a more pricey form of IT support but it generally pays off in the long-run. Technical support, while being a cheaper option, does not give companies full 24/7 access to a team of IT experts. The contract is based on a specific amount of blocked hours that can be used within a certain period of time.

That is why a thorough analysis should be done beforehand. However, if you own a digital company no matter the size, you would probably find managed services to be the more efficient option.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Listing pros and cons is always a good idea in order to estimate the best solution for your company. There’s a lot to consider in terms of budget, time, and effort. So what are the biggest advantages and disadvantages of managed services and technical support?

Managed IT Support

A growing number of companies are going for this type of IT support. No wonder, all the issues are handled right after they occur, or long before they even get the chance to. This is one of the biggest advantages of managed services, and that is why it makes a perfect fit for those whose operations rely heavily on IT systems.

Your company’s efficiency will most likely boost thanks to outsourcing it. Increased focus on development and innovation gives businesses additional asset – competitiveness. Experts at Miropoint emphasize that it’s not only about fixing issues and updating software but most importantly about preventing errors from happening in the first place.

Another very prominent pro of managed services is the level of security, which is crucial if you’re running a business that stores clients’ sensitive data. Cybercriminals like to hunt such companies down and this could cost you money, trust, and reputation.

When talking about the biggest cons of managed support, businesses usually mention the cost. It scares most small companies off since they simply can’t afford it. Well, that’s what they think. They seem to be forgetting about the long-term effects when managed support is a highly cost-efficient solution and does pay off.

Technical Support

IT support prevents your technological infrastructure from any malfunction but not 24/7. In fact, you can use the help of experienced IT professionals any time you need as long as you purchased enough blocked hours to fix your issue. Again, you can also have them improve your old systems so that they’re more compatible with new software. This solution, therefore, could be beneficial for companies that don’t rely on IT infrastructure entirely.

Another advantage is that you’re not bound by any contract. You pay for what you need. No overhead expenses, no flat monthly fee. Such providers are usually quite flexible when it comes to purchased hours so you don’t have to block the same number as the previous month for instance.

There are some drawbacks too. Even though technical support experts have access to state-of-the-art technology, they don’t monitor your systems 24/7, which can cause slight delays before the issue has been recognized. It is also said that sharing information with a third-party could be risky, however, the policy doesn’t allow them to use any information.


The true winner is hard to determine. For some managed services is the top option that provides continuous monitoring, updates, improvement, and security. It is quite costly, which may scare smaller companies off. In this case, they will probably opt for technical support and use an as-needed form of cooperation. No matter what you decide, remember to evaluate your company’s needs and choose the support accordingly.

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Creating A Startup Idea

Technologies For Creating A Startup Idea

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EQMS Solution

Guide on Choosing the Right EQMS Solution

EQMS solution is an emerging enterprise software category that manages business processes and content for compliance and quality across the value chain system. You can view it as a high-quality management podium with an integrated data model and IT design that facilitates collaboration and cross-functional communication. While the general management systems and practices behind the management of quality have remained to be consistent for several decades, the methods and solutions used to ensure the production and delivery of high-quality products and processes across the value chain have changed considerably. With modern technological developments, there is a shift towards organizations implementing point quality solutions most of them quality-specific and home-grown modules in ERP systems to manage quality. With the market need, there has been the emergence of a new software category, EQMS (Enterprise Quality Management Software). How To Choose The Right EQMS Solution? Below are things to consider when choosing the right EQMS: Understand The Type Of EQMS Solution Providers You Need For Quality Management: Due to the increasingly globalizing and competitive economy, there’s the need for more integrated and better compliance, quality, and risk processes on the value chain system. The EQMS market has continued to mature together with these needs, and companies now have a variety of alternatives for achieving them. Thus one needs to know what is right for their organizations. If you highly focus on manufacturing or engineering, PLM-based or MOM-based EQMS may be the best option you have. If you are leveraging the use of contract manufacturers and suppliers, and wish to get visibility into upstream operations, ERP-based or PLM-based EQMS may still be the best way forward. If it’s engineering or manufacturing, it may make a lot of sense to choose a MOM-based or PLM-based EQMS. If it is a corporate quality control system, ERP-based or stand-alone EQMS may be the best option at your disposal. Find Out Where Your Focus Is, Either Compliance And Risk Or Driving Business Value And Product Quality: In case your organization is highly regulated, or you run asset-intensive industries you should aim at taking a positive approach to compliance and risk with EQMS functionalities. If business value and product quality are your motives for quality implementation, products like ETQ Reliance QMS software offer an extensive catalog of options to ease this practice. Identify Your Current Maturity Look Like And IT Footprint And Understand The Projects You Are Already Investing In: It is common for a company to make IT-related investments that promote its principal competency. If your company is in the middle of an ERP exploitation, ERP-based EQMS should get special consideration. If your company generates most of its value through its production effort and design, then you are likely to have a significant MOM or PLM footprint already in place. In this case, extending EQMS through these platforms will be the most cost-effective. If you are not pouring a high level of resources into the current system, then the value that stand-alone EQMS provides may be easily justifiable. The Budget And Speed Needed For Implementation: Knowing how much money you need and the specific time to solution value will play a significant role in your solution approach as the valuation time has a tight connection to the current IT investments. Most stand-alone EQMS providers have a leg up in this area, but there are some ERP, MOM, or PLM vendors today who are looking towards expanding quality capabilities and willing to remain flexible with new clients in the industry. Your Quality Vision: As you determine the best solution approach for your business, it is critical to think about your long-run quality vision. That is, don’t continue on this path and make an investment to fill a need. Instead, do your due carefulness and invest in a scalable IT solution that continues to deliver cross-functional value with time. Conclusion: Determining your solution approach is critical only if you find the correct vendors that could fill your needs bearing in mind the above considerations. Read Also: 6 Software Technologies That Will Dominate 2018 Riding The Wave Of Popularity: 7 Most Popular IT Buzzwords And What They Really Mean Featured Image:

Waterjet Vs. Laser Cutting

Waterjet Vs. Laser Cutting: Which Is Worth The Hype?

Waterjet and laser cutters can slice through materials that no other cutting tool can. They are invaluable for prototyping products and precision manufacturing. But which one is worth the hype - waterjets or laser cutters? This article provides everything you need to know about waterjet vs laser cutting units. Learn how they work and which one is best for your industrial manufacturing facility. Waterjet Vs Laser Cutting: Unlike the vast majority of blades and saws, waterjets and laser cutters don't have a blade. The lack of a blade makes engraving and detail work much more precise. And, waterjets and laser cutters are computer operated, as to achieve a very high level of precision. Both machines can engrave minute lettering and symbology into a wide range of manufacturing materials. But each machine goes about it a very different way. Both methods of cutting excel with 2D objects and engraving, but which is better: waterjet or laser cutting? What Is Laser Cutting? Laser cutting uses a high-focus laser to cut or engrave materials. Laser cutting is a method of subtractive manufacturing, which means it only takes away material. This is in opposition to additive manufacturing, like 3D printing. Special software guides the lasers using mirrors. A gas power source provides energy to the system, usually in the form of CO2. The CO2 fuels the laser which outputs between 1,500 and 2,600 watts. Some systems implement an additional gas jet to expel the excess material. Laser cutting is a very precise form of subtractive manufacturing. The intense heat of the laser cuts through material like a razor using a precision burn. Laser systems cut material from sheets or large panels. Laser Cutter Materials: Laser cutting systems make precision cuts in a wide range of materials. The only material that a laser cutter is not "cut-out" for is reflective metals. The reflective property of some metal reflects the laser off of the cutting surface, which can be dangerous. Laser cutters are great for cutting glass, wood, plastic, and a wide range of metals. Laser cutters encounter obstacles, however, when trying to cut compound materials. If the material contains multiple materials, then it has multiple melting points. If the material has multiple melting points, then a laser takes longer to cut through it, and cuts can become uneven. Laser cutting systems work the best with flat sheets of material, with a thickness range between 0.1 inches to just under a half-inch. And, most laser cutting systems proficiently perform the functions of cutting, drilling, engraving, welding, ablating, and structuring. What Is Waterjet Cutting? Waterjet cutting systems utilize a high-pressure waterjet to slice through materials. The water is shot through a very fine point and creates over 60,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. For tougher materials, a mixture of water and an abrasive acts like a diamond saw blade. Garnet is a common abrasive for use in waterjet cutters. Aluminum oxide is another common abrasive that you can use with a waterjet cutter. The process of waterjet cutting is a high-speed version of natural erosion. With a big enough waterjet cutter, you can make another grand canyon in a fraction of the time. Read more about how the best water jets can cut through anything nature makes. Waterjet cutters differ from laser cutters in that the power source does not reside with the cutting unit. Since a waterjet cutter outputs between 4 to 7 kilowatts, the water pump is located away from the worksite. This is also true because the water source is rarely nearby your bench. Waterjet Cutting Materials: Unlike a laser cutter, waterjet cutters can effectively cut almost any material. They have no problem cutting through compound materials with multiple material types. The pure pressure of the water jet is enough to cut cleanly through anything. Waterjet cutter units are especially useful for cutting precisely through masonry. They're also good for cutting and structuring stone, thick metals, ceramics, and glass. Waterjets handle thicker material than laser cutters. They can handle material that is up to around 2 inches thick. But they don't do as well with material thinner than 0.4 inches. Level of Waste from Waterjet vs Laser Cutting: Laser cutters create a minimal amount of off-fall and waste. Very little, if any, cleanup is required after cutting. The only waste that laser cutting produces is a small amount of dust that is easily vacuumed up. Waterjet cutting, on the other hand, creates a lot of waste. You might think that waterjet cutting would be cleaner, but it is not. The abrasive material in the water adds a toxic element to the off-fall liquid. For this reason, waterjet cutting requires special waste-water disposal, safety gear, and a bigger project budget. What's the Cost to Purchase and Operate a Waterjet vs Laser Cutter? A plasma laser cutting machine will cost between $15,000 to over $250,000 at the initial purchase. Waterjet cutters are more expensive because they require more specialized materials. They range from $100,000 to around $400,000. On average, either machine will cost around $350k. Expensive industrial machines can exceed $1,000,000. On average, a laser cutter costs between $13 to $20 an hour to operate. Waterjet cutting systems run between $15 to $30 an hour to operate. Final Thoughts: At the end of the day, waterjet cutters cost up to five times more to operate than laser cutters. Waterjet cutters can cut thicker and more complex materials, but they are slower than laser cutters. So, when considering waterjet vs laser cutting, laser cutting will save you time and money. If you like this article on which is better, share it with your friends on social media. And check out the blog for more resources on hardware and gadgets. Thanks for reading! Read Also: How Portable Metrology Tools Are Making Manufacturers More Flexible