All About The Legal Entity Identifier: A Mandate Of The Future!


20 November 2019


Legal Entity Identifier

Legal Entity Identifier is an alphanumeric, 20-character code developed by the International Organization for Standardization. Abbreviated as LEI, this code contains information on the company’s ownership structure and provides answers of ‘who is who’ and ‘who owns what.’

It gives a unique identification of all legal entities (organization, company, firm, trust, fund, and government body) that are participating in any financial transactions.

The complete LEI system is operated and maintained by GLEIF (Global LEI foundation), and the right to issue LEIs is only given to the few organizations.

It All Started With Wrigley’s:

In 1974, when the grocery industries were pleading for the development of barcode, many companies proposed their proposals to bring them. Considering this, the UPC was introduced, which became the first code to be scanned on Wrigley’s Chewing gum.

Later, to end the one-dimensional (UPC) barcode, which only contains 20-alphanumeric codes, Denso Wave (a Toyota’s subsidiary) invented Quick Response (QR) codes. QR codes are a two-dimensional system that focuses on rapid scanning and is widely used by today’s marketers to streamline processes.

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Came In Existence – 2011

The LEI was developed by the G20 (an international organization with 20 major countries) in 2011 to track all financial transactions in national jurisdictions. The need for LEI came when regulators were suffering from financial crises, and there was no unanimous code to make successful financial transactions.

The difficulties in identifying transaction details and calculating the risk amount bring LEI into existence.  The first (LEI) legal entity identifiers database was issued in December 2012.

Structure Of Code:

Technically, the Legal Entity Identifier is represented as ISO 17442. It contains 20-character alphanumeric numbers with the first four characters showing the LOU, Local Operating Unit. The other 5-18 characters are an alphanumeric string, which organizations assign. And, the last two characters are called checksum digits.

Process Of LEI:

The companies that need a Legal Entity Identifier should contact the respective organizations that provide LEIs. They then have to provide the necessary information and the fee. The issuing body will then provide LEI after cross-checking all details. Things like registration of the business, information about other connected companies, etc. are verified before giving LEI. Some other things, which the issuing body will assure, are:

  • A country where the entity was formed
  • The registered address of the legal entity
  • Any legal or official name of the entity (if any) that is present in the records
  • The Unique code of representing countries and their connected company’s
  • Data of the first LEI assignment, date of the last information update and it’s an expiry date

Why LEI Is Important:

  • LEIs reduce the risks associated with financial transactions. With them, you can easily measure the total risk involved in trading.
  • It minimizes the overall cost of reporting tasks, cost of information gathering, and other administrative costs.
  • LEI help in enhancing market transparency as with a unique code, it is easy to detect the frauds and other manipulations in the market.

Who Should Need LEI?

Organizations, corporations, and other entities that are involved in the financial transactions need LEI to recognize all entities and funds involved in the transactions. If you are any of the following, you can register for LEI:

  • A non-profit organization
  • Registered Company or Registered Subsidiary
  • A business having a distinct identity
  • A trust or Funds

LEI In Business And In Payment Systems:

To have clear business identification and to make transparent financial transactions, business needs a unique code called LEI.  LEI also helps to minimize the cost and the speeding process of transactions, improve data sharing, and more. Furthermore, in trading (direct and indirect payments), LEI ensures that the correct information is used to transfer funds.

LEIs not only ensure transparency and safety in the global market, but also provide maximum compatibility and safe business.

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Money Saving Service

Features To Ensure Success Of Your Money Saving Service

We all have plans and dreams. Nonetheless, to implement them we need financial resources. Todays’ advanced technologies offer a solution to collect the sum we need. So, we shall discuss how to design a great saving application to help people build their dreams into reality, and how you as an owner can succeed as well. Interested? Let’s get down to business. Functionalities a money-saving platform should provide Let’s explore what parameters are critical for users. # Profiles It’s pretty obvious that, first of all, a person downloads an app and sets up a personal profile. Try to keep those processes simple and straightforward. People shall fill in a certain form to specify some information, including the financial one. It’s okay if the account activation takes some time since all customers’ details must be processed and verified carefully. We’re dealing with money issues, thus, everything shall be checked adequately. # Bank account involvement A budget framework shall allow the audience to connect their bank accounts. Here the trick is for app owners to cooperate with multiple financial facilities to make such a feature available for every individual. Moreover, it would be amazing if you also find some solutions for those persons who have no bank accounts and who choose other ways to manage their finances. That approach will enlarge your target audience. # Possibility to set several goals Setting goals is a pretty fascinating aspect of an online money resource. Let’s assume that a person starts applying an online system to save some funds and enforce ceratin plans that demand specific monetary investments. It could be anything, say, university fees or vacations. Thus, a user takes advantage of a financial program and sets a goal to implement a particular plan he/she has. If you want to create a successful app, you shall allow your people to name that plan, put deadlines if it’s required, provide a brief description, etc. That’s how a saving procedure starts. In most cases, customers have the following goal variants: travel; vacations; gifts purchasing; nest egg for a rainy day; others. Clients will appreciate not being limited to implement only one plan at a time, so individuals shall be free to set multiple goals to realize their desires. Speaking about allocating funds to specific goals, you could provide a few options here. The thing is that some users would prefer to take the total withdrawing sum and divide it equally between all current plans, while others would rather specify how much money specifically shall be sent to each goal. Just remember to keep your money-saving application customizable. And after a person manages to save the sum he/she put as a target, budget software shall stop allocating funds to that particular goal, however, the money shall still get sent to other ongoing plans, if any. # Withdrawal options Every decent money manager platform shall ensure that its customers can withdraw cash from their accounts when they need to. Moreover, no-fee and no-commission policy will be highly appreciated. Additionally, it would be a brilliant idea to give your people several options to withdraw money. Let’s say, chatbots could be one of the tools. Still, the audience needs to be patient, since the processing of such transactions is time-consuming, meaning, individuals will have to wait for the funds to get returned to their main accounts at their requests. However, you could offer specific options for those who can’t wait: say, you might impose a $1 charge to make transfers instant. It’s your call. # Overdraft-proof Your clients shall not worry about possible overdrafts, thus, think carefully about how you could protect their accounts. You could ask users to determine the amount of money that must remain on their accounts at any time. In such a way, an online financial service won’t be able to take the money, in case that indicated mark is already reached. Nevertheless, if some technical issues occur and a money-saving framework withdraws too much, a specific algorithm shall be launched to refund the difference and reimburse all overdraft fees. Make sure you discuss those options with the development team you hire. # Unique features Nowadays, you can find a great variety of diverse financial resources, thus, your objective is to come up with one-of-a-kind parameters to differ from others. Here’s an idea for you. The reality is that many people have to pay off their debts. Of course, they can simply borrow the amount they need, but it’s better to have several options to deal with those issues. Besides bank loans, people can also resource to online money-saving systems. Your program can help people deal with their debts. Clients can set specific debt settlement goals, attaching their credit cards to your platform. The process could be completely automated, and a specified amount will be allocated to pay creditors. If you impose special conditions, you can help your customers repay debts faster. Think about it. Of course, you can brainstorm more to generate other great unique features to bring a wider audience. # Smart notifications Individuals will enjoy the possibility to communicate with an application they use, and text messages will do the magic. Clients need to know their accounts’ statuses, moreover, the messaging notification system can update users on any important news. The audience might want to set the service to receive requests to write off funds, and more. Additionally, people could use particular code words to launch certain activities. Just be creative, don’t limit yourself, and you’ll find multiple ways to assist your customers making them happy. There’s one more aspect we’d like to discover this time. Benefits a saving app shall provide Every app shall serve to resolve certain problems people have. The below-mentioned ideas are for you to keep the audience pleased with your online solution: Special bonuses. Why not offer your active users certain bonuses, say, a 2% annual bonus? That would be a nice touch of yours. Chatbot assistance. A person might need some financial advice, so think about how chatbots could help with that. Setting numerous goals. As we’ve mentioned earlier, that would be a great idea, since it’ll improve customers’ online experience. Automatized processes. It’s in your hands to help clients enjoy the saving process: let them stipulate the amount to put aside and make your framework to take care of the rest. Regular updates. Don’t allow your audience to feel lost, not knowing what’s happening with their accounts. Update them constantly. Referral bonuses. You could be grateful to people who bring new users to your program by giving them, say, $10 or so. Keep it simple. Individuals will really enjoy your application if it is user-oriented and appealing. Web interface. Some people would rather prefer web resources, so consider developing it as well. We believe our hints and tips will help you consider key aspects of money-saving system development to build a successful and credible service. Read Also: How to Become Financially Stable Before Age 30 How to use IT to Save Your Business Money The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock of a Bright Financial Future

Easy Ways To Make Extra Rent Money

5 Easy Ways To Make Extra Rent Money

Times are tough. With inflation and the cost of groceries on the rise, many Americans are feeling deflated when a quick trip to the grocery store for a few basic items can cost upwards of $75. With the cost of goods, utilities, and services on the rise, this puts many people in the increasingly difficult position of struggling to make ends meet with non-negotiable expenses. People need a place to live, and your monthly rent expense is arguably the most important debit coming out of your account. However, more and more people are finding the rising cost of rent impossible to keep up with. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in recent years, the cost of rent has accelerated for both new tenants and returning tenants. Furthermore, new data from the Census Bureau found that more than half of all renter households have reported struggling to make ends meet and pay their monthly rent. If you feel like you can’t handle your rent or even groceries, you are not alone. Many people are in your shoes and are likely searching for easy ways to make extra rent money. If you need a simple way to pad your wallet, keep reading for some tips and tricks that can help to give you some breathing room with your rent. Utilize Your Space One way to earn extra rent money is to get smart with the space that you already have! Simply stated, housing costs are more affordable when they are split in half. If you have an extra room, consider advertising your spare room on a roommate search site like Roomster or RoomMatch. You can set your preferences and requirements when searching for a roommate, such as age, gender, life habits, and other personal preferences. Both sites have a background check option, where you can ask a person you are considering moving in with to complete a basic background check. Remember to keep safety in mind, and make sure you meet up with any potential roommates in a public space. It is also wise to never send any money electronically without first seeing a property in person. Rent Out Storage As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. If you are uncomfortable taking on an additional person in your living space, perhaps you would feel more comfortable taking on some inanimate objects. If you have a garage, attic, or other space where you can safely store belongings, many people will pay for a safe and secure place to store their extra belongings. Rent Your Parking Space If you have a parking space included in your rental, this is something else you can capitalize on! Your rental spot could mean extra cash in your pocket! This is an option to consider if you are in a situation where either you do not have a car, or you work remotely and don’t drive often. Platforms such as SpotHero allow you to list your parking spot for rent. Rental options include short-term rentals for an event or a weekend or even long-term rentals. Just make sure you check your lease and make sure no language in your rental agreement prohibits this! Become A Driver If you do indeed use your car often and enjoy driving - you could make money on your daily commute! By driving for Uber or Lyft, you can earn extra cash and design a flexible work schedule that meets your personal preferences. If driving people is not your style, platforms such as Uber Eats or DoorDash are always in need of drivers, and you don’t need to make small talk with takeout! Remote Work Let your skills or creativity unlock extra cash! Are you a talented artist, writer, or graphic designer? Take advantage of this skill set! Advertise your work on a platform such as Etsy or eBay. Personalized gifts are trending - especially around the holiday season - and people will pay to have you create personalized items or designs! If creativity is not your strong suit - consider online or remote work. Companies will often hire workers for tasks such as data entry or freelance writing. With these types of jobs, you can create your own work schedule and work from the comfort of your own home! If you are looking for ways to make extra rent money, there are options available to you that require minimal disruption to your life! As the cost of living continues to skyrocket, these savvy tips can help you earn extra income to put towards your rent and provide you with a safety net of cash. If you’re still coming up short after following these tips, or these aren’t good options for you, contact LoanMart to learn about short-term options to get you through. Personal finance skills can only get you so far with the rising costs of living in recent years, so keep your options open. Read Also: Smart Ways to Invest in Gold How To Start Your Investor Journey: 5 Credible Options To Explore What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets

Trading Forex

Strategies To Implement To Reduce Risk When Trading Forex

Foreign Exchange (forex or FX), where currency pairs dance to global economic rhythms, provides traders with profit opportunities and safeguards to protect investments against possible dangers. 2023 brought new challenges and opportunities in FX trading that necessitated reassessing trading strategies to navigate through the turbulent waters of finance effectively. This article offers several strategies experienced traders may employ to lower risks while maximizing potential gains in this dynamic global marketplace. Understanding Risk Management Principles is Essential Risk management in trading forex is both an art and science, requiring careful examination of market conditions, understanding economic indicators, and employing strategies to protect investments against possible downturns. By using platforms like Metatrader 4, traders can delve into historical currency pairs' data for comparison purposes or track market trends for informed decisions backed by data rather than speculation alone. Utilize Stop Loss Strategies Stop-loss strategies are integral in any forex trader's arsenal. Acting like an automatic safety net, stop-loss orders protect losses and profits by closing trade positions upon reaching predetermined levels in the market. By setting these orders regularly without succumbing to emotional trading impulses, traders ensure their positions are safe from abrupt market fluctuations and safeguard them accordingly. Leveraging with Caution Although leverage can be invaluable to maximizing profits and minimizing losses in volatile forex markets, you should always use it cautiously and carefully. Employing leverage involves borrowing capital to expand potential returns, but in such an unpredictable market, it must only ever be employed responsibly and within one's risk tolerance. Traders should assess their individual risk tolerance and understand market conditions well enough that using leverage does not jeopardize trading capital. Diversification: Expanding One's Wings Diversifying investments across different currency pairs and markets is one way to protect traders against unanticipated market movements. It acts as an insurance against unexpected market shifts by not placing all their eggs in one basket, thus mitigating risk associated with adverse movements in one currency pair or market. However, diversification must be implemented correctly for optimal risk mitigation — making sure the investments chosen do not correlate and provide optimal risk-mitigation results. Continuous Learning and Adaptation Is Crucial The forex market is ever-evolving, driven by global events, economic indicators, and market sentiment. Staying up-to-date with international events as they occur and adapting your strategies accordingly are integral for successful forex trading. Attending webinars, reading recent publications, or participating in forums and discussions are great ways of gathering insight into market trends, strategies, or global events that might affect it. Implement a Risk-Reward Ratio A ratio defines how much one is willing to lose relative to any anticipated profit on any trade. Generally speaking, this should be three times what was risked, as this ensures disciplined trading that adheres to financial objectives and protects capital. Adherence to such ratios ensures discipline is upheld, capital is protected, and discipline remains intact in a trader's trading strategy. Maintaining Emotional Equilibrium Emotionally volatile traders can be both thrilling and dangerous. Striking a balance where decisions don't become clouded with fear, greed, or euphoria is essential in forex trading, as emotional decisions could lead to overtrading, risk-taking, or premature exits that endanger trading capital. Implementing strategies mechanically while adhering to trading plans ensures rational, calculated decisions that align with overall trading strategies. Integrating Fundamental Analysis Is Integral for Business Fundamental analysis plays an integral part in forex, where currency values are inextricably tied to economic indicators and global events, providing traders with a vital edge by helping them anticipate market movements and make informed decisions.  2023 presents no exception; fundamental analysis will likely remain an invaluable strategy as events like policy changes, economic indicators, and geopolitical events have an ever-increasing effect on currency prices affecting them in 2023 and beyond.  Understanding their effects allows traders to stay ahead of market shifts while making better-informed decisions with greater ease than competitors by helping anticipate market movements. Engaging in Social Trading Activities Social trading, the practice of drawing upon the knowledge and strategies employed by experienced traders to expand your own trading horizons, can be a beneficial strategy. Platforms offering such trading provide insight into successful traders' strategies, allowing novice traders to learn, adapt, and potentially incorporate these strategies into their plans if deemed useful by experienced ones.  However, it is essential to conduct due diligence by understanding the underlying rationale behind all proposed strategies and aligning them with personal objectives and risk tolerance before beginning social trading activities. Utilizing Automated Trading Strategies Automated trading strategies or algorithmic trading have proven invaluable for today's traders in an age when technology and trading have become inextricably intertwined. Automated trading involves employing algorithms or bots to make trades according to predefined criteria without manual intervention, eliminating emotional factors from trading, and helping traders execute strategies efficiently while taking advantage of trading opportunities and adhering to their trading plan more consistently. Conclusion Navigating the forex market presents both opportunities and challenges. Effective financial navigation requires strategies designed to mitigate risks while capitalizing on potential opportunities. This strategy must ensure you maximize risk management and potential gains. However, while these strategies provide a comprehensive framework, the rapidly shifting forex market demands that traders remain adaptable, constantly increase their knowledge, and adapt their strategy in accordance with changing market conditions. Global events, economic indicators, market sentiment, and emotional triggers influence currency movements. Prudent decision-making, strategic planning, and continuous learning remain the cornerstones of successful forex trading. Read Also: What to Expect When You Become a Forex Trader Two Trusted Forex Robots in 2019 and Beyond Forex Trading Wisdom: Talk Yourself Out of Bad Trades