5 Things You should know about Safety Alerts

Published on: 08 November 2019 Last Updated on: 11 November 2019
safety alerts

Safety alerts are an important part of any business. Having the right alerts in place means that you can quickly react to any incident and, hopefully, resolve the issue.  They also deal with the aftereffects of an incident, allowing you to comply with legislation and treat everyone involved fairly.

There are several different types of safety alerts but they all serve the same purpose. However, while keeping track of hire risk areas in businesses is important, personal duress alarms must be seen as an essential part of the security structure of any business that has lone workers.

Let’s take a look at 5 important things you should know about safety alerts:

1. Know What A Safety Alert Is

The safety alert is a report after an incident has happened. It details what has happened, the factors that contributed to it happening, and what actions should be taken in the future to prevent it from happening again.

A safety alert can also be the regular contact that you receive from your lone workers to confirm they are well and work is proceeding as expected. This is an essential part of your safety policy to ensure your staff are looked after properly.

2. Confidentiality

safety alerts


Any safety alert is confidential. If it’s a report on an incident then it is simply the facts pertaining to the incident. The idea behind this is not to attribute blame or even seek blame, instead the report should help companies isolate issues and use the information to improve safety in the future.

Because the reports don’t identify any individuals it is possible to share these with other businesses and improve safety across the industry.

3. Reporting Factors

Reporting Factors

It’s easy to think that these types of reports can only be made when a serious incident occurs. However, you can report any incident, even a small problem with communicating with an independent worker is worth reporting.

By reporting all incidents you can dramatically improve the safety of your workers and others, that’s worth the small inconvenience of filling out a few forms.

4. Submitting an Alert is Easy

Safety alerts can be submitted online and shouldn’t take longer than ten minutes. This means that there is never an excuse for not completing a safety alert.

All you need to access the safety alert system is the internet and your company numbers. Just remember, that every time you fill in a safety alert online you’re helping the industry become safer for everyone involved, and even for the end consumer.

5. Types Of Safety Alerts

Safety alerts cover a wide range of incidents in the workplace. You’ll find safety alerts are used for product issues, petroleum transport, and even dangerous goods. In these situations the safety alerts can be used to warn others that the goods in transit are dangerous and need to be treated with care.

In fact, this part of the safety alert is the first step in ensuring the entire handling procedure is safe, and that all staff remain safe.

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Technology Risks

7 Ways A Software Development Company Can Help Mitigate Technology Risks In Business

Technology risk is a term used to describe potential pitfalls in the data privacy regulations and restrictions for businesses that exist in today's world. It also describes risks that might be experienced through poor decisions made by an IT department or mistakes. However, with the increased use of technology comes a risk of cyber-attacks such as ransomware and spam, which puts your business at risk if they are not mitigated appropriately. Thankfully, DICEUS is here to take care of all of this. Find out how this company helps to mitigate IT outsourcing risks in this blog article! 7 Effective Ways Software Development Company Can Mitigate Technology Risks 1. Strengthening network infrastructure: Business owners face many risks when it comes to technology. One of the most important is the risk of data loss. The good news is that there are ways to mitigate this risk. By strengthening the network infrastructure, business owners can prevent their data from being compromised by a cyber-attack. They can also make sure that their employees are using safe passwords and limiting access to sensitive information. By doing these things, they can reduce the risk of data loss and cyber theft. 2. Evaluate the effect and probability: When it comes to mitigating technology risks, businesses must first assess the effect and probability of potential risk. Once the risk is identified, businesses can then create plans to mitigate the risk. For example, businesses can install security measures such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Additionally, they can develop contingency plans in case of a technical issue. Finally, they can train employees on how to use technology safely. 3. Create a security plan: Technology risks in business can come from many sources, including cyberattacks, data breaches, and employee theft. A security plan should be created to mitigate these risks. This plan should include measures to protect the information, such as installing firewalls, encryption, and passwords. It should also outline how to respond if an attack occurs and how to protect systems from insider threats. You can also train employees on how to use technology safely, and policies that restrict access to sensitive data. 4. Track Security Threats Regularly: To ensure that your business is safe from technology threats, you need to track security threats regularly. Continuously tracking security threats and vulnerabilities can help mitigate technology risks in business. Threat intelligence tools can flag potential threats as they occur, providing real-time alerts so that you can take appropriate action. You can also use cybersecurity monitoring services to track events and identify potential vulnerabilities. By identifying and addressing early vulnerabilities, you can prevent more serious damage from occurring. 5. Employ a devoted team for risk management: Businesses need to employ a team of dedicated risk management professionals to mitigate technology risks. This team should have the knowledge and expertise to identify potential risks, assess the probability and severity of those risks, and develop mitigation plans. They should also be able to communicate with other departments within the company about risks, keep track of changes to software and hardware by the software development company, and collaborate with IT staff when necessary. 6. Protected Endpoints: Technology risks can be mitigated by implementing a policy of protected endpoints. This means that all devices and data paths crossing your company's firewall should be protected with strong authentication and encryption measures. This will help to ensure that data is not stolen or hacked, and that confidential information does not fall into the wrong hands. In addition, strict logging and auditing procedures should be in place to track any suspicious activity. 7. Make a strategy for recovery: To mitigate technology risks, it is important to create a strategy for recovery. This will allow you to react quickly if something goes wrong and minimize the impact of the mistake. Some ways to make a strategy for recovery include setting up detailed incident logs, creating procedures and policies, and training employees on how to use the technology. By doing this, you can reduce the chances of a technology failure impacting your business adversely. Going ahead Technology risks are a major concern for businesses today. With so many different platforms and applications available, it can be hard to keep track of which ones pose the greatest risk to your company's data and security. Luckily by opting for the services of DICEUS, you can mitigate these risks and protect your business from potential cyberattacks. By using these services, you can ensure that your data is safe and secure while still allowing you to use the latest technology options. Additionals: Big data software development servicesEcommerce Software Development TrendsIndustrial Automation Software DevelopmentThe Benefits Of Custom Software Development


Hybrid Work Age: Best Firmware Protection

As the world steps on a fast-paced transformation into digital, it's vital to understand and keep up with its benefits as well as the dangers that come with it. In the same way, you have learned to secure your physical house from being too vulnerable to being attacked, you must now also protect your digital devices from attackers. Living more and more in the frame of hybrid work models, the risks of firmware attacks have increased, making it a priority to take the necessary precautions to keep your devices and sensitive and valuable information secure. Especially in the age of hybrid work, it's more important than ever to be vigilant against potential firmware attacks. Since the digital world is blooming fast and at the same time it has matured from a naif use to an all life online, we must upgrade our understanding of it, to a whole other level. It is therefore imperative to be aware that dangers are real, in order to empower yourself to take proactive steps. Well done, you are doing the first step, to research and educate yourself. An enduring strategy amidst the changing nature of existence is to constantly acquire knowledge. Secondly, to assume liability for our collective contribution, towards establishing a secure online environment that can positively influence our physical reality. No different than in the real world, if your business gets attacked, you will suffer consequences. So, in all that we can control, we must act. Let’s get to know more about firmware attacks and ways to prevent them, for an easy and more relaxed life. Firmware attacks: What Are They? Firmware attacks are specific types of cyberattacks that target the software embedded in the computer's hardware. These attacks exploit security breaks in the firmware, much like thieves can find ways to break into a house. By doing so, criminals can then obtain unauthorized access to your device and take control of it. Firmware acts like a bridge between the computer's hardware and software. It controls the basic operations of the device and enables the communication between these two. If a malicious code is injected into the firmware, it is possible to have complete control of the device. This allows the hacker to perform a multitude of harmful activities, such as stealing sensitive information, modifying the device's behavior, or using the device as a launching pad for further attacks. Just to give an example, attackers can exploit the firmware in a router in order to redirect traffic to an infected website, leading to further compromise of the entire network. Dangers and consequences are real The impact of firmware attacks can be devastating for any business. Once the hackers find a way to get inside a device, it becomes possible to steal sensitive information or install malware on the network. Depending on their agenda, this can lead to financial loss, damage to reputation, and even legal repercussions. Plus, they can be hard to detect until it is too late.The risk of firmware attacks has increased quite significantly, as we are entering the age of hybrid work, where more and more people are working remotely. In order to keep a lifestyle of living the dream, it's critical to understand that the threat of firmware attacks is real and can have severe consequences. Let’s review two of the main dangers: Unauthorized access: Attackers can gain access to your device and take complete control over it: steal valuable information, use it as a platform to execute further attacks and manipulate the device's behavior. Difficult to detect: Firmware attacks are often hard to detect, as they can be deeply installed in the hardware of a device. Be aware that traditional antivirus may not be enough, leaving you vulnerable to potential threats. However, you can relax, as the good news is that there are strategies and actions you can take to prevent this from occurring. Key solutions to shield your devices To protect your devices from firmware attacks, there are several key solutions that you must consider. First, regularly updating your firmware with the latest security patches and updates is fundamental. These updates often address known vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Second, investing in anti-virus software that includes firmware scanning capabilities can also help detect and prevent firmware attacks. Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication to reinforce security, to avoid unauthorized access to your devices. In addition to these common solutions, there are several hidden protections that businesses can implement to safeguard themselves, such as: Firmware-based intrusion detection, to seek for and prevent attackers from injecting malicious code into the firmware, during the boot-up process. Implementing firmware encryption makes it considerably more difficult for attackers to insert illegitimate code into the firmware. Finally, organizations can also consider implementing firmware-based authentication, which can add an extra layer of security to the login process. Strengthen your network defenses One of the most effective ways to protect your business from firmware attacks is to take a proactive approach to network security. By implementing robust defenses and regularly updating firmware and software, you can help prevent unauthorized access and reduce the risk of a successful attack. One important step is to use firewalls and access controls to restrict traffic to and from your network. This can help prevent intruders from gaining entry through vulnerable devices and systems. You also improve network security when you regularly update firmware and software on all devices, including routers, switches, and other network appliances. In addition to these measures, stay informed about emerging threats and vulnerabilities. You can do this by subscribing to security alerts and advisories, and by following best practices for network security. Keep yourself in the loop of the latest hi-tech news. Promote cybersecurity awareness Another key aspect of protecting your business from firmware attacks is promoting cybersecurity awareness among employees. By educating staff on the best practices for security and providing regular training, you can help reduce the risk of human error and improve your overall security posture. Some important steps to consider include encouraging employees to create strong passwords, avoiding suspicious links and downloads, and using two-factor authentication whenever possible. You can also implement security policies and procedures, such as requiring regular password changes and limiting access to sensitive data. Another important element is raising awareness about the latest threats and attack methods and motivating everyone to keep themselves curious. By keeping staff informed about emerging risks and updated training on how to recognize and respond to potential attacks, you can help prevent successful breaches and protect your business from harm. Conclusion Just like how individuals need to adapt and upgrade their skills to thrive in the changing world, businesses must also take steps to protect themselves in the digital world. By understanding what firmware attacks are, their impact on organizations, and implementing the right security measures, businesses can mitigate the risks and ensure a secure hybrid work environment. Each one of us has a role to play in creating a safe and pleasant navigation experience in both the digital and planetary worlds. So, let's educate ourselves and take aligned action toward a safe world that will benefit us and all internet users. 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PKI In Cybersecurity

Everything You Need To Know About PKI In Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the most sought-after academic disciplines in colleges and universities. In today's world, since there are a lot of cyber attacks, the importance of implementing proper cybersecurity measures has become mandatory. In this tech-driven day and age, the trend of using Public Key Infrastructure, or PKI, is on the rise. A tech person would easily understand what PKI means, but an average Joe would not know a thing about it. In this article, we are going to delve deep into knowing the basics of Public Key Infrastructure. There are many tools like Keyfactor that provide Cyber Security certifications. So without wasting any further time, let us take a brief look at what PKI actually is. What Does The Term PKI Mean? In simple words, PKI is the term that focuses on everything that establishes and runs public key encryption. Public Key Infrastructure is one of the most common types of Internet encryption that deals with Cybersecurity. It is actually installed on all web browsers to ensure that the traffic of the website is coming from a secure place. Organizations also use PKI to secure their internal communications. The whole concept of PKI revolves around cryptography; it ensures that proper security is provided to websites. Keep in mind that these keys are not a part of the process of encryption; they just help to authenticate the true identity of the parties or devices. They are just certificate givers. What Are PKI Certificates? PKI certificates are nothing but online documents that work like digital passports. They are basically given to websites or entities that want to join the PKI-secured conversation. PKI certificates are not just some random authentication as they can contain a significant amount of data. One of the top important pieces of information that a certificate includes is the website's or entity's public key; the certificate is only the medium through which the key is shared. Then comes the part of authentication; the certificate comes with an attestation from a reliable source that the entity or website is who they declare to be. Let us look at some of the key elements of PKI certificates to get a better understanding. A Registration Authority - The registration authority is the single most important element in the Public Key Certificate. It confirms the identities of those asking for digital certificates. A Certificate Authority - The certificate authority signs the entities with its public key and issues digital certificates. A Certificate Policy - This certificate policy outlines all the PKI procedures; it helps outsiders judge the authenticity of the website. A Certificate Database - The Database stores the metadata and certificates until the license expires. Now that you know the basis of PKI and PKI certificates, let us take a look at the uses of PKI. What Are The Uses Of Public Key Infrastructure? I am sure you have heard the term SSL before; it is the most common PKI implementation. But PKI is not just limited to SSL. There are a ton of other uses of PKI as well. Securing Local Networks. Email Encryption. Securing IOT Devices. Securing Internal Communications. Signing Documents. Giving Recovery Key For Encrypted Hard Drives. I hope by now you have understood the uses of PKI, so let us take a look at some of the risks that you may face if you do not execute PKI properly. What Are The Dangers of Poor PKI Implementation? The thing is, having PKI does not ensure total security, but IT and Security Professionals take PKI very seriously because they are well aware of the risks. Some of the common risks that you may face due to poor PKI implementation are: More encryption increases operational costs Most business organization lack the proper infrastructure to Implement PKI Unsecured websites undermine trust. Final Thoughts: There you have it, above was pretty much everything that you needed to know about PKI, aka Public Key Infrastructure. I hope you have found this article informative and educating. If you have some further queries in regards to PKI, kindly comment them down below. Read Also: Would Your Ecommerce Website Pass the Cybersecurity Test? Here are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong 6 Benefits of Microsoft 365 Security Five Tips to Make Sure Your Security Software Is Actually Secure Why You Need A Secure Wifi Connection In Shared Space