How To Find A Locksmith To Trust With Your Home Security, Locks & Keys

Published on: 20 November 2019 Last Updated on: 21 November 2019

Professionally skilled personnel exclusively in terms of lock and key repair is known as a locksmith, who might also work as a forensic locksmith and can unbolt locked or jammed car doors, or can program it to the car’s mainframe computer to gain access. They have the potentiality to perceive, execute, troubleshoot and maintain pre define key systems and also both mechanical locking and electronic smart cards.

The locksmiths support in making key duplication, lock installation, key extraction and also ensure proper care in the maintenance of equipment. So, for seeking professional assistance from certified locksmiths, you can check out

Points on how to avoid fraudulent Locksmiths so that they can’t barge into homes or cars in any near:

1. Research before Hiring a Locksmith:

Searching in advance with the help of the Internet even before calling up a particular locksmith company is even more convenient, isn’t it? The Internet serves you with a plethora of options to choose in between locksmiths’ firms, so it is better to consult with some professionals. Finding out the registration and local address is easier on the Internet than getting spammed by some local fake companies.

2. Ask for Identification:


When Locksmiths reach their destination, they must produce authenticate identification cards and licenses. Most countries consider practicing the work of locksmith or running a locksmith agency firm without a proper license as a crime.

3. Locksmiths Must Show up in Unmarked Cars:

Originals locksmith business firms will recruit their technicians with marked vehicles with company logos, contact numbers and brand-name on it.  Customers must not let locksmiths work if they fail to present in such manner, as they are majorly inexperienced, poorly equipped, and workers with no license who might damage the locks.

4. Inquire about Cost Estimate and Additional Charges:

Cost Estimation

Before agreeing to perform the work, customers must demand a written statement of the charges, which includes the emergency service charges if any. No additional charges are imposed should be checked. Scammers might create a hoax by claiming the locks should be replaced as they are obsolete.

5. Beware of Locksmiths who talk about Price before the Work Starts:

They ask for cash even before starting to perform their work. They will never let transactions happen through credit cards as that will make it easy to trace them; they will urge you to pay in cash and debit cards.

6. Locksmiths who answer the Phone without mentioning the Company name are suspicious:

By implementing the usage of erroneous business names, addresses, unregistered locksmith firms can fool their consumers. Be sure that while calling a company, they pick up the call with a proper business name rather than merely saying “locksmith services”, these are often fraudulent or unregistered services.

7. Locksmiths who want to Drill your Lock:

Drill your Lock

There have been cases in which locks were drilled as they couldn’t be unlocked because those locks were mostly high-security locks. So, when a locksmith forces a lock to be replaced and drilled by a few minutes’ investigations, he may be a fraudulent locksmith.

In most cases, high-skilled workers carry tools to unlock any kind of door. Drilling locks would end up claiming huge bucks from your wallet, and instead, they would fit some low-quality locks.


This article highlights the various tips to survive from the market of corruption as locksmith scamming has become a huge growing trend in today’s scenario. Besides the above-stated suggestion, always keep in mind, that, never leave any stranger locksmiths alone to work. Hopefully, this article was helpful enough to make you aware of the precautions to be taken before hiring a locksmith.

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Avoid Scams

Internet Safety: How To Spot And Avoid Scams

Individuals and businesses are at increasing risk from online scams. Let’s set the scene. According to International Data Corporation, there will be more than 40 billion connected devices worldwide by 2025. Cyber Ventures reported that almost four million records are stolen daily due to data breaches, which is about 45 per second. And a study from Maryland University demonstrated that there is a new victim of cybercrime every 39 seconds. Online scams are costly and potentially fatal. While many dangers exist online, raising your awareness and adopting good habits can improve your information security and internet safety. How to Spot (and Avoid) a Scam Phishing attempts are the primary ways people are scammed online. Scammers may send these communications via social media and text, but the overwhelming majority use email. While phishing attacks can be specific - known as spearphishing attacks - the vast majority are sent indiscriminately. Fortunately, this spam will tend to have some giveaways. Spotting these can help protect us and our data. Demands for Personal Information Reputable businesses don’t ask for personal information via email or social messaging. Delivery drivers that need you to confirm your full name and address are normally bogus. Banks and government departments never ask their clients to send sensitive data such as bank account information, usernames, or passwords via email. Offers Too Good to Be True (Probably Are) Be suspicious when offered extremely low-price goods, services, or holidays. If it makes you wonder how they can afford to make such a deal, the answer is that they expect to add hidden fees, or the offer doesn't exist. The sender expects to gain valuable personal information from people eager to sign up. Claims You Have Won Something It's exciting to win a contest or lottery draw but ask yourself if you even entered a competition. Messages like these generate excitement and prompt people to act quickly to claim their prize. Such communications may also suggest that you have been personally and individually selected. In a way, you have been selected, but so have thousands of other people, and not for anything good. Terrible Spelling and Grammar Spam is renowned for its major spelling and grammar issues. To avoid scams, remember that businesses spend thousands on marketing. They work hard to ensure their communications are attractive and error-free. If you notice spelling and grammar errors, it's unlikely to be from a reputable business. Fake Addresses and Other Impersonation Attempts Scams often use impersonation to benefit from a brand’s authority. People are more likely to believe a message if it seems to be from Microsoft or the Government. To avoid falling for this trick, check the URL or email address carefully. A scammer typically alters a business name slightly to make it seem authentic, such as the Facebook instead of Facebook or Microsoft instead of Microsoft. If the sender claims to be from a big organization but uses a generic email account, like Gmail or Hotmail, this is also a warning. High-Pressure Tactics Most scams work best for criminals when the victims don’t think too deeply about their actions. Communications that insist on an urgent, immediate response should be read very carefully. Verify the details where necessary. More on Avoiding Scams Now that you know how to spot and avoid specific scams, here are some more tips on how to avoid scammers in general. Use Reverse Phone Lookup Services to Verify Senders’ Details One reason the internet is such a hotbed for crime is that it’s easy for criminals to maintain anonymity. Cybercriminals can stay off the radar by using a virtual private network and dealing in wire transfers and cryptocurrency. They can pretend to be someone else, of course; your bank manager; a delivery driver; or an IT help desk technician. Or a friend or family member. If you’re not sure who you are communicating with, use the internet to your benefit. Go to PhoneHistory or any other reverse phone lookup site to verify people’s contact details. You can do this whenever you have suspicions or simply because you’re dealing with someone you’ve not met in a physical location. Block and Report Spam Don’t hit reply, no matter how much you’d like to hit the sender. Giving them a piece of your mind tells them you have an active email address and that other spammers should probably target you. Most email service providers enable you to block and/or report spam. Ideally, do both. Depending on the email system, you might need to choose “block” before you see the option to report it, or vice versa. Blocking and reporting spam helps your email provider eliminate spam emails from your inbox. And it can help them protect other users from potentially harmful communications. Do Not Interact with Potential Scammers Resist the temptation to click on a link within the message if you are suspicious about the sender's intent. Clicking a link can signal to the sender that your email address is active and cause malware to be downloaded to your device. Malware can cause many issues, including: locking you out of your machine (a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS)); encrypting your data unless you pay a ransom for the decryption key (ransomware); installing software that allows a third party to track your activities and/or keypresses (spyware). Read Privacy Notices Since the implementation of GDPR cybersecurity regulations, a pop-up frequently appears on visiting a website,  inviting you to read their privacy policy and asking you to confirm your preferences regarding cookies. Most websites are reputable with good intent. Sometimes, however, they are willing to sell the information they learn about you to third parties, who may send you anything from unsolicited marketing emails to harmful, targeted scams. If you don’t have the patience to read every privacy notice, it is still worthwhile saying no to all but essential cookies. It’s quicker than it seems. And make sure to deny the company’s permission to contact you or share your data unless you trust them. Conclusion Internet safety can seem daunting, but most people don’t think twice about improving their car security, home security, and personal safety.  Stay observant, check out the identities of people you haven’t developed relationships with yet, and employ a few other good internet habits to keep you, your friends, and your family safe online. Additional: What Is Zero Trust In Cybersecurity Context?  Top 6 Cybersecurity Trends Everyone should Know Everything You Need To Know About PKI In Cybersecurity Top 10 Cybersecurity Features That Are A Must-Have In An Ecommerce Store

Security Guard

The Top Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Security Guard

Whether you have a small- or medium-sized business such as a restaurant, a convenience shop, a retail shop, or a bank, your business could well be a target for intruders and those who are criminally inclined. Security should be a top priority, and for good reason, especially if your business is in an area that has had its share of security issues. The need for security guard is huge when you want to ensure the safety of your business. The good news, however, is that you can make use of a security guard to enhance security for your premises, and security guards are not just there to provide protection, either – they can also assist your employees and customers. So how else can a security guard benefit your business? Here are the top reasons why your business needs a security guard. Reasons Why Your Business Needs Security Guard  These are some of the factors that you have to take care of while you want to make choices to achieve your objectives for making the use of a security guard. 1. Enhanced security and protection One apparent reason why you need a security guard for your business is enhanced security and protection. If you have a security guard present at your business, they can enhance your peace of mind as well as the peace of mind of your employees along with your customers. Employees who work in an area with a high risk of security breaches can be more productive because they need no longer worry about theft or break-ins and their personal safety. Your customers will also be assured by the knowledge that you have taken substantial steps to ensure their security while they are on your premises. This is especially true if you have highly-valuable merchandise or if your business is in an area with a high incidence of crime. 2. An invaluable deterrent Just the simple fact that you have a security guard at your premises is often enough to deter criminals from breaking in or steal something from your premises. A thief or burglar will think twice before they target your business if they can see a professional security guard at your premises. Aside from this, professional security guards are specially-trained to identify and detect suspicious behaviour or activities. They can assess a specific situation and take the necessary steps to ensure that no security breaches occur. A security guard is also a better deterrent than a camera or a standard system for security, as they are highly visual. 3. Improve your service to customers With a static security guard such as one from specialists in security in Oxford like Securipol Ltd, you can improve your service to your customers. The security guard can assist your customers and man a desk or reception area, and they can also serve as a sentry in order to control access to a specific sector of your premises. A security guard can act as an escort for employees and customers who are trying to locate their cars in the parking lot, and they can help your customers reach their destination within your premises. 4. A thorough way of dealing with criminal incidents and other situations Security guards often receive different levels of professional training in regards to responding to an incident or a crime. Some guards can note down specific details of a situation and then get in touch with the police. Others can detain intruders and suspects. Most will also know how to handle difficult situations (such as fights and disturbances). With a security guard, you can be sure that any problematic situation will be dealt with in the proper manner. Read Also: How To Improve Workplace Security Protecting Your Business From Retail Theft

VPN works

How VPN works on Windows and how you can benefit from it

Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems in the world. It is estimated that there are more than a billion Windows users worldwide. This extensive usage means that the amount of data available on Windows systems is enormous making them a target for hacks and other kinds of cyberattacks. A recent article published by Forbes reveals that unsigned firmware in laptop cameras, network interface cards, Wi-Fi adapters, and USB hubs puts millions of Windows users at risk of data theft and ransomware attacks. These threats and vulnerabilities make the use of a VPN for Windows imperative. Here’s how a VPN for Windows works and how people can benefit from it: How a VPN for Windows works A VPN for Windows 10 works by plugging the source of all hacks. The user's IP address, while they are connected to the internet, is what leads cybercriminals to their position and allows them to initiate attacks. VPNs masks this IP address to minimize the ability of any cyber attacker to track and infect the system. The service will effectively eliminate any chances of malware or other bugs being able to reach the system software or hardware. Did you know that Windows 10, the latest version of the operating system comes with its VPN client too? Windows acknowledges the prevalent threat from cybercrime and provides users with the option to enable data security from within the system. This VPN client can serve as a great complimentary service to a comprehensive VPN but it limits functionality because you can only connect to specific servers and this restricts internet access to a great extent. The benefits of a VPN for Windows There are several benefits of a VPN and these go beyond just allowing internet freedom without any restrictions. The main features that a VPN offers revolve around providing elaborate cybersecurity. Cybercriminals and their tactics are constantly evolving and this trend is expected to continue for several years. Here are some of the advantages that a VPN brings when it comes to providing protection against a variety of threats. Comprehensive cybersecurity VPNs offer a wide range of options to protect Windows systems against malicious elements online. These include secure servers spread across the globe and state-of-the-art AES encryption services which makes it hard for hackers to steal data emerging from the system. Most leading VPNs have over the top features like public Wi-Fi security, secure DNS, dedicated IPs, internet kill switches, DDoS protection and a lot more besides. All these features are effective in protecting a Windows system against cybercrime threats. Advanced encryption protocols Encryption is a vital pillar of cybersecurity and the more elaborate it is the better. Highly rated VPNs make sure that they provide additional encryption protocols for users to support themselves and the protection of their online presence effectively. These advanced protocols can be added on top of the standard features so that the overall strength of encryption can be increased. Some security steps to help you protect your data online It is important to note that a VPN alone can’t provide complete cybersecurity. The biggest loophole at times in the protective guard is the user themselves. There are tools and measures that are imperative to be taken in order to ensure that the threat is minimized to a level where it becomes insignificant. Here are some of the most effective tips in this regard: Use antivirus A VPN is good at detecting threats that may be incoming but users need something that can deal with elements that have already made their way into the system. This is where a good antivirus comes into play. It screens the device on a regular basis to make sure that no harmful malware is hiding inside the device because viruses have the ability to sit in a device for a long period of time and the user only gets to know about them after it’s too late. Update all software regularly Software that is out of date is much more vulnerable to cyberattacks because the development team has stopped working on protecting it. This means that if your software is not updated you are a greater risk of hacks and other attacks as compared to when your applications are up to date. Install a secure browser like Tor Tor is one of the browsers that hide user IP addresses as default. The IP originally is public but when you use a browser like Tor, it is masked, to begin with. Tor is not a complete of an alternative of a VPN though because the latter provides a lot of extraordinary features whereas the browser is just a basic service that is not adequate on its own. Always keep strong passwords Many of us shy away from strong passwords because they are hard to remember especially since there are so many of them. This is one of the biggest mistakes to make. There are several secure password managers out there which can hold all passwords, auto-fill them when necessary and take the burden of remembering them off your shoulders. Stay vigilant Vigilance is one of the most crucial factors because scams like phishing, man-in-the-middle or other similar ones have nothing to do with VPN. Protecting from these all comes down to being aware and careful of the existence of these threats. Conclusion While a VPN has become a necessary tool to have these days, it is more important to have knowledge about the threats and being vigilant to protect against them. Recommend Post: 8 VPN Facts – You Should Know About Top 7 Torrent Applications with VPN Support Five Tips to Make Sure Your Security Software Is Actually Secure