Moving home checklist: What you need to know

Published on: 30 March 2018 Last Updated on: 25 July 2024
Moving home checklist

They say that moving home is one of life’s most stressful events. However, to make the process as streamlined as possible, we have compiled a quick-moving home checklist in collaboration with Yopa so you don’t have to worry about forgetting vital items when making the leap into the wild blue yonder.

6 weeks before the move :

Plan how you are going to move. If you need to hire a van, decide whether you want to load it yourself or whether you want a professional packing crew. Vehicles tend to get booked up rather quickly, so make a reservation well ahead of time.

6 weeks before the move

If you do decide to move your items yourself, you will need to get boxes and gradually get everything packed. Clear the loft, clear any rubbish you have, and make sure that every item that you take to your new home is something that you need or want to keep. Expect several trips to the local charity shops or to the local tip.

4 weeks before the move :

4 weeks before the move :

Now is the time to inform various suppliers that you will be moving house. Utilities, mobile phone companies, banks, and care providers need to be told, as does your local council and employer. If you can arrange a continuation of service to your new home, great – it will make the move so much simpler. Don’t forget to update various websites, especially those that deliver (Amazon and eBay in particular!). You can also arrange for the Royal Mail to redirect your post from a specific date.

You also want to consider emptying your freezers and fridges and gradually eating all the items in them. Make sure you also get everything from the back of the cupboards. The average British home only has a few weeks’ worths of supplies so prepare for some interesting meal combinations over the next few weeks – tomato soup with peas, anyone?

1 week before the move :

1 week before the move :

Pack, pack, pack! You need more boxes, packing tape, bin bags and everything else than you ever thought possible. Work your way through all your items, packing up the least used first and saving the major stuff for last. On the day itself, you definitely don’t want to have to do any packing apart from the few items that you need to function.

2 days before the move :

Prepare a travel bag with two days’ worth of clothing and the toiletries that you’ll need. In addition, check around and make sure that you haven’t left anything in the garden, the shed or the loft. All of these places can result in last-minute panics if you don’t take care of them in advance. Your house should mostly be boxes with only large items remaining.

It’s moving day! :

By now, everything should be packed, so all you have to do is move your earthly possessions into the vehicle. If you’ve paid for a moving and packing service, just sit back and relax – it’s being done for you. Once everything is out, vacuum the floors, pick up your travel bags, drop the keys off (if necessary) and head to your new home.

Don’t forget to order a takeaway when you get there — unpacking is hard work, and if you arrive there late, you might want to crawl into a sleeping bag and have a good snooze. Perhaps have a bottle of champagne on ice too…

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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your property

How to sell your house fast? Five must-know tips to move your property!

Selling your home especially if you’ve never done it before can be an intimidating task that can even put people who’ve done it before in worry. It can prove to be time-consuming and emotionally challenging as you’ll have to get through random people coming into your house and poking around stuff. Not only that but they’ll nitpick every little problem and criticize it which is something you might not want to hear for a place you’ve called home for a long time. The decisions you make along the way can either save you or cost you thousands of dollars. It’s easy for first time home sellers to make some common mistakes but with a little help, many of these problems can be avoided altogether. With a little planning and work, you too can sell your house for the price you’re looking and do so quickly. So here are five tips to sell your house fast. 1. Getting the timing right: Selling your house at the right time is an absolute must if you’re looking for a quick sale. Some months go well with selling a house whereas, in other months, you’re better off not putting your property on sale. You’d want the months in which more people are looking to buy since the more the buyers will be, the better chance there is of securing a higher price for your house. According to statistics, Spring and Autumn are the ideal seasons to sell off your property since during this time; the market tends to be busy with potential buyers. There are better weather and bright sunny days which will boost the appeal of your home. During spring, your garden will be blooming so it might even bring the value of your house up a bit. The times you’d want to avoid are winters and summers since they’re considered a tougher time to sell your house. 2. Valuing your house correctly: Many people make the mistake of setting the asking price of their house too high. It is important to price your house correctly if you want to sell it fast since overvaluing it will only be time-consuming during the negotiation period, but your house might not sell at all. This will especially be a problem if you’re not going to hire an agent since your property won’t be properly evaluated and potential buyers may not even consider your house once they see its price. To get the correct value of your house, you should contact your local estate agents, and it is recommended to get multiple agents to value your property to get an accurate estimate. 3. Deciding whether you want an agent or not: Hiring an agent is a matter of choice and is purely subjective. If you ask people around for advice on whether you should hire a realtor agent to sell your property you’ll come across two extremes, those who’ll completely advise against it and those who’ll be completely for it. The truth is it all depends on what you want, and if you’re looking to sell your house quickly, it is recommended that you hire an agent especially if you’re a first-time seller. The agent will do all the hard work and will be able to secure you a swift sale because selling a property takes time, knowledge of the neighborhood and negotiating skills. However, one should keep it in their mind that agents do 6 to 8 percent commission on the house depending on their rates so you would want to negotiate a deal with your agent beforehand. You should also find out more about the agent before locking in on when they will carry out viewings of your property and how long will your property be on the advertisement. 4. Preparing your house: The first impression will always matter a huge deal whenever you’re selling your house so you would want to make sure that the house is prepared and pampered. Knowing what type of people will be interested in your house helps a lot while preparing your home for sale. The trick is to know your target audience so you can prepare your house accordingly while also making it inviting for other people. To prepare your house for sale, you’d want to disassociate yourself from it and look at it from a buyer’s point of view. Then you’d want to declutter and clean up your house while also fixing the things you’ve been putting off. That’s because the buyer might assume bigger problems with your house seeing the small ones. 5. Advertising your property: If you’re hiring an agent, then the agent will advertise the house for you. However, if you’re looking to sell the house on your own, then you can’t just expect potential buyers to show up without advertising your house. This generally involves drawing up floor plans and photographing your house and then posting an online ad or a newspaper ad. Without properly advertising your house, you can’t expect your house to be sold quickly. Read More :  1. What Are Renewable Sources And How To Introduce Them Into Your Household? 2. Safety Triangle: Three Things Your Soon-To-Be House Must Have

Conveyor Systems

Things You Need To Know About the Top of the Line Conveyor Systems

Conveyor systems offer efficiency and safety in transportation options for scores of industries. This involves services in numerous areas such as aerospace manufacturing, canning, bottling, and chemicals among others. On many occasions, conveyor systems are in different sizes in order to fit all the firm schemes. It is, therefore, important that you consider such features in order to get the ones that suit your specific needs. With a conveyor system, industries are able to have well-organized and effective operations. They are fast reliable and reduce excessive human labor within the industries. This article lists various things you need to know about top-of-the-line conveyor systems. Check For Quality : To get a good conveyor system, one must consider doing thorough research prior to the acquisition. This is by selecting the best company that you trust and is with a good reputation in terms of manufacturing. We all want something that will give us long-term service without frequent breakdowns. In that case, if you experience any technicalities, the change part company will provide you with experienced personnel to repair it on your behalf. This will ensure an accurate repair with fewer faults. Size And Design : One should be careful when considering the size of a conveyor system. In most cases, it is not always that the bigger or smaller ones are the ones with great services. The best thing to do is consider the amount of space available to fit your conveyor system. From there now you can decide on what size to purchase. Among the few factors to consider are the floor space, the ceiling height, and other factors that might cause interferences during installations. The Work Environment Matters : The conveyor system placement can also be influenced by one work environment. Among the few things that might be affecting this is what that particular company is dealing with. This includes either the open ignition sources or the explosions. A wrong choice of equipment can only lead to unwanted accidents thus it's Important if one chooses wisely. Profitability : One must know what suits his company before settling for a conveyor system. This can, in turn, benefit a company vastly in terms of profitability. So, if you can know your needs prior to the acquisition, then the better. This is because, aside from just getting the best conveyor system, you will also save a lot and be able to enhance your company’s profitability. Accuracy : Accuracy is one thing you must consider in your conveyor system. An accurate system will not only ensure smooth and consistent in your work processes but also provide fast and reliable service. For instance, you might be applying labels, and for a good end result, there must be accurate. For that matter, you are able to save on a lot in the long run. Service And Maintenance Considering the service and maintenance of your system can be very important for numerous reasons. This is possible to reduce the level of breakdowns and ensure smooth operations. In the process, it can be easier to prevent expensive maintenance processes. Thus, you can save much on repair issues. In conclusion, the conveyor systems can add safety to facilities. This is, however, if they are made carefully to meet the company’s needs. It is, therefore, important if you take the time to pick the one that suits your needs for better profitability. With these few tips, you are able to get the best conveyor system if you implement them wisely. Read Also : How Can Conveyancing Services Help You? All You Need To Know About Pool Maintenance Services Best Server Management Tips for Startups What are the Advantages of Pursuing a Full-Time Master's?

Residential House

10 Points to Remember if you are Building a Residential House

Building a home is a dream that many individuals and families harbor deeply. Sometimes it will be the biggest investment that you are ever going to make. If you are investing your life’s savings into building your dream home, you need a reliable, dependable, and honest team of contractors. ‘Perth Concreter – Concept Concrete WA’ is one of the most established companies in Australia that offer to contract and concreting solutions for residential and commercial establishments. One of the last remaining family-owned businesses, they understand the emotional value attached to homes. Before you lay out house plans, contact an experienced contracting company. A good concreting and contracting company should have trustworthy experience building residential properties of different scales and sizes. Whether it is a big project or a moderate one, concreting companies should offer customers flexible options and work with them to understand their needs and budgets. How to choose the best Concreting or Contracting Company? 1. Cutting-Edge Technological Experience: You should ensure that the machines and technological tools that are used by your contractors are the most modern and technologically updated. Your concreting company should be aware of the latest technological innovations in the field of construction and utilize their expertise in building residential properties using the most modernized methods. 2. Quality Craftsmanship: One of the ways in which you can judge whether a concreting or contracting company is good enough to be trusted is to understand the skill and expertise of their staff. If you have a very good design in your mind, but the contracting company cannot execute the same, what is the use of them being your contractors? 3. Affordability and Trust: Some contracting companies in the market are out there to make money. In other words, they do not have your best interests in mind. Some genuine and established concreting and contracting companies like Concept Concrete will offer you a free onsite quotation free of cost, which will help you understand the requirements and allocate the finances accordingly. 4. A Full 360-degree Concreting Service Company: Building a house requires designing, planning, executing, finishing touches, and a hundred different operations. Most concreting or contracting companies will offer just a few of the services and outsource the rest to other companies. This will land you in a lot of trouble, as you would be coordinating and negotiating prices with 4 or 5 different companies. A good idea is to get a full 360-degree concreting or contracting company on board that will help you from the start of the project, right until the very end. 5. Fully Licensed and Insured Contractor: If you are building a home, you need to ensure that your contractor or concreting company is a legally sound establishment that is registered with the state laws and local governments of the region. This will help you get your paperwork processed fast, and take care of other legal requirements, clearances, and permissions. Your concreting company will work with you to help you overcome the legal hassles. 6. Customer Satisfaction is the only Priority: Building a house is a continuous process and it involves you and your family entering into a positive relationship with your contractor or concreting company. This relationship should be based on trust, transparency, and commitment. Perth concreter – Concept Concrete WA is one of those companies that adds the human and emotional element to a professional relationship. 7. The flexibility of Services: Many of the concreting or contracting companies would not offer you services like driveway concreting or garage/shed building. They want to build residential house, or in other words, just big solutions. A good concreting company should be able to offer you all the services related to contracting and construction. No job should be considered as big or small for them or their workers. 8. Knowledge of the Industry: If your concreting or contracting company is not aware that there different concrete designs like- Exposed Aggregate, Coloured Concrete, Polished Concrete, Liquid Limestone, and others, chances are that they are not going to make you aware of the same, or even present different choices or make suggestions. An expert concreting company will help guide you through these details patiently, offering you only the best at all times. 9. Integrated with the Local Community: At the end of the day, you would want to build trust and give your business to someone who is like yourself, a part of the local community. Big companies from abroad are competing with local businesses, and often dying them out. If you want to help your local community, you should always try to help local businesses who employ locals, who contribute to the local economy and who are part of the local community. 10. Delivering on Deadlines: If the contracting or concreting companies is not comprised of dedicated designers, committed engineers, and professional workers, chances are that they will frequently overstep on the timelines, which will result in added costs, and many other headaches. You should always ask for customer testimonials of a concreting company to know how they have previously executed any work. The Best Concreting or Contracting Company for you: If your concreting and contracting company is able to deliver on the above stated 10 points, chances are that your home building process will be quite smooth. You need to ensure that you do your research when taking a company on board for your dream house-building project. Many companies, who promise a lot before the commencement of the project, but fail to deliver, when the project ends.  You need to stay clear of entering into any professional relationships with these companies. If the concreting or contracting company is part of the local community and hires locals, works for the community, chances are that they would never want their reputation to be sullied in any way. At the end of the day, you would want a reputed established, and credible concreting or contracting company to build your dream home. This is no mean task, but chances are that if you follow our ten steps, you might just have a winner on your hands. 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