New Platforms to Explore in Advertising this Year

Published on: 13 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

Each year is treated by marketers as a time to shed old methods and adopt new ones. This past year saw major upheavals in online search algorithms and privacy standards (to name a few). For average customers, this means less of the same annoying “tricks” used for summoning consumer’s cash. Marketing developers will need to come up with new strategies based on winning the buyer’s trust.

As e-commerce grows at an annual rate of 23%, the cost of digital advertisements will increase. These costs can be cut once marketers begin adopting revolutionary methods of ad placement. Listed below are just a few of the new platforms to explore in online advertising for 2019.

New Platforms to Explore in Advertising this Year:

Demand Side Platforms:

Purchasing ads couldn’t get easier with Demand Side Platforms. DSPs use supply-side platforms to streamline bidding and posting. The ad’s impression information is sent to the SSP for processing where it’s then matched to the highest bid within their algorithm.

Ad purchases take a few seconds; the same amount of time it takes to load a webpage. The program uses data such as demographics and visits counts for audience targeting. This ensures an ad will get only the highest exposure.


Anyone with a YouTube page will notice the dashboard feature located in the “Creator Studio” section. This dashboard provides charts for the amount of time spent watching a video, the number of subscribers, and how many “Likes” and “Dislikes” it received. App developers have now been able to make this platform and make it a bit more streamlined.

Companies, like Sprout Social, are creating customizable dashboards attuned to a business’s specific analytics. All current data can be collected and calculated to generate presentation-ready graphics. Certain features even allow you to synch these dashboards with multiple social media accounts.


In an age where refrigerators can be smart, even the accessories we wear can have internet capabilities. Wearable devices like smart watches make accessing data less complicated as we move about our daily activities. Marketing agencies are abuzz with various methods to introduce wearable device and programs.

Wearable ads go hand in hand with blockchain technology. A block chain model can be used to authenticate user IDs and provide tokens to register them. Through the IDs, businesses will be able to track the user’s buying habits so online ads can be precisely placed and scheduled. These new features may even be used to gauge the customer’s personality traits.


News of hackers and trolls are causing consumers to hold off on accepting any offer from an online business. The more profitable a business is, the more it is held to the same light as government and relationships. That’s why it’s important to seek out transparent platforms for use.

Transparency is a virtue that many potential customers are willing to spend the extra dollar on. Areas that customers demand transparency on include company values, practices, and policy or pricing changes. Honesty, when answering questions and admitting mistakes, is the best demonstration of transparency.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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how does an extension work on a display ad?

How Does An Extension Work On A Display Ad?

Question: How does an extension work on a display ad? Correct Answer: It adds extra information, like a location or phone number. Detailed Explanation Of “How Does An Extension Work On A Display Ad?” An extension adds extra information, like a location or phone number, on display ads. This helps users to take action instantly from the search results without the help of any third party. In more simple terms, ad extensions are the added pieces of data that expand your ad to make it more helpful to users. This consists of seller reviews, additional links from your website, telephone numbers, and much more. These ad extensions are very important because they influence ad quality and increase engagements to a great extent. At the same time, it encourages audiences to make more informed decisions and take action.  About Extensions - All You Need To Know The main purpose of extensions is to expand your ad with extra details, and this gives reasons to the audience to choose your business. It also gives valuable user interactions like calls.  So, you must enable all the extensions that make sense for your business, and it highly impacts your CTR. These extensions will only be shown when your Ad Rank is high enough, and this rank signifies which extensions are eligible to show with your ads and how much you pay per click.  On the other hand, these extensions are part of the Ad Rank along with the context of a person’s search, the Ad Rank thresholds, the landing page and the quality of your ads, and the bids. Ideas You Can Use To Develop Ad Extensions  “How does an ad extension work on a display ad?” Now, you can take a look at the effective ideas that you can use to develop ad extensions. 1. Review Extensions On the search engine result page, you might have seen reviews just below the displayed ads. This increases your website’s trust as well as traffic. It illustrates that there are a large number of audiences who are satisfied with your ad and give those ratings to your information. According to experts, review extensions increase your 19% click-through rate, and many marketing experts are already implementing the same. 2. Call Extensions Call extensions are another extension that you can use to display ads. Google Ads Call Extensions give users a simple way to call your business directly within the search results. Moreover, this can be joined with other extensions such as location extensions and call-outs to great effect. The benefit of doing this is that your call extension will be visible at a specific time for your business purposes.  3. Click To Text Extensions If you are finding ways for a quick and effective way for your customers to get in touch intuitively, then Call to text extension is all you need for your ad.  It gives you a high CTR for mobile users, convenient to use in the long run, and helps you to better evaluate your returns on investment. At the same time, it increases your conversion rates to a great extent. 4. Callout Extensions Callout extensions enable you to include extra descriptive text in your standard text ads. You can include particular attributes about your services, products, and business that will show below your ad on the search network. Other reasons why you should use call extensions are they are available at no extra cost, they promote details about your business, take advantage of the extra space, and they are easy to implement. The Final Thoughts   The answer to your question, “How does an extension work on a display ad?” is “It adds extra information, like a location or phone number.” The above-listed information will help you to understand this conveniently. More Resources: The Beginner's Guide to Small Business SEO The Basics on Google Local Algorithm How to Find Someone’s Phone Number Online


Always Remember, Promoting Is Important

If an artist wants to make it they cannot sit down and wait for the opportunity to fall on them, because those are extremely rare. They have to strive to create opportunities and do whatever they can. They have to give it their all and somehow try to promote themselves. It doesn’t matter if it is small or huge, what matters is how much of an impact is made. When promoting yourself it needs to done efficiently so that it can grab the attention of fellow listeners. Soundcloud promotion ( can be done financially, or non-financially. Always Remember, Promoting Is Important: Non financial Promoting: Non financial promoting is where not a single drop of money is used when promoting. These methods are especially good for struggling artist who isn’t making that much and is on a budget. So, this is a great way to save them from their expenses. There are various methods to non-financially promote themselves, like; Making your profile more visually appealing- It is important that your SoundCloud profile is pleasing, as many people always look at the picture rather than the actual work. So by designing your profile to be more aesthetic, or color full, or something that will represent your genre of music, and being able to catch anyone’s eyes, then you are self-promoting yourself, without any costs being incurred. Social Media- This is one of the most effective, and popular ways to promote anything. Literally anything. Everyone has some form of social media, and it only takes a few people to make anything go viral. Soit is fast, effective and can be seen by the whole world. Consistency- Another important factor. Consistency is key when it comes to music, especially for new artists. If you are not consistent with the work that you put around, then fans will turn into former fans, and it may lead to you being forgotten by them. I mean we aren’t all Adele, it would be difficult for ay new artists to fall and rise even better than before, especially if they are forgotten. Building yourself a network- If more artists are connected with other artists online then everyone can talk to each other and give them advice and criticism Financial Promoting: Financial promoting is where money or other forms of finance are used to promote. Just like non-financial promoting there are financial methods which prove to be just as effective, such as; Buying plays, likes, and comments- due to the purchase of these it is beneficial, as it gains more attention from other listeners. As many people care about who and what is popular these days. Therefore, this would be the best way to reach their attention. Paying social media to promote- You can offer money to media sites so that they will promote you. The benefits of promoting: Soundcloud promotion is key when it comes to furthering your career like said, there are plenty of ways to do so, but the question is, why is promoting important? Yes, it is important because it helps to push an artist’s career forward, but there are so many other reasons, like; There will be high sales and profits in the near future It strengthens the view of yourself Increases brand awareness Increases the fan base It helps to develop your brand And so much more, so this why promoting is needed. Read Also: Demystifying The Common GDPR Myths How Financial Trading Can Give You The Life You Want The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock Of A Bright Financial Future

Demand Side Platforms

Demand Side Platforms: Trends and Benefits.

Do you remember those heavy accounting books our grandparents used to deal with if they were accountants? One must address demand side platforms in the correct order to achieve your goals. Even a small mistake could ruin a day work and all the corrections could take time, too. However, life has changed when Excel was invented. Humanity moved from darkness to light. In some sense, such a comparison is true for traditional advertising networks and Demand Side Platforms. Of course, the former ones offer some reports, but the whole system was so unclear: the Advertisers had little understanding of how their money was being spent, and what ROIs they were getting from the process. There was still no way to figure out trends, make forecasts, or predict trends. Of course, the situation was much better in comparison with TV or radio advertising, but, as the saying goes, there is still something to strive for. With this intention in mind, Demand Side Platforms were evolved to offer better reporting services to brands and clients. Different Ways The Demand Side Platforms can make things easier for you   There are different ways you can make use of the demand-side platforms for your business in ther best possible manner. Benefits of DSP for the Future: First of all, it is transparent. DSP offers clients and brands an entire range of reporting facilities. More than the reporting, it is being aware of where your ads are being posted, on which sites, at which positions, and how much you are spending on them. This helps you plan strategically, and carefully as a brand manager.   Native ads are very much in fashion now, the same goes for DSP. It is hardly possible to find anything better than programmatic native or RTB ad network. Actually, all popular formats are taken on board, try   It is possible to say that the time of quick and quality decisions has come. The area is waiting for high-skilled analytics and advertising campaign managers who can make a decision very fast, during the campaign performance. DSPs give brand and clients the benefit of taking quick decisions with proper facts. This can make or break huge campaigns during festive seasons.   Don’t hurry to say good-bye to advertising agencies. DSP shows marvelous results in direct contact with the clients, but if we talk about strategy farming or consultations - well, there still should be somebody at hand. DSPs do not intend to eliminate traditional advertising channels. In contrast, it can really help your traditional models of marketing.   The reports tend to acquire analytical character and contain detailed information about primary data used for targeting. DSPs are famous for offering analytical solutions and reporting. They help tailor information according to the way that clients and brands want them.   Additional Benefits of DSP for the Future: The race for winning the market between traditional ad networks and programmatic is unlikely to be put to an end. The experts say, that it is unlikely to take a long time and, as networks adopt a lot of new approaches, there will be an amalgamation of the approaches. If everybody becomes equal it will be not about who is better - but let’s treat things as they come in.   The whole industry is quite certain to cut down the prices and many companies have already started thinking about new features or services offering to stand out of the line. The digital domain is all about evolving according to how technology changes. It is also about offering the maximum amount of convenience. DSPs help solve both these concerns. Digital advertising is a very rapid niche that changes the same fast as a baby infant. Who knows, maybe in a month we will see some more tremendous changes? The key is to remain ahead of the curve and adopt strategies and technologies that help us stay ahead of our competition. It is only through DSPs that the future of advertising online can be changed for the better. Read Also: Essentials For Digital Marketing 5 Types Of Digital Marketing How To Make Money On Youtube Signs Your Traditional Marketing Campaign Is Working featured image: