The Positive Sides Of Online Learning

Published on: 18 February 2022 Last Updated on: 21 February 2023
Online Learning

Since the start of the pandemic, a lot of changes have been made to the lives of people all around the world in general, but one specific change that has been made that has greatly impacted the lives of the young people in the world today is the changes made to education.

When the first wave of the pandemic hit and lockdown policies were placed on the cities of the world, schools were forced to close their doors and move to an online space. There is a lot to say about virtual learning in general, as this isn’t a new idea that was created during the pandemic, however, we will be sticking to the basic pros and cons of online learning during the pandemic mainly from the students’ perspective. 

1. Safety 


The main reason why schools moved online during the height of the pandemic is that COVID-19 was spreading at a dangerously rapid pace. Lockdown policies, curfews, and travel bans were all put in place for this very reason. The dangers of this coronavirus were so serious that truly, the safest place to be was locked down in your home.

Schools had to make this change to move online for the safety of the students, the teachers, and their families. The move to an online platform helped slow the spread of the virus and ultimately, while there were plenty of pitfalls and a learning curve, was the safest thing to do for the wellbeing of everyone within the education system.

2. Comfort

It is no secret that when the change was made to move online, many students were initially happy as they were able to go to school directly from their bedrooms. It is a lot easier to get to class on time when all you have to do is log in. During this time, students didn’t have to wake up hours before their first class to get ready and commute to school, they could wake up three minutes before class and log in if they wanted to.

In addition, you could go to school in your pajamas or anything really if you chose to. There was no need to spend loads of time choosing an outfit, doing your hair, putting on makeup, and so on every single morning. You could very literally roll out of bed (or stay in bed) and turn on your laptop to go to school.

Adding to the comforts of online school, you could grab a snack, drink, or go to the bathroom whenever you wanted without having to ask for your teacher’s permission. Ironically, there were a lot of freedoms that students experienced when it came to school during the lockdown.

3. Affordability

Most students probably didn’t directly experience this, however, it is important to mention as it greatly affected their parents/guardians. By staying at home, the parents no longer had to pay the transportation fees of their commuting children (whether it was gas for the car or bus passes).

In addition to the transportation fees that come along with sending your children to school, moving their education online allows parents to save on other costs such as lunch money, going out with friends after school, snacks or extra pocket money, etc. The children would just eat at home and stay at home so there wouldn’t be any outstanding expenditures necessary.

4. Open-Book Exams

Probably the biggest perk that all students can agree to when it came to online learning is the opportunity to do all of your assignments with the help of your notes and the internet. Most exams, even on a university level, were open-book during online learning as educators knew that most students would look to their notes or the internet for help.

This way, passing classes and getting good grades was a lot easier than having to memorize the materials and write them down in a classroom with a given time limit. The trouble is that now that most schools are readjusted to face-to-face learning, many students have trouble with going back to really studying the materials.

5. Creativity 

One major takeaway about the lockdown experience throughout the pandemic is the creativity that came out of it. Being locked down for months at a time without being able to leave the house will get to you. Human beings are social creatures needing to connect with others.

During the first lockdown, people were forced to stay isolated for months on end and the only way we could connect was through social media. People came up with a lot of creative projects and trends to participate in as well as showing off their unique skills and talents to connect with others. This burst of creativity extended to the classroom as well.

Due to all teaching being done online, teachers needed to get creative with the materials as well as the work itself in order to keep the focus of the students. There were a lot more online projects, whether it was using tools such as YouTube and other social media platforms, or creating video projects.

These new mediums of learning aren’t normally teacher-related jobs, making most teachers go through their own learning curve in how to deal with this pandemic. In the end, students were able to interact with an entirely new style of learning rather than just reading, writing, and memorization.

6. Open Communication

The pandemic, and especially lockdown, was a very lonely time for a lot of people. There were a lot of spikes in depression rates and brought a lot of attention to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression. The world of psychology changed by moving online as well and there was a lot more open conversation on mental health and the importance of peer relations.

Specifically, schools were also bringing these issues to the forefront and began a focus on self-assessment. Many schools had emails go out and seminars you could take where you could connect with those who are going through feelings of loneliness. School communities became more tight-knit as you would only interact with your class and the same teachers virtually every day, and that would be the only human interaction most people got during the lockdown.

Open communication into how people are doing, feeling, and going through was welcomed and thriving during online learning, creating a healthier environment for both students and teachers. 

7. Resilience 


The last thing to mention is the incredible resilience both students and teachers went through during this time. Moving the entire school system online basically overnight was not an easy thing to do and go through. A lot of people (shoutout to all seniors who graduated during lockdown) missed out on a lot of fun events that normally come with being in school (graduation, prom, sports, plays, etc.).

There was a lot of hardship; the world was taken over by a violently spreading deadly virus and our entire lives were confined to our homes. This was a moment in time that will make the history books one day and those that went through this only came out stronger on the other side of it.

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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Top 10 Punctuation Mistakes English Speakers Make In Emails

Punctuation is an area of language that is frequently overlooked by English speakers who focus on the choice of words, grammar rules, and different writing styles. It is, in fact, a method of silent intonation. Creating tension and internal movements within your text that are similar to stops, pauses, or emphatic techniques used in oral conversations. As reported by many users of our Punctuation Checker software, even native speakers find it difficult to properly use punctuation marks in all cases. Which frequently makes their email correspondence look less professional than desired. Here Are 10 Prime Punctuation Mistakes English Speakers Make In Emails: Below, are the 10 most widespread mistakes in this sphere that you can use as a reference for proofreading your texts and avoiding these confusing problems. 1. Quotation Marks One of the most popular punctuation mistakes made by English speakers in emails is the unnecessary use of quotation marks. They should only be used in situations when you actually quote something. Right:Wrong:As our client, Mark said, “This is the best customer service I have ever seen”.You can get the ‘best service in our city’ if you contact us now. 2. Missing Commas Missing commas are another widespread problem in email marketing. If you use long sentences (which we would not advise you to do in the first place), you must make sure that you use punctuation marks to divide them into logical fragments that are more ‘manageable’ to read. Right:Wrong:Black Friday ends, but our discount programs for long-term clients remain indefinitely.This product may seem excessively expensive at first glance yet it is worth the extra cost if you use it professionally. 3. Extraneous Apostrophes Many writers tend to place apostrophes in the places where they should not be used. This mistake comes from mixing their use for contractions versus their use to form the plural form of nouns or other similar constructions. Right:Wrong:You needn’t have done it.Until Friday, you can buy ten bottle’s for the price of five. 4. Excessive Commas Commas are usually used to separate multiple items within lists, series of adjectives, introductory phrases from the main sentence, or complete sentences. Unfortunately, the rules of punctuation in this sphere are extremely complex and somewhat contradictory, which frequently leads to the use of excessive punctuation marks by writers. Right:Wrong:Our newest product has received the highest ratings in a recent review from Agency A, and it is already available in our store.Our product is a fantastic, one-of-a-kind, electronic communication device. You May Also Check: 6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process 5. Dashes and Hyphens Some writers use dash signs instead of hyphens, which may be deemed a punctuation mistake making your emails look unprofessional. Make sure to use hyphens and dash marks correctly! Right:Wrong:1. We offer high-quality electronics.2. Our clients prefer tablets – they are more portable than traditional PCs and laptops.1. We offer high–quality products and services.2. Consider our latest offerings from Oppo - their smartwatches are almost as good as their Apple counterparts. 6. Exclamation Marks While exclamation marks can be used to put emphasis on certain sentences or calls to action, they should be used sparingly. Right:Wrong:Our Christmas sale will continue until the 30th of December or until our last stored products are sold, whichever comes first. Make sure to place your order early!Our Christmas sale will only last one week! When our discounted items are gone, they are gone! Place your order now! 7. Colons Colons effectively serve as highlights within your text to signal some in-depth information clarifying the facts discussed earlier. The main ‘rule of thumb here is to never separate verbs from subjects and objects linked with them or nouns from the verb linked with them. Right:Wrong:We presently offer our subscription plans in three variants: standard, premium, and custom.The three subscription plans offered by us are standard, premium, and custom. 8. Parentheses and Brackets These punctuation marks are frequently used in email marketing. However, many English speakers make the mistake of putting exclamation points, question marks, and periods before parentheses and brackets. Right:Wrong:As soon as you receive your package (in a branded self-seal box), please, inform our manager about the successful delivery.As soon as you receive your package, (in a branded self-seal box), please, inform our manager about the successful delivery. 9. Semicolons Semicolons are usually used in cases when you join independent clauses within the same larger sentence without using conjunctions. When you use ‘and’ between the same parts, you should not use one, which is frequently forgotten by some English speakers. Right:Wrong:We recruited the best engineers to design our product in 2020, and this decision has proven to be one of the best strategic choices we have made so far.We recruited the best engineers to design our product in 2020, and this decision has proven to be one of the best strategic choices we have made so far. 10. Ellipsis Ellipsis marks are usually used to replace some omitted sentence fragments or create a pause in your speech. This gives your readers some space for thought or you can leave your sentence on a cliffhanger prompting them to read on. Unfortunately, many marketers overuse them and create unnecessary confusion and ‘trailing off’ effects as a result. Right:Wrong:You will not believe how many marketers make the mistake of...These marketing communication techniques are powerful but have a number of significant implications... We hope that this brief guide will help you improve your writing style and achieve the perfect readability of your texts. In the highly competitive world of today, the quality of your email correspondence may determine the attitude of your readers and make you look more reliable and competent than your rivals. If you have discovered multiple problems in applying the above-mentioned rules, you may want to check our other guides. You can also use our punctuation-checking software to be 100% certain about your writing style quality. Read Also: Online Services to Help StudentCover Letter Sample To Get A ResumeResearch Paper Help to Compose Great Pieces

Triangles And their Area Formula

What Are The Different Types Of Triangles And their Area Formula?

Using the three straight lines, the geometric figure that can be created is a 'triangle,' and it has three sides and three vertices. In a triangle, the sum of all three interior angles is equal to 180 degrees. Based on the relative size of the sides and the angle they make with adjacent sides, different triangles are categorized, and each type of triangle follows the same fundamentals to calculate the area of a triangle through the area of triangle formula and perimeter of the triangle but the formula for each triangle differs because of their properties. What are the Different Types of Triangles? If all the sides of a triangle are equal, which implies that all the triangle angles are equal, then such a triangle is called an equilateral triangle. Since in an equilateral triangle, all the angles and all the sides are equal, it is a very symmetrical triangle. It is worth knowing that the angles of a triangle are proportional to the length of the sides of the triangles. Against the biggest angle present in the triangle is the side that has the longest length, and the side opposite to the smallest angle in the triangle is the side with the smallest length. How can you Calculate the Area of a Triangle? To know how large a triangle is to know how long the boundary of a triangle is or how large its surface is. The measures used are the area of a triangle and the perimeter of a triangle. When calculating the area of any triangle. The formula is one by two (1/2) multiplied by the length of the triangle, multiplied by the base of the triangle. The length of the triangle is the length of the perpendicular drawn from the opposite vertex of the triangle to the triangle's base. In the case of triangles like an equilateral triangle. Since all the lengths of the sides are equal. Hence, the formula can be compressed to a square root of three, upon four multiplied by the square of the triangle's side that is ¾ a2. In the case of a right-angled triangle, which means that one angle of the triangle is 90 degrees, one by two multiplied by perpendicular into the base. It is important to know the area and perimeter of a triangle to do things in day-to-day life. The Shape of a Triangle can be used to create many things: As the triangle shape is used in many things that we use, like, triangular paper cuttings, triangular pieces of land, triangular tiles, etc. Often to know how much material would be required to create X number of triangular things we would need to know how to calculate the area and the perimeter of the triangle. It is also worth knowing that the Pythagoras theorem can often be used in more than one way like to learn more about triangle properties also, to derive the formula to determine the area and the perimeter of a triangle. The perimeter of a Triangle: How you can measure it? The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the length of its three sides, which is easy to determine in an equilateral triangle. As all the sides are equal in length, the perimeter of a triangle with the length of a side as value, x, the perimeter would be 3x. In the case of a right-angled triangle. We know that the square of base, plus the square of perpendicular, is equal to the hypotenuse square; thus, we can simplify the formula by replacing the value of the hypotenuse. And thus, we will have the perimeter of a right-angled triangle be defined in terms of two variables. In the isosceles triangle, which means that the length of the two sides is equal. If the length of the equal side is x and the third side's length is y, then the perimeter of the triangle would be 2x plus y. Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Online Education is Very Popular Effective Contribution of Educational Apps


Scholarship and Financial Aids for International Students to Study

York University is a public research university which is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This university is counted in the top three universities among the Canadian Universities. This deemed university was established in 1959 and consists of around 52,300 students, 7,000 faculty and staff, and around 2, 95,000 alumni across the whole world. The university accepts students from all around the world. If you are an International Student and you wish to apply for any of the courses available at York University, you must be looking for funds. However, York University also offers Scholarships and Financial Aids to deserving students. Keep reading the article to know the details about the Scholarships and Financial Aids available to International Students at York University. Besides this, can be of great help in this regard. The following types of scholarships are available for International Students at the York University: York Entrance Scholarships and Awards York University offers numerous scholarships and awards to International Students. There are numerous awards available at the university. Some awards don’t require any application and you are automatically considered for them. However, there are some awards which require an application and you have to apply for the same. York University Automatic Entrance Scholarships International applications who are studying the Canadian curriculum within or outside Canada are eligible for this scholarship. This scholarship need not require any application. Based on the Final Admission Average: 95%+ (42-45 IB diploma points) - $3,500 (renewable for up to 3 extra years)* 90-94.9% (36-41 IB diploma points) - $2,000 85-89.9% (33-35 IB diploma points) - $1,000 80-84.9% (30-32 IB diploma points) - $500 Extra $500 – Student Life Award Students who are eligible for any of the scholarships mentioned above and accept the admission offer by the university. Students who accept the offer of admission before the last date are also eligible for the Student Life Award worth $500 which is granted just once. The aim of introducing this award is to help students with the cost of books, living on the campus, and other expenses. York University Talent Entrance Scholarships This scholarship is awarded to those students who apply for programs in the School of Arts, Media, Performance, and Design (AMPD). No award application is required to avail of this scholarship. Lassonde Entrance Scholarships This scholarship is awarded to those students who apply to the Lassonde School of Engineering. No award application is required to get this scholarship. Columbia Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Entrance Scholarship Students who apply for Liberal Arts and Professional Studies program in the university can avail this scholarship. However, you don’t have to pay any application fee to get this scholarship. Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Entrance Scholarship for International applicants This scholarship can be availed by the students applying for the Liberal Arts & Professional Studies program at the university. Liberal Arts & Professional Studies of India Entrance Scholarship (By Ryan Schools) This scholarship is for those students who apply for Liberal Arts and a Professional course at York University. No award application is required to avail of this scholarship. Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarship Students who apply for the Faculty of Science can apply for this scholarship. This scholarship is availed by both resident and international students. However, no application is required for the same. York Science Scholars Award This award is granted to the students who apply for Faculty of Science courses. This award requires an application fee of $5,000 as an entrance scholarship and $5.000 as a guaranteed summer research position. International Scholarships and Awards that Requires an Application To avail of any of the scholarships and awards mentioned below, candidates are required to submit an application for the International Student Scholarship and Award. These awards and scholarships are for those students who have a splendid academic record and also for those who show leadership in community services and excellence in the field of Arts and Sports. Necessary Conditions Need to be Fulfilled to Avail These Scholarships The candidate must be an International Student having a study permit to study in Canada. Applicant must have applied to a UG degree course at York University. Candidates must hold an excellent academic record. Students must be nominated from their high school to study at York University. Candidates have to upload a letter of recommendation. On submitting the application for the International Student Scholarship and Award, you will become eligible for the scholarships mentioned below: International Entrance Scholarship of Distinction – This scholarship is awarded thrice per year, the value of each scholarship is $35,000/ year. If the student maintains an outstanding academic record each year, this scholarship can be renewed for an additional three years. Global Leader of Tomorrow Award for International Students – This scholarship is granted two times every year, the value of which is $20,000 per year. If the student maintains an outstanding academic record each year, this scholarship can be renewed for an additional three years. International Circle of Scholar’s Scholarship – This scholarship is awarded once every year, the value of which is $15, 000. York University Academic Excellence Scholarships for International Students – Five to ten of these scholarships are granted every year, the value of which ranges from $5,000 to $10,000. To know more about the scholarships and awards mentioned above, you can also visit the official website of York University and check the complete details over there.