How to Overcome the Logistical Challenges of eCommerce

Published on: 11 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Logistical Challenges

If you want your online business to really take off in 2019, you’re going to need to plan ahead for the logistical challenges presented. There are numerous issues eCommerce companies face in terms of logistics; particularly as the business grows. So, if you want to overcome the challenges within the industry, here you’ll discover some of the best tips and advice you can follow.

Ensure you’re providing the right delivery options:

One challenge eCommerce businesses face today is the increase in delivery demand. This poses two potential problems. Firstly, it means your business needs to ensure its goods are delivered quickly and safely to its customers. Secondly, it means you need to be offering a variety of delivery options in order to keep customers happy.

Customers today want a variety of delivery options available. This could include same day, next day and special delivery options. If you aren’t offering a variety of delivery methods, you could be missing out on a lot of potential business.

Avoiding inventory issues:

Inventory issues pose a major challenge for eCommerce. As online shopping continues to rise, it’s more important than ever before for retail companies to keep tabs on their stock levels. You’ll need to pay attention to both inventory location, as well as accuracy.

Knowing where everything is located will improve efficiency within the warehouse, while also ensuring you don’t invest in a stock that you don’t actually need. Similarly, ensuring you have full visibility of your stock levels in real time will help you to prevent running out of stock and disappointing your customers.

You can purchase inventory software which automatically tracks stock levels and shows where the stock is. This is definitely worth investing in if you want to improve your logistics in 2019.

Providing a reliable delivery service:

delivery service

We mentioned earlier that there were two challenges with delivery in today’s eCommerce sector. One of which was ensuring your parcels arrive quickly and safely. There are hundreds of delivery companies to choose from these days and not all of them offer a good, reliable service. Therefore, you’re going to want to ensure you choose a courier service you can rely on.

Take your time to compare the different couriers and see what their reputation is. You should be able to find plenty of online reviews to help you make the best decision.

The above are just some of the main logistical challenge’s eCommerce businesses face today. As online shopping is expected to grow even further in 2019, getting on top of your logistics operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible, is going to help ensure you keep up with demand.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Build a Collaborative Virtual Office Culture

Empowering Employees: How to Build a Collaborative Virtual Office Culture

In today's business landscape, many companies have embraced the concept of remote work, creating a virtual office culture. Remote employees, often called remote workers or telecommuters, are integral to modern organizations. However, building and nurturing a strong work culture in remote companies is no easy feat. Explore the various aspects of empowering employees and creating a collaborative virtual office culture that fosters engagement, productivity, and a sense of belonging. Understanding the importance of company culture A great company culture is the bedrock upon which successful organizations are built. It defines employees' values, beliefs, and behaviors as they work together toward a common goal. A strong company culture creates a shared sense of purpose and identity among remote team members and the organization, attracting talented new employees. The rise of remote work The advent of technology and the changing dynamics of the modern workplace have led to the rise of remote work. A traditional office space is no longer the sole option for company leaders. Remote employees can contribute effectively from anywhere, provided they have the necessary tools and a conducive work environment. In addition to providing flexibility, remote work often results in cost savings for both employers and employees. Employers can reduce overhead costs associated with maintaining physical office spaces, while employees can save on commuting expenses and enjoy a better work-life balance. Remote work culture vs. traditional office culture While working remotely offers flexibility and freedom, it also poses challenges to maintaining a cohesive company culture. Unlike in a physical office, remote teams are geographically dispersed, and face-to-face interactions are limited, necessitating a different approach to building and maintaining culture in virtual offices. In contrast, traditional office cultures rely on physical proximity, spontaneous interactions, and a well-defined office environment to foster collaboration. On the other hand, to maintain a remote work culture, you must consciously try to replicate these elements virtually. Building a Collaborative Remote Work Culture Emphasizing communication tools In a virtual office, effective communication tools become the organization's lifeline. Companies must invest in reliable video calls, instant messaging platforms, and collaborative software to ensure seamless interaction among virtual teams. Furthermore, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies are rising to create immersive virtual meetings and team-building experiences. These innovations allow remote employees to feel more connected despite the physical distance. Setting clear expectations Clear expectations are essential for a remote team to perform their tasks effectively. Leaders should communicate objectives, deadlines, and performance metrics transparently. Moreover, AI-powered project management tools can assist in setting and tracking these expectations. These tools provide real-time insights into project progress and individual contributions, enhancing accountability among remote team members. Virtual team-building events Team-building events foster camaraderie and an ideal virtual environment among remote workers. These events can range from an online game to a virtual happy hour, providing opportunities for team bonding. To take virtual team-building to the next level, organizations are exploring virtual reality team-building experiences. These experiences allow dispersed workers to participate in group activities within a simulated setting, fostering teamwork and individual creativity. Employee experience and morale Organizations must prioritize the employee experience to maintain high levels of virtual team engagement, which includes addressing their needs, concerns, and overall job satisfaction. Employees who indicate that they experience a high level of happiness while at work are more likely to be engaged. Personalized employee well-being programs incorporating fitness challenges, mental health resources, and virtual coaching are becoming popular. These programs boost morale and improve employees' overall health and productivity. Incorporating company values Company values should not be mere words on a website. They should be integrated into daily operations and decision-making processes. When virtual employees see these values in action, it reinforces the collaborative company culture. Company swag, including branded merchandise and gifts, can help employees feel connected to the organization. It creates a sense of pride and belonging. Measuring employee engagement Measuring employee engagement in a remote work environment requires different tools and strategies. Regular surveys, feedback mechanisms, and tracking key performance indicators are essential. Regular all-hands meetings bring the entire organization together, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding company goals, progress, and challenges. To enhance engagement measurement, organizations are adopting sentiment analysis tools that use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze employee communications. This provides real-time insights into employee sentiment and allows for proactive responses to potential issues. Encouraging creativity Creativity and innovation are crucial for the long-term success of any organization. In a remote work culture, leaders must actively encourage team creativity. This can involve brainstorming sessions through video calls or collaborative platforms, where team members can freely share ideas and innovative solutions. Embracing diversity Remote work naturally brings together individuals from various backgrounds and cultures. Embracing this diversity can lead to innovative problem-solving. Companies can establish cross-functional teams with members from different locations, promoting the exchange of diverse perspectives and ideas. The future of remote work culture As we look ahead, it's evident that the remote work culture will continue to evolve. Companies are exploring innovative ways to foster collaboration among remote teams. One emerging trend is the use of virtual reality (VR) not only for team-building but also for creating immersive onboarding experiences. Furthermore, "unlimited" paid time off is gaining traction in remote work cultures. This approach allows employees to take time off when needed without worrying about accruing limited vacation days. It acknowledges the significance of mental health while also encouraging a healthy balance between work and personal life. Final thoughts Building a strong remote work culture is challenging, but the rewards are worthwhile. A collaborative virtual office culture empowers employees, promotes engagement, and contributes to the organization's success. Businesses can thrive in the virtual space by embracing technology, fostering personal connections, and aligning with company values. Read Also: Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home? 5 ways employee perks can dramatically enhance your personal life What Is Employee Leasing? Overview And Explained In 2021

office space

Necessary Spaces to Include in Building Your Office

Building your office space can be a tricky project if you’re starting. Moving to a business district means that you’ll be near other companies. You need to develop your image while at the same time making sure that you’re on par with how your neighbours present themselves. Taking a close look at their office spaces can give you a good idea of how to layout a workspace. What they emphasise and develop are necessities when it comes to having an office. Reception area: Keeping a reception area is not just for face value. The first impression is lasting after all, and the same thing can be said when it comes to businesses. A reception area would enable you to have a consistent log of your workers, guests, and clients. The essentials for your reception area are soft chairs, preferably a long sofa, and a coffee table with magazines with subjects of interest to your industry or essential items such as calling cards ready for onlookers to take. Conference room: A conference room is a necessity, especially if you’ll be dealing with business partners. With technological advancements making interconnectivity more accessible, it’s no longer an uncommon event to have a meeting in a conference room with multiple business shareholders.  Working in a collaborative setup means that it won’t just be enough for you to represent yourself as the face of the company, you would also need to give your staff the chance to pitch in and give their opinions on business operations. Along with a conference table and seats, having a projector screen or a TV display stand to hold a mobile television screen can be a simple and practical solution in creating a conference room. Work area: Your work area depends on your brand as a company. Sometimes the most optimal workspaces are quiet to allow your staff to concentrate on dealing with clients through the phone if necessary. Other work practices involve allowing your employees to listen to music that they are into to improve their performance. Whichever the case, the ambience that you want to establish in a workspace should provide them with a personal space to have as their own. Having an area to themselves can be quickly done through panels built as cubicles so that they can concentrate on individual tasks. An alternative is having shared desks between staff members so that it’s easier for them to ask questions and give opinions on their assignments. Lounge area:         Though your workspace needs a business-vibe to be efficient, you also need to give them avenues to relax. A kitchen area for eating pre-made snacks or a shared fridge where they can keep their drinks is a great way to make them feel at home even when in the workplace. A lounge doesn’t need to be too fancy, a couple of sofas and a TV could work well. Giving your workers a chance to sit down and chat about work without working at their stations can help build individual motivation and company camaraderie. Read Also: Choosing Open Office Space Vs Cubicle Office Space Office Spaces – Which One Is Right For Your Business?


5 Informal Team Building Activities To Break The Ice Among Co-Workers

Icebreaking among colleagues can be a difficult and awkward thing. But it is the first step towards building better understanding, trust, and cooperation among co-workers. A good icebreaker is a fun-filled team building activity whether indoor or outdoor. Here in Calgary, team building activities are serious business. Many offices have an extra working day only for engagement purposes so that the employees can be familiar with each other and develop cordial relations with each other. But what team building activities can be organized for this purpose so that the employees participate in hesitantly and have fun at the same time? Here are a few ideas to let that wall of ice down and let in some warm friendly relations : 1. Scavenger Hunt: This classic game is not only fun-filled by also competitive and exciting. Divide the participants into teams of 2 and set a time limit. You can either use a list of items each team has to collect or seed clues at particular spots and ask them to collect all of them. Next, you know how a scavenger hunt game works. The game requires minimum efforts and equipment to organize and can be played indoors as well as outdoors. 2. Escape Rooms: Escape room is a less popular but great team building activity. It’s a perfect activity for a day out. Pick out a theme locked room, divide the participants into teams and let the game unravel. This adrenaline filled game and Indiana Jones feels are bound to make everyone more comfortable and open with each other. The participants will escape awkwardness and hesitation with the locked room. 3. Binge Quiz: Use those Netflix binge sessions to break the awkward tension among colleagues. Organise a multi-series trivia quiz and divide the participants into teams of 2. If you have an entire day to play the game, plan knockout rounds by giving each team placards with numbers on them. Teams with the same number will face each other in the same round. This game can help the co-workers find more common grounds with each other. 5. Exchange A story: The most common way used to break the ice is sharing stories whether over lunch tables or around a campfire. But there’s a reason why this is so popular. This activity develops a personal connection among the participants and encourages them to be more open to each other. Some common phrases can be used to kick-start this fun activity like “Biggest pet peeve” or “first job”. GO from one topic to another. You can also use a chit system and bottle spinning to make it more fun. 6.Dumb Charades: The classic game of dumb charades is the best tried and tested team building activity. It is easy to organize and requires no equipment. Simply divide the players into two teams and decide on which team will go first with a coin flip. Dumb charades are usually based on movies but you can also use simple literary words or places or even books for the game. While there are so many formal activities, informal ones always work better when it comes to cutting the first turf among colleagues. Team building activities work better if more people are encouraged to participate. Use placards and other systems to randomize the pairing. This will also help mix up people from different departments in the workplace. So, plan out an activity today and get ready for some not so “Michael Scott” (The Office, US) moments with your employees. Read Also : The Business Networking Benefits Of Co-Working Spaces Are You Cut Out To Be A Supervisor?